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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by MissyJoJo

  1. There is a thread here: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=8518


    That is all about job interview recommendations (about 6 pages long) . A mod will probably end up merging your thread in there. :P


    Most people suggest not to wear something in case your interviewer is allergic. However, if you insist on wearing some, something light and discreet is preferable. Also, it should probably be applied somewhere where only you can smell it (ie - like a little bit in your cleavage, etc).


    I was thinking perhaps something to smell beforehand to calm the nerves/boost confidence? I've got rescue rememdy, but it diesn't seemt o do much for me...

  2. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm a newbie so let me know if it needs to be moved!


    Just a question that has been in my thoughts today...


    I've got some job interviews coming up over the next couple of weeks and I was wondering...what are you recommendations for interview scents?


    Obviously, I don't think I'll get hired on the basis of my perfume (although that would be nice as I tend to freeze up in interviews!), I was thinking more along the lines of a good scent for boosting confidence and perhaps concentration too, to answer all those tricky interview questions!
