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Posts posted by Delirium1009

  1. In bottle/imp: A very chilly but green fresh-leaf sort of scent.


    Immediately on skin: Very light, green, and crisp. It smells more like fresh, green springtime leaves than red leaves. It has a clean type of feeling to it, which might be the autumn wind part of the description. It definitely feels like a chilly scent.


    After a few minutes: The green note has really faded and now it’s just a very masculine, light cologne type of scent. It’s still very cool, and reminds me of cold, rainy autumn days. There is a dry scent to it that smells a bit like crackling leaves now, but it’s mixed with something very wet and cold.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is a very delicate one, so be prepared. It’s fleeting and I have to lean close to catch whiffs of it on my arm. It’s very unisex and there’s not a touch of sweetness to it. It’s dry and crackly, and cold and damp at the same time. If you’re looking for a scent to remind you of a very chilly, rainy autumn day, this is it.

  2. In bottle/imp: Spices and musk.


    Immediately on skin: Dry herbs and spices… that’s what I smell on my skin. There’s also some musk, but it isn’t warm at all. There’s a bit of incense smoke at all, but no floral note or sweetness to it.


    After a few minutes: This truly does smell like incense and that scent you get when you open up a book and smell the pages… it’s very lovely. It’s dry, but just slightly floral (don’t worry you flower-haters… it’s more like slightly floral incense smoke) and there’s a nice musk to the base that’s very dry and deep.


    Overall Impressions: A lovely incense blend. It really does smell like incense and books! It’s rather dry, so don’t expect anything sweet, but there’s a slight floral edge to it that makes it slightly feminine.

  3. In bottle/imp: Fresh green leaves and vines, white blossoms, and a subtle fruitiness.


    Immediately on skin: This blend is surprisingly fresh, and very complex. There are definitely green notes, but very fresh ones. There’s a fruitiness that reminds me of yuzu, and a lot of flowers (but not overpoweringly so). I’m also getting a sugary note that’s very pleasant and playful. The berries add a very juicy sweetness to it that really rounds out the blend.


    After a few minutes: Bright, fresh, floral, and fruity. That’s what this blend has become. That slightly citrus fruit note has strengthened, and it still smells of yuzu to me. The fresh green note has faded quite a bit, and the strong, sugared flower scent has come out more. It’s slightly powdery, in a fruity, nose tickling sort of way now too, but the berries smooth it out a bit.


    Overall Impressions: This is such a bright, happy scent. There’s really nothing ghastly about it in my opinion. It’s a very fresh mix of floral notes and fruity, almost citrus, notes. I need a bottle of this for sure!

  4. In bottle/imp: Dark amber and bitter spices.


    Immediately on skin: Dry, dark, and somewhat powdery. The amber and leaves are the main note, plus some bitter spices that don’t quite smell like clove. There’s also some woodsmoke tickling my nose, or it might be the oud mixing with the dry, bitter notes. It has a sweetness, but it’s very slight and overshadowed by the dark scents of the other notes. It’s unusual, but this blend seems like a mix of smoke, dead leaves, dry and bitter spices, and dusty fall flowers… in that order.


    After a few minutes: The wood note has kind of faded, and been replaced with more of an incense type of smoke. The amber is still very prominent, filling out the scent quite a bit, and blends nicely with the saffron and clove. The khus smells like smoky vetiver, and not as bitter as it usually seems to me. The slight sweetness of the saffron and fall florals lurk under everything else and round out the blend. It’s very pretty, but still very dry, murky, and dark.


    Overall Impressions: I’m torn on this scent, just because it really does turn very nice after an hour or so. At first it starts rather bitter and smoky, but it settles down to something dark, deep, slightly sweet and completely reminiscent of autumn to me. If you’re looking for something that just smells like fall, try this one for sure.

  5. In bottle/imp: Smoke with a slight foody sweetness.


    Immediately on skin: The smoke in this is lovely… it really does smell like woodsmoke! It has a slight sweet foodiness to it, almost like popcorn or something mixed with molasses. The sweet note seems to come and go, however and is very fleeting. It’s not overly bitter, which I was expecting. There’s also a coffee like note to it, but it’s very light.


    After a few minutes: This has become a very warm, toasty sort of scent. The sweet note has all but disappeared, replaced by something almost salty.


    Overall Impressions: I love sweet scents, so I was hoping the treacle would come out more, but this is really almost completely woodsmoke. It’s a lovely wafting smell, but not for me. The foodiness is there, but it’s almost savory as opposed to sweet.

