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Posts posted by Delirium1009

  1. In bottle/imp: Just like the description says: golden, warm lilies.


    Immediately on skin: This is a different kind of lily than I usually find in bpal scents. This is warm and slightly sweet, but still retains that lily feel. Unfortunately, I also get something cloying in this that I don’t quite like.


    After a little while: Well… I thought “honeyed lilies” didn’t really mean honey, but it does. This is lily, plus I think a little bit of warm amber and honey. The honey is very powdery and slightly cloying on me, but I have a problem with the lab’s honey note.


    Overall Impressions: I had high hopes for this, but the honey ruined this for me and turned it into a powdery cloying lily mess. If you enjoy warm floral blends, and especially honey, I would recommend this for sure.

  2. In bottle/imp: Salty molasses (treacle) and flowers.


    Immediately on skin: I can smell the treacle mixed with wine the most… it has a syrupy sweet but slightly salty and burnt quality to it. There is a light touch of flowers: the carnation is very obvious, and the posies seem to be adding a sweet floral note. The amber acts as a nice base to this, adding a slightly dry, warm feel to the blend.


    After a few minutes: The wine in this has gotten stronger, and there’s a very fermented feel to this. It must be the fruitiness of the cider coming through. The treacle adds an interesting feel… something almost salty. The carnation rounds out the blend, making it a bit more wearable. It’s syrupy, sweet, deep wine with hints of molasses, fermented cider, and carnation.


    Later on: This softens with wear and after an hour or so, the overly sweet wine note has drifted away. There’s still a fermented, fruity quality to this, but the carnation is coming on stronger now so it is more of a syrupy, wine drenched floral as opposed to a wine and molasses scent with a hint of carnation.

    Overall Impressions: Scents like this are why I adore bpal: it’s not your traditional perfume scent, but it has a great feel to it. It starts out a wine and molasses scent, but then morphs to more of a carnation dominated scent. If you like carnations but don’t like floral perfumes, this is one you should try.

  3. A sea of salty tears drowning out Alice's light floral perfume.

    In bottle/imp: Aquatic saltiness and lilies.

    Immediately on skin: This is very aquatic with a salty, ozone type feel to it. Along with that is some sort of floral, and to me it smells like lilies. This is very sharp and clean smelling.

    After a little while: The floral lily I smelled at first has faded and I really get nothing more from this than aquatic and ozone notes. It’s strong and rather sharp and a little salty.

    Overall Impressions: This scent is very aquatic with a bit of ozone and a hint of floral tones at first. It’s sharp and rather strong, and the way it dried down on me, I would definitely say it is a unisex scent. I don’t think it’s really unusual and I wish more of the floral notes came through for me.

  4. In bottle/imp: Slightly aquatic, plus hints of crisp apple, sweet florals, and a little mint.


    Immediately on skin: This is a little sweet, a little aquatic, and a touch tart. This feels aquatic, but the blend isn’t drowned out by it. There’s also a bit of crisp green apple, sweet floral notes, and a hint of very light mint. It’s very refreshing and cool while also being lightly fruity and floral.


    After a little while: This dries down to something not as impressive as when I first put it on. The cool aquatic feel is still present, and the apple, but that’s about it. It smells sort of like apple shampoo or something… it’s clean and apple-y at the same time, but that’s about it.


    Overall Impressions: This one started out very complex but the drydown was sort of disappointing. The aquatic fruity floral mint scent that I first smelled dried down to generic apple shampoo. This is lovely on other people I’m sure, but not on me.

  5. In bottle/imp: Lavender and mint with dry musk in the background.


    Immediately on skin: This is a very sweet lavender and mint combination, but there’s no harsh herbal quality or sharpness to the mint… it’s very cool and calming almost. However, there’s something in the background of this that smells a little dirty. It’s probably the black musk, but it smells a little “off.”


    After a little while: The lavender has receded a bit and this scent is still very sweet and minty with a powdery/creamy quality to it. There’s still a hint of the lavender so it’s not just plain minty pennyroyal, and also some musk for the base. This is very well blended and that weird note I got at first has completely disappeared.


