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BPAL Madness!


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About Penance

  • Rank
    Stinky Hippie
  • Birthday 10/09/1982


  • Location
    Outside Chicago, IL
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Dragon's Musk
  • Favorite Scents
    CURRENT BPAL LOVES (A SMALL SAMPLING): Anne Bonny Aureus Badger The Black Rider Cathedral CD023 The Coiled Serpent Coyote Dancing Koi Dark Chocolate, Whiskey and Cognac Truffle Eat Me Elf v4 Fenris Wolf 51 Fighter The Forbidding Foyer Gothabilly The Infernal Lover Ivanushka Tarot: Judgement Lump of Coal The Lurid Library Lust v7 Mad Sweeney March Hare Mme. Moriarty Mole Monster Bait: Closet Mr. Jacquel Nonae Caprotina Paladin Panther Moon Penitence Quincy Morris Raven Moon Rivet.Goth Rumpelstilzchen Scherezade Sin Snake Charmer Storyville Troll Typhon Umbra Western Diamondback White Chocolate, Black Raspberry and Apricot Cordial Truffle NOTES: patchouli (my favorite smell in the whole world, especially the black variety), red musk, sandalwood (especially red sandalwood), redwood, cedar, rum, bourbon/whiskey, cognac, tobacco, incense of all kinds...basically anything that falls into the categories of woodsy, incense, or boozy (with the exception of wine notes...wine generally doesn't like me too much). If it smells like a headshop, a church, dirt or the forest (not pine), I'm all over it, basically.

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  • Gender
  • Mood
    Doom, doom, doom


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  1. Reminiscing. It still feels strange to be a BPAL "old-timer." Strange to have come back from my hiatus to find that half my collection is suddenly enviable and HTF. Not a bad feeling, just strange. Makes me glad I got in on (almost) the ground floor. Otherwise I'd never have been able to get many of the scents in my collection. Score!

    1. surf-tormented


      I miss the cobalt bottles/white labels and when most people via swapping got to try most of the catalog at a time when the GC outnumbered the LEs! :) I am lost a bit now, so many new perfumes, all the time!

    2. Penance


      I miss them, too. The cobalt was so pretty and the labels were so elegant looking. I do like the fact that the new labels are oil resistant. But I've always been careful with my bottles and their labels and never had an issue with drippage or spills, so it's just a nice bonus instead of a necessity.
