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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crushedstars

  1. Hmmm. Polaroid vs Fuji Instax... Opinions please? #researching

  2. Hurrah, my copy of Wish magazine arrived! It looks so beautiful - thanks @wishwishwish & @shinythoughts! http://t.co/79JAzmlr

  3. Husband is on the mend, hurrah! So glad he is feeling better.

  4. I am officially addicted to The Hunger Games trilogy. Two books down, final one to go! Not bad for less than 48 hours...

  5. I am way too stressed for a friday night.

  6. I can't even imagine what possesses someone to shoot up a children's school. Tragic beyond words. I am heartbroken for all those kids.

  7. I can't put this book down; it's just wonderful. Thankyou so much @chrisfitzner for recommending it! http://t.co/FK6mkw3O

  8. I can't stop looking at how shiny my nails are! That @deborahlippmann Addicted to Speed top coat is beyond amazing.

  9. I couldn't resist any longer... I ordered both the @UrbanDecay411 Naked palettes tonight. Can't wait for them to arrive!

  10. I have a chocolate stash on my desk at work that everyone can come & help themselves to. It's a big hit! http://t.co/G3cEjWvR

  11. I hope it rains some more tonight; the thunder this afternoon was magnificent #alwayslikedagoodstorm

  12. I love election time. Going to be glued to the tv & internet, keeping an eye on the results! #ausvotes

  13. I love that feeling when you know you've smashed an exam!

  14. I love waking up thinking I have to go to work, and then realising it's Saturday!

  15. i may or may not be addicted to adding scrapbooking products to my @2Psinabucket wishlist...

  16. I might have gone a little overboard with my last online nail polish purchase... but they were so cheap! #na http://t.co/UUK5kmh0

  17. I need a good brow kit... Any suggestions? Considering Benefit Brow Zings, Clarins, or Bobbi Brown but any other recs would be appreciated!

  18. I need a holiday. Badly.

  19. I need suggestions - what are your favourite home decor / interior design / homestyle blogs?