    Overall Impressions: I was expecting Mad Hatter to be very harsh, but it is actually quite soothing. The lavender is soft, and the mint is smooth and slightly creamy. The black musk in the background is a little weird at first, but settles nicely. This is more of a unisex scent, though it is quite sweet on me, and is really nicely blended. The notes all work wonderfully together and create quite a whimsical scent.

  6. In bottle/imp: Sweet but plastic-y amber.


    Immediately on skin: I can barely smell this. It smells warm and slightly spicy, but it has an annoying plastic note to it.


    After a few minutes: This blend is staying very close to my skin… The amber is there, but it’s very light and slightly earthy. The spices are light as well. It has a slight playdoh type of scent on my skin as well.


    Overall Impressions: Meh. I really don’t think this is anything special. It’s sort of warm and sort of spicy, but not too much of either. It’s pleasant, but reminds me of playdoh. It’s very light too and I just don’t think there’s anything special with this one.

  7. In bottle/imp: Crusty, sugary currant tarts with the feel of sharp roses wafting over.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is odd. I love currant, especially in foodie scents like Eat Me, but in this one there’s almost a saltiness to the tart crust. Along with this is the tanginess of the black currants and roses wafting over the scent. As directly from the imp, I can feel the sharpness of the roses, but not smell them as much.


    After a little while: This is more currant than pastry as far as the tart goes, and quite a bit of rose. But the combination is quite pretty and lively. It’s fruity, but fresh and floral. The rose and currant together just smell happy… I don’t know how else to describe it. The rose also almost adds a hint of lemon to this.


    Overall Impressions: This is a very bright scent. It’s not the most complex scent, but the balance of currant and rose is fruity, fresh, floral and happy. This is a little tart, so the sweetness is tempered nicely. There’s just a hint of pastry, so those afraid of foodie blends might actually enjoy this one still.

  8. In bottle/imp: Creamy, soft rose and carnation.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is very gentle on my skin. It’s softly creamy with hints of rose and carnation. After just a minute or so, the spiciness of the carnation comes out a little more.


    After a little while: This is soft, light, and a little powdery. The rose and carnation speak out, but they’re well blended together and on the creamy side. There’s a subtle sweetness from the honey, and it isn’t bitter like the lab’s honey note usually is on me.


    Overall Impressions: This is soft and pretty, but turned slightly powdery on me (which I think is from the honey. The lab’s honey note barely ever behaves on me). The rose and carnation combo is nice, but this is so so so soft that I can barely smell it.

  9. In bottle/imp: Strong, rich myrrh with a hint of flowers in the background.


    Immediately on skin: I smell very strong myrrh and smooth rose in the background. The jasmine is there, but it adds a smoky rather than a floral note to the blend. This is strong and dark smelling. Womanly, but shadowy and dark.


    After a little while: The jasmine has gotten much stronger in this and blends nicely with the myrrh. The rose is pretty strong now too. This has turned into a resinous jasmine/myrrh/rose blend.


    Overall Impressions: I’m not a big fan of the lab’s jasmine, so I don’t really enjoy this. It is a nice jasmine, myrrh, and rose blend though, so I can appreciate the scent even though I wouldn’t wear it. This scent is womanly and dark… but not downright evil I’d say.

  10. ... A chilly, tempestuous whirlwind of clear, airy notes, slashing rain, and a thin undercurrent of white flowers.

    In bottle/imp: Salty, cold, wet and rainy… but crystalline and clear.

    Immediately on skin: This is a very clean scent. It smells cold, salty, and very wet, like freezing rain would if it had a scent of its own. I also get lemon of some sort from this, but it is light. This scent is very high and sharp, and almost icy.

    After a little while: The watery feel has gone away a bit, and now this is more of a crisp and citrus laden scent. It’s an air scent almost now instead of water, and it feels very clean.

    Overall Impressions: This is a nice clean, unisex fragrance. It’s like Dirty’s older, more masculine brother. The hint of lemon is nice, and this really does feel windy and cold. It’s watery at first but turns into more of a drier, airy scent after a while.