  6. In bottle/imp: Dusty strong perfume with lavender and lily.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is dusty and very perfume-y. It’s very strong. The lily and lavender are definitely the strongest.


    After a few minutes: This blend has softened… a LOT. It’s light now and has just a little bit of perfume in it. It’s very light, pretty, and has a dusty and almost creamy scent to it. Usually lily turns soapy on me, and it didn’t do that here. There’s even a light creamy note to it that’s very pretty which I think might be the sandalwood softening and warming the blend up a bit.


    Overall Impressions: This would be great for anyone who likes floral, ethereal blends. It’s very light, but pretty. Warning, though: if you amp any of the florals in this blend normally, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened with this scent as well. It's well blended but I know a lot of people have problems with florals.

  7. 2007 version


    This one starts out a little sharp on me. At first when it's wet on my skin it's very dry and smoky with a dry leafy type of feel to it. As it dries, I start getting a sweet but dry wine note and the smokiness becomes a wafting incense scent. There might be florals mixed in, but I can't identify anything in particular.


    After a while, a light spiciness starts to appear and the blend smooths out a bit more. It's a very appropriate Autumn/Halloween scent.


    As someone who amps sweet usually, this scent really does not get overly sweet at all. It is very strong though and it doesn't take a lot to leave you super scented.


    ETA: I put some on tonight and this is my 3rd time wearing it. The deep but dry wine note I'm getting has faded a little and it's starting to smell a little floral... almost like a deep and fruity champaca scent. It's hard for me to tell though so I'm sticking with wine, but it might get more floral on others.

  8. In Xanadu did Kubla Khan

    A stately pleasure-dome decree:

    Where Alph, the sacred river, ran

    Through caverns measureless to man

    Down to a sunless sea.


    So twice five miles of fertile ground

    With walls and towers were girdled round:

    And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,

    Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;

    And here were forests ancient as the hills,

    Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

    But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted

    Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!

    A savage place! as holy and enchanted

    As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted

    By woman wailing for her demon-lover!

    And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,

    As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,

    A mighty fountain momently was forced:

    Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst

    Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,

    Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:

    And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever

    It flung up momently the sacred river.

    Five miles meandering with a mazy motion

    Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,

    Then reached the caverns measureless to man,

    And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:

    And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far

    Ancestral voices prophesying war!


    The shadow of the dome of pleasure

    Floated midway on the waves;

    Where was heard the mingled measure

    From the fountain and the caves.

    It was a miracle of rare device,

    A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!


    A damsel with a dulcimer

    In a vision once I saw:

    It was an Abyssinian maid,

    And on her dulcimer she played,

    Singing of Mount Abora.

    Could I revive within me

    Her symphony and song,

    To such a deep delight 'twould win me

    That with music loud and long

    I would build that dome in air,

    That sunny dome! those caves of ice!

    And all who heard should see them there,

    And all should cry, Beware! Beware!

    His flashing eyes, his floating hair!

    Weave a circle round him thrice,

    And close your eyes with holy dread,

    For he on honey-dew hath fed

    And drunk the milk of Paradise.


    Through sunlit caves of ice, roses unfurl amidst dancing waves of serpentine opium smoke and amber tobacco, golden sandalwood, champaca, tea leaf, sugared lily, ginger, rich hay absolute, leather, dark vanilla, mandarin, peru balsam, and Moroccan jasmine.


    In bottle/imp: Smoky, dry, complex, and just slightly sweet. I can't really pinpoint any notes straight from the imp.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is extremely complex. I can pick out the opium and the jasmine, but that's it. It's a strong smoky scent with touches of jasmine, leather, and a slight creaminess that I'm guessing is the dark vanilla. It smells very dry and I'm not getting any sweetness from it now that I have it on.


    After a few minutes: There are sweet notes coming out now… I can sense the vanilla and I think the sandalwood as well. The tobacco is there, quietly blending with the rest. It's weird… I can pick out hints of all these notes but the blend overall smells a little like plastic to me; I think it's mostly the opium blending with the black vanilla. There is definitely a golden, warm feeling about it I think might be the work of the sandalwood or hay.


    Overall Impressions: I tested this and Event Horizon together, and while they're both dominated by the opium notes, they're very different. This blend is very complex, smoky, and creamy all at the same time. The sandalwood adds a nice warmth I haven't gotten from many opium blends. There's a hint of flowers about it, but other than a slight bit of jasmine I can't pick any out in particular. It's nice for those who like opium but don't want to be smelling strongly the single note all day.

