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Posts posted by Penance

  1. Origin:


    I was gifted with an imp of this by Fallow Deer. :D


    Preconceived notions:


    I don't normally do florals, but I can't pass up the chance to try a new scent as long as I'm not allergic to anything in it, so I'll give Eos a whirl. :D


    First sniff:


    As far as florals go, honeysuckle is one of my favorites (and one of the few I can not only tolerate, but actually like) and that's what I'm getting from Eos straight out of the imp: honeysuckle and not much else. I get a tiny bit of jasmine in the background and I'm not sure what buttercup smells like, but the main note here is definitely honeysuckle.


    Wet on skin:


    Damn, there goes the honeysuckle the second it hits my skin. Now I'm getting what I suppose must be the buttercup...it's a light, almost creamy floral and, unfortunately, creamy scents are generally a no-no for me because they make me queasy.


    Dry down:


    Creamy florals and jasmine. Something about creamy scents (with a few exceptions) makes them not set well with me and Eos is no exception to that rule, unfortunately. I like it alright in the imp, but it's just not working on me. :D


    The bottom line:


    This one's going to have to find a new home. Eos just doesn't like me. :P

  2. Origin:


    I got an imp of this from Roguefeenix. :P


    First sniff:


    Mmm, sweet spicy dragon's blood. I love the smell of dragon's blood and I'm not surprised that BPAL's take on it doesn't disappoint. This is just right; not too overpowering, not too sweet and not too powdery like some dragon's blood oils I've tried have been.


    Wet on skin:


    This blends in beautifully with my skin's natural scent. It's subtle but very present at the same time if that makes sense. It's spicy and resinous and slightly sweet without veering into cherry territory. I'm very impressed by this, as a matter of fact. :D


    Dry down:


    I'm assuming this really is a single note like I thought it was because all I get is dragon's blood and the perfect dragon's blood at that. It's very quietly powerful smelling...the kind of powerful that comes from cunning and strategy, not from sheer brute strength. It's subtle, but it still somehow commands attention. Very well done!


    The bottom line:


    Probably the best dragon's blood oil I've had the pleasure of trying. It's not overpowering or heavy and it has just the right balance of sweet resin and spice. :D

  3. Origin:


    I was gifted with an imp of this by oceandessa. :P


    Preconceived notions:


    I vaguely remember someone saying this smelled like melon, so I guess that's what I'm expecting. I'm curious what this is supposed to do, though, if anything. :D


    First sniff:


    Wow, that does smell like melon. Honeydew to be exact, although it could have a bit of cantaloupe in there, too. This smells very sweet and summery and reminds me of the honeydew flavored snowcones my brother and I used to eat when we were little. I don't normally do fruity or sweet scents, but this is surprisingly nice!


    Wet on skin:


    Melon is still the dominant note but there's something else here, too, that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe some sort of resin? I honestly can't tell apart from saying that Yemaya isn't strictly melon.


    Dry down:


    The melon is fading now and being replaced by...that other scent. Even now I can't place it and can't even really describe it. It's maybe a little herbal and sort of resiny and just...there. I have no clue how to describe it because it doesn't really smell familiar. At all. I actually really like it, though, whatever it is.


    The bottom line:


    I don't know what this is supposed to do, but it certainly smells nice. I'm not sure it's me, but I like it all the same. :D

  4. Origin:


    I got an imp of this from allamanda a long, long time ago (at least it seems that way). :P


    First sniff:


    Almost sweet, soapy florals are all I'm getting and it's making my nose burn, but I don't really care as long as it works. :D


    Wet on skin:


    This smells so familiar to me. I swear I know this scent. It's almost like...that's it: laundry detergent! The powdered kind, like Tide, not the liquid kind. :D


    Luckily I actually really like the smell of powdered laundry deteregent, so that's not a bad thing at all. Seriously, though, it's like Tide or something similar. That's actually a rather pleasant surprise. As for whether it works, I do feel more confident wearing this. I have a job interview (kind of - it's more like they'll hire me or they won't without a formal interview) and I need all the confidence I can get. I'm also wearing Has No Hanna, though, so if I get the job I won't be able to say for sure that High John was responsible for it.


