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Everything posted by sihaya09

  1. sihaya09

    The blown-out candle smell...

    Darkness, totally.
  2. sihaya09

    Buck Moon

    Mostly, even after I slathered Buck Moon on, I smelled my own skin, with a breezy, wonderful scent I'd associate with being outdoors on a late summer night. It's not a scent that you smell, per se, but an aroma that surrounds you, if that makes any sense at all. There was a scary little bit where this went to pencil shavings on me, though. I was worried, but then it was again light, sweet musk. I don't know if I'd wear this alone, but perhaps layered with other scents, or perhaps in an oil burner. I do know that I was more sensitive to smells while I wore it-- particularly my own pheremonal smells. I think I need to try this on the boyfriend and see if it makes a difference in that way. I didn't wear it around others, so I wouldn't be able to say if it got me any extra attention. This reminds me more of a TAL than a BPAL perfume oil. I will probably keep a shortie of this, since I'm borderline on how often I'd reach for it, because it is so light. It's not at all what I suspected, and it is unique in its own way. Bravo, Beth.
  3. sihaya09


    I expected to love Perversion, as I love leather and others who have similar tastes to mine have loved it. I admit that it was okay, but not one of my favorites. On me, Perversion was almost all tonka with a little bit of a buttery-boozy note. It bordered on foody on my skin, but lacked any kind of comforting warmth. The leather never made an appearance on my skin, which was a bit of a disappointment. The drydown was all tobacco, and, as much as I like a good smoky, tobacco note, this made me smell like sickeningly-sweet snuff. No thanks.
  4. sihaya09


    As much as I was intrigued by the cucumber in this blend, I passed on ordering a bottle because of the mints. Never before has a mint blend worked on my skin-- I get five minutes of bliss, then nausea until I wash it off. I was apprehensive, and only recently did I swap for an imp of Tulzcha. What a mistake. Tulzcha is absolutely wonderful. The mint is something like spearmint, which is refreshing without being nauseating. The cucumber soothes it out, and it's a lovely blue-green scent that cools the skin. This is perfect for sticky summer days, and if I get the chance to swap for a bottle, I certainly will.
  5. sihaya09

    The Perfect Lavender

    I really liked Nanshe, Villain, and Saint Germain. Wilde is good, too, but a little frou-frou.
  6. sihaya09


    Mmm. The similarities to Dana O'Shee are striking. There's the same honey-creaminess that's so soothing and comforting, but amped up with a dose of cinnamon. This isn't as firey as the description would have you believe-- instead, it's a lovely, foody autumn blend.
  7. sihaya09

    Honey Moon

    I have a mixed reaction to this one. Opening the bottle, I smell an herby, subdued honey that turns into a nice, warm skin scent once it's applied. However, as my skin tends to amp up flowers like no tomorrow, about 20 mins in, it'd still nice, sweet honey when I touch my nose to my wrist, but I have this aura of floaty jasmine about me. That'd be great, except for the fact that jasmine gives me a blinding headache in large doses, and I slathered. I may have to consider swapping this, which is a shame because I absolutely love the honey stage.
  8. sihaya09

    The Lion

    This is one of those timeless scents-- it smells sacred, like oils used to perfume ritual baths in ancient temples. It's sun-warmed amber, deliciously rich. It clings close to my skin, creating an aura of languorous sexiness. This is on my bottle list.
  9. sihaya09

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Chaos Theory LXXVIII Gingery sandalwood. It starts off a little creamy, then settles into a spicy skin scent that sweetens with the drydown, as sandalwood is wont to do on my skin. Not a whole lot of throw, but this will make a nice supplement to my fall scent collection! Previously reviewed by laochodia, olympia301 and shelldoo.
  10. sihaya09


    This is exactly what I think Faulkner meant when he said that Caddy Compson smelled like trees. Add in all of the Eve/Eden imagery, and this is perfect for her. This is green at first, like big, fresh, waxy leaves. It gives way to a clean but lush fig with a slightly vanille drydown. This is perfection-- a great lazy weekend scent, and I will be ordering a bottle.
  11. sihaya09

    Suggestions for scents based on the 4 elements

    Queen of Clubs is allll earth, to my nose. Tempest would be a great Air scent, as well.
  12. I get lots of attention whenever I wear The Star. Dana O'Shee is also a big hit, as well as Sin.
  13. sihaya09


    All day long, I've smelled this wonderful, spicy, warm scent. My nose wanders to my wrist-- that smell is me! Shubby and I were meant to be. It's a divine gingery scent-- everything I wanted Gingerbread Poppet to be and found it lacking. It's not too cakey that it distracts from the purity of the spice. This is going in full rotation for the fall, so I may need to acquire a second bottle. What a hit. I bet it'd layer beautifully with Milk Moon.
  14. sihaya09

    Queen of Clubs

    Oh wow. So earthy and nice in the bottle. I smell rich, fertile earth and juicy pomegranate. On my skin, I get some berryish goodness and lots of currant. I would like to say I got to the ambery stage, but alas, this one faded quite quickly on me. It's a shame, though, as I really do like it. I'll decant some out so others may try it, and keep the rest for ritual purposes. It'll be amazing to get in touch with the Earth element-- I can use it in an oil diffuser.
  15. sihaya09

