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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Delirium1009

  1. Delirium1009

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    That's what I do.
  2. Delirium1009

    CCNow or PayPal

    If it's via paypal, it's immediately. I'm not sure about CCNow.
  3. I have a bottle of snake oil, but sometimes when I wear it I get a sharp medicinal note (I need to just seal it up and age it). But I've noticed that the snake pit scents don't have that note at all, which I love. My favorite out of the bunch are Green Tree (tea) Viper (like crisp snake oil tea... so nice!), Coral Snake (snake oil with apple and a touch of orange), and Australian Copperhead (a nice berry snake oil).
  4. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Ylang ylang with a touch of fruitiness. Immediately on skin: The ylang ylang is very strong. I can also smell the jasmine, as well as a touch of the fruity plum. After a few minutes: This has turned much sweeter. The plum, ylang ylang, and jasmine seem like the strongest notes, and I’m not getting the soapiness or powdery scent I usually get from the lab’s lily. It’s nice and fruity with the slight muskiness of the ylang ylang thrown in and a touch of floral sweetness. Overall Impressions: This blend is a nice floral, especially if you like ylang ylang. It’s unfortunately not one of my favorites, but the orchid, jasmine, and white plum make it very pretty even if you don’t like that particular note.
  5. Delirium1009

    Les Bijoux

    In bottle/imp: Fruity, warm, and sweet with a touch of resin. Immediately on skin: The peach is evident, but it’s tainted by another note… maybe the frankincense. The honey and skin musk give this a warm, golden feel. After a few minutes: I’m not liking this… it smells almost rancid on me. The peach is SO strong, and blended with some of the other notes in a way that makes it cloying, musky, and slightly spicy. Overall Impressions: I must not do well with BPAL’s honey notes blended with fruit, because this reminds me a little of milk moon which I hated. This has peach instead, but I just don’t enjoy the earthy spiciness it’s blended with. It’s a bit cloying on me.
  6. Delirium1009

    The Raven

    In bottle/imp: Sweet violet and dry musk. Immediately on skin: Violet is the main note, but it’s blended with the less-sweet neroli and iris. It’s a floral blend, dominated by the violet and with the dry musk in the background. After a few minutes: The violet is there, but it’s a little softer now. The sandalwood seems to be adding a little complexity to the scent, and the musk is making the blend a little cooler in feeling. It’s delicate and dark at the same time. Overall Impressions: This is a violet dominated blend, but it’s soft and not overly sweet. This blend isn’t very complex, but it isn’t just plain violet. If you’re looking for something whispy but dark, try this out… it has a cold, lonely feel to it.
  7. Delirium1009

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    In bottle/imp: Powdery, bitter, dry floral with strong herbs. Immediately on skin: This is very powdery and dry. The scent is bitter and not sweet in the slightest. It’s a green scent with a sharp edge. After a few minutes: This is very cool, powdery, and dry. There’s this hint of something in it that reminds me of uncooked peeled potatoes… it’s a little earthy and starchy. The herbal/green feel is still there, but it’s lightened up a little. Overall Impressions: I really don’t like this… it’s light and has that weird raw potato note. It’s hard to know exactly what it is that’s doing it, since the notes aren’t listed. The green or herbal notes might be nice on some people, but not on me.
  8. Delirium1009

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    In bottle/imp: Fruity, with some damp, earthy notes under it. Immediately on skin: This is fruity, but not overly sweet. Unfortunately it is very powdery on me. This feels very “cool,” and is a bit floral. After a few minutes: I can smell the rose now, but it’s very subtle. It’s blending nicely with the pomegranate and peach blossom. This does have a cool feel to it, as well as being just slightly aquatic. It’s sweet, but it’s blended beautifully so it’s not overly floral, fruity, or aquatic. Overall Impressions: This blend is soft, light, and nicely blended. It’s slightly fruity but not heavy on the pomegranate, and it’s lightly floral, but any one flower doesn’t overpower the rest. It’s an interesting blend, and has a cooler feel to it. The ethereal feel of this reminds me of the Unicorn, so if you enjoy that scent you might want to try this.
  9. Delirium1009

