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Everything posted by Delirium1009

  1. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Sweet apple-maple flavored oats. Immediately on skin: This smells exactly like a bowl of oatmeal on my skin. It’s warm and sweet with a hint of apple and some maple syrup. This is very rich, but there’s also a bit of dry hay coming from it. After a little while: As this dries, the wood and hay come out a bit more. Even the musk lingers a little in the background. This becomes sort of a sweetened oatmeal and wood scent with lingering whiffs of apple, maple, and musk. Unfortunately the musk turns a bit powdery but it’s far in the background. Overall Impressions: This scent is very interesting. I think it’s quite unique and I’ve never smelled oatmeal perfume before… but that’s what it smells like, especially at first. It gains some complexity as I wear it though, and the wood, hay, and musk make it a bit less foody.
  2. Delirium1009

    Day of the Skulls

    In bottle/imp: Warm, glowing sandalwood with herbal florals in the background. Immediately on skin: This is very warm with a touch of floral notes. The sandalwood and beeswax come out the most with a hint of cocoa and tobacco and then some light florals in the background. After a couple of minutes of sniffing, I’m getting more woody floral notes. After a little while: Something in this just doesn’t behave on me. The beeswax has come out a lot more and overpowered the sandalwood. There’s some rich florals over it and a touch of spiciness. Overall Impressions: This blend settles into a strong beeswax scent with thick floral overtones and something almost spicy. It’s very thick on me, and doesn’t quite agree with my chemistry. I was hopeful about this scent, but unfortunately it doesn’t smell good on me.
  3. Delirium1009

    Autumn Coolness

    In bottle/imp: Very cool florals with a lick of cassia and hint of bamboo. Immediately on skin: This is an interesting blend. It kind of has a cool/warm thing going on. It’s a mixture of cool florals, spicy cassia, and green bamboo. It’s a little fruity and spicy at the same time, but crisp. After a little while: The florals in this seem to have faded a little, and now mostly what I get is a spicy and green cassia/bamboo combo. It’s interesting; it’s warm, but fresh and crisp. Overall Impressions: Unfortunately the cassia and bamboo combination in this isn’t working for me. It’s green and spicy, but the two notes don’t really blend on my skin… they kind of clash. It’s an interesting blend, but it just doesn’t work with my chemistry.
  4. It really depends on your chemistry about amping certain notes. I usually amp patchouli but like I said before, I can't pick it out in Snake Oil. I'd recommend picking up an imp with your next order just in case. And the older it is, the smoother and richer it gets.
  5. I also detest patchouli, and there are only a couple of blends that contain it that I can wear. With Snake Oil (especially aged) I can't smell it at all. As for what blends hide the deep, dark tone of Snake Oil the best, I'd say Green Tree Viper.
  6. Delirium1009

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    MCXLVI (1146) This smells citrusy but not sharp in the bottle and when I applied it it didn't change much. This blend smells like a combo of grapefruit and white pepper. It's spicy but well balanced with the fresh citrus. It's not overly sweet either. MCLXIII (1163) This one also doesn't morph much once it's on my skin. In the bottle and on me, this is like cooked cherries or grapes wrapped up in boozy brown sugar and or light caramel. It's very warm and sweet and all the notes seem to be blended really well.
  7. Delirium1009

    Hellhound on My Trail

    In bottle/imp: Slightly boozy and fizzy vanilla with herbs and spices. Immediately on skin: Wow… I’m smelling lots and lots of herbs. The scent is very herbal with a dry green medicinal feel and hints of spice from the bay rum. There’s also a dry smoothness from the tobacco. The vanilla lingers in this, kind of swirling throughout, but while it’s creamy and nice, it’s not really meshing well so far with the rest of the notes. After a little while: This smells like watered down vanilla tea mixed with pencil shavings and faint herbs and creamy spices. It’s almost rubbery on me… I’m not sure what that note is at all. It almost smells like dragon’s blood far in the background of the scent. Overall Impressions: I had high hopes for this one, but it doesn’t seem to like me. It’s a little too masculine on me and while I love vanilla blends, the note just doesn’t deliver on my skin here. It has an interesting herbal and slightly spiced thing going on, but it just wasn’t what I was expecting.
  8. I would recommend Love's Philosophy, Sugar Cookie, or Dorian for some wonderful vanilla scents (Sugar Cookie is a bit hard to find, though). Also, Pickled Imp is a wonderful clove vanilla without any of the incense of Snake Oil. I also LOVE Black Opal, but it's not your traditional creamy vanilla. It's vanilla rocks
  9. Delirium1009