  9. A disconcerting scent, heavy and oppressive, through which no light, no matter, and no spirit can escape. Black opium, labdanum, opoponax, black orchid, and benzoin.

    In bottle/imp: Strong, dark opium.

    Immediately on skin: The opium is very strong and there is a more resinous scent under it (the labdanum I'm guessing). I can smell the orchid, but it is lurking underneath the other darker and almost bitter notes.

    After a few minutes: This has turned sweeter on me (I usually amp sweet, so it might not happen on others). I can smell the black orchid and the benzoin just slightly. The black opium is strong, but this blend is no longer as bitter as when I just put it on. The smokiness is still there, but it's like smelling incense when standing next to a big bouquet of sweet orchids.

    Overall Impressions: Because of how this changed from an opium-dominated blend to something sweeter, it might not morph as much on others. The opium is very evident, so this may be good for those people who enjoy that scent, but it's playing well with the other notes. It's sweet on me without being floral or foody, and I quite like it. The scent changed to something almost effervescent, but still quite mysterious.

  10. In bottle/imp: Very sweet, over-ripe berries with almost a hint of pineapple.


    Immediately on skin: A very dark green scent with very ripe berries or fruit… just like the description says.


    After a few minutes: Very sweet, but still green and fruity. I almost want to say I can smell plum in this, but it hasn’t gone overly sweet like plum usually does on me. There’s a touch of herbs too, but not a lot.


    Later on: This is just a gorgeous sweet fruit scent. It’s a dark sweetness, like plums or deep, ripe berries. It doesn’t call to mind any specific fruit, but it is a gorgeous scent nonetheless and the green notes really keep the fruity ones in check.

  11. Brimming with native fruits and flowers, but also imbued with the power of native earth magicks: apricot and pomegranate with deep plum, wild roses, two Middle Eastern pale musks, white orchid, iris and sweet roots.

    In bottle/imp: Creamy but fruity.

    Immediately on skin: Very light and slightly fruit with a touch of something almost milky. There’s definitely a clean note to it though… maybe the iris?

    After a few minutes: The apricot is there, but it is light. I can smell some flowers as well, but they all blend together so they’re hard to individually identify. This is a sweet fruity and floral scent with just a little musk. It’s very well blended as well, since none of the notes really jump out above any others.

    Later on: This is a pretty, sweet floral. The fruity notes are there, but they seem to be adding a sweetness to the blend as opposed to shouting out their specific scents. The musks lurk in the background and ground the scent nicely. It’s very pretty and definitely worth trying again.

  12. In bottle/imp: Extremely sweet almond… almost like marzipan.


    Immediately on skin: Right away I’m getting marzipan (aka, extremely sweet almond) and saffron, which seems to turn to an almost cola scent on me. There’s a slight bit of the bergamot as well.


    After a few minutes: This has really morphed quite nicely. The almond has faded to a creamy background note, while the jasmine and bergamot are coming forward quite a bit. This scent is slightly dusty, but not as earthy as I feared it would be. I would say it’s unisex, but bergamot usually strikes me that way. It’s barely spicy on me at all.


    Later on: This blend is very pretty and complex. It’s softened a bit, but I can smell a touch of almond, the heady jasmine note, the sweet and exotic saffron, and a touch of the bergamot. The cinnamon and patchouli really never came out on me, but this is a unisex, complex blend in my opinion nonetheless. I like it and it’s definitely worth another try.

  13. In bottle/imp: The scent seems very “hot” somehow and has an astringent pine note.


    Immediately on skin: Sharp, soapy flowers and a cloying aquatic scent underneath it. Maybe a touch of mint, as well.


    After a few minutes: A very dreary floral scent. It’s definitely aquatic in a murky way. The flowers are heavy and slightly dusty. I’m pretty sure the floral scent is vetiver, but I’m not completely sure.


    Later on: This is a very deep, dark aquatic floral scent. It’s very heavy on the vetiver on me. It’s definitely not perfume-y though… when I sniff it I picture an underground stone waterway with dark, night-blooming flowers.

  14. One of the Biblical Cities on the Plain, destroyed by God with fire and brimstone because of its people’s pride, prosperous ease, deceit, hedonism and indolence, and their callous, uncharitable hearts. A gritty, sordid and languid scent: ripe fig, date and currant with black herbs.

