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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crushedstars

  1. Post-work shopping trip. Stocking up on some daily essentials; the items in the right photo were all free gi http://t.co/Uzrjyn7H

  2. Preparing for my (hopefully!) last ever exam. All the study essentials: music, tea, scented candles.… http://t.co/sxZ7FXSpmA

  3. Pretty Mothers Day flowers from Ben. I was so touched! #sothoughtful <3 http://t.co/GyHNn7uVGt

  4. Reading a Lewis Carroll biography, & dreaming of going to Oxford University...

  5. reading pretty blogs by people like @wishwishwish, @shinythoughts, @AlixCherry & @elsiecake makes the world seem like a lovelier place <3

  6. Reading tweets about #MasterChefAU and #TheVoiceAU is far more entertaining than actually watching the shows.

  7. Real Easy Ways to Make Money on Internet http://t.co/2SonC27u

  8. Really sick of studying!!! :[

  9. Rediscovering my scrapbooking supplies <3 http://t.co/2VwsNmjI

  10. Relaxing. Chai tea, The Pierces music, blogs & pinterest. Perfect! http://t.co/egHKu4g9

  11. Ridiculously excited about seeing Les Miserables in half an hour! http://t.co/XoXPXbvk

  12. RT @LeslieCannold Our problem with Gillard is we don't know her. Our problem with Abbott is we do, and don't like him #qanda

  13. RT @neilhimself for #WorldBookDay "If you worry about the future, or hope to make the world better, buy a book for a child." - Neil Gaiman

  14. Scored a bargain at Myer - only got charged $10 for this! I'm sure it was meant to be $17.95...? Definitely http://t.co/HhTLi3o1

  15. sending you lots of love x

  16. Six years of study is finally over. So happy! Well worth it, but I'm ready to do other things now.

  17. Skulls & nail polish - I couldn't resist! #opi #nailpolish http://t.co/jk7MsElp

  18. So happy to have a four day weekend ahead!

  19. So many great blogs to read, so little time...

  20. So much to read, so little time...

  21. So sad @_BreakingPointe is finished! Loved the show & the beautiful dancing by @allidebona, @BeckanneSisk, @itskatiemartin, @RexLajos etc <3

  22. so tired lately, I feel like I'm sleepwalking all the time :\

  23. So very happy for @sirenrisingxox - congratulations on your new, wonderful job! xxxx

  24. Some Lewis Carroll appreciation in my amazon order :) http://t.co/mkn9KXEv

  25. Sometimes I don't even know why I bother
