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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Skirt

  1. Marry me, bottle. Truly.


    Okay, I'd bought a third of a bottle off of a forum member because I wasn't sure if it'd like me. I put some on and I die for it. Truly, okay.. My favorite smell in the WHOLE world is my Dark Candles candle in "Haunted House," it is bliss to me, I want to smell like it all the time, I love it. This is, on me, the BPAL equivalent with a hint of cherry. I don't know why, but it smells exactly like it and I LOVE that.


    MUST stock up on this, because really, it's heaven in a bottle. It's what I've wanted in a long, long while - and the throw is incredible.

  2. (This review is for Midway: Resurrected.)


    This was the last oil I tested out the day I got my box in the mail, because it was the one I was counting on to sweep off my feet and I wanted to save the best for last.


    I dipped the toothpick in, slathered on my arm, and before I could put the toothpick down or the cap back on the bottle, I wanted to drop everything and chew my arm off. I get funnel cake and caramel apple at first whiff. When it settles down, I get the cotton candy and salty taffy notes. It's delicious, it's warm, it's my favorite BPAL yet. It's the first one I've felt so crazy about that I wanted to dance around the room. It's also the first one I've wanted to hoard, and of course it's a LE..

  3. Uber-yummy, hello!


    At first, this smelled TOO floral on me - I was a bit disappointed because I've loved every other scent I've tried from Mad Tea Party. I moved on to testing other fragrances and then it was back to sniffing this one.. and wow. Wow wow wow. I've never had a fragrance transform so wonderfully on me before.


    It's perfect. It's sweet and relaxing and magical. Everything magpiedee says is dead on. LOVE THIS ONE!

  4. In vial: Definitely ylang ylang, very strong. Kinda unnerving.


    Wet: VERY rose - nearly pure rose, just a touch of myrrh.


    Dry-down: Rose and then ylang ylang in the same sniff, then back to rose again. Very complex.

  5. In the vial: Very berry scented, but without being too much like a bag of Lifesavers. Very fresh, like rolling in a meadow.


    Wet: Definitely very grassy, with hardly any berry.


    Dry-down: Perfect mix of grass and berries and floral. It reminds me of when I was younger, playing in a field across from my great-aunt's house with a friend - the perfect adult scent to put to a great childhood memory. Really do love this.

  6. In the bottle, this smells like fresh cut grass. When first applied, it's a soft aquatic - like Lightning, but less crisp. Once it's dried, it smells like Lightning's darker cousin. It reminds me of the air right after Hurricane Rita came through this area a few years ago - remnants of distress with a little touch of "things are looking up."

  7. Wet, this is very chocolatey - a lot like Bliss. Once it's dry, it's still very chocolatey, but with a perfect dose of clove. After about 5 minutes, it's still chocolate and clove, with a very very soft bit of peach. About an hour later, it smells like clove and peach - delicious the whole way through.
