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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by sh1mm3r

  1. Wow.


    The only other blend I've tried with blackberry is Glasgow, and it is one of my top 5, particularly for summer.


    This takes that blackberry and makes it much more grown up. The sweetness is replaced by the wildness of blackberries growing where other plants can't. I would almost venture a guess that blackberry leaf is in this as well, but that might just be the lavender.


    Of course I adore honey so how I missed this when it came out is beyond me. I need to track down my own bottle now.

  2. I don't get a lot of rose from this, mainly peony. And I never thought you could have a root note, but there it is. It's the distinct scent of working in a garden, not the dirt but just the freshness of everything - the verdant life around you as you weed or water.

  3. Wow this is not what I expected. The incense mixing with the sweet syrup is very strange to me. Like a pancake breakfast during a high church service.


    Or eating caramels by a campfire.


    On me, the smoky smells including incense just magnify with increasing intensity until I wash them off. Yikes.

  4. When I first put this on, it is very soapy, sour, and strong.


    30 seconds later, it disappears.


    All that's left is a faint ozoney scent. Not what I expected at all, but it's too dark to run after it (it's midnight after all).

  5. At first, citrus cough drops, but dries quickly to a very strong lavender. This has the sharpness of alcohol in the background too (I think that is the rosemary). It has the impression of a purpose (as in, I wouldn't wear this just for a scent).

  6. I usually avoid rose notes for two reasons - one, florals aren't great on me. Two - my Mom's perfume my entire life was Joy, and as much as I adore her, I don't want to smell like her.


    What I like about this blend is that the rose is not very heady - it is as if you can smell the green parts too, and it really is like a fresh rose. I do like the rose in Dublin more (it is greener to me), and I will probably swap it, but I appreciate getting this as a frimp to finally try.

  7. This is very medicinal smelling - must be the lemon verbena type scent most are smelling. Back when I was struggling with sleep apnea I tried putting this on my pillowcase, and it helped me focus on sleeping, if that makes sense. I woudln't wear it as an everyday scent, in an attempt to train my brain into somnus=sleep.

  8. The wicked, malicious dark side of the Court of Faerie, Unseelie literally translates to ‘Unholy’. The Unseelie Court is ruled by Titania’s corrupted twin sister, the Queen of Air and Darkness. The Court rides the nighttime winds spreading chaos and miscief; woe be to any mortal that crosses its path. A misty, otherworldly scent laced with ethereal florals, crushed herbs and soft, dew-covered grasses.

    I received a mysterious package of BPAL from someone in Georgia, and included was an imp of Unseelie. From the description I wasn't expecting to like it, because typically the word floral is a huge sign of disaster.

    I'm just not sure I have the words. For me, who wears Snow White and SnowFlakes almost exclusively all winter, this is like if Snow White were an icecream that you eat outside in the summer. The same grassy elements, and definitely some vanilla in there, but it is all much fresher and warm somehow. It does go powdery but not in a bad way.

  9. I keep trying floral blends in an attempt to find a true lily smell.


    This turns sickly sweet like carnation blends do, and it is STRONG.


    At the same time aquatic. I will probably wash this one off. I only put a tiny swipe and I can smell my wrist from here (and it's busy typing!)

  10. In the bottle this reminds me completely of Fruit Moon, a scent I loved but ultimately traded because I didn't want to SMELL like a fruit bowl.


    On, this has some of the perfumey note I get from Et Lux Fuit and The Living Flame - I'm not sure what note does this, but it definitely adds a dimension Fruit Moon doesn't have - probably a combo of the blossoms and the resin.


    As it dries, I am struck that this would layer nicely with a lot of the BBW scents that are sweet + fruity at the same time - Sweet Pea, Moonlight Path, the cherry blossom line, and others.


    This was purchased for my sister's birthday anyway, but it's been sitting on my dresser begging me to try it, so I did. I'm glad I bought it for someone else, and hopefully it isn't too floral for her!

  11. Warm, comforting, incensey spices. No citrus or lemon in sight, although I wish it was in there a little. At first this is heady and thick, and then goes in the background, but then I'll catch whiffs of it.


    I put it on after using a lemon + gingerbread scrub this morning - yum!


    I like this more than gingerbread poppet - it is not as cloying, and it lingers longer.

  12. Pre-conceived notions: Love honey, love Neil Gaiman... please don't make the florals and ambrette be terrible!


    This is lovely. Sheer loveliness. Two of my top scents are The Hesperides and Honey Moon, and it smells like a combo of those two plus Eden which I also wear from time to time.


    It might very well become my signature scent. I had not declared one yet although I've been buying bpal for three years now.

  13. This was an interesting experience when I wore it for the first time yesterday. The scent itself was hardly noticeable on my skin - I had to put my nose right up to my wrist to smell it.


    BUT - at work I was so productive it was almost scary. And I went over to the main library and stayed 2 hours longer than planned because everyone needed something from me or wanted my opinion on something.


    I went home exhausted (after getting an oil change, taking a walk, and getting groceries!) and didn't realize until this morning what I had been wearing. So I really think it works. And it doesn't say it won't make you tired. :P

  14. I laughed hysterically when I read the description of this frimp from the lab. It could only be a worse combination if it also had red wine in it, as far as notes that are nasty on me.


    Tried it anyway, tried it anyway, tried it anyway last night....


    Yep, nasty. Dirt and sludge and chaos. I'll frimp it elsewhere!

  15. When I first applied this to my skin, I got juicy watermelon bubblegum. Egh.


    Then I caught a whiff of the nastiness that is the carnation note (on my skin).


    Suddenly, it turned into a wonderful meadowy scent memory. My family once went to Ohme Gardens, and there is a section where you intentionally walk on groundcovering plants, because they release fragrance, etc. That is what Arachne smells like to me. For a while Yankee Candle made an English Meadow scent that was also just like this, but since they discontinued it I have been searching for it forever. Here it is!

  16. Growing up in the woods, I spent summers building forts and making trails. My best friend and I even had our own Teribithia, with a creek, a rope swing, and huge imaginations.


    Nocnitsa is that to me. Trees. Rich dirt. Ferns. Pine needles and wild blackcaps.

  17. I have been looking for this for a long time, and finally got a partial decant in a swap.


    I love it - it is snowy, frosty, icy mints, with a touch of some kind of floral or grass in the background.


    I second everyone else who says it might actually be better in the summer than in the winter - although it definitely reflects the winter, it might have cooling effects in the summer. Love it.

  18. In the bottle, I could not distinguish this from Snow White.


    But on the skin, while Snow White is incredibly powerful, almost dominating my air space, Snow Flakes takes more of a light approach. Later in the day I can detect an undertone of mint, but it is still very much like Snow White.


    I adore Snow White, so this isn't a problem!

  19. I sniffed this at the Atlanta Meet n' Sniff and immediately went home to begin the Great Search. In the bottle it was ginger and vanilla and I swooned.


    On my skin, it starts out spicy but then sweetens up to vanilla. But unlike most vanillas, the sweetness is not cloying or powdery, it has some kind of clarity to it, which makes me think it has boozy notes that I can't identify. It also reminds me of cooking extracts or carbonated drinks somehow.


    Then thirty minutes later, poof! The longest this has lasted on my skin is 45 minutes. Oh woe, or sadness, oh why couldn't it smell like it did on the bottle forever.


    And before anyone asks, this decant already has a home.