    Dry down:


    Still smells like laundry detergent, but much fainter. It may be making my head hurt, but I can't tell because I already had a headache when I put this on - it's either aggravating my headache and making it worse or my headache is just getting worse on its own. I can't tell.


    The bottom line:


    So, does it work? The answer is yes, apparently. I got the job in spite of their not really needing anyone new and I don't think I've ever felt so confident about something so nerve-wracking before. :D

  5. Origin:


    The Oblation Caravan. :D


    Preconceived notions:


    This was the main reason I wanted to be a part of the Caravan. I love donkeys and Corazon sounds absolutely gorgeous, but amber is finicky on my skin and (more often than not) turns into sour milk on me, so I'm really happy to get a chance to try this without having to buy a bottle unsniffed. :D


    First sniff:


    Mmm, this smells so good. I smell the musk, lavender and sage right off the bat with just a hint of mango in the background. It's perfectly balanced between herbal, musky and fruity. :P


    Wet on skin:


    Corazon is one of those scents that I literally can't smell on myself initially, which usually happens with musk blends. I can barely pick up a tiny, tiny hint of mango and sage and maybe lavender if I really strain my nose, but for all intents and purposes, Corazon is damn near impossible to smell when it's wet on my skin. Now that's my skin chemistry, mind you. It happens fairly often and then goes away just as suddenly.


    Dry down:


    There, Corazon has made a reappearance. Amber is definitely one of the more prominent notes in this, but so far it's behaving itself (I'm wondering if my skin is finally over its amber rebellion since it's been good about several amber blends lately), but the musk and sage are fairly prominent, too.


    The bottom line:


    I really like this a lot and I'm glad I got to try this because otherwise I never would have bought a bottle and now I'm seriously considering it. :D

  6. Preconceived notions:


    I remember sniffing this when I first got it and thinking it smelled unpleasantly like bubblegum, but the Voodoo Blends aren't really about smelling good, so as long as Aunt Caroline does her job, she's okay by me. :D


    First sniff:


    Yep, that's bubblegum alright. There's something else here, too...florals, maybe? I can't tell, to be honest, but it's not all bubblegum. I really don't like the way this smells at all, but like I said before, that's not what matters. :D


    Wet on skin:


    Aunt Caroline's isn't so sickeningly sweet now, at least. Now it's less like Bazooka Joe and more like Carefree, if that makes sense to anyone. Anyway, it's actually settling down fairly nicely to be honest, and even the fact that my brand new imp from the Lab is only half full isn't putting a damper on my good mood (Aunt Caroline is working, apparently). I do feel happier wearing this, although I'm not sure if it's the oil or just the placebo effect of expecting to feel happier. Either way, I'm happy and that's what matters. :P


    Dry down:


    No more bubblegum! Now Aunt Caroline's smells like nothing really...I mean it's not gone (it's definitely there), but it smells like my skin now. It's strange but really rather nice because it blends in so seamlessly. I get maybe a tiny hint of something cotton candyish, but mainly it's just a slightly sweeter version of the natural smell of my skin. And is it working? Something must be because I feel wonderful. :D


    The bottom line:


    I could do without the wet stage, but Aunt Caroline's is a keeper! I'm going to have to get another imp of this since mine is half gone already.

  7. Preconceived notions:


    I've actually swapped away about 5 imps of this without ever really trying it because I remember disliking it for some reason the first time I sniffed it, but I'm trying to make a point of trying everything I get (unless it has almonds in it) just in case it's something that I end up liking unexpectedly. :P


    First sniff:


    Interesting...juniper definitely jumps out at me when I open the imp. It's very sharp and almost burns my nose, but there's dragon's blood and wine, too, and they soften the burn somewhat. I like juniper, but for some reason it's not setting well with me in this blend. :D


    Wet on skin:


    More dragon's blood than juniper now and the wood notes and leather (?) are starting to make an appearance, too. For some reason, I'm not wowed by this the way I wanted to be. In spite of the fact that practically everything in here is right up my alley, it's just falling short of my expectations somehow.


