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Everything posted by funkmoppet

  1. funkmoppet

    Baobhan Sith

    Oooh, this is a beautiful grapefruit blend. There's just the barest hint of tea underneath. It's whispery, and fades to a very soft scent close to the skin. This is definitely a summer blend, and while it doesn't really capture the brutal nature of the creatures that inspired it, it does have an ethereal quality. Really fresh and lovely. If it lingered with more bite, it might be a bottle, but for now I'll just enjoy the imp and see how I feel when the hot weather hits. EDIT: I have used this since, and fallen utterly in LOVE with it. Wow, this has gone from "nice" to MUST HAVE. I find myself reaching for it often. Big bottle, absolutely!!
  2. funkmoppet


    While I'm not a floral lover, I do love rose. Rose is a chameleon, it can be pure, vintage, romantic, dark or sexual. Whip is that latter for me. Rose and leather - simple and just so good. This is *real* rose, deep and womanly and wet. I absolutely see a dark red rose covered in water droplets. The leather never overpowers, and on my skin, really shows itself during the dry down. Dry it's just the faintest whisper. If you love rose, this is a gorgeous blend. It's a cool, calculating kind of sexy. Adore this.
  3. funkmoppet


    Oh, so lovely! The faint touch of lemon is only really present when wet. Given that lemon can amp up on my skin, this is a welcome surprise. On the skin it's vanilla tea, drying down softly with just a hint of musk. It's not too sweet, and is possibly THE loveliest vanilla I've come accross. I was expecting more of the tea, and for the blend to be a little more unisex, but I'm completely taken by this. Dorian.
  4. funkmoppet


    Warm, sexy leather and woods, gentle and masculine. The whiff of parchment and a peppery note just underneath. Here Dee, let me help you out of those trousers... Bottle. Want.
  5. funkmoppet


    Hmm. Okay. That is some super sweet stuff out of the imp. Vanilla and honey, loudly. I like vanilla and honey, but generally as notes mixed in with other goodies so it doesn't go gooey like this does. Oddly (and infuriatingly, as I wish this had happened with Doc Constantine), the amber doesn't go to Powder Of Doom. I'm guessing the honey and vanilla are just waaaaay stronger than this amber, and saving the blend on me. Shame I'm not more fond of the blend. I don't think sex when I smell this at all. I smell sickly sweet foodie syrup. It's a candy blend. The amber IS there, but it's not sexing this up for me. At all. I'm a bit with O. I don't hate it, but I'm not sure if I like it either. I may retest later, but I doubt I'd ever want more than an imp.
  6. funkmoppet

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    I knew you'd break my heart, Doc. I knew. But I still wasn't prepared for how MUCH heartbreak you'd bring! IT'S NOT FAIR! I get that first fifteen minutes of perfection - you are a musky, woody, leathery SEX-BEAST of EPIC proportions. I think grown-up thoughts and swoon at what is a perfect, gentlemanly, and drop-dead gorgeous blend. You're everything I wanted! A thinking woman's man! And then it's over. Powder of Doom takes you from me, and I'm scrubbing you off the very same wrist you just kissed. I HATE MY SKIN CHEMISTRY! I don't want to let you go! *sob* I'll try you on the boy...yes...try it on the boy...*mutter*
  7. funkmoppet

    Penny Dreadful

    Wet there's a strong blast of very woody soil. Immediately made me think of a Library with old musty books on polished wood. Upon dry down, the flowers come through without amping past the lovely "loam" smell. This is just blended so well, and is very much a library scent to me - with warm sun streaming in through the windows. Which is wonderful! I love it. Yup, big bottle.
  8. funkmoppet

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Oh dear GOD this is spectacular! I knew the notes would work on me, but...Ohhhhhh god this perfection. From wet to dry, this is magic. It's a swirling haze of dark fruity musk and patchouli, and is SO incredibly sexy. It's rich, it's mysterious, and it. Just. Smoulders. Oh yep. Adore. Have big bottle, will be getting backups.
  9. funkmoppet

    Kelly Pool

    I think I came to BPAL a week before the Dogs came down, and I was SO dissappointed. Kelly Pool was the first one I'd earmarked to buy - I mean, worsted wool. Want! Now I get to try it and, after practically willing myself to love it, I have to admit that it's not what I was hoping for at all. In the imp, I can absolutely smell the teakwood, and something that may just be the wool. It's got all the promise of what I wanted. As soon as it hits my skin, the rose amps up like someone turning the volume knob. For a brief patch, it IS lovely. It's an antique rose smell, like walking into a bric-a-brac store in the mountains where every crafty hand in the community sends their hand-made goodies - all presented in lovingly restored antique furniture. At this stage, I'm prepared to like it as a very comforting room scent. But the dry down loses everything woody and wooly and turns into rose potpourri. I'm very glad I got to try this, and might hang onto the imp and let it age. But alas, Kelly Pool isn't the woolen men's vintage clothing and woody rose scent I was hoping for.
  10. funkmoppet