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    A pic of Sticky Pillowcase and Fearful Pleasure are up on the gallery It seems like each of the Halloweenies has a pic relating to the name of the blend this year. Someone else posted a pic of some of the other blends on the lush forum and there's a witch's hat for Samhain.
  10. I would recommend Embalming Fluid (citrus green tea) and the Dormouse (fresh slightly fruity tea). I don't do fruity much, but I love refreshing tea scents for summer.
  11. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Something herbal and peppery. Immediately on skin: This is a very low scent… it’s hard to smell it when I sniff it on my skin. There’s definitely amber in this, and I’m also getting something very pepper-like and herbal too. There’s something smoky and subtly sweet about it. It’s a pleasant and fleeting scent. After a few minutes: This has really transformed into a lovely warm, smooth scent. It smells of warm, dry spices and amber, with just a hint of herbs in the background. It’s sweet, but only slightly so, and very comforting. Overall Impressions: It may be winter, but this blend really brings heat to mind. It just smells like warm, bright sunshine on a very dry day. There’s no wet feel to this scent; it smells sandy and dry. It’s an absolutely wonderful sun scent.
  12. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Spicy flowers with a incensy undertone. Immediately on skin: Immediately, this is a warm and slightly creamy herbal scent. There’s something lightly resiny or incensy in the background… but it’s really hard to pick out the notes. It has a slight unisex edge to it. There’s just a hint of spices as well. After a few minutes: There is definitely some frankincense in this, as well as a hint of spices and something softly herbal. As for the feel of this, it’s very warm and seems like a red to gold scent. Overall Impressions: This is a great sun scent: very warm and slightly sweet. The incense and herbal feel is lovely, and there’s the barest hint of spices (maybe cardamom or clove).
  13. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Sweet but herbal. It reminds me a bit of Lush’s Aura Suavis without the Geranium. Immediately on skin: I’m definitely getting frankincense, and an herbal base. It’s a sweet scent, but not overly so. It smells very warm. There’s a slight creamy spiciness too that smells a little like carnations. After a few minutes: There is definitely carnation in this blend… or some of the notes are blending into something closely resembling it. The frankincense is also hanging around, adding a golden sweetness to the blend. There may be some spices, but they’re very subtle and soft on me. There are also some soft herbal notes, but they’re filling out the base of the scent. Overall Impressions: A very warm, creamy, but slightly herbal scent. When I close my eyes, this is a warm light gold scent. It’s floral, resiny, and herbal all at the same time, but the floral is not perfume-like in the least. Lovers of warm carnation blends would probably like this, but it’s not overly sweet. It’s a nice calm evening scent, like the description suggests. It’s soft, warm, and very comforting.
  14. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Sweet, fruity lotus and rose. Immediately on skin: Yeah. Lotus and rose. This actually seems like a nice combo. Lotus by itself tends to go medicinal on me, but here the rose keeps it in check. What results from this mix is bright, fruity lotus with the smooth rounded rose scent to balance it out. After a little while: This gets a little more syrupy sweet as it dries, but that’s the only change I really get. It’s still a bright, sweet, and fruity mix of fresh rose and lotus. Overall Impressions: This is very pretty and well balanced, and the lotus and rose go surprisingly well together. The medicinal quality I sometimes get from lotus isn’t present here, and the smooth, fresh rose is a nice accent. This is a thick scent, but not overpowering.
  15. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Rose and amber with the chilliness of white tea. Immediately on skin: This smells of lots of bold flowers, some light tea, and earthy green notes. This is lush and strong, with the amber permeating the entire blend and giving it a nice warmth. As I sniff this, the sweet gardenia is getting a little stronger. After a little while: This deepens a lot. It turns into this dark amber and floral scent with strong hints of rose and gardenia. The patchouli in this is really nice; it adds a nice rich earthiness that doesn’t smell like dirt at all, which is what patchouli usually turns to on me. Gardenia is usually fruity on my skin, but here the amber and patchouli really tone it down into a floral note that blends well with the other scents. Overall Impressions: This is a very deep, rich scent. The blend is complex, but well balanced and pretty floral. But the amber and patchouli do a great job of giving this a warm richness that is quite pretty. This is definitely floral and rather feminine, but it has an attitude for sure.
  16. Delirium1009


