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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crushedstars

  1. So happy to have a four day weekend ahead!

  2. Preparing for my (hopefully!) last ever exam. All the study essentials: music, tea, scented candles.… http://t.co/sxZ7FXSpmA

  3. I need suggestions - what are your favourite home decor / interior design / homestyle blogs?

  4. Study for my final exam is done. Tonight's homework is to relax, clear my mind, get a good night's sleep and be completely refreshed.

  5. Six years of study is finally over. So happy! Well worth it, but I'm ready to do other things now.

  6. I'm sorry, I thought #TheVoiceAU was a singing competition. So why do the judges keep insisting on choosing people who sing like crap?

  7. Pretty Mothers Day flowers from Ben. I was so touched! #sothoughtful <3 http://t.co/GyHNn7uVGt

  8. Picking out BPAL scents to wear this week... making my way through a huge pile of decants! #bpalhttp://t.co/sBFHkkKTYW

  9. The RAEviewer - A blog about luxury and high-end cosmetics: Hourglass No. 28 Lip Treatment Oil Revie http://t.co/w6huvwUQ6C

  10. thankyou so much again for the great BPTP group order you arranged! I'm loving all my things <3 Have a great weekend!

  11. sending you lots of love x

  12. sending you back love x 10000!

    You are wonderful & I adore you.

    Thankyou for truly being a light.


  13. You are wonderful. Please let's stay in touch! xxx
