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Posts posted by fairnymph

  1. Dark, gritty, and smoky. HELLO VETIVER! A little chemical, maybe like asphalt? Reminds me a bit of Sky City After, as well as Brimstone. I get maybe some black amber in the distance, but musk, where is the musk? I get NO musk of any sort. Apparently alien musk is nothing like earthly musks.


    Bitter, soooooo bitter, sharper and harsher on my skin, with a sour sort of anise note. It reminds me vividly of something but I can't place it. Some sort of spice, but stale and without its full kick. I also think there is saffron on this, giving me some chemical sharpness, and the vetiver is rooty and gritty...but there is an even rootier, earthier note - why hello, black patchouli. It's just a gang of black nasties. I do get a hint of dark sweetness that could be the black amber I initially suspected, or else black currant - I'm remind of the Ares blend with the black currant and saffron.


    This is morphing a lot even though it's slow to dry. It's going realllllly dusty in the 'bitter black incensey cloud' way that can only be myrrh. Thus, so far, this is turning into my nightmare scent, full of notes I detest. The spice has a peppery tinge...maybe it's mace? I also get some woodiness, that reminds me a lot of the scorched black sandalwood note in Hellion. There is a lot going on in this scent; it's complex and multifaceted like a black gem with rainbow, oil-slick shimmer. Except that this is not a shimmery scent at all, it's matte, dust-covered, smoky, opaque and merciless. And absolutely malevolent.


    This shit doesn't dry, but it amps (the only of the entire Black Helicopter line to amp on me, naturally). This is also reminding me of Fuwa from the Sakura-con line, but with this odd sourness that MUST be due to the black currant. But it almost smells like - a poisonous dark berry. It's not a juicy fruity note, nor is it that urine-y type, but it's more - dusty and black and wild, brambly. As I said, it's like this scent smells different every time I sniff it, constantly changing, tumultuous. But it's been not even a half hour and with my weak stomach these days, I'm going to have to wash this off before it amps further. This is a terrifying scent that I cannot imagine someone wearing as a perfume, unless they were maybe a psychopath or serial killer. It has a deep evil vibe.


    I may have nightmares. :ack:

  2. I never posted in this thread bc I didn't want my love for this blend to create competition. But um...this is my favourite BPAL scent of all time. Now that I have plenty, I can finally review it!


    I wrote a longer review at some point, but I can find it. But to summarize: this is very fizzy, the fizziest of the fizzy blends, tart grapefruit soda. It's as if you took a ripe, juicy and fresh and barely sweet whole grapefruit, pulverized it, and blended it with lots of highly carbonated water and a little bit of sugar syrup.


    It holds on my skin, it's very clean, it doesn't turn to powder or soap. It's not a particularly sweet scent, and it's not even firmly feminine, but it is so fizzy and bright and light and fresh - it's what I want perfume to be, it's what *I* want to be.


    I get no other citrus than grapefruit. No ginger, no creaminess.

    Diaphanous sandalwood, pink rose, lotus root, lemon orpur, and iris stained by mulberry juice.

    I tested this at WCWC, and was totally overblown by its loveliness. It has that sandalwood note my skin seems to adore, that's sweet and feminine, and that Echo has. The rose is soft and lush and very well behaved, not leaping to the fore as usual and the mulberry juice is a gorgeous almost plummy, wildberry juicy fruitiness. I don't get the iris or lotus, amazingly! So this turns into creamy vanilla sandalwood with soft girly, fresh rose and juicy berry - but it's a very seamless scent that is unified as a whole in the bottle and on my skin. :wub2:

  4. I love how the only scent from this line that I actually WANT is a frickin' imp with bottle purchase only. :rolleyes:


    Fresh, clean, metallic, ozone, sparkly and pleasantly citrusy/fruity. It's light in feel but it actually has pretty good throw and longevity, again, better than most of the actual bottles. :heart:


    HRUMPH. I am annoyed! Most awesome conceptual line in a while and the scents all bore me except for the ONE that I CAN't get. :cry2:

  5. Fresh, grassy, bright and outdoorsy greenery and wildflowers hit me first; clean, unisex, evocative with a hint of soap. This aspect reminds me of The Little Bird, quite a bit, and this feels more like greenery than florals despite the notes at first sniff. Searching more, I get a touch of something spicy, the dryness of the sunflower and sage (though I can't pick out the notes themselves), and a very subdued magnolia note that has a green edge - it's like magnolia buds. I get a smashed wooden note - it reminds me of the wood in 51 - and a hint of slightly stale smoke that I suspect is due to vetiver.


