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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by n3m3sis42

  1. n3m3sis42


    Let's see... This pretty much smelled the same on me initially as it did in the bottle, chocolatey with a little nuttiness. After about 30-45 minutes, it faded to a softer, more sugary chocolate scent, but it didn't change much. I can still smell a whiff of it on my wrist now, and it's 8 am the next day (I put it on at 6 pm last night). I like it, and would wear it again.
  2. n3m3sis42

    Black Cat

    This is only the second BPAL scent I have ever tried, and I can't say that I know a whole lot about the science or terminology involved with perfumery. In the bottle, this smelled woodsy and spicy. I may have gotten a bit carried away with how much I put on, because it didn't seem to smell very strongly when I first dabbed it on. I don't know how people normally test their imps, but so far I've just applied mine like I would normally put on perfume if I planned to wear it out--a couple small dabs on my wrists, which I then gently rub just below my earlobes to transfer the fragrance there. This is a good plan in theory, but might be unpleasant if I end up trying a fragrance I don't like. Still, how better to be sure if I really like it or not? This fragrance seemed to react kind of violently with my body chemistry at first (which I think might be weird anyway). After 5 or 10 minutes, it suddenly became aggressively herbal and floral, sort of like a really flowery patchouli (and I'm not the biggest fan of patchouli, although I'm okay with it when blended correctly with other things). It actually started to give me a bit of a headache, and I was very tempted to go take a shower, thinking maybe this fragrance just wasn't for me. However, since I really wanted to like it due to its description, I decided to wait it out. I'm not sure what the usualt time is that it takes for a fragrance to really adjust to most people's body chemsitry, but it seems to be about 45 minutes on me. After about 45 minutes, the aggressive patchouli thing backed down almost entirely. It nows smells sort of powdery, with a musky herbal undertone. I think everything smells musky on me, though. I'm a freak. My husband came home from being out and said that I smelled like incense. COming from him, this is actually not a bad thing, although it's not what I smell on myself. This definitely warrants further investigation in order to determine if it also has the stated effects of feeling more playful. I think it's too early in the morning for me to tell something like that at the moment. In any case, I'd wear it again but it's not love at first sniff like Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo was for me.
  3. n3m3sis42

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    This is the first BPAL scent I have ever tried (I tried my second one today, Black Cat--I'm very drawn to the Voodoo blends for whatever reason). In the bottle, and also when I first put it on, I thought this smelled juicy. Almost cloyingly sweet, and maybe if I weren't a fan of "foody" perfumes I would have thought it was too much. However, since I prefer foody and fruity scents above all else, I immediately loved it. My husband also said he liked the initial scent, but when it dried down he was a much bigger fan. On me, it dried down to an almost musky scent, but still retained a candy-like sweetness. There must be something about my body chemistry--almost everything dries down a bit musky on me. Anyway, this one was definitely what it was advertised to be--bottled joy. I just ordered the full-size bottle of it today, and I am favorably impressed with BPAL now and purchased some more imps as well (mostly more Voodoo Blends).