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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by erina74

  1. Well, this doesn't work so well on my skin. I think I might have just found out that caramel smells burned on me.


    However, on a piece of tissue, this smells like divine rich dark chocolate cake with buttery sweet vanilla frosting, and good caramel drizzled over the top. It takes the pomegranate a little while to sneak its head out, but then it smells like you cut into the cake and there is warm gooey, pomegranate filling in there.


    Wow I wish this worked on my skin. I'm going to use this in an oil burner, or mabey I'll ask for a scent locket for Christmas :P

  2. This smells like incensy spice, with a little amber and musk.


    When I first put this on, I wondered if the lab had accidentally put a scherezade label on an imp of snake oil. They smell very similar, I think they have the same spice blend. After a minute I decided it has less vanilla then snake oil, and it has some amber smell to it. The musk is lighter then I expected. I like this though. Even though its almost exactly like snake oil, I feel like I could study with this on. Snake oil makes me feel sexy, but distracts me from studying. This is like snake oil's smarter, slightly more serious, but still gorgeous sister.

  3. This smells GOLDEN. Its amber hitting you over the head, with mabey a touch of saffron or other yellow spice to it. It is nice, but I think I prefer amber mixed in with other things more so that its not completely dominating like in morocco or bastet. It certainly lives up to its name though.

  4. Wow, this is completely gorgeous!


    It's very red smelling. I think I smell rose and cherry (possibly a little cinnamin?) and I'm not quite sure what else. It's wet smelling even once its dry. It does seem to pulse with energy in a good way. This definitely is evocative of strong pulsing blood, full of life and strength.


    I love this!

  5. wet- something that could become your new favorite coffee drink at Starbucks. Something like a caramel macchiato (sp?) with a creamy butterscotch after tone to it.


    dry- still yummy coffee drink but much more subdued, I think its a cafe mocha now. Also smelling the oakwood now, but its rich buttery oakwood. This is staying up in the library all night totally engrossed in something completely fascinating. Definitely not like most of my miserable sleep deprived times desperately cramming a bunch of details I don't care about to do well on my test the next day. This is the library you actually want to be in all night.


    Like it very much, but then again I am a coffee addict and adore all pretty flavored coffee based drinks. Also love getting lost in really good books.

  6. Wet- I smell vanilla with mabey just a hint of cocoa.


    Dry- Ok, I think the sandalwood is coming out. The scents are mixing in a way that makes me think of the poshest dessert ever. Its creamy and vanilla and chocolate but in a very almost elegant way. It smells like something you'd pay through the nose for at an expensive French restaurant and then have a mini orgasm in your mouth every time you took a bite. Or it might be the creamiest best tasting hot chocolate you've ever had. Geez, its making me crave something creamy and chocolate. This could be bad. Its also pretty relaxing though and might be fun to wear just around the house.


    Later- vanilla with the barest hint of sandalwood left


    Definitely like it!

  7. Wet- This smells like pure lavender essential oil.


    Dry- OMG this is gorgeous, and really relaxing. This smells almost aquatic to me. I put this on to go to sleep last night and the lavender was still there and there was some green scent. But laying down I got the sense I was sinking into deep blue green gorgeous smelling water. And then I was asleep. I really liked this. I think I felt a little more well rested then I usually do on my current 5-6 hours of sleep I'm getting lately( I have to be at the hospital for work at 5:30 am now :P). As usual I still wasn't very happy when my alarm went off though.


    I REALLY liked this. I use lavender sometimes and it works quasi well for me too, but this is just so much more pleasant. I've been having more a lot more trouble falling asleep lately then usual too so this could be a way to avoid needing to get sleeping medication. I'm probably going to go through the imp of this to make sure I don't get "immune" to its affects after a week or two, but if it keeps working for me I'll have to get a big bottle.

  8. Wet- This was straight jasmine going on, but a nice airy jasmine. Not cloying at all.


    Drydown- OK some of the other notes are coming out but I can't distinctly make them out. Its definitely more complex now. This is what standing outside in a courtyard filled with jasmine tree in the middle of summer wearing a airy silky dress smells like. It's a little softer then what I was expecting from the description.


    Later- white musk. I just smell white musk now.


    I like this but not for every day wear. Its definitely a summer night scent.