    Dry down:


    Tintagel has settled down into a sort of generic dragon's blood and slight leather scent that's just not doing it for me for some reason. I love leather and dragon's blood and I should love them together, but Tintagel just feels wrong somehow. I'm sure I'm just associating it with something unpleasant that I can't remember, but it's still disappointing.


    The bottom line:


    I should love this scent, but I just can't. I guess it's just not for me. :D

  8. Preconceived notions:


    Unseelie will most likely be a love it or hate it scent for me, I think. The herbs and grasses are right up my alley, but florals aren't normally my thing. I'm curious to see if this will work, but I've got a feeling that it won't, which is fine, actually, since I can't get it anymore. :P


    First sniff:


    Unseelie reminds me vaguely of chewing blades of the long grass that surrounded the summer camp I went to when I was little. It's slightly bitter and astringent green tinged with parched yellow. I think I was expecting something softer and more mellow, but Unseelie is downright sharp.


    Wet on skin:


    It's toning down a little now, becoming more dusty and less astringent, but it's still sharper than I imagined it would be. I think I was expecting a soft summer day and got witch hazel or something very similar in feel and in scent. This is actually pretty weird, since it's so far off from what I'd imagined.


    Dry down:


    Unseelie is drier and very powdery now, but it's still too sharp for me, I think. Something about it just isn't setting well with me, but I can't put my finger on it except to say it makes me want to shy away from it.


    The bottom line:


    I'm glad I got to try this, but it just isn't me. That's a good thing, though, because I hate to end up loving something and never be able to get it again.

  9. First sniff:


    This smells somewhat similar to Sugar Cookie (and I do mean somewhat) for me...very cinnamon sugar sweet. I definitely get cinnamon and a honeysuckle note that's very heavy on the honey sweetness, but there's also a light touch of myrrh in the background. I can tell now that this is going to be too sweet for me because smelling it on an empty stomach is making me queasy, the same way sweet foods do when I'm really hungry, but I'll try it anyway just in case it pulls a quick change on me. :P


    Wet on skin:


    Something in this is just wrong on my skin and, as much as I hate to say it, I'm 99.9% sure it's the honeysuckle. For some reason, on me it smells like plastic and it's making me nauseous. I don't normally have a problem with honeysuckle, but there's a first time for everything. :D


    Dry down:


    The cinnamon has really intensified, which is nice, but not enough to save Chimera for me. I can still smell the plastic note in the background and, combined with the sweetness of this blend, it's really turning my stomach. It's most likely my skin chemsitry that's to blame, which is a shame because I wanted to like this.


    The bottom line:


    Something in Chimera hates me and it's made itself known in the form of a pounding headache and an upset stomach, so this is going to have to find a new home. :D

  10. Origin:


    Lagniappe from the Lab. :D


    Preconceived notions:


    The boy's not here to test this on right now, but I'm playing review catchup, so I'm going to have to review it for scent alone.


    First sniff:


    Mmm, this smells good, like cedar and incense. It's that vaguely rotting cedar note, not the crisp dry cedar note of Lear or Kathmandu. I can't place the resin note I'm smelling apart from saying it's some sort of resin and that it's not amber or dragon's blood. I can't shake the feeling that there's musk of some sort in here, maybe civet, too, though I can't really smell it, it's more of a feeling than anything. :P


    Wet on skin:


    Cedar, definitely cedar. I love, love, love cedar, though, so that's a good thing. I still smell a bit of incense, too, and maybe a tiny hint of musk...there's something warm and animalistic under the other notes that seems to be one of the darker musks or civet, although I could be wrong. It's also got a vaguely cat pee like smell to it in the far background that I always associate with civet.


    Dry down:


    The musk note is more prominent now, which isn't surprising since my skin amplifies musks (especially civet). The cedar note is still there, too, but it's taken a backseat to the musky side of this blend. This is very sexual smelling to me, but not in an overpowering way.


