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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crushedstars

  1. Emailing myself blog links to read later because it's too cold to get out of bed to use an actual computer #lazy

  2. Enjoying some dim sum at Stanley in Hong Kong. It's delicious! http://t.co/MaTvNM8N

  3. Everything is fxcking me off right now.

  4. Exam prep is actually going to plan, but can't wait for Tuesday, 1pm to be here!

  5. Exhausted. What a challenging week! Looking forward to a sleep-in tomorrow; for now, early night & a new book. Finally... time to relax.

  6. Fabulous weekend with friends. Life is good <3 x

  7. Finally watched "Shutter Island" tonight; love movies with a good twist! Also played Wii Bowling with all the family & only came last once!

  8. flavoured tea, @bpal candles burning, new music, cooking blogs & makeup sites... relaxing on a sunday is glorious. Refreshed for a new week!

  9. For those who fought & died so that we could have our freedom; your sacrifice is not forgotten. Thankyou. #anzacday #LestWeForget

  10. Forgot to post these when my orders arrived last month: Cult Nails and A-England polishes purchased during t http://t.co/n84NzbYH

  11. From my beautiful stepkids. Late because we didn't have them last wkend. I cried when I read it. So, so bles http://t.co/UaXQamWR

  12. Gahh, deleting 2600 spam comments one by one on my poor neglected blog :( http://t.co/H0jgKF8N

  13. Good friends make a bad day so much brighter. Emails, texts & conversations in halls are like starlight.

  14. Good friends make everything better.

  15. gorgeous afternoon with @newyorkhearts & @GianniBorrelli & Noel. I love my friends so much! This summer has been amazing so far <3

  16. Got my first subscription issue of "Feast" magazine - super keen to try some of these recipes! #magazines http://t.co/q21h38yJ

  17. Hand cream for my desk at work. Becoming addicted to Lush, again #lush http://t.co/yXqS2PcJ

  18. Happy new year!! I'm looking forward to 2012 <3

  19. happy things: summer, instagram, pretty blogs, music, photos, colour, lipgloss, friends, a clean house, my lovely husband. life is good.

  20. Hate being sick. Hoping I will wake up tomorrow feeling loads better & ready to work again.

  21. Haven't posted a nail pic in awhile - my cuticles have been a mess. This is Dior "Orchid". http://t.co/c8eKaWUu

  22. Helena Bonham Carter. Best wrapping paper ever! From my dearest girl Laurel x http://t.co/nfo7JHAM

  23. High Distinction for the exam I did last month! Exams are worth 100% so big relief. 4 CPA subjects down, 2 m http://t.co/SqDKomAY
