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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lamenteuse

  1. lamenteuse

    Maple Smoked Bacon?

    Milk Chocolate, Cassia, and Bacon AND Zombie Apocalypse together smell like maple bacon. My husband loves the scent of maple bacon, so I tried this combo out one night. Oh, it worked like a charm.
  2. lamenteuse


    IN the bottle this is overly sugary and sprinkles (yes, it smells like sprinkles). On the skin it's all sprinkles with a handful of chocolate cake (I amp cocoa like nutso). Way too sweet for me, but if you want to smell like a cupcake, seriously, like a straight up cupcake, check this one out.
  3. lamenteuse

    The Glittering Apple Of The Stars

    When I tried this on at Seattle Will Call, all I got was apple. Crisp, just sliced into apple. No florals, no musks, no vanillas. I'm hoping that the bottle I purchase from the lab will be the same because this is a perfect, completely pure, apple on me.
  4. lamenteuse

    Halloween 2011 Must Haves!

    So I know I'll be picking up Halloween: Las Vegas and #occupywallstreet (not technically a weenie), but for a weenie weenie, I am stuck between Sonnet d'Autumne or The Changeling, both which I think will be big hits. Dead leaves on one side and pumpkin vanilla on the other.
  5. bumping this for my current need for woodsmoke. I just want that woodsmoke smell! Death of Autumn is the closest for me right now, and I find October to be closer to a men's cologne then smoke. Anymore ideas?
  6. lamenteuse

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    I love this anime! When my husband and I were in Japan, we picked up ever blind box of Hetalia we could find, and we got a chibi Great Britain! And I would totally say Dorian, too.
  7. lamenteuse

    Best of 2010/2011?

    Celeste (Luper): a light, slightly floral vanilla that just makes you want to purr when you wear it. The Soldier (Yule): Red musk and pie!
  8. lamenteuse

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    icarus suraki: For you, I'd suggest Zombi for the non-girly scent AND for the pleasure of telling people you're wearing a perfume called Zombi. Additionally you should check out Dorian. It's a bit sweet, but has a nice masculine sweetness that would surprise you. Plus, the gothic literary reference would just be a bonus!
  9. lamenteuse

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Floria, you now have a whole RPG scent to pick from! But outside of that, I would go with Delphi. The incense will give you that hippy edge, with the honey wine bringing out a sweet, girlish side. Bonus: Delphi for the history nerds (unite!), and I bet sitting around Apollo's magic fumes would at least warm you up a bit.
  10. lamenteuse

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    We're having the ceremony on the stairs, the cocktail hour in the museum, then the dinner upstairs in the lecture rooms. That sounds kind of crazy....Maybe I'm going to need to hide the bottle in my bouquet so I can reapply when needed.
  11. lamenteuse

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    I'll be wearing U for my wedding. We're getting married at the Mutter Museum, and I picked up a bottle the day we met with the events guy. I kind of lucked out having my wedding at a place with it's own scent..
  12. lamenteuse

    Tea Olive Scents?

    Maybe try getting some Halloween New Orleans (The distinctive scent of the Mississippi at night mingling with sweet olive and Spanish moss). I find the scent sweet, fresh, with some light green notes.
  13. lamenteuse

    Gingerbread Poppet Soap

    GINGERBREAD POPPET And he ran till he came across a fox, and to him he called out: I've run away from a little old woman, A little old man, A barn full of threshers, A field full of mowers, A cow and a horse, And I can run away from you, I can! Then the fox set out to run. Now foxes can run very fast, and so the fox soon caught the gingerbread boy and began to eat him up. Presently the gingerbread boy said, "Oh dear! I'm quarter gone!" And then, "Oh, I'm half gone!" And soon, "I'm three-quarters gone!" And at last, "I'm all gone!" and never spoke again. Brown sugar, molasses, ginger, cinnamon, clove, raisin, orange zest, and a little frosting. Oh, I love this soap. it's warm and cozy, without any of the cinnamon burn I was expecting (my skin is randomly sensitive to cinnamon). The scent didn't last much beyond the shower, but it was a pleasant, happy experience. Literally, like throwing a bunch of gingerbread men in your tub while you shower. I find the actual gingerbread poppet oil a little bit stronger, but since I want to be able to put oils on after the shower without my toiletry interfering with my scents, I'm rather glad this doesn't last. Worth at least buying a bar, and for myself, I think I'll have to pick up one or two extra to get my through this chilly winter. A happy scent that reminds me of the warm kitcheny scents of winter.
  14. lamenteuse

