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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by FireRiven

  1. Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom. A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger.

    In the bottle: It smelled very heady to me, wafting from the bottle. And that biting adjective they use in the blurb? Definitely applicable. I also have to admit that I'm getting more white tea and only a subtle suggestion of the ginger.


    First application: It actually reminds me of how I always think a magnolia should smell. Heavy and deep, but silky and soft.


    Drying, first dried: I'm starting to smell like that citrusy antiseptic they use in some bathrooms. Uh-oh.


    After a bit of time: Wow, a complete turn around. This is a delighfully complex scent on me, mysterious and alluring. I'm enchanting to myself with this scent hanging about me, but I also wonder if it entirely suits me. It's a deep scent, musky and spicy. I imagine it on the skin of an older and much more capable woman. But maybe I'm short-changing myself here.


    Overall impression: After wearing this all day, I actually wanted a full bottle. Then I decided I should wear it a few more times and see how I continue to like it.

  2. In the bottle: Oh, GoD, this is beautiful and delightful and just altogether delicious. I get an overwhelming sense of autumnal spices from breathing this in. It reminds me of our house in autum and early winter, when mom would put some spices on to simmer and fill the whole house with a delicious smell.


    First application: I smell exactly like the bottle, now. I keep waving my wrists near my face and thinking how wonderfully edible I smell.


    Drying, first dried: I tell one of my friends about the scent at work, who leans in and exclaims "Delightfully musky!" I have to agree. The spice has deepened... maybe I smell like someone who's been making pumpkin pie all day.


    After most of a day: This smell doesn't drift, if that makes any sense. It hovers very close to the skin, clinging, and isn't easily detectable after most of a day has worn on. However, if I move a few strands of hair behind my ear, I get a faint (and powdery) reminder of those spices.


    Overall impression: A damned fine scent that should always be on hand in imp form, at least. In fact, I might even invest in a whole bottle just to use for household purposes. Mmm.