    The God of Sexual Desire, Longing and Yearning; an attendant of Eros and Aphrodite. A passion-rousing blend of juniper, sandalwood, rosewood, red musk, orchid, bergamot and lilac. In bottle/imp: Juniper and dry woods. Immediately on skin: This is a dry blend. Strongest is the juniper, and mixing into that I smell the orchid, strong and sweet. The red musk is a nice base to this… it’s very solid with a nice musky sweetness. The lilac wafts throughout the blend, and with the red musk gives this almost a dragon’s blood type of feel. After a little while: Wow, this is a very sweet scent on me now! The orchid has taken center stage and blending into that is a light amount of sandalwood, bergamot, and lilac. The red musk gives this blend its base and it’s rather sweet, but nicely musky and the two really balance eachother out. I’d describe this now as a mainly orchid blend mixed with light bergamot and lilac with some sandalwood blending in and a base of warm red musk. This is an almost fruity red-purple scent. Overall Impressions: This wasn’t what I expected from this blend. It turns very sweet on me, and the orchid becomes rather strong. I don’t like juniper so I’m glad that faded, but I wish the sandalwood made more of a presence. This blend ended up being very sweet orchid on me with a little bergamot, lilac, and sandalwood and a base of red musk. I just wish it had a bit more dept and complexity to it.
  17. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Dark, resinous cypress with a hint of florals. Immediately on skin: This is light cypress with subtle, sweet florals blending in. The ambergris gives this a slightly salty, powdery edge. After a little while: The drydown of this on me is dry smelling and slightly resinous with a dark but soft floral undertone and a finish of powdery ambergris. This has a sweetness to it, but it’s balanced with the resins and dry, powdery notes. Overall Impressions: This is definitely a unisex blend. It’s a bit dark and dry with resins, light flowers, and salty ambergris. It isn’t overwhelmingly strong or dark… the resins, floral notes, and ambergris are well balanced.
  18. Delirium1009