    Young Pine Saplings

    in the bottle: Sweet creamy spiced tea On the skin: Fresh ginger with a heavy layer of cream. Not much clove, but a lot of sweetness. I'd prefer if this was heavier with the cream and honey, but it' a good scent. I bet it will be amazing in warm, humid weather. Actually, I can see myself getting a backup bottle of this...
  15. Fiction: American Gods My super lovely book swappee sent me a copy! Happy Book Dance Time! Breathers: A Zombie's Lament Ye gods, this book was bad. I, Claudius The Riddle of the Traveling Skull The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities Third Class Superhero Lovecrafty goodness: The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia I Am Providence: The Life and Times of H. P. Lovecraft The Lovecraft Lexicon Miskatonic University Why haven't I bought this book yet? Weird Words: A Lovecraftian Lexicon NonFiction: The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai Snake Oil, Hustlers and Hambones: The American Medicine Show Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln's Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities Ghostly Ruins
  16. lamenteuse


    In the bottle: Fresh chooped gingered covered in herb and spice On the skin: the scent of dry ginger spice with something else behind it. Mace, pepper, and clove Dry: Like unsweetened gingerbread. Thick, hot, and spicy, but no sugar. LOVE IT!
  17. lamenteuse

    An Introduction to the Stash Manager

    whoa. This is going to be way more amazing and increase my addiction to this forum to a dangerous(ly awesome) degree.
  18. lamenteuse

    Notes of love and hate

    LOVE! Notes: Leather Red Musk Vanilla Dried Leaves Chocolate Ginger Black Tea Honey Woodsmoke Scents: Death of Autumn Elephantine Colossus Invasion of the Flesh Eating Reindeer from Uranus The Soldier Mutter U Samhain (2007) Manila Shub Niggurath DISLIKE GREATLY! Notes: Florals! Lily, rose, and jasmine are the biggest "nooooo" Rum Sandalwood
  19. lamenteuse


    In the bottle and on the skin it smells like a candle one buys from the Christmas Tree Shops. I want to write more for a review, but I can't say much about this scent besides NOT FOR SKIN. I can imagine this for a room scent.
  20. lamenteuse

    Cranberry Cookie Bark Bath Oil

    It smells like cookies! No, really, just like cookies. Not too sweet, with enough dark chocolate and a wee bit of dried fruit. Like a kitchen the day after you bake cookies, and all the warm flour scent has gone away, but that sweet cookie smell still lingers in the air.
  21. lamenteuse

    What are good scents for diffusers?

    I use Dorian in my burner. It doesn't work on my skin, but heated up and floating around the room, it's divine.
  22. lamenteuse

    The Soldier

    For me, the best way to describe it is this: Mutter U + Elephantine Colossus + a dash of Snake Oil = The Soldier. I LOVE all those scents, so this is like a magical moshpit of happiness on me. The pie notes keep it foodie close to the skin, while the red musk has a nice throw that keeps it from being too sticky smelling. The leather and black pepper come out fast and sharp, but end up nicely playing in the background with a splash of cream.
  23. lamenteuse

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    http://twitpic.com/39vbvl Sorry about that! That's the link. I can see it on the page, not sure what's up with that.....
  24. lamenteuse

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Ein Kuss Von Krampus! The Dark Delicacies exclusive Yule scent for this year.
  25. lamenteuse

    The Elephantine Colossus

    While there is that hint of sweetness that everyone mentioned, on me is a really dark, almost anise seed, musk scent. It pretty much stays like this for a while, not allowing anything else to really come to the top. However, a quick experiment with it on cloth proved to work a lot better. While the heavy musk scent is still there, the sweetness pops up as does this great root beer scent at the end. Needs a scent locket!