    In bottle/imp: dark herbs and a touch of fig.

    Immediately on skin: This is an interesting scent. I’m getting the sweet fig and date, and also a woody note. I think it might be the date mixing with the herbs.

    After a few minutes: That wood note is still there, mixing with the sweet, ripe fig, date, and just a little currant. It’s just slightly sweet, but still earthy.

    Later on: All I can smell from this blend anymore is sweet but dusty dry herbs. There’s almost a dirt note in it too. Maybe that’s the “gritty” part of the description.

  15. In bottle/imp: Very strong, but very life-like, rose.


    Immediately on skin: Very strong roses and lilies.


    After a few minutes: Roses, lilies, more roses, and no jasmine at all (unfortunately). It’s a pretty rose scent, though, and isn’t turning to powder at all. There is a slight resinous quality to it… maybe the rose amber is what’s giving it the strong, non-powdery rose note.


    Later on: This is still really strong after a couple of hours. It’s a sweet rose and lily scent (mostly rose), but I don’t get much complexity from it. It’s nice, but not different or unique enough for me.

  16. In bottle/imp: A deep heavy vetiver and incense scent.


    Immediately on skin: The vetiver is very strong and I get a slight hint of jasmine. This is a very deep blend and the incense feel is very strong.


    After a few minutes: This is definitely a deep floral. It almost reminds me of Niflheim, except with incense as opposed to murky aquatic notes. It has a little sweetness, but this blend is laced with heavy flowers, patchouli, and incense.


    Later on: This has mellowed a bit and the vetiver has died down. I can sense the bergamot, but this scent is still a very hazy one. It’s very interesting, but not quite my cup of tea.

  17. A classic Victorian men’s cologne: a lavender fougere, with hints of lilac, lime, and citrus musk.

    In bottle/imp: Light, aquatic men’s cologne.

    Immediately on skin: Slightly flowery and citrusy. The lavender is definitely there, as is the citrus musk.

    After a few minutes: I actually like this one on me! The lavender and lilac are very light, and these two usually go VERY strong on me. The citrus musk is there, and it makes the blend less floral. It’s a gorgeous unisex scent.

    Later on: This fades to a nice musky lavender scent. It’s very soft and has just a touch of citrus. I need a bottle of this!

  18. In bottle/imp: Very bitter florals with a bit of woods.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is extremely bitter right now. I get a slightly sweet undertone, but mostly I smell cypress and bitter flowers.


    After a few minutes: This has turned very sweet. The currant has come out to play with the other notes, but the bitter flowers (the poppy maybe?) are still there. The cypress has died down, but I am getting a resinous smokiness to the blend which I like quite a bit.


    Later on: This has deepened and the smoky incense has come out. I really love how this morphed on me after just a few minutes of wearing it. Now it’s a beautiful, smoky mix of subtle black currant, orchid, and some deeper and more intoxicating florals.

  19. In bottle/imp: Very sweet and almost syrupy pear with plumeria and tuberose.


    Immediately on skin: The plumeria and tuberose are taking center stage… the pear is adding an intense sweet note to it. The rose is peeking through, but in a very subtle way.


    After a few minutes: This is a very strong and slightly sweet floral. I love the plumeria, and it blends beautifully with the pear. The rose is not overpowering and the tuberose adds an interesting scent to the blend. It’s very pretty.


    Later on: This is a very floral blend with the sweet pear adding a pretty fruit note to it. The floral scents blend nicely together and I can pick out each one, but no one note stands out above the rest.

  20. In bottle/imp: Sweet, resiny incense.


    Immediately on skin: This is very sweet on me right away. I can smell the frankincense and an almost fruity but earthy note which I think is the olive. I don’t know what the other three notes smell like, so I can’t identify them.


    After a few minutes: This scent is very sweet (which I wasn’t expecting at ALL) and very ethereal. There is a note that’s adding a fruity twist to it, but it’s a thick scent, so I’m pretty sure it’s the olive. This scent is very golden though and not smoky… it smells more like something thick and syrupy rather than incense now, but it isn’t really heavy. It’s just nice and sweet.


    Later on: This is still very sweet, but the only note that seems to still be lingering is the frankincense. I enjoyed the thick olive scent while it lasted, but it really faded too soon. This is definitely something I’ll have to try again, but for now the imp is enough for me.

  21. In bottle/imp: Strong lemon verbena and musk.


    Immediately on skin: I’m getting very strong but dry citrus and musk, but no sweetness to speak of.