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    In bottle/imp: Wood and floral notes with a light spiciness. Immediately on skin: This is a bitter mix of blonde wood and lots of different floral notes and a touch of fruitiness. It’s lightly sweet but also dry and sharp. I would definitely classify it as a “high-pitched” scent. The pepper adds a very distinct spiciness. After a little while: The other notes really fade to the background and mostly I now get light wood notes. It’s dry and a little bitter and spiced with soft flowers in the background. Overall Impressions: This isn’t fabulous on me… it has a little complexity to it, but it’s mostly dry wood and light flowers with a hint of pepper. It’s rather sharp at first, then fades to a point that it’s hardly detectable.
  19. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Warm flowers mixed with floral notes with a bit of a sharp edge and lemon. Immediately on skin: This has a smooth floral feel with a sharp bite of white musk and a hint of lemon. The poppy is poking its head in as well. The carnation, lemon, and musk are also very identifiable and overall this is a subtly sweet citrus floral blend. After a few minutes: This has morphed into a cooler carnation scent. The spiciness of the carnation matches nicely with the chilly white musk and a hint of lemon. The other flowers are there too and blend in beautifully. It’s just slightly sweet and is almost perfume-y, but not quite. Overall Impressions: The matching of the carnation, poppy, lemon, and white musk is just beautiful. It’s basically a cool, crisp carnation scent. It’s feminine, but not overly so, and would be a great springtime fragrance.
  20. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Bright and sweet gardenia and light, powdery vanilla. Immediately on skin: The gardenia is the main note in this. It’s fruity and very sweet. Blending in is light tea rose and vanilla, the latter of which is turning a little powdery on my skin. It’s a bright and sweet (and almost fruity) floral with a little depth and a touch of powdery vanilla. After a little while: This is a sweet, creamy floral blend with a hint of vanilla powder. Mainly this blend is gardenia and tea rose, but I can sense the deeper jasmine. The vanilla blends throughout the whole scent, adding a nice blended quality and powdery creaminess. Overall Impressions: This is very pretty and sweet with a very girly feel to it. The gardenia, tea rose, and vanilla combine nicely and really balance out eachother nicely. This is a happy floral blend for sure, and the jasmine adds a bit of depth. The vanilla in this turns a bit powdery on me, but since I have problems with about half of the lab’s vanilla blends, I’m sure this would be lovely on a lot of other people.
  21. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Cool, sweet roses. Immediately on skin: This is very perfume-y. The roses come out the most, but they’re tempered by the sweetness of the sweet pea and stephanotis (though I really can’t pick out those two; they blend with the rose). There’s definitely a resiny, incense quality to this scent… like sweet smoke wafting above a fragrant bouquet of roses. After a few minutes: This is heavily dominated by the rose, but it's a pretty scent. It has a cool but lightly resinous feeling, and the other flowers add a feminine sweetness. There's a nice solid base to this now... something a bit cooler and smooth, but not aquatic. I would say this is a rose dominated cool floral blend with a light bit of resin. Overall Impressions: This is a very nice rose scent. It’s blended with other flowers, but it’s still mostly rose. It’s a cooler, resinous, pretty perfume-y scent, and has just a touch of sweetness. If you enjoy floral rose blends, this one may be right for you.
  22. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Light jasmine and other sweet, bright florals. Immediately on skin: Jasmine is the strongest note in this, mixed with light, fresher floral notes. It smells a little rubbery, but the lab’s jasmine does that on me. After a little while: I can smell a gentle warmth from this under the floral notes that gives this blend a very close feel, which I think is skin musk. It’s very light and blends nicely. Jasmine still dominates this blend, but the buttercup and honeysuckle do a good job of keeping it slightly sweetened and more spring-like, rather than heavy and smoky. Overall Impressions: This is mainly a jasmine blend, but then again most bpal blends with jasmine in them turn out to be jasmine blends on my skin since I amp that note. But the honeysuckle and buttercup add a bit of spring-like sweetness and the skin musk adds a gentle warm quality. This isn’t an overwhelming blend at all, and is quite pretty.
  23. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Very herbal with bitter resins. Immediately on skin: This scent is very herbal, but not green. It smells of crushed blackened herbs and bitter resins with a hint of dry woods. It has an earthy undertone from the patchouli. After a few minutes: The wood notes in this have come to the front of the blend. They’re the first thing I smell now. Deep, dark, dry resins lurk behind and there is a base of dark patchouli. It also seems to have a slight aquatic feel to it now, like ivy or something similar. Overall Impressions: The drydown of this blend smells to me like how the Twisted Oak Tree smells in the bottle: filled with wood and dark, dry notes and a hint of aquatics. If you enjoy the scent of a steamy, dank dark forest, this might be for you.
  24. Delirium1009

    Baron Samedi

    In bottle/imp: Harsh patchouli and green, bitter herbs. Immediately on skin: This is very heavy on the patchouli. It’s the main note, but there’s hint of other things as well. Spiciness, of course… cinnamon? Cardamom? I have no idea. There might be vetiver in this one too… it smells bitter and damp to me under the patchouli and light spice. After a little while: This dries down to a very unisex and almost masculine blend of patchouli, resin (myrrh, I think), and spices. It’s warm and slightly sweet, while still earthy from the patchouli. Overall Impressions: This scent struck me as very odd at first. I couldn’t make out any of the notes for sure and it smelled almost damp and bitter on me. This sorts itself out upon the drydown though and becomes this strong and deep patchouli/resin/spice scent. In my opinion, it doesn’t smell like traditional Bay Rum as I’ve smelled it before, but it is a nice and deep representation of the traditional scent.
  25. Delirium1009


    In bottle/imp: Soft almond, musk, and spices. Immediately on skin: This is a warm, glowing blend. The almond, amber, musk, and myrrh give this a very golden, sweet feel. Above this lingers the spices and a hint of lotus. The combination of those creates an almost airy, wafting and spiced top note to this that lingers over the resinous almond. After a little while: As this settles something almost effervescent and fruity comes out, which I think is the lotus. The base is still the warm, resinous almond, but this other note is slightly sharp and floats over the other notes. It might be spices, but if so they’re very sharp and almost biting. Otherwise, this blend has gotten a little less sweet and a bit more deep and perfume-like (as opposed to foodie). Overall Impressions: This is a warm, almondy, spiced blend. At first it’s mostly musk, almond, and myrrh, but as it dries a sharper and almost fruity note comes out. I don’t much like the dry down phase on my skin, so I may have to try this in a locket. The initial wet phase is absolutely gorgeous though!