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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by sh1mm3r

  1. sh1mm3r

    Juke Joint

    Juke Joint stays the exact same from start to finish on my skin. Bourbon, mint, and sugar! Exactly! No secrets hidden here! And... it lasts forever. Seriously. It's almost 9 PM and I applied it once this morning, and I can still smell it. Now if only the weather would cooperate to match the scent - I need a hot humid day for it to truly fit.
  2. sh1mm3r

    The Living Flame

    Every once in a while a scent comes out that if I could only freeze it's initial reaction on my skin, I'd be so happy! But sadly, the main stage of The Living Flame was not my style. The first stage - spicy, with a touch of sweetness and fushia florals As it dried, the spiciness was replaced with a sweet, thick floral. I could picture an older lady with long brown hair, but not me. So I swapped it! For something I haven't seen yet, but the adventure continues!
  3. sh1mm3r


    To start out with, I put on way more of this than I usually do when first trying scents! Yikes! I wanted to try Alice because I love Snow White and people always say if you love Snow White to try it! Wet: I get sweet roses Dry: Turns to milky honey sweetness. I don't dislike it but it isn't quite me. If Alice is a child's tea party, then Dorian is an adult tea party. And I've always liked hanging out with adults more than children. Just a matter of personal preference, really, the scent itself is lovely.
  4. sh1mm3r

    Leanan Sidhe

    (Thanks to minilux for this imp to try!) When I saw the description I was hoping this would be more like Phantom Queen, a meadowy scent. And it isn't, but I still like it. On me, it's really green and fresh. Not sweet at all. And what really comes through on me is the nighttime dew. It's almost a rain smell, that just makes it even fresher. And I've been hoping for a rain scent, so this makes me happier than anyone could guess. Walking through Gaelic mists, with dew on the flowers and herbs.... totally!
  5. sh1mm3r


    When the musks are right, they don't disappear on me exactly, but they magnify the other scents and make them just smell like they belong. This is lovely. I don't get any lemon at all, just a vanilla-lavender tea. This is my official Sunday scent, because my husband and I have made Sunday Teaday. Tea and scones, tea and crumpets, always tea and something. Our relaxing weekend ritual. And Dorian fits alongside perfectly!! ETA: I had gone through an imp testing bout, and went back to my usual everyday scent of Snow White. And realized - I miss Dorian! I think he shall become my everyday scent, because I find I cannot live without him.
  6. sh1mm3r


    I used to wear violet perfume when I was younger, so part of this scent makes me think of the me I was then, and it is too distracting. Also, strangely, this scent is really strong. I applied the same amount that I would usually apply of my daily scents (Snow White, Old Glasgow) and it is very overpowering, still now, almost six hours later. I have my office door closed because they're working on the carpet in the hallway, and I've felt a bit heady. I love the scent that I small right on my wrists, which is tonka bean. But the throw is the sweeter, fruitier, pure violet scent that just isn't me. Apparently the violet loves me! I'm sure someone will appreciate it in a swap though! Ooh and Beth, I love the Wanderlust scents in general, and hope to see many more!
  7. sh1mm3r


    I definitely see the same thing as ChupaChup here. When I first opened the bottle, I smelled a fresh mint smell, like what I would smell walking by the wild beds of it at my mother's house. When I first applied it, it turned a sharp lemon that faded right away, and then the anise came out to play. An hour later, it has all faded into a soapy (good soapy) green feeling, with an anise undercurrent. Fresh anise. This is the smell of freshly laundered sheets on a brisk sunny spring day. I would like to make this into a lotion.
  8. sh1mm3r

    Sugar Skull

    I got an imp of this today, thanks to a swap with anshara. As soon as I applied it, I swear I had a physical sugar rush without eating any! I was dancing around the kitchen, cooking and cleaning. I don't know what I think. Part of it reminds me of Hearth, and I think that's just the smokiness that people have talked about. My husband, sitting three feet away on the couch, could only smell smoke, and no sweetness. That was a little strange. I'm not sure I would wear this on a regular basis, but I don't really have any sugary sweet scents for those kind of days. And we all have those days, don't we?
  9. sh1mm3r