  11. In bottle/imp: Smoky dragon’s blood.


    Immediately on skin: Very sweet and deep and rather smoky. This is red, resinous and sweet dragon’s blood with smoky vetiver wafting about. The dragon’s blood hits my nose first, and then I feel and smell the very smoky vetiver.


    After a little while: This has mellowed slightly and the spice has come out a little. The vetiver has also died down to the point that I can barely smell it anymore. It gives the blend a darker tone, but it doesn’t really smell smoky any more.


    Overall Impressions: This is a nice slightly darkened dragon’s blood fragrance with a hint of spice. It really doesn’t come across that different to me from other dragon’s blood dominated scents, so I’m not really wowed by it personally. If you’ve been looking for a darker, more rich dragon’s blood than this might be something worth trying.

  12. In bottle/imp: Dark, resinous, and fruity.


    Immediately on skin: The dragon’s blood in this is strong, as is the black currant. This is a resinous and fruity scent with a little of an herbal feel from the geranium. It’s very dark and complex.


    After a few minutes: This blend has sweetened a little, and also warmed up on my skin. The amber has come out and the dragon’s blood has retreated a bit. I can smell something dark and slightly floral with a light kiss of currant. It’s certainly not as volatile as I would have expected.


    Overall Impressions: This blend is much tamer on me that I expected. The amber is dark and warm, adding a nice solid base to the scent, and the dragon’s blood isn’t as strong in this as in other blends with it I’ve tried. The currant is sweet, but not overly so, and is tempered by the rest of the notes. If you like dark, sweeter blends or black currant, you may want to give this a try.

  13. In bottle/imp: Sweet, sweet, sweet! Apple blossom and something very syrupy and almost fruity.


    Immediately on skin: Several notes in this are a mystery to me, but I’ll do my best! This smells fruity and floral with a thick sweetness running through the blend. The apple blossom gives this a nice freshness, but the black orchid is very sweet. The moss seems to be giving this a slightly greener feel and is trying to tone down the sweetness of the other notes.


    After a little while: This blend has turned so sweet on me and the balance that was there at first has disappeared. The apple blossom is strong, but it’s now mixed with the orchid to create a syrupy sweet perfume-y apple note. There’s other notes there, but they are all on the sweeter side as well and the moss seems to have faded away completely.


    Overall Impressions: This blend is not very well balanced on me… it’s very syrupy and thick with nothing to really balance it out after it dries. If you like really sweet blends, this may be for you. It’s mostly floral, but it does have some fruitiness from the apple blossom.

  14. In bottle/imp: Dark musky myrrh and a hint of rose.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is very dark and resinous, but also quite sweet. It has a bit of musk, but that doesn’t help to temper the sweetness that much. The blend has almost a cola syrup-like quality to it. There’s also a small bit of rose, but it’s blended well with the other notes.


    After a few minutes: Wow, holy sweetness! This blend is VERY sweet and strong. The myrrh is screaming in this blend, but it’s blending nicely with the dark musk and attar of rose. It still has a cola feel to me, but I think that’s the myrrh and rose blending together.


    Overall Impressions: If you don’t like myrrh, avoid this blend; the note is very strong in this. I’m testing this alongside Penthus, and that is a slightly less resinous and smokier (but just a smidge) blend than this one. The feel is nice and creamy, resinous, and dark. I’d imagine this would be the type of scent people would notice on you if you wore it.

  15. In bottle/imp: Warm, rocky earth and wine.


    Immediately on skin: This is a surprisingly warm scent. I think the dirt note in this is the same as the one in Death Cap, which I found nice but a little odd for me by itself. It’s ruddy and earthy, but also strangely warm and almost comforting. Along with this are subtle, green herbs and thick red wine.


    After a little while: This has morphed into a thick and fragrant red wine and warm earth scent. The more I sniff it, the more I think that the Death Cap note in the background might be more like Black Opal. It’s an earth scent, but it’s not really grainy or dirty. Anyway, this has become rather sweet but not too thick or wine dominated. It’s actually nicely balanced. A clean, earthy wine scent, I’d say.


