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Everything posted by Delirium1009

  1. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Wine and plum with a little bit of dry sandalwood. Immediately on skin: This is strong, sweet wine and plum. It smells very red and fruity. I can smell a little of the champaca as well, but to me that note is a very purple, thick floral so it gets lost among the other notes. After a little while: The fruitiness dies down a lot and the sandalwood seems to be poking its head out a bit more as this dries on my skin. It’s still a very wine and plum dominated scent, but the dry sandalwood adds a little earthy warmth to the blend. The champaca is just a touch floral, but still blends in mostly with the wine and plum. Overall Impressions: This blend is dominated mostly by the wine and plum, but I can’t say I’m surprised. I just wish the sandalwood and champaca came out a little more. This is still nice, and if you like wine scents TRY IT! Otherwise, if you’re a little wary about how overpowering the wine and plum are, this might not work on you. It’s pretty, but very strong and fruity.
  2. Delirium1009

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    In bottle/imp: Plum and vanilla cream with the grainy scent of the rice. Immediately on skin: This reminds me so much of a specific dessert, but I can’t put my finger on it. Daifuku, perhaps? I’m not sure at the moment though. Anyway, the main note in this is plum, which is a favorite of mine. Blending with that is this almost toasted vanilla rice scent. It’s creamy, but has a slight bite to it. The note that’s triggering this actually reminds me a lot of Possets’ Madame X scent. After a little while: As this dried, the plum got less and less overwhelming and is nicely blended with that vanilla and rice mixture. This is fruity, creamy, warm, and toasted with a very unique feel to it. Overall Impressions: I really really like this scent. It reminds me of something, but I can’t think of what. Well, at least the vanilla and rice part of this scent does (not so much the plum). This scent is fruity, creamy, and has a nice grainy bite to it. I don’t know how else to explain it. It smells yummy, but not overly foody. It’s very interesting and unique for sure, though the vanilla and rice in this reminds me of Possets’ Madame X scent.
  3. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Powdery, creamy amber and a hint of flowers. Immediately on skin: This amber is very powdery on me and slightly plasticy. There’s just the lightest hint of soft orange blossom in the background. After a little while: This is a very pretty, soft, creamy blend. The vanilla amber is both creamy and powdery but warm, and there’s just a touch of the orange blossom. Overall Impressions: It’s odd, but I can’t decide if I like this scent. It’s warm and creamy but slightly powdery and almost smells of plastic, but not quite. There’s a touch of the orange blossom but mostly this is a creamy amber scent. It smells almost lightly spiced, too.
  4. Delirium1009

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    In bottle/imp: Very golden and glowing with hints of spice. Immediately on skin: This is a muted spice scent. The floral notes are in the front, adding their tangy and slightly green scents. Lying over the whole scent are the amber incense and sandalwood, giving this a very golden feel. This is dry and warm. After a little while: The sandalwood seems to become the dominating note here after just a few minutes. It’s very warm and dry, and the amber incense and flowers linger behind it. This isn’t especially creamy or spicy; it’s more just glowing, golden, and warm. Overall Impressions: This is a quiet, golden scent. It clings close to the skin and wafts very gently. This isn’t something you’d wear if you wanted everyone to know you were wearing perfume, but it is something for close contact or if you were wearing it just for yourself. The cinnamon in this is very light, as is the vanilla. The sandalwood really takes center stage and the chrysanthemum and marigold give it a nice body. Overall, very pretty but not a “me” scent.
  5. Delirium1009

    Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms

    In bottle/imp: Citrus and a very strong perfumey note. Immediately on skin: This is citrusy and perfumey, but it’s not a very sweet scent at all. The ambergris is very strong in this and adds a salty musk quality which the citrus and floral notes sort of waft around. After a little while: This smells odd on me. It’s sort of bitter and smells like a pencil eraser with hints of citrus. Overall Impressions: This smells bitter and musky on me which I think is the ambergris, with the other notes trying to make their scents known. It’s a mish-mash on my skin and doesn’t smell balanced or unified. But since I’m not a big fan of ambergris, I’m not surprised.
  6. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Lots of oakmoss with hints of white musk and coconut. Immediately on skin: This is very strong on the oakmoss with a bit of creaminess underneath and and a bite of citrusy white musk. There’s hardly any coconut but it’s there behind the green coolness of the oakmoss. After a little while: The white musk gets stronger as this dries and this becomes almost a lemony white musk scent with a bit of oakmoss and hint of coconut. It’s a very bright scent. Overall Impressions: I was expecting a lot more coconut from this than I actually got. This is a nice scent, and quite unisex in my opinion. The white musk and oakmoss take center stage and the other notes sort of just linger quietly in the background. This has a nice bite to it that I like, but I don’t think I’d wear it much.
  7. Delirium1009

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    They're right on the last page
  8. Delirium1009

    What Scent Is This?

