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Posts posted by lamenteuse

  1. I think that Licorice Bats is the sleeper hit of the 2010 weenies.

    I wasn't even planning on picking this scent up, but a random sniff at NYCC made me curious enough to buy the bottle.


    Normally my skin takes anise seed and runs with it. But with the bats, it's got a nice dousing of cacao to avoid the heavy anise seed scent. It's smooth chocolate with spice and a dash of anise/licorice. It plays constantly on my skin, starting very sharp then drying down to sweet, then turning back up a bit. A really really great scent.

  2. The only other honey scent I have to compare this to is Mead Moon, which smells wonderful, but not truly "honey" on my skin.

    This had none of the notes of Mead Moon to my nose. It was herbal and green at first sniff, then herbal and lavender (in the retail thread, I likened it to the scent of my guinea pig when he ran through the garden).

    It does get a little sweeter after that, but I'm not so sure on buying a bottle. If I want a Mutter scent (which I do, because I love that museum), I'm stick with Ü.

  3. This scent is just pure pure chocolate. So chocolate that when I was wearing it, my fiancé decided that we needed to go out and get milkshakes.

    Am I saying this scent makes men what milkshakes? No, but I am saying I will be wearing it every time I want to go out for dessert.

  4. Hi guys!

    Someone did this a few months ago and I thought it was an awesome idea.. so I am too!


    Below is my wedding dress. Getting married Friday the 13th of August this year! What scent do you think would match? Provide and many as you like please! :) Thanks so much!!






    I LOVE that dress.


    Since it is falling on Friday the 13th, you can always go with one of those blends.


    Personally, I think that dress wants a bit more of a chocolate scent and i would use El Dia De Reyes

  5. I wanted to like this one, really, I did. However, this scent just didn't work for me. It was just a light musk scent with...how do I explain it....with the scent of what the back of my television smells like. We always have to fiddle with cords and plugs back there to make everything work, so I'm always reaching back and inhaling a bunch of dust. And that's what this smells like to me. Musk sprayed over the back of my TV.

  6. I picked up Ü at the Mütter Museum (I live in Philly...and go to the museum way more than the average person should) and was really impressed with it in the bottle.

    On the skin, it does get a little too tree-ish for me. It's fine for a crisp, autumn day, but with warm days like the ones ahead, it's too green, too heavy for me. However, I think a layer of a strong vanilla will work really well with this scent. Need to pick up some Snake Oil and try that out.


    EDIT: This needs no layering what so ever. Once the warmer days hit and I started wearing this, the heat of my skin cooked this scent to perfection. I adore this smell. Like a cigar box filled with Madagascar vanilla. One of my favorite scents of all time.

  7. In the bottle, this kind of smells like cheese. To check this, I had my boyfriend sniffed, who agreed with me, "Cheese."

    Now, I'm a big fan of cheese, especially goat cheese. In my refrigerator, I have this amazing honey chevre and literally, I eat it with a spoon. I don't even sit down at a table, or put it on a plate, I just stand there at my counter unwrap it and eat. It's disturbing how much of the cheese I can pack away at one sitting.


    Anyway, I digress...this blend totally smells like cheese in the bottle.



    OK, on the skin, the cheese scent kind of fades and becomes more of a creamy, fig smell. It's nice, but not amazing, and sadly, after all this bottle sniffing, I totally want some dang cheese now.

  8. When I was young, I had a totally awesome guinea pig. Why was he so awesome? We could toss him (not literally) outside in our backyard and he would run from where ever you put him to hide under this little shrub in the garden. And I have a huge backyard, but he would do it every time. Have you ever seen a guinea pig run? It's adorable!

    Now, Piglet (guinea pig's name), had a cage which we lined with cedar chips. So, when he had enough outdoors time, he would go back in the cage. The odor of his cage, fresh from the garden guinea pig and a pile of cedar chips is a really strong scent memory for me. It was tough when he went to Guinea Pig Heaven to walk by the corner where his cage was and not smell that burst of dirt and cedar.


    What's with all that above, you ask?


    Well, Depraved smells like Piglet's cage. Dirt and Cedar chips. Sadly, this doesn't do much for me except make my wistful for my deceased guinea pig, which, I assume, is not what the Ars Amatoria series had in mind (unless the reason you're depraved is because you get turned on by dead pet rodents....you pervert).

  9. I really thought I would be a Tiki Queen fan, but when I smelled the king, I knew it was all over. The rich, dark coconut smell mixed with the musk is amazing, even in the bottle!. When it dries, however, oh my gosh...It's just decadent and intoxicating and wonderful. The cocnut really lingers, but smells dark enough to not be confused for suntan lotion. And thankfully, it's not a manly smell, so you don't smell like a dude.



  10. it the bottle: this smells like what I would expect a volcano smells like. All ash and bitterness


    on n' dry: there's still that ash scent, but the green really pulls through once you've let it dry.


