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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by underline2

  1. I haven't tested out the effectiveness of this yet, but as for the scent...


    It starts off as a cloying, sickening honey overload with a lot of musk. The cinnamon comes out a bit and it gets better. It doesn't really scream "SEX!" on me, but I definitely imagine it could give me the boost of confidence to scream it myself.


    It mellows down to cinnamon and enraged honey. It's one of those scents that's nice in the air around you, but not straight from the source.


    I'll write a review of the other effects when I get to test it out in that way. :P

  2. Now that the concert's over, this can become a regular thread for kickass concert-y blends! I wore Smut and Coffee & Kahlua (from MMU) and it was a blast.



    Original post:


    I'm going to a Billy Idol concert tomorrow (seeing the Crush for the first time in a while too) and have no idea what to wear!


    What scents would go well with a hot pink fringe miniskirt? =P

  3. I haven't ordered anything from BPAL in a while (money shortages) but when I got the e-mail about 13 being rereleased I just had to get it!


    In the bottle:

    A very nice cocoa note and a bit of sweet apple/apple blossom notes. Chocolate usually doesn't work on me, but this reminds me of the notes from Wulric the Wolfman, which was divine.



    The sweetness strengthens momentarily, but is more or less overtaken by the woodier notes. The tonka is foremost, I think, which is nice because I adore tonka. There's still a bit of fruity sweetness that adds a bit of depth to the entire thing.



    The sweetness is almost completely gone and has given way to a very pleasant blend of cocoa, tonka and sandalwood. There's a very slight spicy note underneath it all. It's turned out to be very mellow, yet with a bit of a kick. The throw isn't amazing, but I can smell something even when I'm not sniffing my wrist. A whiff of intrigue perhaps? =P


    4 out of 5, overall. I wouldn't wear it every day, but perhaps on special occasions. This actually would be a very nice Halloween scent and usually the Halloween food-y ones don't work on me.

  4. In the bottle:

    Straight up ozone-y water smell that I really can't stand.



    Still ozone-y, but not quite as sharp. It makes my nose feel a little bit colder which is nice.



    It's mellowing even more, which makes me happy. There's something warm behind it all... perhaps the ambergris? It's still mainly aquatic, though. Overall I think I'll stick with peppermint scents to cool me off in the summer.

  5. I love this scent! I get a little bit of the wine at first, but it quickly goes to a straight wood scent, which I'm surprised to say I adore. It's total bonfire! Warm and woody and slightly smokey. My only problem is that my skin doesn't seem to want to absorb it. I can still see the sheen of where I put it on fifteen minutes later and my skin is slightly sticky as well. But I can totally work around that! This is a perfect vamping-up and going-out perfume! (It just makes me wish I were a brunette...)

  6. WOW. That's all I can say. I just went back over my perfume collection for the first time in months and discovered that, hey! I have Grog!


    Like others have said, BUTTERSCOTCH. This makes me insanely happy as most chocolatey/sugary scents don't work on me. I don't really pick up any of the boozey scents, but it's still an amazing keeper!

  7. I tried this one on at school for the first time (not a good idea), and wasn't amazed by it, but it wasn't terrible either. Very incensey with a hint of something else that I can't quite put my finger on.


    I was in the comp lab minding my own business and one of my friends comes over and sniffs my shoulder. When I ask him what the hell he's doing, he says "I smell something. It smells bad -- good -- I don't know."


    :P Needless to say, Wanton is definitely not feminine sexuality in its rawest form on me.

  8. In the imp:

    Robitussen. Cherry Robitussen. With some dark musky note behind it all.



    Softly cherried black incense/musk. A bit of vanilla. It's sweet, but not foody at all. More like a fruity black tea.



    A little bit of almond comes out, but it's mainly heady, dark sweetness. It seems like a good oil to wear to, say, a nightclub, or a particularly flirty date.



    It's darkly bold and sugary, primarily. It's also extremely feminine and sexy with just a touch of girliness. But not young, Lolita-type girliness.


    This is pure Dorothy Parker in full vixen mode.

  9. In the imp:

    Lilies! Woo!



    Lilies with something lighter and sweeter in the background. Generally, I don't like florals of any kind, but this is very nice. Soft and sweet.



    An orangey citrus note comes out and blends very nicely with the lily. It's a wonderfully low-key scent, but it's definitely not innocent or vulnerable.

  10. In the bottle:

    Sweet tobacco



    Still sweet tobacco, with a hint of hops in the background. It's a very Al Capone a la Untouchables, or Guys and Dolls-type manly man. Manly men who are secure enough to sing and dance, and wear silk underthings.



    The same. The tonka never makes an appearance, which makes me sad, but that's okay. Off to the swaps!

  11. Imp:

    Dirt, bourbon and something that makes it slightly foody.



    Spanish moss and dirt. Perhaps a hint of spilled liquor.



    A bit of the magnolia comes out and mingles with the alcohol.