    After a few minutes: This is not as sweet as I was expecting… I’m getting a light touch of lemon with strong white musk. It’s just slightly creamy and almost plastick-y.


    Later on: This has turned into a plastic and slightly lemony scent. I think it’s the musk blending with the verbena. I wish it worked better, but it just doesn’t.

  22. AEAEA-

    This is her island squared in cypress lines;

    With cedar ranks about her alley walks

    Set frequent, and the faces of the boles

    Are crimson, deep as sunset stains of cloud.

    The floor between them, rank and overgrown,

    Is tangled with luxuriant heads of bloom,

    All in a mat together, mixed with sedge.

    There are bells of some wide wine-deep flowers,

    Great apple fruits and tawny orange globes;

    And bunchy cactus tipped in fire-bright buds.

    Grey aloe spikes and heavy curling vines,

    And speckled poison berries intertwined.

    Her groves lead down upon the light free waves;

    Her foam-heads dance and ripple into sound.

    The laughter of many birds is in her elms

    Jays, owls, sea-crows, larks, lapwings, nightingales,

    As jumbled as the flowers beneath their notes.

    The isle-grove ends abruptly on the sea,

    A stranded star-fish neighbors by the sward,

    Where the snail toils beneath his painted walls.

    Small seaward gust irresolute breathe near;

    And sweeter waftings, sent from the middle brine,

    Stir the deep grasses at her perfect feet,

    Where Circe, shining down the gaudy flowers,

    Leans centre-light of all this paradise.

    One ankle gleams against the margin turf,

    Just beyond where the wave-teeth cease to bite.

    And the sea-pinks grow less rosy at her feet.


    But this enchantress, island-queen, herself

    Bears on her head a bright tire marvelous,

    And for a girdle one of many dyes

    Woven and traced with curious pattern-spells.

    Her face is not at first so beautiful,

    That one should say 'Fear her, she will slay men

    And draw them into deaths by her strange ways,

    And some soft snare hid under all of her.'

    We must consider well upon her face,

    And the silent beauty of it all

    Begins upon us, grows and greatens on,

    Like sweet increasing music, chord on chord,

    Till all our being falters overthrown;

    And she lures out our soul into her hands,

    As faint and helpless as a new-born babe,

    To have her will and way with all of it.


    O, she, this Circe mage, is strange and great,

    And deadlier than those terrible bright forms,

    That beam out on us with their grace.

    Her love eats deeper to the core of men,

    Scathing and killing, fierce and unappeased;

    Until not only the divine in us,

    But all the human also (which indeed

    Are one, tho' this less perfect) fade and change,

    And fall corrupted into alien forms.

    Till we resemble those strange-headed things,

    Herded away behind her island throne,

    Chimaeras, tiger-apes, and wolfish swine.


    A dark ocean breeze, electric with adrenaline, magic, and fear, clashing with the thick scent of poisoned berries and spiny aloe, against a backdrop of snowdrop, cedar, and cypress.


    In bottle/imp: Very sharp and floral. A little aquatic, but very strong.


    immediately on skin: I'm getting a bit of a strong perfume-y scent. It's very clean and almost soapy but in a very good way. The aloe is there (I think that's the clean scent) and is interacting nicely with the floral notes. This is definitely turning to a floral blend on me, but it's not heavy. I'm not very familiar with ozone notes, but there's definitely an electric-tinged-air type of feeling going on and the aquatic feeling to the blend has faded a little. Overall though this seems extremely well blended... no one note jumps out over another.


    After a few minutes: This blend has mellowed out to a lighter and almost creamy scent. It reminds me a bit of Zarita, only without carnation... it's a lovely feminine floral with just a touch of something (cedar?) livening up the base. I do have to say though that this is a wonderfully blended scent; I can no longer pick out any of the notes and what I'm getting is just a wonderfully crisp, clean, and very wearable floral.


    A little while later now I'm definitely getting a hint of wood notes. It's not smack-you-in-your-face cedar or cypress, but it's lurking gently in the background of the blend, turning a little less perfume-y. It still has a very nice feminine feel to it though.


    ETA a few hours later: This faded pretty quickly (about 4 hours) but is definitely a lovely scent and I think it's well worth reapplying. I also have to say that the label art is absolutely adorable (a cartoon pig on a tropical island a la Odyssey) and I will be treasuring the bottles of this that I bought. :P