    Jolly Roger

    In bottle/imp: Very salty and masculine. I get the woods and leather as well. Immediately on skin: Salty leather and wood… the wood is VERY strong. It’s definitely bringing to mind thoughts of pirate ships, so the blend is perfectly named. There is a bit of the bay rum as well, but it’s blended nicely into it. After a few minutes: This blend is very nice… the wood has calmed down a bit so it’s no longer overpowering the other notes. It’s very salty and crisp. Overall Impressions: This is a great scent, but definitely masculine. It’s salty and crisp, but still manages to be sexy.
  10. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Chilly, slightly herbal lily and violet. Immediately on skin: This is a very cool and clean scent… the violet isn’t sweet at all, and blends with the other scents to create a very blue scent. I can pick out the violet, geranium, and lily, but the other notes are hard to sense. After a few minutes: The floral notes in this are well blended, and now I can’t really find any of them overpowering another. It’s a very refreshing and almost soapy floral. Overall Impressions: This scent is nice and light and would be great if you want to smell “clean.” It’s a refreshing blend and I could see wearing it in warmer weather. It’s a bit cool for sure.
  11. Delirium1009

    Recommending a BPAL pumpkin blend...

    I love Pumpkin V, followed by Pumpkin IV (that one's not getting much love ) Pumpkin I: Sweet grapes and pear with a hint of pumpkin at first application and a very light tea note. This went super candy sweet on me. Pumpkin II: The champa flower dominates, but the carnation and tonka add a nice creamy spiciness. The pumpkin is there, but it blends in and isn't very evident Pumpkin III: The pumpkin faded sooo fast and then it turned to creamy caramel and tangy pomegranate. Pumpkin IV: This one is so unique... the pumpkin blends nicely with warm herbal and grass notes. It's sweet, but not foody. Pumpkin V: Spicy pumpkin goodness! Warm pumpkin with light citrus and ginger. I almost get an apple note in this as well, even though it isn't listed.
  12. Delirium1009

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    In bottle/imp: Golden cake with a slight hint of maple syrup. Immediately on skin: Very strong, and also very sharp. There’s definitely some foody, thick cake there, but there’s also a very sharp green/fruity note. After a few minutes: The foody note is still there, but that sharp green/fruity note has settled down a LOT. Now it’s more like berries. It’s a dark, deep berry note and reminds me the most of blueberries. The whole blend seems slightly smoky now as well, and the sweetness has toned down a bit. It’s foody and filled with berries, but in a way that’s completely wearable. Overall Impressions: I now understand why this is so sought after: it’s foody and filled with berries, but in a way that’s completely wearable. The berries dominate the blend more as I wear it, and they’re rich and dark. They’re not overly sweet though and have a hint of a green scent as well. The crumpet bit of this is sweet and crusted with crunchy sugar. It’s smoky and sweet, like it just came out of the oven. I would recommend this to people who like scents that are a mix of fruity and foody, like Eat Me.
  13. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Strong peppermint and very sweet, almost foody, vanilla. Immediately on skin: This smells of very sweet, strong peppermint. The vanilla isn’t really making the blend creamy as much as sweetening it a lot. After a few minutes: This has faded to a very light vanilla plastic on me… not like burned plastic, but the way plastic babydolls smell which I actually find pleasant. It reminds me of the vanilla in Monsterbait: Biggercritters. I can’t smell the peppermint any longer AT ALL, except for maybe the addition of a cool note to the vanilla. Overall Impressions: This is a nice scent, but fades much too fast on me. The vanilla is very creamy and sweet, and the peppermint starts out very strong. I wouldn’t buy this, but personally I don’t like mint as a perfume that much. The vanilla note is very nice and pleasant though. If you like sweeter scents that are on the verge of foody, try this.
  14. Delirium1009

    The Queen's Salon

    In bottle/imp: Very perfume-y musky floral. Immediately on skin: This is hard to figure out… but it’s definitely floral. I think I’m getting lily and jasmine, and possibly a small bit of smoky opium. It’s slightly sweet, but not overly so. It’s a haunting smoky floral. After a few minutes: WOW, strong floral. This has quite a throw! It’s very bright and filled with fragrant flowers. I know I’m getting lily, though what kind I’m not sure, and jasmine. I’m still getting an opium type note; it’s smoky and a little bitter. Overall Impressions: On me, this is nothing special. It’s very strong with a strong haughty floral feel to it, and some individual flowers peek through: lily, jasmine, and maybe even some gardenia. There’s a light musk underneath the flowers, and a very slight sweetness to the blend. To my nose, though, it is very strong and a bit sharp. If you like the more perfume-y floral scents, this one might be for you.
  15. Delirium1009