    After 15 minutes:

    Hot and humid Spanish moss, which is nice, but I hope it continues onto the wild drunken revelry soon.



    Alas and alack, the funeral party left without me. Oh well. Off to the swaps.

  12. In the imp:

    Pure red wine, not too dry and very fruity with a hint of leather.



    Same as in the imp. It's sexy and heady and oh-my-goodness boozey. The leather provides a warmth behind the sharpness of the wine that makes it less fruity.



    It immediately softens to the point of being in the past tense. A bit of the leathery warmth is still there, but not much. I can hardly smell the wine anymore.



    Wanda is undeniably sexy, but she's also hard, sweet and fast. I wish she'd hung around longer, but apparently she isn't one for cuddling or pillow talk. :P Sob.

  13. Thick, sugared and bloated with sweetness. Dark chocolate, vanilla, buttercream, and hops with pralines, hazelnut, toffee and caramel.

    At first, Gluttony is all caramel on me. Which is amazing, in all ways. I love foody scents and I got this one because of the chocolate in it. After a bit it turns into sweet, vanilla-ed hazelnuts. The overall effect is very foody, but a nice mix of sweet and bitter.

  14. It's a blend like this that makes me wish I still had my yellow gingham sundress. It's a perfect summery scent. It's a liquified lemon drop. It's tart and sugary and oh so lemony, with just a hint of jasmine in the background to soften it up. This would be an excellent blend to add to shampoo or hairspray.

  15. In the Imp:

    Definitely rum, but I can also smell almonds and herbs.



    Bitter, bitter rum. I can also smell the bay leaves and cloves.



    Okay, it's not nearly as bitter. Perhaps the "butter rum" part is making an appearance? Yes, I do believe so. It's mellowed somewhat, and is now getting a little sweet. The bay leaves have dimmed (thank goodness) and the almonds are coming out.



    It's nice by itself, but I also have Jolly Roger on the same arm (Port-Au-Prince is on my elbow, Jolly Roger on my wrist) and it makes the most sinfully amazing pirate blend ever!

  16. In the Imp:

    Very sweet and fruity, but there's a slight bite of alcohol. Like in Schnopps.



    It's warm and the plum is outstanding. The amaretto makes a small appearance. I can also recognize the smell of currants from Eat Me in this one. It's sweet and fruity, but without reminding me of food. I would kill to have lip gloss taste like this smells.



    It's horribly feminine without being girly. It's also just this side of complete decadence. I want to EAT my arm. I still can't decide if this is more Best Little Whorehouse in Texas or Madame de Pompadour. Perhaps somewhere between the two? Definitely my new "sexay-beast!" perfume.


    Rating (out of 5):


  17. Even before I open it I get a strong smell of salt and leather!


    In the Imp:

    Total sea spray! It's slightly sweet and salty and it smells completely like the ocean!



    Still sea spray, but it mellows. A bit of the leather comes out and every once in a while I get a whiff of pure salt



    Still sea spray! It doesn't seem to change much over time, but this is a perfect lazy-day-on-my-dread-ship-Revenge scent. It's like having no cares in the world, just laying out on deck in the sun.


    Rating (out of 5):


  18. In the Imp:

    Unsweetened cocoa powder and some light floral. Reminiscent of chocolate oranges - not the taste/smell, but the amalgam of flavors.



    Pure flowers, but nice ones. It's strange, but the florals and cocoa scents seem to be going in different directions! One one side of my wrist I can smell the cherry blossom, on the other the cocoa powder.



    The chocolate comes out more. But it's not as pleasant as it was in the beginning. The chocolate isn't exactly chocolatey and more just a slightly bitter, WARM scent.



    Whatever note it is, it reminds me of toilet cleaner. Which really makes me sad. Oh well. Off to the swaps.

  19. I really didn't expect to like this one, but surprisingly I do. I don't get any of the roses, though, which is strange. They usually go crazy on me. It's slightly sweet and very powdery, but the carnation does add some character to what otherwise would be a very innocent and girlish blend. It seems like a wonderful variety of baby powder instead of a perfume. :P

  20. Sacred Whore starts off all gardenia and jasmine on me. A very light musk comes out, but deepens once it's dry. For a bit, the musk and incense take over, but then it blends together with the florals in a quite nice way.


    It's not exactly my style, but I'll definitely wear it out in a bit in case someone asks what it's called. A chance that I'll get to tell someone that I'm wearing a perfume called "Sacred Whore of Babylon" is too good to pass up.

  21. Oh my good god. As soon as I put it on I knew I needed a bottle! Eat Me is pure cake, sugar, butter and the hint of something slightly tart in the background, like in blueberry muffins. This would be an amazing room scent. It's everlasting cake perfection! If I ever decide to make a white cake with currants, I'll be sure to put this on. That way I actually CAN have my cake and eat it too! :P


    ETA: Turns out Eat Me is pretty resistant to washing off too! And the throw is amazing. I believe I've found a new addition for my top five.