    I've gotten several frimps of Water of Notre Dame since I started buying bpal in 2007 and the ones I've received have been a golden yellowy color.
  9. Delirium1009


    Seance is my favorite wood blend. It's soft, soulful roses and dry blonde wood. Very lovely, especially in warmer weather.
  10. I agree with this... the post office has admitted to "misplacing" it, so I think she should go back there and see if they have any luck. Reenah also make sure she tells the PO that it's a priority box with orange tape. That's a good identifying feature of the lab's packages, and has helped me with getting misplaced packages at my local PO found quickly.
  11. Delirium1009

    Wood Phoenix

    In bottle/imp: Wood and licorice? Immediately on skin: This is very woody (duh) with something resinous, syrupy and sweet added to it. I’m thinking probably the clove and walnut together, but I’m not sure. After a little while: This morphs into the scent of a wooden incense box with smoke wafting out of it. It’s warm, woody, smoky, and slightly resinous with a deep but subtle sweetness. Overall Impressions: This starts out as rather resinous and sweet with some evident wood notes, but it really morphs into a gorgeous wood and incense scent. It’s deep and rich, and just a touch smoky too.
  12. Delirium1009

    Water Phoenix

    In bottle/imp: Salty soap. Immediately on skin: All I really get from this is soapy salt water and a touch of light florals. It’s not very complex on my skin. After a little while: This gets a little depth to it as I wear it; the frankincense comes out just a touch and there’s a glowing resinous note far behind the salty water. The floral part of this is light, but it gives it a slight perfuminess. Overall Impressions: This scent will be much loved by those who like salty aquatics I think, though it doesn’t have much complexity to my nose. I think the salt water amped up a bit and I lost just about everything else besides some light far away florals and a touch of resin after a while.
  13. Delirium1009

    Metal Phoenix

    In bottle/imp: Very metallic and citrusy with an almost creamy note to it. Immediately on skin: This smells very bright and citrusy with an underlying floral tone. I think it’s the metal note, but there’s something in this scent that’s almost salty and ozone-y, and something else almost creamy. This is reminding me a little of The Sea Foams Milk. After a little while: This has blended together quite nicely. It’s smooth, bright, slightly floral and citrusy, and just a touch warm and golden. It’s a womanly metal fragrance. Overall Impressions: This scent is bright, well blended, and just a touch warm. It’s a definite metal scent, but it’s much more feminine than the other lab metal scents I’ve tried. The floral notes in this are very subtle, but they’re there. I really like this one.
  14. Delirium1009

    Fire Phoenix

    In bottle/imp: Very juicy red musk with a strong dose of sarsaparilla and spicy pink pepper. Immediately on skin: This smells cola-like on my skin with a twist of something almost citrusy. The sarsaparilla is very strong and mixed with the red musk it’s almost candy-like. After a little while: This blend is juicy red musk (sort of a fruity/dusty musk scent on me) with a touch of sarsaparilla and an undercurrent of floral notes. It’s rather strong and feminine. Overall Impressions: Red musk just doesn’t work on me, and this blend is no exception. It’s dusty, fruity musk with cola-like hints of sarsaparilla and just this odd spiced scent to it. It reminds me a lot of an Asian import store I visit sometimes. This scent is very dusty on me, and very red, but I don’t really get fire out of this blend.
  15. Delirium1009

    Candy Phoenix

    In bottle/imp: Powdery, sugary grape candies with a bit of dusty dirt. Immediately on skin: This smells like powdery sugar fruit candies with a very dusty, dirty feel. I get a bit of pomegranate, but I also smell the odd urine-like scent I usually get from blackberries, though black currant usually doesn’t do that. After a little while: The dirtiness of this goes away and what I’m left with is just a powdery sugary purple fruity scent. It’s a nose-tickling type of scent. Overall Impressions: This is candy all right! I don’t really get the apple or pear, but other than that, the description is exactly perfect for what this scent turns to on me. It’s powdery, sugary purple fruits.
  16. Delirium1009