    Much more floral instantly on my skin, as is typical of my chemistry, and edging a little more towards soapiness. The bluebell pops out, bright and fresh and a little sweet, the thistle is more distinctly grassy, and the magnolia has opened up a little, adding slightly heady richness and a white creaminess - very reminiscent of the note in Yvaine. I can pick out the sunflower fairly strongly now, and if I strain, the sage (which doesn't smell cedar-y to me) very faintly. The woody note is much the same, light and clean, a bit like freshly sawn wood, but without any dustiness - it really IS that smashed woods note from 51. I no longer get any smokiness at all. And I get something a little citrusy - almost like the green citrus peel - again, I'm reminded of 51, and this has a similar feel but is a much softer, fainter and more unisex scent, less sweet and more soapy, too.


    Oh, I am really like how this is evolving! The lovely magnolia note is amping as is the bluebell, and this becoming more creamy while remaining fresh and palely green in feel, like milky grassiness. The slight kick of the poppy reminds me of the hint of leafy spiciness that I get from the Host of the Air, which generally the greenery as well reminds me of now - much more than the Little Bird as this scent initially resembled. The sunflower has faded, or been subdued by the other floral notes, so this is now only very faintly dry, and the sunflower note seems to blends with the smashed wood note, which grounds this scent and keeps it light at the same time - without the wood, bluebell, and thistle, the magnolia would be too heavy. The thistle note, in addition to adding the grassy greenness, adds a dewy tone that reminds me a lot of heather - or possibly heather is present here, too. And maybe the thistle is a little spicy, too? This scent has turned into something really gorgeous that's only marred by a tinge of Irish Spring-like soap.


    This just goes too soapy for me; it's gradual, perhaps insidious...because it creeps up on me, it almost seems tolerable, but then I think of other scents in this niche - floral/green/fresh - and how much more I like so many others in comparison. I'm somewhat sad, because I don't really have a scent that blends grassy greenery and wildflowers with gentle, creamy magnolia, and I really LOVE the smashed wood note here, whatever it is, it's sort of sweet and musky, maybe a type of white sandalwood? And I like how this is mostly unisex, but leans a little towards the feminine side - that's right my alley. But the soapiness is too much, and furthermore - right after I put this on, I got really ITCHY *everywhere*, all over my body, and I'm pretty sure this is making my rosacea flare - so it's not a scent I really COULD wear, anyway. Faint throw, but decent longevity.


    So far, I am really just extremely underwhelmed by this line; all the scents seem generic and are so faint in throw. Sadness, but honestly, the blend ended up pleasing me more than I expected after seeing the notes, so I'm not disappointed.


  6. Clean, light, fresh and surprisingly soft, without barely any ozone or bright white amber peeking through, let alone sharp neroli. I do get some lovely silvetone metals, but I have to seek them out. It's the sweet white mint that leaps out at me most, though this is not a very leaping sort of scent, with violet just behind, making this feel like a ultraviolet glowstick. There's a bit of dry herbalness that must the best sage but it's not distinct as such.


    Still very minty, definitely white mint, quite sweet. I get the neroli now a little, adding a bit of sharp edge as well as a rotting floral note, or else something else is giving that off. I get more white amber, more of a cologney feel, and more ozone - more tingly and zesty now, though checked a bit by the mint's sweetness.The sage is still light but has amped to be distinct, and the metal remains a rather vague background noise. The violet has a very feminine, classic, Victorian feel and a hint creamy-powderiness. This is SO different from what I expected, much more gentle and feminine, it reminds me of a mintier Violet Ray quite strongly.


    Quite different within minutes; the mint doesn't hold and what was once the strongest note is now in the background, though this scent is even sweeter now - though still not sugary by any means - so something else must be adding this sweetness. I suspect it's the white amber, which is finally amping, and it's round, gleaming and softly sweet. I think the metals are adding sweetness too, I don't know why, the metals just have a sweet tone to them, maybe bc they seem to merge with the white amber. Beyond that, there is something more traditional sweet and creamy here, a very soft vanilla or maybe vanilla musk, that my skin is definitely amping. The neroli has faded a little, it's now a faint nagging sharp-rotten floral, but pretty tolerable. The sage is not longer distinct, and this feels less dry. The ozone, I'm pleased to say, is holding, and the violet has amped furher, turned a tad orris-like, but this is definitely my favourite violet BPAL blend so far.


