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BPAL Madness!


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Status Replies posted by phantasmmysteria

  1. Your PM box is full--please delete some messages!

    1. phantasmmysteria


      Okay, I've freed up some room!

  2. I think I'm going to buy mah self an airbrush makeup system. Leaning toward OCC's starter kit, but if ya gots any other recommendations let me know!

    1. phantasmmysteria


      Oh, good to know! I had seen an advert for Dinair on another website, but I didn't know enough about the company. How long have to owned the Dinair compressor?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Dear Ovaries,\nWhat did I ever do to you?\nOuch,\nMe

  4. Saw Inception tonight & I loved the idea behind it!! The "emotional backstory" could've been a bit better though.

    1. phantasmmysteria


      See, I loved it. I thought the slow reveal of Leo's character's past was great.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Just destashed all my bottles on eBay, now I need more..

    1. phantasmmysteria


      Ugh, I am in SERIOUS need of a destash myself!

  6. With this being the nth summer I can remember where wildfires raged in Cali, I can't help but wonder why Cali doesn't have controlled burns.

    1. phantasmmysteria


      LOL, you're right! It's such a bad habit of mine.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. The diet starts today. I hope I can survive this 4 day jump start.

    1. phantasmmysteria


      You can do eet! *shakes pompons*
