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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by sh1mm3r

  1. sh1mm3r

    Pulse Points

    I ordered this on my quest to find a signature sexy scent. This is the second (out of many) BPAL imps that I have had to wash off right away. The other one was Debauchery, and these are very similar, only this is more band-aidy and Debauchery was more opium-dennish. I couldn't smell the narcissus or poppy at all. I should have looked up civet before ordering!
  2. sh1mm3r

    Snake Oil

    This makes me want to go slip into some sexy lingerie and just stay home all day. Exactly the kind of scent I was looking for! Mine starts out spicier, then turns a little flat and tinny, and then the vanilla and spices warm up together to a nice velvety scent that sticks around quite a while.
  3. sh1mm3r

    Centzon Totochtin

    In the bottle: I smell the red wine with the BPAL blood scent. I'm a little concerned, because a lot of wine scents only smell like wine after a while. Wet: All boozey on me, with a background of blood. Dry: The cocoa is coming through but is sweetened and rounded out by the other scents. This one is a keeper! I never have enough scents that are warming, and this will be a good one. But not too thick and sweet as to be inappropriate for work, etc.
  4. sh1mm3r


    In the bottle and wet: I have the feeling of cinnamon, it is somehow spicy, thick, sweet, and strong. There isn’t anything that says cinnamon in the description, but I feel cinnamon if that makes sense. Dry: The amber is the strongest, and honey. Strong and thick and sweet, and powdery, but not in a bad way. Definitely not a scent to wear to work!
  5. sh1mm3r

    Snow White

    In the bottle: it smells greener than I expected. Fresh, but almost grassy. Wet: The green smell is still coming through, but it is almost sparkling, kind of like the first snow. And so fitting since the day I wore it was the first real day of snow. Dry: There is now an underlying sweetness to the scent. The grassiness has faded, but the smell is still fresh. Sparkly fresh snow with a clear blue sky!
  6. sh1mm3r


    This is one of the few scents that smells almost identical on as it did in the bottle. It's also a scent-memory scent. I can close my eyes and be transported to the middle of a thunderstorm, or to a boat in a rainstorm. It also brings back the memory of clean sheets. I don't think I would wear this every day, but I want to hang onto it when I need to be in a different place. Suprisingly, this doesn't seem to fade much either. Huh.
  7. sh1mm3r

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    Wet - The pomengranate and peach are the strongest scents, although there is something keeping them from being overbearingly sweet. Drying - The myrtle has started to come through, as has the wild rose. The melilot hasn't really shown a presence, but I would love it if it did (I had to look that one up, melilot is a sweet clover). Dry - Wow, the aquatic notes seem to interchange with the myrtle, and the wild rose has stepped into a background. This is one of those scents that I would love for people to catch a waft of when I walked past. I'm going to go apply more, since what I put on seemed to fade pretty quickly (but I always apply lightly when I am first trying!). When I was growing up we used to go the myrtlewood store at the beach, and this is an instant scent memory, but it is more complex than pure myrtle. I can tell the sweet parts are balancing it out but I can't pick them out anymore. This is a keeper! I have a feeling it will grow on me even more.
  8. sh1mm3r


    From reading other posts, I am once more convinced my body chemistry is wacko. This scent is not masculine at all on me. And not woodsy either. Wet - okay, I smell some woods, but also vanilla and a sweetness. It reminds me a lot of the honey vanilla lotion I used to wear all of the time. Dry - root beer float, but not too sweet. It's not the sticky sweet it could be, I think the woods help with this, but they are not in the foreground (for once!). I LOVE this scent on me. I feel sexy and feminine with it on. Definitely will need to purchase a larger bottle. And I would never have tried it had my friend not had an imp. You just can never tell!
  9. sh1mm3r

    Blood Kiss

    I'm decidedly undecided about this. I feel like if it were more of the scents I know I like (the vanilla, honey, and clove), I would be happier. And yet... *sniffs wrists*... I think I like it. Wet, I smelled the cherry, some kind of floral (must be poppy), and the wine. As it dried, I smelled the wine more and more, and now it is a warm red wine smell. No clove, no vanilla. This makes me think of the red smoke in the Wicked Witch's crystal ball, surrounding around the field of poppies when Dorothy was drugged.... that smoke is what I smell. Huh.
  10. sh1mm3r


    Wet - Import store! Opium den! Someplace dark, dank, with a lot of seedy history. Dry - It turns soapy on me, that is, opium soap. I endured this for a half hour and had to wash it off. It is exactly what it says it is, it just doesn't fit me. Nothing incensey is very nice on me. I guess I can't be that kind of woman.
  11. sh1mm3r