    Overall Impressions: This was a nice surprise. I expected, well, gritty earth; maybe patchouli, or vetiver, but instead this scent has a clean, ruddy earth note that’s quite pleasant and wearable. This is mixed with red wine that’s not too thick, and gentle herbs. The earth note reminds me of Death Cap or Black Opal (without the vanilla of course)… I can’t really figure out which one. This is a lighter, earthier wine scent without being too heavy or too gritty, despite the description.

  16. In bottle/imp: Pine with a subtle earthiness in the background.


    Immediately on skin: Sharp but not too heavy pine… that’s the strongest note in this. Also along with it is what seems to be a light ozone note and a slight earthiness in the background.


    After a little while: This has sweetened up a lot on my skin. It’s still very much a pine scent, but there’s a very fragrant berry or floral sweetness in there as well. The note is thick and compliments the pine well.


    Overall Impressions: This is a very nice sweeter pine scent. It isn’t straight up pine, and it isn’t as heavy as similar blends I’ve tried. A girly pine, I’d say, but I think a guy could also pull this off. I’m so very not a pine person, so this won’t work for me.

  17. In bottle/imp: So sharp and herbal… lavender, rosemary, cypress, and a good helping of vetiver.


    Immediately on skin: This is a very sharp, herbal, and slightly smoky scent. The lavender, rosemary, and cypress are center stage, while the vetiver lingers in the background. This smells like a holiday wreath or something. There’s no sweetness to this at all.


    After a little while: This has a lot of rosemary and cypress still, though the lavender has faded. There also seems to be a bit of patchouli and frankincense lingering in the background. There is a barely there sweetness behind everything, and if I wasn’t looking for it I probably couldn’t smell it. This is very evergreen-ish and herbal.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is heavy on the herbal notes and cypress, and very dark and sharp. It’s a unisex scent with a very strong throw, and has a nice freshness to it. This scent is so anti-me it’s not even funny, but this would probably appeal to those who like evergreen or pine scents, especially those not on the sweet side.

  18. In bottle/imp: Dark, bitter myrrh.


    Immediately on skin: I smell the myrrh the most, but it’s dark and smoky and slightly sweet. It seems like a damp scent.


    After a few minutes: This scent has become a little spicy now… the myrhh is there and perhaps the spiciness is the mandrake dust. There’s a heavy, thick sweetness to this, but I don’t get currant at all or any fruitiness.


    Overall Impressions: This is a darker, spicy and resinous scent. It’s not over-the top spicy and is a bit of a comforting scent in my opinion. The black currant didn’t make itself known on my skin, but it might come out when someone else wears it. Basically, if you like myrrh or sweeter spicy scents, try this.

  19. In bottle/imp: Slightly plastic-y sweet resin.


    Immediately on skin: This is a very resinous, rubbery scent with hints of peach and light, sweet florals. I also get light hints of warm amber.


    After a little while: The rubbery scent dissipated and now this is a very sweet, peachy scent with warm amber and bright florals. The vetiver isn’t strong but it is in the background, corrupting the scent a little.


    Overall Impressions: This is a nice peach scent that isn’t too sweet, but has a nice balance to it. There’s the amber and floral notes lingering here, as well as the vetiver darkening the scent from the background. It’s fruity, but not too tart, and has a nice golden feel to it. This isn’t for me though, unfortunately.

  20. In bottle/imp: Patchouli and ylang ylang… though there’s something very smoky in this that’s almost in my scent blind spot as well.


    Immediately on skin: This is dry… and smoky in a way that I can feel in my nose but not really smell. Predominantly this is ylang ylang and very deep patchouli with a bit of sweet depth from the myrrh.


    After a little while: Oh, this has softened nicely. The scent now is softly smoky with sweet spices and a base of very smooth patchouli. The clove is a little bitter, but mixes in nicely. This scent has a very warm feel to it, but dark.


    Overall Impressions: This blend is sharper at first, but it settles into a nice smoky, spiced, slightly sweet, and very earthy blend. The patchouli in this is the rare kind that doesn’t turn to dirt on me, which is nice.