    This is one of those scents that you have to give some time to. You can't jut slather and walk out the door, but need to let it dry properly so the full scent comes out. It's not...terrible, but I prefer to layer it with the sweeter smelling Luaus. This way, the bitterness of it can tone down the sugariness of the other scents and balance everything out.

  11. it the bottle: well, i have this is imp and bottle. In the imp, it smells like almonds and spice, but in the bottle, it's straight cherry coke.


    on n' dry: spicy cherry coke!


    I really like this scent, and it works great with a layer of snake oil.

  12. in the bottle: delicate florals. Not very "tropical" to me..


    dry: um...kind of like my grandma's bathroom. just a lot of perfumey florals.


    this is my least favorite luau, but if you want something light and very flowery, this is a good choice.

  13. I didn't really like a lot of the Atomic Luau, many were either way to fruity or way to flowery for my liking (which was really upsetting because I am a huuuuuge nut for tiki stuff). Marae, however, is perfect. It's not too flowery, just light and summery. Perfect for when you want just a little bit of scent. By "little bit of scent" I do not mean that it fades quickly or does not have enough throw. It's like, forgive me for getting poetic here, wearing a silk top instead of a wool sweater.


    Amazing, amazing, amazing. Because of this scent, I really hop they bring the Luau back this year!

  14. This is my favorite from the lounge. The rum scent isn't heavy at all and it smells so fresh and summery and just like something I'd get really drunk on.

    It's got a lot of the apricot with nice touches of grapefruit and lime. Sadly, not a lot of ginger.

    It's nice, light, and fruity without too much sticky sweetness. Doesn't last too long though, which is such a bummer.

  15. in the bottle: green, tart, and...oranges?


    wet: mostly a greeny, piney mix.


    dry: um, much more green than I wanted. I was really hoping for those berries to pop out more.


    verdict: 2.5 out of 5 kind of meh for me. not bad though, but you have to be in the mood for it.

  16. yay! frimp from my old moon order!



    in the bottle: Boooooze! It smells like something I'd take shots of, not something I'd wear


    wet: Kind of sweet. Cherries? Actually, a little too sweet for me


    dry: wonderful! cherries, almond, and then cake, and ...something sugary. there's also this faint hint of spice, which i wish was a little more there. really nice throw.


    verdict: 4 out of 5 I'm not much of a sweet scent kind of gal, but this is rather cute and nice.

  17. for the record, i am NOT a fan of florals...


    in the bottle: rose! but not....that cheap perfume rose scent, more like an actual rose

    wet: still mostly the same thing, there's a deeper scent to it though...spice that really accents the rose is a wonderful way

    dry: a really nice blend of mostly rose but with that spicey center that plays nicely with the floral.

    verdict: 3 out of 5 i'm not a florals fan, but even i enjoyed wearing this. not an everyday scent though.

  18. in the bottle: honestly, it smells pretty much like every other autumn scent. nothing too amazing


    wet: oh! oh my! there are hints of smoke and dried leaves on a spicy background


    dry: dried leaves and smoke! completely autumnal! love it!


    verdict: 5 out of 5 this is the autumn scent. like taking a walk around the woods, with the leaves changing colors and crunching under your feet. There's a hint of a fireplace off in the distance, and you just feel so cozy.


    edited to fix html

  19. 2007 version


    in the bottle: mmm, a nice mixture of darkness and spice. Slightly masculine, but nothing overly so.


    wet: no clove, no geranium, but lots of everything else.


    dry: straight up, it's the smell of men's cologne. not bad, per say, just really really manly.


    verdict: 2 out of 5 this blend is really not me at all, but, it's not a bad scent. it would work if you really want a masculine scent. for me, though, it's just too much.

  20. in the bottle: sweet fruits and citrus. Not very exciting, but maybe my skin will change it a bit. The idea of white pepper has perked my interest

    wet: still fruity. i guess that's the kumquat? A bit of orange.

    dry: pretty much the same. Um. kind of like a sweeter version of Clinque's Happy (which I love, oddly enough)

    verdict: 1.5 out of 5 Just not me. I wanted something a little crisper and I was put off by the sweet scents. If the tea and pepper came out more, I think this would have been nice for the summer months. Maybe I'll have better luck with his brother?

  21. in the bottle: sweet cherries and almonds. Something like a sticky dessert that I can't wait to bite into


    on, wet:: cherries and sweetness!


    on, dry: star anise. Which isn't a bad thing, but not something that comes to mind when I think of Japan.


    verdict: 2 out of 5 the star anise smell isn't bad, but i really wanted cherries. something good for november instead of summer

  22. My bit of Bonfire Night came from a decant circle run by evilmistressoftoast (who is a really lovely decanter...decantress?)


    I normally do a whole "in the bottle, wet, dry, verdict" with my reviews, but this one smelt basically the same throughout, so for this review, I'm holding off from my normal format.


    Bonfire Night, to me, smells like Toffee and Fireworks. Mostly toffee in the bottle, and a 50/50 mixture of the both when on my skin. I'm assuming my body really amped up the tar scent, because I was really hoping for more woodsmoke.