    The violet is amping and amping, and this has become a very much violet-dominated blend with a strong orris tone, but the pleasant faintly powdery, creamy sort not the rooty type, and though it's clearly in command, it doesn't clash with the rest of the scent, it stands apart but it complements the background, which is now mostly comprised of a sweet, rounded, shiny blend of white amber, silver metal, and faint white mint. It's a pale gleaming scent that reminds me of a brighter, more metallic Silver Phoenix now, though again, it still has much in common with the Violet Ray - the feel is a bit more like SP's drydown, even though the actual scent is more like VR's. The neroli and sage are gone, and the ozone has amped further, strangely since that's usually a note that fades on me. I could be confusing the metal and the ozone, which often aren't dramatically different to my nose.


    After the initial drydown this doesn't really evolve, beyond the violet and the white amber calling a truce for dominance, and the metal amping up to a distinct chrome note, the one from Torture Queeen. It is a pleasant scent that blends beautifully over time, and has a distinct feel and colour of rounded, gleaming, pale metallic lavender. The mint doesn't fade away completely and it adds coolness and sweetness despite being totally indisinct. The neroli and sage however are just GONE totally after maybe half and hour. The throw of this scent fluctuates oddly on my skin, but is never strong; overall, it has a very low throw, but the longevity after it settles down is good.


    I like this scent, but it's rather generic, and at this point I just have so many other scents that I prefer and give me a similar feel and/or have similar notes. So I'm just not wowed enough nor do I find this unique enough to wear. Meh.

  7. According to my searches, shittim wood is acacia wood which is highly tannic and can be psychedelic. Soft rosy incense is my first impression; faint dried rose petals with a light sourness - not I AM ROSE sort of note, with dusty, bitter, musty incense that must contain a ton of myrrh. I am reminded of a much softer Rose Cross, and I think I get some frankincense in here, too - though that could be the pipe tobacco. Certainly, there is a smoky sweetness here, a little stale, but much softer than I feared. There's a lot of dark, bitter wood that reminds me of black oak notes, but is thinner and higher pitched.


    Both the incense and roses amp right away on my skin, and they were already dominating in the bottle. I'm now positive about the frankincense and the myrrh is further confirmed - nothing else produces this sort of dark dustiness on my skin. The roses are still sour, and a little fresher, less like the dried petals or stale rose absolute I got initially. With the amped rose, I'm reminded a bit of the Empress - same rose note, but fresher here as it's a newer oil. I'm actually glad for the sweetness of what I think is mostly coming from the pipe tobacco - it reminds me a little of Hearth, but minus the fruitiness - it's a smoky note but with a bit of the gourmand quality of tobacco absolute, and that aspect blooms on my skin. The wood note has changed a lot, it has taken on an almost citrusy tone; it's very polished and bright despite feeling dark, and not heavy at all. It reminds me a bit of black tea, a well brewed type that is smooth and clean. I'm a bit conflicted, bc while I'm loving the wood, and liking the tobacco, the incense and rose are still dominating and both are horrid. So it's like Rose Cross got a little bit of those nice notes thrown in, but it's not enough, and this scent is not anywhere near blended.


    The roses have amped further, to the point that I take back my earlier statement of it being light or faint - it's pretty strong now, absolutely the rose from the Empress, though it's more subdued than many rose notes are on me - again, it smells old, stale, like it is weak due to age. The incense seems to have thickened into a tangible black cloud that sticks to the back of my throat, smothering. Other than the sour rose on top battling for dominance with the incense, this scent is starting to coalesce more. If I could draw a linear chart of how the notes group on my skin, you'd see rose on the left, all alone, then a big gap to where the incense is overlapping with the pipe tobacco (which is obscured somewhat now, and adds mostly sweetness that is cloying on top of the amped frankincense) - and then just to the right of that middle group, distinct but not far away, is the citrusy/black-tea, polished shittim wood. Both the rose and wood pop out, they both have an acidic tone, though the former is an almost chemical sourness, and the latter is bright and pleasant. As I rather expected, this is a distinctly masculine blend; there are no women in this elite cult.