    Door 13

    In bottle/imp: Very clean and crisp with a slight tea or citrus note. Immediately on skin: There’s a strong ozone feel to this, but it’s a very crisp scent. It’s extremely well blended and just slightly sweet. There’s a touch of some musk, but it’s nicely blended with something light and fruity. This smells very unisex on me so far. After a few minutes: This blend has morphed little; the crispness is still there, with some sort of citrus and light musk. There’s also a metallic tinge that I just now smell. It’s a bit green as well, in a very fresh cut-stems sort of way. Overall Impressions: This scent is very atmospheric and unique; I would definitely get a bottle if it weren’t so darn sought after. It’s crisp, clean, and refreshing with this hint of something metallic and disquieting underneath. I can imagine this smelling great on a man or a woman. If you like more crisp scents that aren’t as much on the sweet side, you may enjoy Door 13.
  16. Delirium1009


    I loved the idea of a caramel apple type of scent, so I was very excited about getting to try this one. In the bottle it smelled of boozy caramel. Strong and overly sweet. As soon as I put it on, I knew it just wouldn't work. Caramel, butterscotch, and really boozy coconut rum; NO apple at all! It was strong, had great staying power, and completely over-the-top sweet. I just couldn't wear it
  17. Delirium1009

    Crypt Queen

    As sweet as death, as deep as the grave: pomegranate, raspberry, gardenia, plum, and rose with patchouli, black pepper, rose musk, and a hint of blood accord. In the bottle, I get sharp fruitiness and dust. As soon as I apply, I can smell something like Seance on my skin, only dustier. There are strong wood and rose notes, but it's extremely dusty and dry. The fruit comes through on me as a very powdery Sweet Tart-esque note; it's very tangy, but powdery as if they were chopped up and you tried to sniff them. This blend makes my nose tickle horribly and gave my husband a headache, so it's definitely not a keeper. The drydown is the the same, until it turns into a slightly floral dusty scent. It's just not "me" for sure.
  18. Delirium1009

    Pumpkin V (2007)

    In bottle/imp: Pumpkin and citrus. Immediately on skin: This smells like yummy, spicy pumpkin tea to me. It’s foody, but in a refreshing way. The citrus adds a crisp feel to the blend, and the bourbon vanilla is adding a slightly boozy creaminess. The ginger is there, but just a hint of it. It’s just slightly spicy. After a few minutes: This has morphed just barely… it’s a little less sweet now, but the pumpkin, bourbon vanilla, citrus, and ginger blend together beautifully. It’s slightly foody, but in a comforting way rather than “omg I want to eat my arm!” way. Overall Impressions: In my opinion, this is the closest blend to last year’s Pumpkin Queen. It’s not as buttery and rich, but the citrus, ginger, and other notes blend with the pumpkin to create something warm and yummy. It’s not foody as much as a nice, smooth and spicy pumpkin scent. I absolutely love this one!
  19. Delirium1009

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    In bottle/imp: Pumpkin with green, fresh herbs and sweetgrass. Immediately on skin: This is quite different from the other Pumpkins. The pumpkin is there, all warm and yummy, but the sage speaks up and adds a nice green, herbal note to the blend. The sweetgrass adds a nice grass note to the blend, and sweetens it up a bit. After a few minutes: This is a lovely, soft, warm scent. It’s hard to describe… it’s slightly sweet and herbal and green, but it’s not a crisp scent; it’s just warm and gorgeous. The pumpkin is there, rounding out the whole blend. Overall Impressions: This blend is just lovely. If the pumpkins are taunting you and you would rather not smell like a dessert, try this one for sure. The sweetgrass and sage add a very nice, sweet herbal feel to the blend, but they are very mellow, warm, and comforting. It’s not very floral and the scent is hard to describe, but the pumpkin blends beautifully with the other notes.
  20. Delirium1009

