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Posts posted by Delirium1009

  1. In bottle/imp: Herbal and slightly spiced with a touch of sweet violets.


    Immediately on skin: This smells like an herbal tea, mostly chamomile and citrus. It smells almost like the leaves of a lemon mint plant. There’s also a fruity violet-like undertone, which is definitely the orris. It’s a touch sweet, but not overly so.


    After a little while: This scent isn’t as citrus-y anymore. It’s mellowed into a dry orris and herb scent with just a hint of tea and a touch of sweetness.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very pretty, but much too herbal for me. Mostly it’s an herbal scent with hints of tea and fruity orris, and is a bit on the powdery side. It’s a little sweet, but more herbal and almost creamy than anything. Interesting, but not something I’d wear.

  2. In bottle/imp: Sweat and booze.


    Immediately on skin: Sweet, thick, and cloying. Lots of booze, with a very sugary feel. This smells dirty, which I guess is the point. It smells of a thick crust of sugar with rich alcohol poured over it, left to sit in a warm room all day.


    After a little while: Pencil shavings soaked in sugar and alcohol. This smells very wrong on me…


    Overall Impressions: I understand how some people would love this, but it’s very bad on me. The scent is thick, cloying, and overpowering on my skin, with a definite sweaty and boozy, dirty feel. Not for me.

  3. In bottle/imp: Very bright and floral, with an almost green, pine-like feel to it.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is very bright. It smells of flowers, but what kind I have no idea. The main feel of this is an odd floral citrus/pine note that’s very crisp and refreshing.


    After a little while: The overwhelming citrus/pine floral I got at first has faded a bit, and now this is much more of a tea scent with some sweet hibiscus and that mystery floral. This is crisp and almost winter-y.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very refreshing, though the floral note I get at first is a bit overwhelming. After a while it really balances nicely, however. This scent is very reminiscent of the Shivering Boy to me, without as much pine and ice. This is lighter, and the tea gives it a more watery, misty feel.

  4. In bottle/imp: Very floral plum, with a background of warm incense.


    Immediately on skin: To me this smells like violet candies with plum blossoms. Separating it out I think it’s the plum blossom, jonquil, and amber incense all blending together. It’s slightly fruity, floral, and creamy all at the same time.


    After a little while: This no longer smells of violet candies to me. Now it’s a very sweet scent, mostly amber incense and plum with hints of other rich floral notes. The sandalwood adds a bit of a dry, warm note.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is sweet and thick, fruity and rich but a touch dry. It smells almost of amber and plum blossom candy.

  5. In bottle/imp: Mostly myrrh, with a warm creaminess blending with fruit.


    Immediately on skin: This smells of amber and plum, equally balanced with a resinous undertone and a hint of orange blossom (which smells a tiny bit like corn chips to my nose).


    After a little while: This scent is a bit sweet fruitiness mixing with amber and resin. It’s dark, a bit fruity, and a little warm and sensual as well.


    Overall Impressions: This smells of mostly plum and amber with resin, and the other lighter notes floating about adding a lightness to the overtone of the scent. Pretty, but a bit dark and dry for me.

  6. In bottle/imp: Vetiver and coconut with a bit of fruitiness. It’s very rich and deep, but a little sweet as well.


    Immediately on skin: This smells of earthy coconut with a nutty overlay and a hint of sweet peach at the very top.


    After a little while: This scent is a bit cloying on me. It’s sweet, syrupy peach over earthy coconut and resins. The florals kind of flit about, blending with the peach.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very interesting and complex, with the peach and florals above and the coconut, vetiver and myrrh below. It blends into something almost creamy and fruity, but earthy and dark.

  7. In bottle/imp: Dry amber and musk with incense in the background.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is very powdery to my nose. It smells of dry amber and musk with a bit of ylang ylang. It’s mostly powdery, but also has a bit of a floral feel.


    After a little while: This is still a very dry, powdery scent on me. I get lots of musk and amber, with the ylang ylang adding a thick floral edge.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is too thick and powdery on me, unfortunately. I think it’s the musk and amber, but none of these notes are really that fabulous on me anyway.

  8. In bottle/imp: Myrrh with ginger and pepper.


    Immediately on skin: This smells very bitter to me. The ginger and resin are the main notes I smell, with little nips of pepper and clove. The dragon’s blood is an overtone to the whole scent, and blends very well into the myrrh and spiced notes.


    After a little while: This is all myrrh—lots and lots of myrrh—with little hints of other notes. It’s very resinous with just a little spice from the ginger and clove, though I can’t smell the black pepper any longer. The dragon’s blood has also faded away.


    Overall Impressions: This is a great blend if you like resins, especially with a hint of spice. It mellows out from its initial spiciness into a very myrrh-dominated blend, but I guess it may behave better on other people. Interesting, but not my kind of blend.

  9. In bottle/imp: Fruit, floral notes, and patchouli all mashed together.


    Immediately on skin: This is like a fruity, floral deep sandalwood scent with a bit of gritty patchouli in the background. It smells very perfumey on me, which I think may be the dark amber. The apricot and pink pepper kind of flit around at the top of the scent.