    March Hare

    Wet - I really smell the cloves, plus a sweetness. Dry - As it dries, the cloves get smoother and the apricot sweetness shines through a little more. Still very spicy. Love, love, LOVE! It's Christmas! It's Yule! It's the spiced cider and the cookies and the tree, and everything. It's the warmth inside when it is blustery and snowy outside. I put very little on and it lasts quite a while. I can imagine wearing this all winter long and it making me very happy. Springsea might have to wrestle me to get the imp back.
  12. sh1mm3r


    The devil’s herb, which he cultivates with skill and pleasure. According to lore, the spirit of this plant may take the form of a breathtaking, achingly beautiful woman, deadly to behold. This scent is a tribute to such a dark and magnificent plant: a rich green and floral blend, earthy and haunting. In my huge pile of imps from my last order, this is the last one I tried. But, surprisingly to me, I like it quite a bit. In the bottle, I didn't think it would smell good on me. Then there is the wicked green color. Wet, it smells like a deep damp forest, but it isn't the wood smell that comes, out but more of a mossy, tree bough smell. Woods are not nice on me, they are always bitter, but this is nice. Dry, it reminds me of walking through the forest at my house where there were a lot of ferns on the ground. And the ferns in a flower arrangement. It isn't sweet at all, which is nice.
  13. sh1mm3r


    For some reason, I had it in my head that I would like fig, so in my last order I ordered every fig scent. But I forgot how sweet and sticky fig can smell (brain fart, I guess). This is so not for me. The scent just smells like a huge holiday bazaar or a bowl of potpourri. One bonus - the mandarin didn't turn bitter and rancid smelling like most orange scents do, so maybe I can be safe ordering future impies with some citrus. I'm not too disappointed though; I have 14 more to try, and I have a friend who really wants my imp of this.
  14. sh1mm3r

    The Unicorn

    In the bottle: Bright and cheery floral. Wet: A meadow on a summer day, with very little breeze. Dry: Bunches of herbs mixed with dried flowers. This is a strange scent, it varies what it smells like on different days. The first time I wore it, it was the lovely herb-bunch smell mixed with greens. Yesterday it was a room air freshener smell (a little stale) that I wasn't as fond of. Who knows what it will be tomorrow! I really like the scents (like this one) that are more fresh than sweet.
  15. sh1mm3r


    I tried this one at an imp party, so I don't even own it! Oh sadness, oh grief. I shall have to include this in my next order. In the bottle: I smell warm mulled wine. I can see a fire in a stone fireplace, with spices and fir boughs. On: very cinnamon at first, and as it dried a strong citrus/wine scent comes out. Dry: Cinnamoney citrusey goodness. It never deflated to a powdery scent as the sweeter scents tend to. I would wear this in the fall and in the winter, and in summer evenings. Or when I wished it was those times. I might have to order a 5 ml of this one.
  16. sh1mm3r


    In the bottle, this smelled really floral, but not sweet. Like a bouquet with a lot of greenery, or a forest on a rainy day. As it dries, it goes through a stage I don't like, where the wet and dark smells go away and it is pure floral. Once it dries, the florals take a step back and the swampy mossy smells balances them out again. I really thought I wouldn't like this one, but I do. It's a nice weekend fragrance, but I wonder if it is contributing to my sluggishness today. Oh and I just realized that this is one scent with wood that doesn't overpower me with the woody smells. The woody smells are way in the background. Makes me want to rethink my promise to "never try a woody scent again."
  17. sh1mm3r


    In the bottle: all sandalwood. I almost didn't try some on, but I know better. I only put the scarcest amount on, just in case, so it's a little faint at the time I'm reviewing it. Wet: sandalwood and lilac, really strong and musky, as if I was shut in a closet with dried versions of each. Drying: A sweeter scent is coming through, probably gardenia. Dry a few hours later: Sweet gardenia, with lilac and sandalwood undertones. I really like the dry version! I never smelled the lavender, but I'm okay with that.
  18. sh1mm3r


    The first scent I tried (lightly at first, and then splashed it gleefully on my wrists): Old Glasgow In the bottle, I smelled sweetness, almost like violets. On the first application, I really smelled the blackberries. As it dried, it turned to the smell of wildflowers (the heather) or a meadow being walked through. The heather really prevailed. An hour later, I kept thinking, "Why do I smell roses?" And then realized the smell keeps tricking my nose into thinking of roses, but I don't like the scent of roses and I like this. It does have the aroma of crushed flowers, as if they had been walked on. My husband's first reaction was funny, because I had picked up the dog when it was still wet on my wrists, and now my dog smells like blackberries. I love this one. I feel like it matches my personality and reminds me of places I have loved.