    Brown Jenkin

    From the imp and onto the skin, the sandalwood dominates. I'm always a bit wary with coconut as a scent, but the sandalwood, orris and musk keep it from being too sweet. It's just a touch, and it's lovely. Then it drys down and the incense doesn't want to play with the others. It hasn't gone to powder-of-doom as such, but it's lost all the woody warmth and depth that I liked so much when it was wet. Now its sweet and powdery and joining the swap pile. Oh resins...why must we fight?
  11. funkmoppet

    Dragon's Heart

    TRU-D: Here he comes now, into the RED corner - it's The Resinator. The crowd's hostile, and...yep, he's flipping them off. He's the powdered demon and he doesn't care! And here's the challenger - into the BLUE corner comes The Musk Avenger. He's got Hot Fig with him, and the crowds going nuts. inTRUDer: Whoa, check out the mouth on fig. I bet that could ~ TRU-D: Shhh! They're in their places so Lehhhhhhhts get ready to rrrrrrrrrumble! Musk Avenger's off and goes straight off the ropes and - OOOh! Those are some awesome glands on the Avenger. inTRUDer: He won the sexiest heavyweight at this year's Mister Slippery finals. TRU-D: The Resinator's back up again, he's looking dazed, and...Uh-oh, he's got the powder out and he's going in for the kill! Musk Avenger's on the ground and takes one to the crotch! Fig's slips under the ropes and goes for the Resinator's jugular! It's not enough! OH my god, it's powder to the face! Fig's down and in tears. inTRUDer: Sexy tears. TRU-D: The Avenger's still struggling...he was looking so good for a while there but now the Resinator raises the powder of doom and... inTRUDer: Now there's something I didn't need to see. TRU-D: It's over folks. The ring is littered with bits of Fig and Musk...DOOM POWDER everywhere. It's carnage. The triumphant Resinator is flipping everyone off again, basks in yet another triumph, and leaves the ring to the howls of the crowd. *Sigh* You know I really thought they had him there for a while... inTRUDer: You owe me five bucks.
  12. funkmoppet

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Rich text is a godsend. If it's html, I'm still a gumby. That's a gorgeous label - all the July lunacies have been lovely. Can't wait for my Thunder Moon bottle to arrive!
  13. funkmoppet

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Hit the picture icon button where you've got all your text options and past the url into the little box that pops up. : )
  14. funkmoppet

    Sugar Skull

    Got to try this via a wee decant from a wonderful LJ seller. : ) This is burnt toffee. The kind made at home for school fetes. Someone's in the kitchen, stiring the syrup over the stove and letting it get aaaaaallll dark and heavy. It's making me think specifically of a country kitchen. I can see where people are getting maple syrup. The burnt smell is woody and amps up a little on me, stopping this from being tooth-achingly sweet. No fruit is emerging here. Smokey toffee. From start to finish. I don't think I'll be hurting myself hunting down a bottle, but if SS is revisited for the 2007 Halloween update, I think I may pounce. Mmmmm...comforting.
  15. funkmoppet

    The Hanging Gardens

    Frimp from the lab. Yep, this one is complex. Fruity tang from the imp with the wood warming up beautifully on my skin. Definitely like drifting through the gardens - it's dense and layered. The florals are nicely in the background. I love this stage, and was ready to add it to my wishlist... However, the fabulous woods go away after a while, leaving over-ripe fruit and little else (I suspect the pomegranate). Damn. Might try letting the imp age.
  16. funkmoppet

    Kumari Kandam

    A winner frimp from the Lab. Fortunate, as I would have completely overlooked this one! Ahh cold ozone and...clay? There's incense as well lending its earthiness. It's sharp and strong and just plain good. On the skin the pine kicks in and I'm in heaven. The incense take a backseat here, but I don't mind at all. It's all cold and evocative of somewhere ancient and silent. As it dries down the incense and clay comes back and everything just mellows perfectly. This is a fantastic blend. Love it - and may well get a bottle when the imp runs out.
  17. funkmoppet

    Blue Moon 2007

    Oh Blue Moon. Guh...*weeps at the beauty*. My first Lab order was for this update. I'd heard the legend, and was all poised and ready and determined to grab a bottle for my very own. Plus I've always had a thing for the moon. I cannot even attempt to pick one note from another because this is all so seamlessly blended into one glowing, ethereal, hauntingly beautiful dream. Blue. That's as good as I can do. Beautiful blue. The night is crisp, patterns of moonlit clouds drift about the sky, and the breeze is picking up the most spectacular flowers and gentle woodland scents. This is completely magical, and I am in utter awe. So very glad I have this bottle. 2009's the next blue moon? I'll wait for you, my love!!!
  18. funkmoppet