  21. In bottle/imp: Very fruity and sweet with a hint of musk and jasmine.


    Immediately on skin: Right away, the fruitiness I got from the imp moves to the background. In the forefront I can smell jasmine and musk, with a touch of juicy plum.


    After a few minutes: This has sweetened up, thank goodness! The plum and orchid blend together to create a beautiful, sweet, juicy scent and it’s blended with the smoky jasmine and white musk. I don’t think I can smell the daffodil, but I don’t really know what that smells like. The blending of the orchid and plum actually smell almost like strawberry.


    Overall Impressions: I love sweet scents, and this is definitely one of those! It might be even a little TOO sweet for me. The fruit note is nice, and the musk and jasmine is VERY light. This is a very bright, happy scent and might be good for you if you enjoy scents like Maenad.

  22. In bottle/imp: Deep, sweet, and thick fruity floral notes and musk.


    Immediately on skin: This is a very sexual, womanly scent. It’s a thick, sweet layer of blossoms with a touch of fruit and rich musk. I think the musk in this might be red musk, since that seems to go almost fruity and red on me and that’s how this one smells. It’s like floral and red musk gummy candies almost, but this isn’t really overly sweet.


    After a little while: The mandarin has come out a bit in this scent, but it’s still a very thick, sweet and rich floral with a nice fruitiness and a base of juicy musk. It’s hard to describe since this whole scent almost smells like a thick, ruby syrup made out of all of the notes. It’s very nicely blended but very heady as well.


    Overall Impressions: This is a thick and juicy floral, fruity, and musky blend. It’s very sexual and feminine, and definitely diabolical. It’s a lot like Unheavenly City, only Hell’s Belle seems a bit thicker and a little bit sour compared to UC. They are very close, though. This is a very sexy and heady blend, so don’t be surprised by the looks you’ll get when you wear it!

  23. In bottle/imp: Strong mint and bitter spices.


    Immediately on skin: Strong, and not sweet in the slightest. The mint and pine are mixing together to create something extremely astringent to my nose. It’s very sharp and biting.


    After a few minutes: This scent has warmed up nicely. I’m now getting hints of musk, tobacco, spices, and maybe even a slight hint of the orange blossom. It’s quite complex and I can still smell a hint of the fir or balsam, but it’s sulking in the background.


    Overall Impressions: In my opinion, this is definitely a unisex if not masculine scent. This blend manages to be warm and chilly at the same time, but it is very musky and downright sexy. It’s spicy, but not overly so… all of the notes are very well blended and create something very balanced.

  24. In bottle/imp: Extremely smoky non-sweet violet and lavender.


    Immediately on skin: This is very smoky, barbecue pit vetiver. It’s almost savory smelling and it dominates the blend. The white musk is odd in this… crystalline next to the smoked vetiver. The violet is there, but it’s not sweet at all but it still smells of the essence of violet. The lavender is light, but bitter.


    After a little while: The weird unsweet violet has finally sweetened up. What I get now is an herbal violet scent with dry musk in the background and smoky vetiver swirled over everything. It’s dark, brooding, smoky violets.


    Overall Impressions: This was so not right on me at first, but it smoothed into something deep, dark, smoky, and mostly violet dominated. The mix of violet and vetiver is unusual, but this balances out at the end. I would even say this might be wearable for some men, especially if they don’t amp violet like my skin seems to do.

  25. (this review is for an aged imp of this scent)


    In bottle/imp: Fizzy black cherries.


    Immediately on skin: This is a fizzy but grounded scent. It either has cherry or almond in it. If it’s almond though, there’s another note in here giving it a slightly fruity quality. I get a little patchouli in the background, and warm musk. I smell something lightly resinous as well.


    After a little while: This blend has turned a little powdery on me now. It’s a powdery, spiced cherry scent with patchouli and musk in the background, and maybe frankincense. It’s not really sweet any longer, but has a nice thick quality to it. Very complex.


    Overall Impressions: This is one of those oils that really blend into your skin, it seems. It’s a nice cherry/almond fizzy scent at first with some nice musk and resin in the background (and I don’t even really mind the patchouli) but it morphs into something a little less sweet and drier. It’s still thick and dark smelling though, and a great signature oil for bpal!