    After a little while: This becomes more of a sandalwood and patchouli heavy scent after a while, slightly gritty but warm, with hints of fruit and rose. The rose isn’t overpowering in this at all, and this has a drier feel to it.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is mainly patchouli and sandalwood on me, with sweeter notes like apricot, pink pepper, and rose balancing it out. It’s a little gritty, but it doesn’t smell like dirt or anything. Honey is a big fail note on me, and I can’t smell it in this blend. Fruity, earthy, dry, and a touch floral, but this is a bit heavy on the patchouli for me.

  10. In bottle/imp: Violet and marshmallows, plus a bite of juniper.


    Immediately on skin: This smells very much so of smooth, cool violet mushed together with some marshmallow and a clean floral note. This scent doesn’t seem to blend together well to my nose and reminds me very much of a Yankee Candle store, when you sniff one thing but end up smelling dozens of other scents at the same time, too.


    After a little while: This definitely blends better as I wear it. It’s now more like orris marshmallows, almost like violet just a bit more watery, cool, and powdery.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is nice, but it’s not a wow scent on me. It smells disjointed at first with a mash of mismatched notes. However, after a while the orris and mallow blend together nicely and the other notes fade into the background.

  11. In bottle/imp: A sharp blast of lemony verbena followed my silky warm smooth notes of amber and a touch of heliotrope.


    Immediately on skin: This is very heavy on the verbena, and at first is a very heavy bit of lemon. As I sniff, though, it finishes with a smooth touch of amber and heliotrope, and there’s a bit of resin to this that gives it a nice base.


    After a little while: This is still very strong on the lemon verbena, with just a little amber and heliotrope making it warm and glowing, and some resins for depth. It’s very assertive and a bit on the unisex side. It’s not sweet, but it is very citrus-y and smooth at the same time.


    Overall Impressions: This blend is very strong on the verbena with just a bit of amber, heliotrope and resins to temper it and smoothe it out. Very nice, but a bit unisex for me.

  12. In bottle/imp: Sweet and herbal, followed by a blast of glowing, warm heliotrope.


    Immediately on skin: This is sweet and resinous, but it also has a feeling of watery and warm florals about it. It has a hint of spicy carnation, but also the cool chamomile and deep, sweet frankincense. This scent overall smells llike floral resin, a bouquet of flowers trapped under fragrant amber.


    After a little while: This is all frankincense now, with a bit of carnation and heliotrope. It’s mostly resins, with a little bit of floral notes coming through.


    Overall Impressions: I don’t love frankincense or any resinous notes for that matter, so I was really hoping that it would be pushed into the background in this scent. However, it seems on me to be the strongest note, with the florals lingering behind it. This scent is very sweet on me, as well.

  13. In bottle/imp: Milky creaminess with a musky pinkness.


    Immediately on skin: This smells like a pinker version of Posset’s Madame X. It’s this thick creaminess with a musky note and some pink florals. It’s a little soapy but still really creamy, pretty, and feminine.


    After a little while: The floral notes seem to have come out more, and now they have a much cleaner, perfumey feel than they did at first. That’s the only thing keeping me from loving this blend, as underneath that high pitched clean floral is this musky, pink creaminess that I really love.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very pretty and lovely. It is definitely feminine with an almost gourmand type of creamy, musky note with a bit of florals accenting it. At first the florals behave but they got out of hand a bit once the scent dried down. I’ll have to do a full wear of this to see how the flowers behave.

  14. In bottle/imp: Coconut-rose baby powder.


    Immediately on skin: The baby powder doesn’t come through on my skin at all. Instead, I get a scent that’s a perfect balance between rose and coconut. It’s smooth and almost creamy (with a hint of rubberiness) with the cool, watery rose lingering above. There’s just a hint of sweet orris/violet, and a slight hint of high musk.


    After a little while: The rubbery coconut fades a bit from this and most of what I now smell is watery, perfumey rose, a bit of fruity orris, and a hint of high musk. It’s pretty, and very feminine.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very pretty. The coconut I get at first is nice, and I wish it had stuck around a little longer. After a while on my skin this smells a lot like White Rose from the Unity Trading Post set from Lupercalia 2009, only this is much more rose, where White Rose is a lot more orris and vanilla tea with an equal amount of rose. White Rose also has an almost fruitiness from the amount of orris, whereas this scent is a bit more perfumey.

  15. An amorphous, radiant, incandescent scent. Ever changing, protoplasmic and primordial: white amber, green coconut meat, iris, palmarosa, Chinese peony, lime, water lily, snowdrop, muguet, lemongrass, osmanthus, wisteria, glassy musk, and hinoki.

    In bottle/imp: Lime mixed with pulpy coconut and white, cool flowers.

    Immediately on skin: At first, there’s an almost creamy coconut, and it blends into a bite of lime and lemongrass. Rounding out the scent are florals, mostly on the sweeter, airy side, but not really fruity. This scent smells almost radioactive green, glistening, and quivering.

    After a little while: This gets a lot heavier on the coconut and flowers after just a little bit. It smells almost dusty now, with just hints of lime and white musk. It smells of powdery, warm, floral and slightly citrus-y coconut.