    The roses seem to go a little soapy and dusty-powdery, the blend comes together a bit more, making my chart smaller and less gappy, but otherwise this really doesn't morph much beyond final drydown. Sour, almost pickled, mouth-puckering rose rules but only by a small margin; heavy, dense smoky-sweet myrrh, frankincense and tobacco (in that order, with possibly other incenses or resins) cling together like a single ominous, dense presence just below the rose. I'm surprise the shittim wood can stand up to the aforementioned, but it holds its own well from the moment it hit my skin, and is the loveliest note in this blend, IMO - a bright, clean, citrusy-tea like note that feels like dark, polished wealth but without the weight. It's a little like mahogany and a little like cypress, but unique and fascinating. Moderate throw and good longevity.


    This is not a scent I would ever wear for a variety of reasons, and the early stages were close to intolerable. As I've said, imagine Rose Cross with extra myrrh, pipe tobacco, cypress and mahogany and you have this blend; so it's basically a more complex and woody version of RC. Blech. :(


  8. The black cherry note definitely leaps out of the bottle, but I can tell that it is the type that will settle down nicely shortly - on my skin, at least. I could smell the richness of the creamy, very creamy vanilla and super sexy, roll-around lustful musk, and depth of the liqueur (though surprisingly NOT boozy), and this one is a scent that despite its somewhat dark tinge vibewise, may be something I end up liking. Skin testing greatly anticipated!

  9. Daaaaaaaaaaaark. Really, really dark, resiny, incensey, smoky, rich, heady and intense - everything I don't want in a scent. This one scared me in the bottle. I couldn't get much plum or musk, notes I DO like, it was all resins, incense, and OPIUM most of all. I am sure this will be popular, but I didn't like it at all myself.

  10. I only smelled this on a friend's skin on later drydown, but I was shocked by how not-too-sweet this was. I like all the notes in theory, but white peach typically goes to awful cloying sweetness on me, so we shall see. The wild strawberry note remind me of Strawberry Moon 2009, which is the strawberry note I CAN wear, so this all depends on the white peach behaving. A lovely, softly musky feminine, not too sweet but definitely pink, frilly, and girly scent.

  11. I only sniffed this, but it reminded me A LOT of Amp energy drink - lemon-lime, at little artificial, very fizzy, even that WAY TOO MANY SUPPLEMENTS aftertaste - it was all there in the bottle, but also light and fresh, too. I am hopeful for this one considering my love of all things fizzy and citrus. Btw, I found this more like Mountain Dew - at least in the bottle - than Sprite.

  12. I haven't skin tested this yet, but based on sniffing the bottle I was VERY pleasantly surprised. I hate Wisteria above all other things except CILANTRO, and I could barely get any of that note. It was shockingly light, fresh, and floral - much more delicate than I anticipated, without a lot of headiness or darkness or too much richness as I fear the frankincense, lilac, amber would provide. Nor did I get soap or powder. I'm on edge for my bottles to arrive so I can skin test this one!

  13. Based on reviews elsewhere (WC threads, I believe), I was expecting something light, bright and full of bulb florals (daffodil and such) - and I was so very much looking forward to it! But when I tested this at WCWC....DIRT SN. :cry2: I am not a fan of smelling like soil or dirt. I hope and pray that it was contaminated and when I get the decant I swapped for recently I'll compare.

  14. Terrifying, in a word. Like being clobbered with vetiver (the dark, gritty, sooty sort) and maybe some woods and spices and a WHOLE LOT of 'musk' that to me smells like the stench of an unappealing man. this one was an instant-wipe off, bc it literally made me feel nauseated within seconds.

    A tribute to club life, a modern day hymn to Dionysus: shiraz, clove cigarettes, tobacco, spilled absinthe, latex, vinyl, and artificial fog.

    Wine, wine, wine - but not grapey, not at all - true Shiraz, Australian-style to a T - with a whole bunch of intensely clove-y, cigarette-tobacco and some rubber. Yes, rubber. It truly smells like what I imagine a Goth club would, but an upscale one with a bound wine list and clientele wearing $800 outfits. Also, I LOVE the greek lettering on the label! A wonderful Dionysian throwback.