    Earth Phoenix

    In bottle/imp: Very earthy cherry with a slight foody feel to it. Immediately on skin: This is a musky, dry, earthy, warm scent with a touch of fruit and smoky florals. I don’t get nearly as much cherry as I do out of the decant, but I do get just a touch of it as well as some plum. Lingering behind is a little smoky jasmine. This scent is just a little bitter. After a little while: This is subtle, but pretty. After a few minutes of wear it started clinging very close to my skin, and it’s still doing that now. The tobacco is very prominent now, but it’s blended with the musks, soil, jasmine, cherry and plum to create this sexy, earthy, musky, warm, smoky perfume scent. It’s hard to explain but it’s all those things and very well blended. Overall Impressions: This is sexier than I was expecting, and a lot more subtle. It’s musky, quite dry, and very warm and earthy (but it’s not really a dirt scent). The fruits, tobacco, and jasmine are evident, but very nicely blended in. This has a slight perfuminess to it, but this isn’t your average scent. It’s very unique and subtly lovely.
  17. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Earthy but astringent sandalwood. Immediately on skin: This is warm and earthy. It’s not complex, but it is nicely blended. I smell the sandalwood mostly, with the patchouli grounding it and slightly higher, masculine notes from the mosses. This smells like an underground cave, but one that houses cuddly teddy bears or something. There’s no trace of musky animal in this. After a little while: Mole gets stronger as I wear it. It becomes just a very earthy, warm sandalwood blend. I don’t get the moss anymore, but there’s a unisex feel to this. Overall Impressions: This is warm, earthy sandalwood with a touch of moss at first, but once it dries down that particular note disappears. This is a unisex blend with a lovely warm, underground feel to it. It’s unfortunately not something I’d wear, but I think it will have many admirers.
  18. Delirium1009

    Miss Lupescu

    In bottle/imp: Warm musk with touches of cola-like almond. Immediately on skin: This scent has some nice furry musk going on with a nice warmth to it. I get soft touches of almond and spice, as well as a woody forest feel in the background. After a little while: This loses a bit of the almond as it dries. Now it’s mainly a warm, fuzzy musk blend with a bit of dry woods and just a touch of sandalwood and almond. It’s dry and musky with a slight golden tone creeping in. Overall Impressions: This is a really lovely warm, dry musk scent. It’s not overly animalistic, but it does feel warm, furry, and dry. The almond and spices are a nice addition, but both fade a bit upon drying. I’d say this is unisex, and it reminds me a lot of Ivanushka, only with some wood, almond and spices going on around it.
  19. Delirium1009

    Moon of the Terrible

    In bottle/imp: Fruit and lavender with a touch of white amber or musk perhaps. Immediately on skin: This is a cold and almost soapy fruity herbal scent on me. The lychee is bright and almost a white juicy citrus while it blends into the peppery lavender. The combo is chilly and very much a “wake you up” kind of scent, but it’s also rather clean and has a definite soapy feel on me. After a little while: The soapiness goes almost completely away after wearing this for a while and I’m left with basically the same scent I started with, minus the soap. This is cold and herbal with bright, juicy citrussy lychee. The herbal part of this is mostly lavender, but there’s also some almost woody herbs thrown in too, but far in the background. This has a morose quality to it, but it’s very bright at the same time. Overall Impressions: This scent is a nice mix of lavender and lychee, with some nice cold extras thrown in. The snow note I love from the lab really isn’t present, but it still has a cold feel to it overall. There’s an annoying soapiness to this on my skin at first, but it fades and I’m left with a morose but bright cold citrus/fruit lavender scent. I’ve heard lychee described as something like plum and citrus combined, and I think it’s much closer to citrus in the blend, but it’s still very juicy.
  20. Delirium1009

    Snake Charmer

    Snake Charmer is just sexy femininity in a bottle. It's slightly sweet, but dark, musky, and lightly fruity. It's like Snake Oil, but more feminine for sure. The plum adds a brightness, while the coconut and vanilla make this slightly foodie on me. The musk is absolutely smooth and gorgeous. But the wonder of this blend is its seamlessly blended quality; it's a scent all its own, sinuous and dark while still clinging closely to the skin. Both the original (not sure which year my older bottles are from though) and resurrected smell the same on me, except that the aged version has a depth to it that I'm sure the fresh oil will achieve in time.
  21. Delirium1009