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Chaos Theory 36: My bottle was a surprise to me: ever-changing and beautiful. When I first put it on, I smelled gorgeously fruity, tart currant with maybe a little pomegranate. As that dried down, I got an ozone tang that settled into a dazzling white musk that was very reminiscent of Ice Queen. However, where Ice Queen was not one of my favorite blends because it's so haughty and regal, my chaos theory was very warm-feeling due to the currant-- it smelled a little like Christmas. A little later, a vanilla sandalwood-y note emerged and sweetened the blend considerably. Overall, this is a blend that I may have not picked for myself based on notes. However, it is undoubtedly beautiful red scent-- this will work so well in the late Autumn / Winter months. It gives me a warm, but sophisticated feeling. It's womanly without being headachy-floral-- I can picture this one worn at a fancy ball or black-tie event. Beth, thank you!
  16. sihaya09

    Milk Moon 2005

    This was very reminiscent of Chaste Moon on me-- creamy milk with a smidge of mint. It's not a scent that I would wear all the time, but it is certainly very comforting. It sweetens considerably on the drydown, and has kept me in a great mood all day. I don't know if I'd wear it enough to merit a bottle, but I could do with another imp or so to keep onhand for vegging out!
  17. sihaya09


    I'd put Jack aside for months. Last night, I was pulling imps for testing so I could have a fall scent order in in time to receive them by September. I placed Jack on my wrist. In the vial, it was all pumpkin. From the reviews, I expected peach notes to emerge on my skin, maybe some boozy notes. But no. PINEAPPLE. At first, I thought I was crazy. Then I sniffed again. Nope. Definitely pineapple swathed in autumn spices, sweet and just a little creamy. Pretty, but not the ultimate pumpkin scent I was expecting. The jury's still out on wether or not I'll buy this one in bottle form. On one hand, the imp I tried is a little old. Maybe a new batch will be more pumpkiny, and I can always swap if I still get pineapple. It's very nice, but not [quite] what I had craved.
  18. sihaya09

    Dead Man's Hand

    This shot to the top of my list on first sniff. Leather and rawhide, sweat and dust. This, to me, is like liquid pheromones. Not only did I score a bottle for myself from Andrabell, but I gave the 2.5ml bottle I got from Eowyn to the bf with specific instructions that he wear in often, and he'd be rewarded with fantastic sex. That is all.
  19. sihaya09


    OMFG. Just... OMFG. This is a butter-drenched funnel cake topped in confectioner's sugar. This is salty air coming in from the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, heralding the annual Little League carnival. This is a big, swirly, sticky lollypop in a three year old's hands, red sugar staining her chin. This is me craving fries with vinegar and Old Bay. A bottle will be ordered, for sure. Also? Belladonnastrap owns my soul.
  20. sihaya09


    BOING. This is big, honking, in-your-face orange, peel and all. There is indeed spice in the background, but overall, this is sharp, sharp citrus. Ballsy as all get out, too. I think I have a "Wake up. Get out of bed. Get moving!" scent now.
  21. sihaya09


    Quietude reminds me a lot of some of the Somnium blends-- it's has the soft herbs and lavender of Baku and the citrussy tang of Nanshe-- except where Nanshe includes lemongrass or something lemony, Quietude is limey. I suppose that makes sense-- all three blends are meant to invoke a state of peace. There is something else though, something that makes the scent deeper and mellower still-- perhaps blue palmarosa? Quietude is a wonderfully relaxing, and would make an excellent sheet spray for the bed. No doubt I'll use it much the way I use my Somnium scents. Very pretty, very calming.
  22. sihaya09


    Luden's cough drops in lemon, that's what Lustration reminds me of. Tea and honey and lemon. It's the lemon note found in June Gloom, but not as sugary, so fans of June Gloom should definitely try this one out! Lustration is the scent I would choose if I were getting over a sickness-- partially for its purifying qualities, and partially because it has those overtones of wellness for me. It's very focusing and clarifying. The lemon begins very sharp, and then quiets a bit as the honey tones take over. To me, this scent is the same golden yellow as the oil itself.
  23. sihaya09


    Baby powder. This scent is not sharp to me at all, but rather a duller and comforting, like the scent that lingers on a baby's blanket. I've not smelled Antique Lace, but to me, this reminds me of what the reviews of that scent evoked for me. If this scent had a color, it would be palest ivory tinged with age. There are faint wisps of smoke that emerge with time, as if I'd entered a room shortly after a fragrant candle had been snuffed out. It is incredibly calming and comforting. If ever I should enter a tumultuous time, I would want this on hand-- it's like a hug from something unseen, something beautiful and antique and just slightly ethereal.
  24. sihaya09


    Ylang ylang. All I smell is ylang ylang. Seduction is a very sweet, feminine floral, and one of the very few florals I've smelled that I actually like, partially because it's not "headachy perfumey" as most florals tend to be on me, nor are the floral notes amplified a millionfold on my skin. If this scent were a color, it would be a cornflower blue-- it's quietly seductive. Seductive in a very period-piece kind of way-- all that is beautiful about passing secret signals and smiling hidden smiles before giving into those feelings. The lingering scent on a love note at twilight-- this would make an excellent scent for perfuming such letters. It begins cool, like a shock of fresh water, and then fading to the sweet wistfulness of dried flowers pressed between cream-colored pages. Very, very pretty.
  25. Out of curiosity, how close are Sudha Segara and Shub Niggurath?