  16. This was my absolute FAVOURITE of all the Bat's Day scents, to my total surprise. I was expecting the De Sade/Spanked style leather, and instead it was my beloved old, worn, sueded Dead Man's Hand/The Traveller style! It's primarily that leather note, which I amp, with a bit of salty, salty rusty metal and an understated sexy musk beneath it all tying the blend together. I suspect the saltiness may be the 'machine oil' and will review more thoroughly later.



  17. Surprisingly light, soft and yet fresh and bright from the slightly grass herbs which jump out most strongly to me (also, something a little minty - hyssop or basil?) - but that's quickly followed by a tremendous amount of heavy, dark, smoky, woody and slightly sweet resins and incense - myrrh, frankincense, and black patchouli. Plenty of dust, and loads of spice, too; definitely some black pepper (probably one of the main contributors to the dustiness), and I think some clove, the dark sharp kind that I amp, and something more unusual like nutmeg and/or cumin. Definitely dark and 'malevolent' in feel!


    Sweeter, spicier with more bitterness from the myrrh and also some herbal bitterness. Much more powdery and dusty - definite black pepper but I think some orris, too, the very rooty sort - it adds a bit of sweetness, as does the cinnamon note that has appeared. I am more sure about the cumin now, which adds an odd savoury tone to the blend, and I'm pretty sure there is some bay here as one of the herbs, contributing to the sharpness, it's slightly sharp. I get some mentholic-medicinal red musk, and the frankincense has become sweeter. The myrrh really gives this a musty feel, appropriate for an ancient feel. The clove is amping on me as I predicted and adding an almost plastic or chemical sort of unpleasant sharpness.


    Sweeter and spicier! This one really amps in my skin and has a lot of throw and a feel of intense power. I'm sure about the basil and bay, and the cumin especially as it has amped. Something in this has also turned a bit sour-sharp, like certain black currants do - but I think it's the cumin here, bc this blend so far most reminds me of Mr. Hyde (or Dr. Jekyll? whichever is the one with the loads of cumin). Except that this is sweeter and red-muskier and far, far sweeter. The cinnamon and clove have amped further, and the resins remain strong but can't quite stand up to the spices (other than the frankincense which is potent presence here). The black pepper, oh yeah, that has amped too. This is in every way not my type of scent and filled with dealbreaker notes. Worst of all - there's a strange soapy edge whose source I can't identify. Eek!


    This becomes dustier, drier, spicier and woodier - with loads of accompany woods to provide much of the dryness and loads of warmth in addition to that from the spices. It reminds me of churches - wooden pews and incense hanging in the air and swirling dust. The cinnamon may be cassia, considering its warmth and the fact that it DOESN'T turn into Red Hots and amp crazily as cinnamon nearly always does - or if it is cinnamon it's sparingly used here. The cinnamon/cassia, black pepper (THAT just amps and amps and really is VERY dusty), myrrh, frankincense (sweeter and woodier over time) and a late emergence of strong rosewood with maybe a dab of cedar dominate in final drydown. The clove has faded and softened into a sweeter note without much medicinal sharpness, the cumin has nearly all faded away. The patchouli remains a light earthy grounding note, and I can still pick out the slightly bitter, drily herbal bay leaf but it's faded substantially. The orris - powdery white and sweet with an almost creamy aspect, as well as the glowing-golden (as in L'Estate) but also faintly sour amber and the other notes that have also amped in terms of sweetness makes this a very unisex. Good throw and FANTASTIC longevity.


    This is never a scent I would wear given it's not my style at all - in fact is is the antithesis of my tastes! - but I'm impressed by how it morphs over time into something not that bad when earlier I thought I'd have to wash it off. It's complex and evocative and I found it very fascinating to test.

  18. A bit like roast chicken and bit like tonka - odd and unpleasant on me, a convoluted and sickeningly rich blend of savoury and sweet greasiness. :eek:


    I am not a fan...but eventually I will work up the courage to skin test and provide a more in-depth review.

  19. Richly sweet and foody, both sugary in a crystallized sugar syrup past sort of way, and buttery due to a definite strong tonka presence. I'm not sure that I would peg biscuits blind, but I feel like I can detect a hint of baking powder tang, and I definitely get some cake. The Earl Grey is smooth and delicious, perfectly brewed, but with not enough bergamot for my tastes - but then the lab's bergamot note is rarely strong and frequently absent to my nose. Sadly, I get only an extremely faint hint of fresh juicy cucumber. Both the tea and cucumber, the notes I love the most, are just strongly overwhelmed by the foody notes.