    Overall Impressions: This scent is very bright at first, all lime, lemongrass, and coconut with a background of elegant white florals. After a while it settles down to a powdery, unremarkable coconut scent on me, unfortunately. A very interesting scent and perfectly suited for the name.

  16. In bottle/imp: Powdery vanilla butter with a hint of bread and maple syrup in the background.


    Immediately on skin: This smells almost plastic-y on me. Initially, I get a waft of maple syrup or caramel, followed by not-very-realistic-smelling bread and butter with a very plastic-y sweetness. This almost smells like it could be one of those plastic toys I had as a kid; they looked like the food, and they tried very hard to smell just like it (in this case, maybe thick rolls covered in brown sugar glaze and nuts), but you always got mostly just a big whiff of plastic from them.


    After a little while: This starts smelling a lot creamier and sweeter, and less plastic-y, for sure. It smells more like sweet buttered toast now, emphasis on the creamy butter, with some almost floral-like sweetness to it.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very interesting, but I don’t think it would work for me. The initial phase is very plastic-y, but that’s when it smells the most like bread. After a while it becomes much more of a perfume scent, and the plastic note fades, but the bread is almost gone too. I can tell that this could be a great comfort scent, though.

  17. In bottle/imp: Thick opium smoke among sweet plum and berries.


    Immediately on skin: This is fruity, with a lot of dark opium overlaying the entire scent. The fruitiness is dark and rich, but still very sweet. Mostly plum and berry (purple berries… not raspberries or strawberries specifically) with a bit of gardenia, which to me smells more fruity than floral. There’s a sharp fruity bite as well, almost like cherry, and then a light breath of lilac giving the blend a slightly cool feel. Overall this feels like a deep, dark red scent with a deceptively deadly sweetness.


    After a little while: The gardenia backs off a bit, and this is now more of a plum and berry scent with an overlay of smokey opium. Dark purple, this almost smells like a plum and berry version of Poisoned Apple now.


    Overall Impressions: Very fruity and sinister, this is quite lovely. It’s mostly plum and berry with opium smoke, almost sinister but candy-like. I love the feel I get from this blend.

  18. I was so happy to try this, but alas, it doesn't work on me.


    To me, this is a mix of rose, incense, and powdery amber. It smells more like a traditional perfume than the things I usually wear. There's a nice hint of sweetness from the carnation, but the powder is a bit overpowering and really distracts me from the nicer parts of this blend.


    Overall, very pretty, but I wish my chemistry were different so it would be nicer on me.

  19. In bottle/imp: Earthy, resinous and incensey.


    Immediately on skin: This smells grainy and resinous on me with a slightly bitter note. It also has a little bit of a cola-like note in it, which I guess myrrh sometimes smells like to me. It’s almost incense-like, but it’s thicker than that, though still deep and rich.


    After a little while: This has lost most of its bitterness and now it’s very rich and resinous with a nice sweetness to it. It smells very thick and dark, but still has that cola-like feel to it.


    Overall Impressions: This is a nice scent, but it’s not fabulous on me. It has a rich, resinous feel but also reminds me a little of cola. It’s very resinous and thick smelling.

  20. This scent smells like the inside of a fortune teller's shop. It's dark and thick, like black velvet shot through with glittering purple-grey threads. Mostly, this is opium and incense with deep resins in the background, and just a small bit of plum to sweeten it. It's very dry and almost powdery, but still a very rich scent.

  21. I got a frimp of

    The Quick and The Dead


    but I don't know if it's a BPAL scent or what? can anyone help?

    Villainess had a Quick or Dead perfume out at one point. If that's it, the notes are "Sarsparilla and sweetgrass, worn saddle leather, tobacco smoke and the remains of a spicy lime cologne."

  22. My bottles of Black Lace and Black Death don't smell like apple (I bought BL right after it was brought back, and BD within a couple days of it being on the site) but I have also noticed people saying that BD smells fruitier in later batches. It shouldn't have apple, though, I don't think... the only fruity notes listed are citrus.

  23. In bottle/imp: Soft peach blossom.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is light and pretty. It’s like a perfume-y light peach floral scent with a touch of warm amber and citrus.


    After a little while: This scent is pretty much the same as when I first applied it, a pretty, light, perfumey floral peach blend with a touch of amber and citrus. Very feminine and delicate, but not boring.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very pretty and girly. Peach is the most identifiable note but it’s not really overwhelming. It’s a soft, pretty floral peach scent with a bit of citrus and warm amber. I wish it were a little creamier, but it’s still very nice.



  24. In bottle/imp: Sweet fruit and old rose perfume.


    Immediately on skin: I swear when I was little one of my dolls came with some sort of rose “perfume,” maybe even a solid one. This smells a lot like it, only less sweet. All I can smell is rose and something thick in the background.


    After a little while: This hasn’t really changed on my skin at all. It’s still this strong, perfumey old rose scent with some cloying note in the background that I think is the lychee.


    Overall Impressions: I had to give this blend a chance as I loooove lychees, but the rose comes out a little too fake on me. It’s a bit overly perfume-y with something thick and not very nice in the background. It’s disappointing as I can almost smell how it should smell, but it goes wrong on me.

