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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Sapphy

  1. Sapphy

    Albedo v5

    Lemongrass and coconut, with slightly aloe-y thing in the background. Very refreshing, but not at all sweet, and less creamy than The Star, which I like more.
  2. Sapphy

    Kinnabari v4

    Frankincense incense, with a little geranium. Totally not my thing, lol I didn't try it on.
  3. Sapphy


    Shrieking violets, with something else. I really can't get a handle on this scent at all, it's kinda sad, lol But it's off, for me. Very high pitched.
  4. Sapphy

    Citrinitas v4

    This starts out as a nice bright yellow kinda scent. It's citrus-y, but not acidic. It's soft and musky and pretty. I'm pretty sure there's some vanilla in here too, maybe vanilla musk. While it starts out a little candy-ish, it dries down soft and musky, with the vanilla musk as its base. This is the part that lasts the longest, the citrus burns away fairly quickly. Absolutely love it, and the dry down vanilla musk reminds me of something. Not sure what yet, though.
  5. Sapphy

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    DCCCLIX (859) This is the one that starts out fizzy, and right now is actually reminding me of Hanami. Only it has a little more substantial floral in it, as in, I can kind of feel the stems. I'm liking it a little more this time, it has a little bit of sugary sweetness underneath. I think for a minute I got a whiff of rose. O.o I think the rose-y thing is gone, and it's still like Hanami, only pinker red instead of the blue I get from Hanami. DCCCLXI (861) This one is starting off citrus this time--lime to be specific. I'm also getting some greenery.. it's sort of neon bright green right now. I think there has to be a floral element in here.. but I might be wrong.. maybe more like unopened, still green flowerbuds than actual flowers. The lime does give it a kick. I don't THINK I'm getting pine anymore, but it's hard to say. Now there's a little bit of a candy feel to it, and I'm actually starting to like it. Kinda like lime sorbet.
  6. Sapphy

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    I was just coming here to ask this! I say bee-pal, but then I say tee-ay-el. It's weird, and I don't know why, but I just can't say "tal"! I just pronounce it tal, lol I do pronounce bpal like b-pal though, so I guess I'm just lazy.
  7. Sapphy


    I mostly get the black tea and tobacco in this, though it does have a musky sort of haze too. It doesn't go too ashtray on me the way tobacco sometimes does (and did in His Station and Four Aces, which I was afraid this would smell like), possibly because it's tobacco leaf rather than just tobacco. I also don't get any lilac, though there's a slight tinge of sweet that I assume is the frankincense. Very nice--would be VERY sexy on a boy.
  8. Sapphy


    This is...exactly what my hands smell like after I wash them with soap, lol Except the soapiness in here isn't the SOAP OF DEATH that most hand soaps use, but rather a nice touch to emphasize the clean. Very nice, but I think I might like Dirty better--this is a 'wet' clean, and Dirty is more of a clean dry sheets scent. I'll keep the decant, but probably won't spring for the bottle.
  9. Sapphy


    Wild English roses, French gardenia, vanilla, honey, golden ginger, blood orange, pine resin, pink pepper, crushed berries, tuberose, bergamot, and geranium. Pepper smells like lush, steamy flowers and a peppery bite. The pepper is just enough to give the blend a dangerous sort of backbone, while the flowers would seem deceptively soft and feminine. I can also catch whiffs of vanilla and honey underneath the flora, while berries intermingle among the flowers to give it body. This is a flushed sort of pink, very warm, feminine but not girly.
  10. Sapphy

    Nanny Ashtoreth

    This is what I remember the leather in Crowley doing on me the first couple months I wore it--creamy, soft leather. Very light, a skin scent. I love it.. When I smell it, I can FEEL the leather, and it's the kind that's well worn and baby soft by lots of use and love. Extra sexy..now if only I had some Spanked to test alongside it..
  11. Sapphy

