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Everything posted by starwild

  1. starwild

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Robotic Scarab is odd and just lovely! It doesn't smell like jellybeans, in fact it doesn't smell like anything else I've tried. It's cool and metallic and slightly leathery, but not at all overly masculine. It's hard to describe, but very very awesome.
  2. starwild


    Got a sniffie of this! In the imp/wet: Dog shampoo? WTF? Drying/drydown: Leathery, cinnamony sex. This is a gorgeous, gorgeous, SEXY scent, but way too masculine for me to wear. Beautiful though.
  3. starwild

    The Ifrit

    This is almost precisely like Ozymandias on me, but with less of a traditional perfume-y edge and more of a spicy swirl of dry heat. Ozymandias is a scent of dead places in the desert, whereas the Ifrit is more like the essence of the desert itself. Extremely dry, very red, not as intense as I thought it would be. Sexy scent. I don't get any dragon's blood from this, but it may be mixed up in the muddle of "hot" that I'm smelling. Will definitely use the decant, debating a bottle.
  4. starwild


    In the imp, it smells like Hermia's pissed-off older sister. Drying, it calms down into a very in-your-face yet sweetly feminine orangey floral. The pink pepper's there, in the background, with something that smells like a soft dollop of amber and vanilla. This scent has the innocence of a little girl who is only innocent when the adults are watching. When their backs are turned she's getting up to mischief that may or may not involve water balloons and mud puddles. It's a very happy and carefree floral, I like it a great deal, will consider a bottle and will DEFINITELY use my decant. ADDED July 1: I have to post another review now that my skin chemistry's at a better place. I've been wearing Pepper every day this week and I'm in love. I was at work late one evening and started smelling something absolutely divine, and it took a few minutes to realize it was ME. Although it's not huge with the throw, once Pepper ages on my skin for about four hours or so it turns into something indescribably yummy. It's very mildly (and not particularly citrusy) fruit-floral-glowing-spiciness. This is incredibly well-blended to me, after a few minutes I can't even pick out individual notes. The wet stage is extremely strong pink pepper and citrus, but after that it's sooooo good. Pepper will be my replacement for Lucy Westenra once my supply of Lucy runs out. It's very similar, though much more cheerful. Pepper smells all pink and gold, but not, heaven forbid, pastel pink.
  5. starwild

    Dragon Moon 2008

    This smells precisely like a Yankee candle on me! I don't get dragon's blood at all (sadly, because I love the stuff) it's really more of a wildflower and herbal scent. It smells like a Cracker Barrel, kinda. I like it, and I LOVE the bottle art (got an empty with my decant) but I'm not sure I need a full bottle of this. I can't pick out any single notes, it's very much a blend.
  6. starwild

    The Buggre Alle This Bible

    I opened this and it was like opening an old book, exactly the same kind of smell and feel. But when I put it on...it smells like my father. I mean that in a good way. It doesn't smell like his cologne or his aftershave, it smells like him. It smells so much like him that I'm kind of tearing up here. It smells like my daddy when I would hug him when he was wearing his leather jacket. Later on it gets a bit incensey, but this scent to me is like a warm hug from a bookworm to another bookworm. I mean it, it's making me cry. I know that's not really helpful to people reading these reviews, so here's my attempt at a less emotional review: IT SMELLS LIKE A BOOK. I don't know how, but it smells like a book! Not rotten or falling apart, just very old. The tobacco and incense make it smell like a book that's been in a wood-paneled library where a strong-shouldered man used to smoke cigars once in a while. It's warm, it's comforting. If you're a book lover, you will probably enjoy this just for the sensation. It's not masculine, exactly, I would say unisex, but it inspires more of a manly feel than a feminine one. I will be buying a bottle, and probably a bottle after that, because not only does this remind me of my father, it's a lovely scent. Thank you, Beth, for making this, because it strongly reminds me of happy times that are years in the past now.
  7. starwild


    Got a partial bottle of this from herbhealer's sale. Thanks! Bottle: Wet, blue-purple scent of strong lavender and something else. Wet: Lavender, but not death-note lavender. Soft, sweet floral. Dry: Cooling, herbal and enjoyable. Probably won't get another bottle of this, but will definitely use what I have!
  8. starwild


    This is WEIRD. I mean, good weird, but WEIRD! I don't think I've ever smelled anything quite like this, and yet it's somehow very familiar. Dusty and slightly spicy, with what smells like...ok, I give up, I don't even know what the heck that is. It's unlike anything I've smelled in the BPAL catalogue to date. Maybe, kinda-sorta a bit like The Lion, but without the amber? That kind of warmth, but a dry, dry warmth. This makes me think of flickering candlelight on stone walls. Very evocative. Kind of sweet. Maybe honey. I'm not sure I like it as a perfume, per se, but I'll give it another whirl. I do like it, and might try it as a room scent.
  9. starwild

    Queen Mab

    This strikes me as a sweet, clean, light floral. It's like the floral version of Sea of Glass, one of my favorites. Doesn't have much throw on me though. Pretty and gentle, this is one fairy who just wants all to end well. I don't get any sandalwood at all.
  10. starwild


    Apparently the gods like sweetarts, because that's exactly what this smells like on me. It really does! I keep huffing to see if I get anything else out of it, but no, sweetarts! Sweet, tart, yummy. Not what I expected from ancient Egypt, but lovely! Hmmm, think maybe I should wait and try this again in a few weeks? Must be my skin chemistry being weird!
  11. starwild