    Kuang Shi

    Frimp from the lab - I would never have picked this one for myself, and now I know why. Wet, it's sharp, biting orange and sandalwood. On my skin: Okay, where'd that sandalwood go? It's all orange and mango. LOUD orange and mango. Drying down, there's a teeny hint of musk underneath, but its efforts are futile in making this smell like anything other than orange and mango kids' drink on me. Or orange-flavoured chewable vitamin C tablets.
  19. funkmoppet


    Frimp from the lab - and one I'd been thinking of trying. I loved the "italian kitchen" description of other reviews, and hoped for something like that. Wet, I really loved it. Sharp herbal smell with cedar. On, the leaves played very nicely with the warm cedar with just a hint of vetiver. The cedar and vetiver grew stronger on the dry down and I was ready to give it a thumbs up and mark on my want list. But dry, it goes raspberry bubble gum. With only a ghost of cedar and olive underneath. I would have loved it had the herbal sharpness remained and the raspberry not amped unpleasantly. Nope. Swap pile.
  20. funkmoppet


    Oh, this exceeds all expectations. This is wonderful. Blast of tart blackberries when wet, which just morphs wonderfully into the gorgeous heather. It's such a fantastic outdoor smell. Herby, heady and just makes me wish I was lying in the heather on a hillside with the boy. Absolutely bottle-worthy unisex blend. I adore Glasgow. Edited for a wonky typo.
  21. funkmoppet


    When I saw Selkie in the Blue Moon update I promptly went nuts. A Scottish blend? Mine. Barely even glanced at the notes, and then just hoped like mad that it was going to work on me. Wet, it's a gorgeous waft of green, lush florals, a touch of honey, and a blast of an incredible water note. On the skin, the honey dances about. It's absolutely green. I always worry about florals going too sweet and sickly on me (points at Cancer 2007), but the grasses keep it all beautifully balanced. Now dry, it's really holding its own. Not much morphing. Still a wonderful, juicy green floral with a drift of the grass and honey underneath. There's something wistful to Selkie. I'm very happy. This is a floral I'll wear, and will be wonderful when spring hits.
  22. funkmoppet

    Fenris Wolf

    *sigh* One of the first blends I coveted, and had high hopes for. I'd been expecting pure boy-sex. That was, of course, until my discovery that BPAL resins and my skin chemistry are mortal enemies. The imp and wet, yep - smells awesome. All the things I love. Wait for it... Dry down: Uh huh, that tell-tale smell of the oncoming powder. For a while I thought the lovely red musk was hanging in and going to rescue the blend, but nope. Brave try, darling musk. Sorry Mr Wolf. Powder isn't sexy.
  23. funkmoppet

    All Night Long

    Wet and on the skin this is tasty cinnamon. Unlike the sweet, honeyed chai of the delicious Bengal, this cinnamon is dry. There's definitely something woody underneath that stops this going sweet. I can smell nutmeg, and...something else. Possibly sandalwood, but cinnamon is such an attention seeking smell that it's subtle and hard for me to pin down. It's definitely a dry, languid and sensual blend. I can't vouch for its effectiveness with the boy, as he's away and I wanted to test this as a fragrance first in case my skin chemistry rebelled. Hooray that these are notes my skin loves! I don't know if it's a bottle yet, but I'll definitely be using up this imp. Lovely!
  24. funkmoppet


    Smut 07. Guh! Wet on the skin, this smells for all the world like rich, very dark liqueur chocolate. Utterly and completely incredible. I'm a tad wary of musks, not being quite sure yet if certain varieties are what clashes with my skin chemistry and turns otherwise magnificent blends into horrid baby-powder. But oh OH OH, the musk in Smut is clearly not the culprit - it's been on my skin long enough and is still luscious. This dry down is perfect - the musks are almost sweaty, heavy on the skin, and the patchouli is sultry without any of the "dirty hippie" smell that I can't stand. This is flank spankin' filthy sex-in-a-bottle, and the throw is incredible from only the merest dab. Now to pray like mad that there'll be a re-release of Smut in the future.
  25. funkmoppet

    All Souls

    ... An incense blend that invokes the higher qualities of mercy and compassion, mingled with the soft, sugared currant scent of offertory soul cakes. When wet, this is biting incense and sour, boozy dried fruit. There's also a nail-polish remover smell to it which isn't fun. The wet smell seems to just go on and on. I get no cake. The dried fruit fades and what smells like indian spice takes over. For ages this one had me going Couldn't work out if I liked it or hated it. I was really hoping for cake... Dry, this smells like every generic Indian knick-knack/jewelery/clothing store I've ever walked into. Specifically, it smells like standing in front of the incense rack. Not really getting any sense of All Souls from this that I recognise. Shame. But I'm very "meh" on this one.