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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crushedstars

  1. absolutely horrid day at work has been all but forgotten with the arrival of my much coveted 10ml bottle of #bpal's HELLION - lovelovelove!

  2. music & #bpal are keeping me sane through this financial year end... just.

  3. Australian Cast production of 'Wicked' was amazing - just as good as the Broadway show we saw last year <3 I love musical theatre!

  4. Cirque du Soleil's Saltimbanco last night was one of the most magical things I have ever seen <3

  5. Words With Friends - start a game with me! My user name is 'laceandstars'.

  6. Eeeee, guess who just got an iPhone!

  7. Just preordered @sarahfimm's new album. Today has been such a good day for music! Wait. 2011 has been an AMAZING year for music! <3

  8. stalking the #bpal Yule update is making studying for exams slightly less painful...

  9. sending you lots of love x

  10. I love election time. Going to be glued to the tv & internet, keeping an eye on the results! #ausvotes

  11. so tired lately, I feel like I'm sleepwalking all the time :\

  12. thankyou so much again for the great BPTP group order you arranged! I'm loving all my things <3 Have a great weekend!

  13. loving the look & feel of the new bpal forums so far! :]