    The bottom line:


    I don't know if this works (I can easily imagine it working), but it smells pretty nice as long as I ignore the civet (if that is civet) in the background. This would probably smell pretty damn good on a guy. :D

  11. Preconceived notions:


    I'm not sure whether this will work for me or not. I adore red sandalwood and I like opium and vanilla and mandarin are okay by me but the lily of the valley could ruin this whole thing for me since florals are generally not something I like wearing.


    First sniff:


    So far, so good. I get red sandalwood the most clearly in this, probably because I know exactly what to sniff for. I also get the sweet resin smell of opium, a hint of deep vanilla and a touch of orange. I like this a lot so far. :P


    Wet on skin:


    The sandalwood isn't the dominant note anymore which is a bit of a letdown, but Belle Epoque still smells lovely. It's much softer and more feminine now that it's on my skin, which isn't such a good thing for me, but I still think it smells nice. :D


    Dry down:


    Much softer around the edges now. The opium is dominating now, but the lily of the valley is putting in a strong appearance, too. I still get a bit of vanilla and a tiny bit of sandalwood, but Belle Epoque is mainly soft, slightly powdery, sweet opium over a background of lily of the valley.


    The bottom line:


    This isn't quite what I normally wear, but it's certainly quite pretty all the same, so I'll be hanging onto my imp. :D

  12. Preconceived notions:


    I've been waiting quite a while to review this because I haven't had a chance or a reason to see if it really works, so rather than waiting any longer I'm going to review it based on scent alone and then update if and when I actually test it's effectiveness.


    First sniff:


    This is familiar, but I can't place it...it's floral smelling, maybe rose? There's something slightly herbal here, too. It's not a pronounced herbal note, it's more like a tiny touch of rosemary or something similar. Somehow this smells like a Voodoo Blend. :P


    Wet on skin:


    Herbal and powdery. This must have rose in it or else it has some extremely well hidden juniper because they're the only things I've come across that turn into baby powder on me. It's not unpleasant by any means, just somewhat unexpected.


    Dry down:


    Basically the same as when it was wet. It's not unpleasant to me the way most rose scents are and it's herbal enough to still smell decent to me so, all in all, it's not too bad for scent alone, although it's not really me.


    The bottom line:


    I can't say just yet whether Crucible of Courage works, but I can say it's a fairly pleasant floral/herbal blend that mellows nicely on the dry down.

  13. I'm going to apply for a job (no interview requried, really, either they'll hire me or they won't) Saturday, so I'm looking for something that'll make me feel a little more confident.


    Which do you think: High John the Conqueror or Has No Hanna...or both? :D


    I think the situation really calls for a Voodoo Blend and not a regular perfume since I'm in need of something to up my confidence in myself. :P

  14. Autumn is my favorite time of the year (and the season my birthday is in), so I'm a big fan of autumn scents and for me the best I've found have been Scarecrow, Death (I think this one's just me, but it reminds me of burning leaves in the autumn) and Ace of Pentacles.


    Samhain didn't really work terribly well for me, but I'm not giving up hope and Jack smelled...Christmasy for some reason. :P

  15. I have to agree with Andra. Jack and Samhain couldn't be more different.


    I haven't found anything quite like Samhain just yet, but then I don't really love Samhain very much (in spite of the fact that I should since it's all things I adore), so maybe that's why...I haven't really tried, but I have tried almost 300 BPAL scents and none of them have come close to Samhain for me, so it's still a pretty valid point. At least in my opinion. :P

  16. Damn, if I knew I was going to get a super woodsy bottle, I'd buy some Morocco even though I hated the "Morocco smelling Morocco" that everyone else loves. :P


    But on topic, the two most recent bottles I've gotten of Anne Bonny have smelled different than my original bottle and imps. It's more like the slightly rotted cedar note that BBW Cedarwood EO smells like. It's not bad, just very interesting because it's not like the original and because I know it's the red mysore sandalwood that's the culprit here. I'm wondering if the Lab had a new supplier for the most recent batches or something. I like it anyway, I'm just curious. :D