    The Ifrit

    This is actually pretty soft and dusty on me--I think that's from the red musk, and I can also smell a bit of the black pepper. I don't get the ginger note that ruined War (and possibly the L'Estate atmospheric spray ), and I don't get much cinnamon or tobacco, but it's REALLY well blended, so it's hard to tell. In any case, I really like it It's a hot, dry, sort of shifting scent. Which I suppose would make sense.
  12. Sapphy

    L'Estate Atmospheric Spray

    I'm not sure what it is about this spray that isn't agreeing with me, I think it might be the orange rind and ginger interacting. It smells kinda like orangey licorice.. and I don't like licorice, so it's not working for me too much..I'm going to give it a week, then if it hasn't changed, I think I'll swap it away. I have some hope it will change though--when I spray it on my pillow, the pillow smells like the orangey licorice, but the air above it reminds me of the golden resiny goodness that is the perfume, which I adore. We will see, and if anything changes, I'll edit this post.
  13. The Oblation and Lady Una smell almost exactly alike when they dry down on me (the lavender in The Oblation is almost nonexistent after the wet stage for me), except Lady Una has the edge of honey.
  14. Sapphy

    Pink Moon 2007

    I love carnations, so I jumped at the chance to try this (about...four times ). When this first went on, I was a little worried...I think the phlox in it reminded me of plastic. However, as it warmed up and bloomed on my skin, it got sweeter and the phlox died down to the background to keep the blend from getting sickly sweet. The carnations come out and it just smells like spring. I love it.
  15. Sapphy

    Treat #1

    I actually bought the bottle of this being unsure I'd like it at all. Thank god I did snatch it up because I'm starting to think I love it! It starts out smelling EXACTLY like a watermelon jolly rancher, then as it dries, it becomes more tart and less sweet, which I assume is the lime and lemon coming out. But they don't smell like LIMELEMON CLEANER, instead adding a nice edge to the blend. It has a sharpness that isn't harsh, but reminds me of the shards of crushed hard candy, and it smells bright PINK. Very lovely, innocent, and perfect for spring, or a hot summer day when there are barely any clouds, and you want to smell PRETTY. I'm very happy with this.
  16. Sapphy

    Scent for Halloween?

    Something yummy and comforting...I'm gonna be all alone in the apartment while dad goes out w/ his gf
  17. Sapphy

    Dia de los Muertos

    (07 version) This was fine, lightly floral and sweet, with a little bit of spice, the first time I tested it on my arm. However, when I put it on my wrists to wear as a single scent, practically all I could smell for an hour and a half was jasmine..and not a sweet jasmine, a sharp, headache inducing one. *sigh* I might try it once more but I think that experience has tainted DDLM for me..
  18. Sapphy

    The Dormouse

    The scent of peony tea, sweetened with sugar, not honey. A very bright, warm, comforting scent. Clean, refreshing, but not aquatic. It's a rich, pinkish-red scent. I'm actually having trouble explaining this properly, lol I feel like it's more complicated, more delicate than I've implied, but I can't find more words to put to The Dormouse.
  19. Sapphy

    Moon Rose

    I adore this one. It's light and floral but not, perfect for hot weather. It smells like WATER to me. Like Hawaii rain, with the scent of flowers muted because of the water. It is intensely clean, delicate, but not wimpy. This lasts all day on me, and I'll occasionally get wafts of the fragrance, long after I thought the throw was gone. I put this on when it's muggy, and I want SOME part of me to feel clean and fresh, lol
  20. Sapphy


    I just put this one on, from a decant I got from a decant group on the Lush forums.. I can smell the cedar, but it isn't a dry cedar to me. I can't pick out the rest of the notes, but the image I get is sitting in an old library with a cup of tea, a nearby window open to an autumn rain. After a while, maybe half an hour, I get a creamier, sweeter impression, but it doesn't get sweeter or creamier, if that makes sense. It is a scent that is close to the skin, and it doesn't smell like perfume on me, it smells like I have been in a library and in the rain, lol I absolutely love it, and I ordered a bottle with my Singing Moon order. Oh, and with a bottle of Crowley, which I also love--having read the books, I thought I shouldn't get one without the other .