    Thanks to velvet for throwing this in with a swap. Wet: Cherry, cherry, cherry. Like I stuck a sticky cherry lollipop to my wrist. Drying down: starting to smell the anise Dry: Cherry still very strong, but the red musk has poked his head out to temper it. It's not bad, but it's not really me. Actually, it might be a great Valentines Day scent. *ponders*
  10. sh1mm3r

    Gingerbread Poppet

    *looks around for ice cream* Delicious! Smells just like fresh gingerbread, made from scratch. I want it to be yule forever! Thanks to the lovely velvet for decanting an imp of this for me in a swap. I only had the fundage to order one yule LE, and chose Snow White. Now I want to track down some sugar cookie so I can try layering like summer suggested.
  11. sh1mm3r

    Springtime scents

    I apologize if this has been discussed before, I did a search and couldn't find a similar thread. I finally have warm scents for winter, and now I'm thinking ahead to spring, and realized I should order soon if I want to make sure I have my order in time for the flowers to bloom. What are your favorite springy scents (regular and LE?)
  12. sh1mm3r

    Sweet dried grasses scents

    I really like Phantom Queen... to my nose it is a field of clover.
  13. sh1mm3r

    The Coiled Serpent

    I would definitely echo this. Please understand, if I had known this was patchouli, I would never have smelled it, much less tried it. But for some reason, that isn't what I smelled. I could tell it was different from all the other imps I was trying. I put it on lightly this morning, and noticed that people I interacted with seemed to be responding to be in a different way. I felt more connected to them. I put on more at lunch. I don't want to be too specific about the benefits I have found with this oil, but I have been married five years. And tonight was truly incredible. It is fitting that the coiled serpent is linked to your root chakra, and that your kundalini is connected with awakening of all kinds, including spiritual. I just finished reading The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, about a spiritual awakening to feminine divinity. SMK also talks briefly about how the serpent used to be associated with female spiritual power, pre-Judaism. I used imagery throughout the day of a serpent within my body, connecting me to the ground, and with myself. I don't care if it is the timing of using this scent or if it is the scent alone. But it was too powerful of an experience for me to ever give this imp away. I apologize that I don't have specific scent descriptions. This one for me is all about the feelings involved.
  14. sh1mm3r

    Blood Amber

    In the bottle: reminiscent of other blood scents. Wet: Reminds me of Dragon's Tears, but not as much sweetness. Dry: The amber is the sole scent that is sticking around. This is a great scent of warmth. I can almost feel a bonfire on a summer night. There is something sexy about it in a masculine way too. I think I am a fan, and will be trying more amber/blood scents. My main concern, after more time, is that this scent is so ... thick, for lack of a better word, that sometimes I feel as if I'm smothering. Huh. I guess I need something a little lighter.
  15. sh1mm3r


    In the bottle: I smell the pine, really strongly. Am not expecting to like this one. Wet: Vic's Vapo Rub! Really sharp and pungent, not at all pleasant. Dry: Piney, so sharp it almost lends itself to "feeling" citrusey, although I cannot smell the orange. The eucalyptus has creeped into the background, bringing it back to the smells that remind me of being sick as a child. Vic's Vapo Rub, baby.
  16. sh1mm3r


    In the bottle: I can really smell the orange. I'm worried, and almost don't put it on, because orange typically turns into bitter nastiness on me. I am feeling rather lusty and sensual though, and decide to risk it. Wet: I can smell the orange, but it is sharp, and starts settling down before it goes bitter. I small something I can't identify, and it must be the black narcissus. It smells fresh and not too sweet. Dry: It has settled into a wonderful orangey vanilla. Kind of a like a wicked creamsicle. *loves*
  17. sh1mm3r