    The Macabray

    In bottle/imp: Flowers and something minty or close to it. Eucalyptus maybe? Immediately on skin: This is very cold and snowy on my skin with hints of flowers. The non-floral notes in this are strong and kind of sharp. I get something almost minty, which I think is eucalyptus, plus some green notes and that lovely snowy sleet note the lab does so well. This is very strong and not as soft as I thought it would be. After a little while: This turns into the scent I was expecting after a while. It’s cold with hints of light flowers with a slightly green, melon-like background. This is floral, but cold… and green, but not in a lush way. Overall Impressions: This scent is a lot more fragrant and complex than I was expecting. II didn’t enjoy the beginning stages as much as the dry down, but that didn’t really catch me either. The scent is very cold and snowy, and a lot more green or minty/herbal than I was expecting, especially at first. It’s very pretty though, but just not something I would find myself wearing.
  22. Delirium1009

    The Lady On The Grey

    In bottle/imp: Bright, perfumey florals and tobacco flower with a bit of soft sandalwood and green notes. Immediately on skin: This smells almost lemony or citrusy on my skin with some bright white florals thrown in and a soft warmth in the background. This is slightly perfumey, but also rather astringent to my nose; I can really “feel” it when I sniff the blend. After a little while: This scent really bugs my nose, which is too bad because it’s really nice. This has turned into almost a unisex mix of swirling light blossoms with some nice warm musk and cologne-like notes. It has a nice base to it, but parts of this are definitely wafting higher. It has a musk/floral/clean thing going on for sure. Overall Impressions: This scent starts out feminine, but soon turns into something a bit more unisex. The “pale petals” in it are quite perfumey, but the musk, sandalwood, and tobacco flower really tone this blend down. Unfortunatley there’s something in this that actually makes my nose tingle a little, and it’s not altogether pleasant. This is a wonderful fragrance, but I wouldn’t be able to wear it.
  23. Delirium1009

    There's a Certain Slant of Light

    In bottle/imp: Ozone with a hint of violet. Immediately on skin: The ozone gives this a cologne-like, feel, while the violet sweetens it and adds some body to the scent. The sandalwood also lends itself to the background here and is rather dry. Overall this is slightly bitter ozone with a dry feel and a bit of violet mixed in. After a little while: This gets smoother as I wear it. It’s not a sharp scent, but a cologne-like blend of ozone and violet with some dry sandalwood in the background. Overall Impressions: I amp violet, and this blend is no exception. All I get from this is the ozone, a bit of violet, and a hint of sandalwood. It’s nice, but a little too unisex for me.
  24. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Very animalistic musk with lots of cold green and herbal notes. Immediately on skin: The first thing that strikes me is that this scent is very animalistic and almost savory, then I’m hit with the icy note I find in the L’Inverno atmosphere spray and some pine. As I pull my nose away I get fleeting glimpses of smoke and some sweet, ringing floral notes. After a little while: The savory quality of this fades, and while there’s still a nice hint of musk in the background, the iciness really takes center stage. This is a refreshing, cold blend with bits of pine and really bright white flowers, but with just a touch of floral sweetness. Overall Impressions: This is the scent of a wolf running through a snowy forest in a bottle. Animalistic musk, ice, pine, cold florals… this is so lovely and vibrant in my mind. It reminds me a LOT of the L’Inverno atmosphere spray, except the flowers in this aren’t quite as evident. The musk is just a little bit strong at first, making this a musky icy blend, but the cold snow scent soon takes center stage. I don’t know how much I’d wear this, but it’s definitely unisex and would be wonderful on a hot day.
  25. Delirium1009

    On Darkness

    In bottle/imp: Strong and complex mixture of poppy and herbs with a distinct sharp sweetness. Immediately on skin: This is herbal and darkly floral, but more sharp than smooth with almost a minty twinge to it. The poppy is the most identifiable note but it’s almost drowned out by the herbal nature of the blend. It reminds me of cough drops a bit with a clear floral note kind of poking through. After a little while: Wow, this gets super sweet, and rather quick too. The black poppy and amber make this thick, warm and very sugary floral which is backed up by hints of lavender and a little incense. The herbs in this try to balance out the sweetness, but they can’t reign in the thick syrupy sweetness. Overall Impressions: This is a very dark, purple-smelling blend. It’s floral and herbal at first, but then just syrupy and sweetly floral at the end with the herbal notes barely keeping up. This blend changed so much on my skin, so if you smell this in a decant or bottle before putting it on, don’t make judgements until you actually try it.