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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crushedstars

  1. loving the look & feel of the new bpal forums so far! :]

  2. so tired lately, I feel like I'm sleepwalking all the time :\

  3. NoTD: Color Club "Sweet Pea". Love this colour! #colorclub #nailpolish http://t.co/k0X4yErV

  4. I love election time. Going to be glued to the tv & internet, keeping an eye on the results! #ausvotes

  5. stalking the #bpal Yule update is making studying for exams slightly less painful...

  6. Just preordered @sarahfimm's new album. Today has been such a good day for music! Wait. 2011 has been an AMAZING year for music! <3

  7. Eeeee, guess who just got an iPhone!

  8. Words With Friends - start a game with me! My user name is 'laceandstars'.

  9. Cirque du Soleil's Saltimbanco last night was one of the most magical things I have ever seen <3

  10. Australian Cast production of 'Wicked' was amazing - just as good as the Broadway show we saw last year <3 I love musical theatre!

  11. music & #bpal are keeping me sane through this financial year end... just.

  12. absolutely horrid day at work has been all but forgotten with the arrival of my much coveted 10ml bottle of #bpal's HELLION - lovelovelove!

  13. "emptycitynights" on instagram, if you're on there too :]

  14. Listening to Julia speak is painful, but I agree with the need for a #carbontax & think this one sounds fair...

  15. any death as a result of drugs or alcohol is tragic... RIP #amywinehouse

  16. they like you better fucking framed & dried indeed.

  17. gorgeous afternoon with @newyorkhearts & @GianniBorrelli & Noel. I love my friends so much! This summer has been amazing so far <3

  18. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope your day has been as lovely as mine xx

  19. Happy new year!! I'm looking forward to 2012 <3

  20. laceandstars @ http://t.co/DlYKD0Lu >> my productivity levels have declined dramatically since joining this site...

  21. happy things: summer, instagram, pretty blogs, music, photos, colour, lipgloss, friends, a clean house, my lovely husband. life is good.