    Embalming Fluid

    In the bottle: smells really fresh. I mainly smell the citrus and aloe. Wet: Sharp lemon, aloe, and tea. I don't get any musk at all. Dry: I can smell all of the scents, but they combine to be really fresh and clean. Not sweet, and not too heady. Personally, the citrus-tea scent I prefer is Baobhan Sith. This one was a bit too generic in its freshness for me, and Baobhan Sith has the grapefruit-ginger element that I love.
  18. sh1mm3r


    Wet: SO very sweet. At the very top of the application, a sharp twang of ginger comes out, but then the sweetness overpowers it. Drying: Still sweet, but it smells musky (this is not in the description). Dry: Um, no other way to describe it: cannabis? Pot! I smell like a pot smoker! Was not the best choice for today, when I had two staff meetings, but I didn't think it would end up smelling like that!!! Definitely in the swap pile.
  19. sh1mm3r

    The Apothecary

    In the bottle - it smelled really green, mossy and grassy. Lovely! Wet - wow, sharp ginger right at the beginning, then really lemony. Dry - so, so sad. Lemon furniture polish. Lemon verbena. All lemon twang with no depth. This is the second fig scent that just hasn't worked out, but I don't think the fig is at fault here.
  20. sh1mm3r


    Wet - this smelled a lot like a disinfecting spray, Lysol maybe? I could smell the lime and lavender the most. Drying - Still very fresh and clean, but not as potent. The lilac starts to come through. Dry - It turned really powdery on me, and the lilac really came through. Unlike other scents that have turned powdery, this isn't sweet at all. If I were going to rename the scent to what it smells like on me, it would be more like "Victorian Gentleman" or something similar. It is at the same time tame and old-fashioned, with a little bit of pretentiousness, but still masculine. But the kind of masculine where he has spent time making sure his clothes and mustache are perfect, rather than chopping down trees and saving small children from fires.
  21. sh1mm3r

    Phantom Queen

    Wet - this smelled a lot like Old Glasgow (blackberries and heather), and I was surprised because the ingredients are not the same, but I did picture the same kind of field in my head. Dry - The sweetness is gone, and the blessed meadow remains. This scent is set to be one of my favorites. My favorite flowers have always been wildflowers, and this scent is meadows and flowers under a blue sky!
  22. sh1mm3r


    Holy chocolate, Batman. No other description needed. I put this on before going to work, and actually was 5 minutes late to a meeting because I was buying a mocha so I wouldn't feel guilty for smelling of chocolate. Too strong and too sweet for me. I wish I knew how to make it into a massage oil or something similar, because I agree with what previous reviewers have said. In that kind of setting, it would be lovely.
  23. sh1mm3r


    I've been wanting to try this one for a while, even though it didn't make the list for my first order. The word slithering just made me so curious! Wet - strong lavender smell, but I am smelling the sharpness of something, although it's hard to tell if it is lime or mint. It isn't sweet at all, just pungent and strong. Dry - I smell mostly lavender, but the lime is coming out more. The lime and mint really brighten the lavender scent. I don't think I'd wear this to work or out, but I think it might be a great sleepytime scent, with the lavender. It is really more of a masculine scent, and I'd be happier smelling it on my husband with his arms wrapped around me, that's the kind of scent it is.
  24. sh1mm3r

    Dragon's Tears

    In the bottle: I can't even begin to describe what I smell. It shifts constantly, from sweet, to salty, to bitter, eek! In my pile of imps, I kept not trying this one because I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Wet: When I first put it on, it reminded me of a roll-on perfume I used to use when playing with my mother's makeup, a jasmine-type scent. (Surprised? Me too! I hadn't sniffed that at all in the bottle) Drying: The salty notes are coming out, and that's all I smell. Not sea-salty, but warm, thick salty. Dry: To be honest, I'm not sure it's done changing yet. After salty, it turned rosey. Now it's back to the sweeter jasmine smell again. And then back to the salty. I ended up giving this to a friend, who it smelled much saltier on. From what I read, I think I might really like Dragon's Milk, so that is my next venture.