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Everything posted by ashtonrose

  1. ashtonrose


    Endymion smelled very much like Lily of the Valley to me. Not a strong scent, but that was definitely what lasted on me when it dried. I decided that this would help bring spring into the winter. Not that we get very much of it in NC.
  2. ashtonrose


    This scent was too sweet for me. It reminded me of what I expected to smell when I saw the "Sugar Plum Fairies" dancing in the Nutcracker. My daughter on the other hand loves this scent. She says it is sweet like candy. I will continue to purchase this one for her.
  3. ashtonrose


    Belladonna has room for growth on me. I have tried it several times. It seemed very much like the incense that are used in mass on holy days, but then it had a touch of sweet green grass. As I tried it more often, the "holy days" smell fades quicker and it is a deep green smell with that touch of sweetness. I haven't given this one away. I like it but it's not an every day scent for me.
  4. ashtonrose


    Tempest lives up to it's description. A crisp ozone-tinged breeze. The scent of the first gentle rain before the storm. It smells just like that on me. I don't smell a large difference after it dries, except for a little more soapy. The slight soapy smell just makes me feel fresh and clean. I like this scent.
  5. ashtonrose


    I had a fabulous night last night and I'll have to say that Maiden had a lot to do with it. Memories of getting flowers on Valentines Day in high school is what I remember and my hubby was my secret admirer. Funny thing is he just owned up to it! Eleven years and I just found out. He brought me a carnation and a rose today. I love memories.
  6. ashtonrose

    New Orleans

    Smells French. Deep and smokey. I can't detect any single notes with this one, but it's the total opposite of clean and fresh. This is definitely a scent to wear when the humidity is high. The moistness of the air will bring Old New Orleans to it's peak.
  7. ashtonrose

    Nine Mysteries

    I feel like a kid in a candy store. A peppermint candy store that is. Nine Mysteries smells just like an oil I purchased almost 7 years ago. It was peppermint and light musk. I am so happy. This is a big bottle buy for me. Stress relief immediately with this smell.
  8. ashtonrose


    Undertow reminds me of winter in Colorado when the wind was coming off the mountains. It is so airy and minty. I am definitely going to buy a 5ml of this.
  9. ashtonrose

    Snake Oil

    All I can say is yummy!! I have never been a big fan of vanilla, but this scent is great. I don't know what I can say that hasn't been said before.
  10. ashtonrose

    The Red Queen

    All I can think of is Christmas and eating Chocolate cordials. The smell of the cherries and currant are most prominent to me and they last the longest on me. I have also noticed a hint of rich velvety woods lacquered - smells like chocolate liquors to me. So give me a box of chocolate cherry cordials, a glass of sweet red wine and into the holidays I go!!! ADDED Dec. 27: Update. After trying again. All it smelled like was Cherries, cherries and more cherries. But again, my daughter loved it. I made perfume solids and she gave them as gifts to her friends, keeping some for herself too.
  11. ashtonrose

    Dana O'Shee

    Dana O'Shee reminded me of sitting in the backyard while of my Gram's while she made cookies. The smell of the Berkshire Mountains and her vanilla cookies is this scent. Great memories, especially since I grew up on military bases and went to my Gram's for a few vacations. I will love this scent always, for that reason.
  12. ashtonrose


    First, I have to thank D for sending this to me. I was having withdrawal symptoms. Still patiently waiting for my order... Love this scent!!! It reminded me of nights in Savannah, GA when the fog rolled in on a dark night when the street lamps are burning. I thought I was wandering through the thick spanish moss covered streets with my true love. Memories are wonderful and this one brings back many. Mysterious, dark, and velvety. Every love should have a little mystery and this is definitely a scent to bring back the mystery in a love affair. My hubby is gone for the next two weeks and I can't wait for him to smell this one.