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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lamenteuse

  1. On my skin, this is pure tobacco. Sweet and tangy, but def smells like the inside of an unlit pipe.


    On my hair, the gingerbread comes out, and it becomes a spicey sweet mix. Hoping the fruitcake will show a bit more with age, but right now it's amazing!



    These are buds I want to hang out with.

  2. I wore this one for Halloween night because it went well with my costume. I was in full Victorian Gothic with very pale makeup, a black veil over my hair, and dead flowers. My husband called the costume "widow's weeds" so I figured this scent would go well with the look.

    Now, it worked perfectly with the look of my costume, but it is not a smell I would normally wear.


    I got a lot of dirt, old green leaves, and traces of something dark and dusty. It was a perfectly spooky dirt scent, but normally I am not one for that. I'll keep the imp for when I need it in costumes, but all that dirt was too much for me,

  3. Kanashisa


    In GoT I really like Ned Stark and Brienne of Tarth, which I think should sum me up pretty well.

    :biggrin: Brienne is also my favorite!


    I have two suggestions for you:

    Embalming Fluid: A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon. (a bit of a no-nonsense scent. Crisp, sharp, and interesting)

    Pandy: Fresh white musk, honeycomb, sweet apricot, elemi, orange blossom, and mischievous pink pepper. (A scent based on somebody who wants to travel and have adventures. Fresh, sweet, but with a hint of spice)

  4. Acid, first off, a huge internet hug for coping with your illness. I too have depression and anxiety, and when that stuff gets the better of me, I am a shell of what I normally am. I completely understand, and I hope you can get through the foggy days (that's what I call my off days).


    Now, for something a little more on the fun side of things, a scent rec! Personally, I think that Hand of Glory would be great for you. Beeswax, dry leather, black pepper, saltpeter, nutmeg, Mysore sandalwood, and oak bark. It's dark and a bit brooding, but with the beeswax and spices, there is an under current of sweet lightness about it. A little mysterious, and it'll catch people off guard when they ask what are you wearing, and you get to reply with Hand of Glory.

  5. Rogue

    Sweet hemp and rosin, with a tiny bit of leather. Thankfully no cinnamon that sometimes accompanies the BPAL leather notes. A sweet, slightly herbal (but not green) scent with OK staying power, but not enough to make it last all day.


    Comparing this to my leather heavy scents (Paladin V3 and Eldritich Dark), I get very very little leather. That being said, it's still an amazing scent and pairs really well with Chaotic and Dwarf.


    If you're a leather lover (hehe), I wouldn't consider this strong enough for you. But if you're a leather newb, it's a good introduction to the wonderful world that is the BPAL leather scents.

  6. 2013:

    Smells GREAT in the bottle, woodsy and smokey. Totally what I wanted.

    On me? All I get is cider. I kind of smell like my guinea pig's pen from when I was young, and I do not like it.


    I wanted leaves and woods and smoke, but just get Piglet the guinea pig. :cry2:

  7. On me, this is wet dirt and moss. Not just, "Oh, I can picture some dirt and it might smell a little green," this is really just the smell of dirt. I'm wearing it right now and it smells like I rolled around in the dirt prior to going to work.

    Personally, this is not my kind of sent; I was really hoping for some lovely stony scent like Dungeon Crawl, but this just dirt and moss.


    Wear it if you love dirt, but not if you want stone.

  8. For the 2012 version: This reminds me so much of Death of Autumn. Lots dark, spicy goodness with a bit of the patchouli, but not enough to make it dirty. It's got a nice sweetness to it, and the chilis don't seem to do too much to the scent. Not as much throw as my beloved DoA, but decent.

    A keeper in my book!

  9. Chaotic Mage Dwarf has been my go-to scent combo for the past couple days (not close to the character I'm playing at the moment, which is an Unnaligned Hexblade Drow).

    The leather/resin/musk mix is very potent, lasts through out the day, and give me +5 to Charisma!

    Hopefully, I can find some more monies soon because I need to buy this entire collection ASAP.

  10. In the bottle: Dark, herbal, and slightly gross. It doesn't smell like it's going to work at all.


    On the skin: within minutes, The herbal scent fades and out comes a sweeter, ginger spice scent. Still perfectly dark, so much so it smells like Gothic literature. As in, if somebody asked, "what does the genre of Gothic literature smell like?" I would hand them this.


    An hour later: The scent fades, remaining close to the skin. It smells like fresh cut ginger and tobacco, with an herbal smell (Neroli? Myrrh?). The sharp smell of the pepper adds nicely to the background.



    I didn't think this scent would do anything for me, but I am amazed how much it morphs on the skin. It never goes into the "men's cologne" category, and with no florals, it stays sharp and lush. Really lovely.

  11. IN the bottle this is overly sugary and sprinkles (yes, it smells like sprinkles). On the skin it's all sprinkles with a handful of chocolate cake (I amp cocoa like nutso). Way too sweet for me, but if you want to smell like a cupcake, seriously, like a straight up cupcake, check this one out.