    The Robotic Scarab

    So, I got this from a forum order. Put it on and fell in love. I thought, "Wow, incensy floral metallic!" Then I came here to review it, looked at the notes, and went O_O This seems NOTHING like the notes make it sound! On me, it's a very sweet, incense-like scent with a definite but very light metallic undertone. It makes it smell just a bit cool and polished. I can pick out the leather once I look for it, but I don't get licorice/anise at ALL. Not a bit. It smells almost floral and metallic. I just love this, I want a bottle.
  12. starwild


    Frimped this from a forum order! It's sort of sour-sweet-dusty-dirty body odor. Not horrible, but not all that terribly good. Sort of a skin scent on me. Probably won't wear this.
  13. starwild

    Snake Oil

    Finally, finally got around to trying this! Imp: Holy crap, it's Mme. Moriarty without the fruit and musk! Wet: ...holy CRAP, it's Mme. Moriarty without the fruit and musk! Drydown: *sniff sniff* Is that playdough? o.O From there it turned into a battle between "Non-fruity Mme. Moriarty! Playdough! Non-fruity Mme. Moriarty! Playdough!" It's settled down into something in the middle. I really, really like it and want a bottle to age. I think I've broken my fear of vanilla! Thank you, Lab!
  14. The Dormouse is another good light, refreshing tea scent. The Unicorn and Leanen Sidhe are nice as well.
  15. What are the closest catalogue equivalents of Carfax Abbey and Lucy Westenra?
  16. starwild


    Frimp with my clocket order! Imp: Very wet, dark scent with promise of florals. Wet: Oh yes, that is very much oleander and neroli. Drydown: It's kind of musky floral. Not a terribly heavy or brooding scent, but a very solid one. You might like this one if you like The Raven, Darkness, Midnight, or other similar scents. This one is very much like a lighter version of those. Not terribly outstanding, but will keep and wear.
  17. starwild


    There's something very intriguing about this scent. It's strong and sweet orange with a smack of patchouli, and dries down into mostly patchouli. Every time I smell it, I like it more. Uncomplicated but magical all the same. I could see myself wearing this a lot. I might actually get a bottle at some point in the future. It's very sexy but not overpowering.
  18. starwild

    Queen of Sheba

    I like to eat Honey Bunches of Oats for breakfast. I do not like to SMELL like it. XP That's exactly what this smells like on me, and it's very, VERY strong. Almond, honey, grain...don't get any of the spices, which is a pity. I am henceforth warned off all BPAL almond notes. Way too foody for me. Might use it as a room scent in my oil burner, though.
  19. I have a sneaking suspicion that every blend in the Mad Tea Party has a bit of tea in it! For a sweet tea floral, try The Dormouse. It's cool and refreshing.
  20. Possibly try Lunar Eclipse? It's not clove-y, but it's fruity tobacco that is spicy and smoky (on me, at least). I tend to amp cherry and don't get anything like that from Lunar Eclipse. If nothing else, it might be something else you'd enjoy and could layer even if it's not the dead-on scent you're looking for.
  21. starwild


    A scent swirling with dark rage, unbridled jealousy, and murderous intent. Violet, lavender, white musk and vetiver. Bluebeard is either Anne Bonny's soul mate or her mortal enemy. I'm not sure which, but either way, this is like a masculine Anne Bonny on me. I'm going to layer them sometime and see what happens. Violet, lavender, and vertivet are not really my friends, but I rather like this combination. It's sharp and unforgiving. It's verging on too masculine for me, but I'm willing to try it.
  22. starwild

    Lunar Eclipse

    MMMMM. There were a few notes in here that scared me, but my fears have been for nothing. This is a fabulous scent that's very reminiscent of Mme. Moriarty, but less intense and without the patchouli. It dries into a wonderful warm fruit-gummy smoke with spices. It smells like dark brown-red. Lovely!
  23. starwild

    Cheshire Moon

    I just got my decant of this tonight--yum! I don't like foody blends but while this is very much lemon-frosted cake in the imp, when it's on my skin it's pale, soft, sugared lemon. Very nice and not overwhelming. If anything, it fades a little too fast. Will absolutely use the imp, it's a cheerful, playful scent, great for the beginning of spring! I also got the empty bottle from my decant circle--the artwork is wonderful!
  24. starwild


    Imp: Sweet flowers with something just a little bit twisted and bitter. Stephano-whatsis, I guess? Wet: Oh yeah, that's definitely orchid. I don't get much vanilla (thank goodness!) but it's there in a very small amount, under the surface. It doesn't smell like vanilla, it smells like creamy flowers. Drydown: Sweet and velvety without being overpowering. I like! I never would have tried this on my own, but will definitely keep the Lab frimp. ETA: I got ANOTHER frimp of this, and I like it even more now. A vanilla I can handle? What a lovely surprise!
  25. starwild

    The Temptation

    Got this as a lab frimp. It's a soft, lovely floral with a hint of fruitiness and something almost like grain underneath. The peach is not overpowering, and it's not too sweet on me--and I amp sweet fruit, so that's saying something. It's a seductive scent, but in an innocent and unselfconscious way. Luscious and yummy