    Much fainter on my skin - jeez, so far all of this line is really faint. The good news is that much of sweet and buttery cakey/foody notes dissipate instantly, while the cucumber and tea amp strongly (or as strongly as they can considering the weakness of this blend). It is a dramatic and very sudden, abrupt switch from the scent I got in the bottle, but I'm very pleased. Unfortunately, the butteriness seems to hold better than the sugary note, which I actually kind of liked, and I really dislike butteriness, so now I'm reminded of a very faint and much less buttery Bread-and-Butterfly - white lightly buttered bread. Maybe it's just the cucucumber SANDWICH aspect coming out. The tea is sharper, more tannic and brighter and actually has a bit more bergamot, shockingly! I *think* I a very faint hint of green musk, and I get a definite honedew melon note, so overall, this scent has become a bit neon and definitely green in feel, in a cool luminous way.


    This dries virtually instantly, within a few seconds, even slathered. Nonetheless it definitely morphs after a few minutes of sitting on my skin; the buttery and foody notes fade almost to oblivion, while the cucumber note holds - and I'll note that it has a dark green tone, it's a little more bitter and vegetal, more peel than flesh, not the juicy note of Squirting Cucumber. The green musk has amped enough for me to positive of its existence and seems to be overlapping with the citrusy-bright earl grey tea, so that in combination with the even more amped melon note, I'm reminded strongly of 51. I even get 51's vaguely 'white floral' traditional perfumey feel, totally unexpected, but quite pleasant. I'm very pleased that the notes I disliked have died down while those I love have amped, but this remains a very faint scent that I would have to slather heavily, and I really have to get close to be able to smell this scent - it's very demure. But then, I adore 51...


    The late drydown is very much like 51's, basically, slightly sharp, green musk and a slightly bitter hint of dark green cucumber rind. More vaguely I get traces of the now sticky-sweet but faintly juice honeydew melon, and the baked goods have gone to that odd almost dusty, musty powderiness that many such BPAL foody blends dry down to on me. The lovely earl grey tea is completely gone after a couple of hours or less. Overall, it's much, much better on my skin than the bottle smell would indicate, but it's a weak scent that requires a lot of slathering and still has almost no throw and fades quickly. Nice, but it doesn't make the cut for me.




    Another mediocre scent, so far I'm 0/4, and this one most appealed. I'm devastated that this line just isn't working for me.

  20. White flowers? What white flowers? This is ALL INCENSE ALL THE TIME, resulting in major sadness and EPIC FAIL for me personally. This was very smoky and dark and dusty, I got a $#*&ton of myrrh especially. :ack: Another great disappointment as most of the notes sounded so lovely, but all I got in the bottle - I haven't yet worked up the courage to skin test - was dark, smoky, gritty VETIVER a la Brimstone and Djinn, with a bunch of myrrh as stated and I'm positive other incensey, dark stuff, too. I don't get even the faintest hint of the other listed notes. :cry2:


    I shall update this review as I properly test all the new releases over the next 7-10 days, just an FYI.

    Plutonian's one true love, newswoman Alana Patel broke his heart--and, in doing so, helped set in motion the series of events that forever turned the hero into a villain.

    Faded perfume, cigarette smoke, and gin.

    Only sniffed, but I got generic cologne and stale cigarettes, just unimpressive overall in the bottle. The gin is gin, surprisingly LIGHT instead of the typical JUNIPER IN YOUR FACE that gin so often is. This could be a real morpher on my skin, though, and I look forward to testing it further bc the notes are in theory pretty perfect.


    I shall update this review as I properly test all the new releases over the next 7-10 days, just an FYI.

  22. Surprisingly pretty great, but not quite my thing - booze and fruit, but with a dark feel - not like the Tikis. Well-balanced, definitely boozy but not like a drunken bum - sophisticated cocktail feel, rather. The lemon isn't too strong, not at all Pledge, but true lemon, bright and tart, and it's the perfect counterpart to the syrupy-sweetness of the very realist pineapple (HOW does Beth do that?!). The sherry is what makes this a little too dark and heavy for me, but the rye is a really interesting note, like a smooth, rounded whiskey without the alcoholic harshness. Utterly unique and fascinating scent!




    I shall update this review as I properly test all the new releases over the next 7-10 days, just an FYI.