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    In bottle/imp: Warm pumpkin, sweet caramel, and sharp pomegranate. Immediately on skin: This smells warm, sweet, and fruity all at the same time. I can smell the pumpkin, caramel, and pomegranate for sure, but they blend together very well. It smells like a caramel drizzled pumpkin and berry tart. After a few minutes: This is very sweet. It smells like berry and brown sugar instant oatmeal to me. The pomegranate is strong, and very bright. The caramel sticks out a lot, gooey and sweet. I can barely smell the pumpkin. There’s something in it that’s striking me as almost nutty… it makes this blend smell very foody. Overall Impressions: If the caramel in the notes listed didn’t clue you in, I recommend avoiding this if you don’t enjoy sweet scents. The pomegranate adds a tangy fruitiness to the blend, but the caramel is very evident. I also think this blend is very light on the pumpkin, which some people may like and others won’t. It’s an interesting scent, but very foody and VERY sweet.
  21. Delirium1009

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    In bottle/imp: Pumpkin with tobacco and champa flower. Immediately on skin: This is buttery and warm with some very warm flowery notes coming through. The champa is evident, and the carnation is there, but it’s very light. After a few minutes: The champa flower has become the main note on me… but it’s a very sweet floral. The carnation seems to be adding that “sweet” feel to the blend, while the pumpkin and tonka make it slightly creamy and yummy. Overall Impressions: A beautiful, sweet, floral pumpkin. If you like champa flower or carnation, try this one out. The tonka and pumpkin blend in beautifully to give the blend a creamy, solid base. This is a super-feminine blend on me, so be careful if you don’t like those types of scents.
  22. Delirium1009

    Pumpkin I (2007)

    In bottle/imp: Super buttery pumpkin with sweet pear and grapes. Immediately on skin: This is almost TOO sweet… the white wine grapes and pear are syrupy sweet, and the pumpkin is extremely strong and buttery. It smells like candy. After a few minutes: The pumpkin in this is still coming through strong, and so are the fruit notes. I don’t really get any jasmine, but there is a nice refreshing tea-like quality to it mixed with the other notes. It’s still syrupy sweet though. Overall Impressions: This pumpkin is extremely sweet, but I tend to amp sweet notes so it might not be as bad on others. It’s slightly buttery fruit candy on me, and might be too sweet to wear very often. Still though, I really like it! I see the entire patch in my future.
  23. Delirium1009

    The Forbidding Foyer

    In bottle/imp: Dark wood, with a light touch of smoke. Immediately on skin: This smells of mahogany to me… the wood note is extremely strong. I also get dust, or mildew… something “old.” This is a very dry scent with no sweetness to speak of. After a few minutes: The wood has faded a little, but it’s still the main note of the blend. It’s a dusty, dry wood, with something swirling in its depths. It’s not sweet, but it’s pleasant. Overall Impressions: This scent represents a dry, old wood-filled room very well. It’s woodsy, dusty, and evocative. It would be great as a layering scent with other blends (simple florals, maybe?). I like it, but I don’t know if I like it enough to buy it. It’s more something I’d buy as a room scent than as a perfume.
  24. Delirium1009

    The Chilling Cellar

    In bottle/imp: Dust and dry wine. Immediately on skin: It’s very dry… I can definitely smell the wine, mixed with something earthy, but not dirt; the clay maybe? There’s also quite a bit of musk in this. After a few minutes: This has settled down to an extremely dusty earth scent with a cool, chilling feel to it. It’s a bit powdery and there’s a very light touch of a wood scent. I don’t get any sort of vinegary note, but there is a very light dry red wine type of feel to it. Overall Impressions: This is a very creepy, lonely scent. It truly does smell like a dry, old cellar filled with antique furniture and casks of nameless liquids. It’s dusty and quite dry, but it is a pleasant scent. Yet another unique creation from the lab!
  25. Delirium1009

    The Twisted Oak Tree

    In bottle/imp: Bitter, green, and wood notes. Immediately on skin: This is very dry and green. The scent is sharp and wafting, and smells like dark, dry, dead wood and bitter green cut stems oozing noxious sap. It doesn’t smell bad, but that is the feeling I get from the scent. After a few minutes: Oh. My. Goodness. This is GORGEOUS now! The scent morphed and the bitter note is completely gone. It’s green, mossy, and so intoxicating. There’s a note to it that’s almost aquatic, and the ivy is a very light fresh green scent. The blackened oak wood is still there, but blends beautifully with the fresh green note. It’s sweet, but only slightly so in a watery and cool sort of way. Overall Impressions: Even if you don’t like green or tree scents, try this on out for sure. It may be scary at first, but it morphs beautifully. It’s a gorgeous aquatic filled with lush moss, deep green ivy, and dark wood. It’s very intoxicating and my favorite of the Haunted House scents.