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Everything posted by sh1mm3r

  1. On my skin, Xiuhtecuhtli is very close to Eden. For some reason I also think you would like Dia de los Muertos. Worth trying to swap for a decant of, since it is an LE.
  2. sh1mm3r


    I was sent an imp of this by my Switch Witch, Babylon. I went through an adoration stage of cloves, so I'm not sure how I missed this one, although I'm not sure I would have tried it because of the incense and patchouli notes. I really like it! It takes me back to the holiday bazaars I used to go to with my Mom (in a good way) and I think I'll stick this in the holiday section of my imp box. It ends up being a very clovey peach, with just a background of the incense and patchouli. Similar to Tintagel with the spices and apricots, but without the evergreen and wine notes (that end up the strongest in the Tintagel blend).
  3. sh1mm3r


    I knew I was risking it with this oil, but I absolutely adore the honey note in Honey Moon and SN Honey and others, so I couldn't pass up trying. And although Khajuraho didn't work out for me, it wasn't for the reasons I expected. I was expecting the amber to take over and turn rancid, and for the date palm to be the strongest note, since trees are typically very strong on me. Instead, I had the following experience: In the bottle, it smelled very spicy and floral to me. Not me at all, but I know better than to leave it at the bottle scent. At first, when it was wet, I really smelled the flowers, very jungly and moist. As it dried, it got sweeter, but still really focused on the flowers. I don't get sandalwood which I adore. I don't get vanilla which I'm also fond of. I don't get honey, instead, the sweet smell is something like what you find in those little valentines day heart candies - pure preservative sugar with a tangy bite. This is really going to sound weird, but it ends up smelling like the bpal oils I have tried with tulip notes in them. That could be one of the flowers, since I'm not familiar with the exact smell of tuberose, davana blossom, or tampaca. But definitely sweeter than I expected.
  4. sh1mm3r


    This goes back and forth between being spicy/foody and smoky/musky. It can't seem to decide! It reminds me of bengal, but bengal is sweeter, and this is more masculine. I think it is one of those scents that I like on me, but I'd like it more on my husband. Hmm.. I am suddenly craving pastries, and I'm pretty sure this is why....
  5. sh1mm3r

    Queen Gertrude

    This was one of the first oils I ever got, back in 2004, but that was before I knew the forums existed. I kept this around for the scent memory despite how horrid violet turns on me. It reminds me of England, where wisteria grows everywhere. But this one is just not great on me. So sad. My husband declared it an "old lady scent" when I put it on.
  6. sh1mm3r


    In the bottle, I just smell dark woods. First on me is a sharp floral - something with a large blossom, probably a flowering tree like magnolia, but no lilies. In almost an instant, the woods come out full force (as usual) and dominate everything completely. This ends up creating a mental image of when my Mom and I used to hunt for moss in the woods (for flower baskets) - damp, musty, earthy, green, deep in the woods - a nice scent memory, but not something I'm eager to smell like. Off to the swap pile!
  7. sh1mm3r


    I am surprised I haven't reviewed this yet. Xiuhtecuhtli is one of the imps I have in my box that surprises me everytime I try it. If I read the description, I am scared away, because florals, orange, and incense usually are rotten on me. In the bottle - this smells medicinal, and I almost don't try it. Wet - This is what I always hoped amber-based scents would smell like on me - hard to find specific notes, but definitely a bright and golden scent. Part citrus, part smooth (chocolate or carob?), part leafy green. Dry - it gets more leafy and less citrus, almost like the sun going down but never really setting. Actually, on me it is almost exactly the same as Calvin Klein's Euphoria for Women, which I adore, but haven't ever purchased. Apparently, I won't need to! So much for weeding my box o' imps *sigh*.
  8. sh1mm3r

    Oils To Help with PMS and Periods

    Not an oil, but have you tried taking vitamin B-12? I recently started to every morning and it has really helped.
  9. sh1mm3r


    I got this in a swap from kittyflop (I'm a poet and don't know it). I was surprised to sniff my wrist and smell - honey! I adore the bpal honey note but somehow never found this scent, and what? It's a catalog scent? Eeeeek! So first the honey note is prominent, along with a strong citrus from the blood orange. At some point it becomes a little soapy, this is probably the gardenia and ylang ylang, but the apricot, blood orange, and honey come back. Right now they're all balanced. I can't tell if it is too soapy of a scent or not. It reminds me of those little powdery white things my Mom would buy to dissolve under hot bath water, but not in a bad way at all. It is definitely one of the less sweet honey notes, which is refreshing in my rainbow of honey choices.
  10. sh1mm3r

    Pink Phoenix

    I definitely get the same cotton candy feeling as Mary Mayhem. The main parts that come through on me were the strawberry and pear, which is a shame, as I was hoping it would be the vanilla and honeycomb....
  11. sh1mm3r

    Snow Moon

    I am having an entirely different reaction than most people to this one, and I suspect it might be the tulips. After an initial blissful moment of piney snowy freshness, the saturated sweetness of the flowers step in, almost as if someone took a bouquet, mashed it up, and poured brown sugar on it, and let it mold a little bit. I think it's my skin with the lunacy oils! All but honey moon have done very strange things with my chemistry! I think it is because my body refuses to correspond to lunar schedules!
  12. sh1mm3r

    Snow Angel

    Thanks to Scylla for slipping a decant of this in a swap! How did you know I'd love it? When I first read the description, I thought this would be too sweet for me. But Dorian is my everyday scent, and on me is a lovely sugary lemony tea, so I thought I could try this. I adore it. I don't know which one I'll pick in the mornings now, because this shares some of the better characteristics with Dorian but isn't as sultry. Almost like the younger sister, which somebody already said, but that description is spot on. So apparently - I'm nice!
  13. sh1mm3r

    Snow Bunny

    Thanks to the lovely Scylla for letting me purchase a decant of this! Ever since Snow White topped my list as one of my favorite bpal oils, I have been looking forward to trying the other snow scents. This one did not disappoint! I get the pine, and then the biting sweet of something citrusy, and then it mellows to where I can still smell the elements but they are blended together as if covered with powdery snow. So it's not a powdery smell (I don't like it when scents just turn to powder) but it is somehow muted, just like the earth after a fresh snow. It makes me sad that we haven't had more snow here this year, Indiana has been surprisingly mild, and now I want snow to wear this in! I can also seeing this being a nice contrast to hot weather as well.
  14. sh1mm3r

    Beaver Moon 2005

    Swapped my Fruit Moon for this, and I can definitely see myself wearing this one more than the other. I get a very similar vanilla/cookie/frosting/sugar overload smell at first but then it warms to a more cakey scent. This was good for me this week since I have been on a no sugar/flour diet this week, and it fulfilled that craving. I do get wafts of a plastic or tinny scent, but they are infrequent. I will have to try it on a different day and see if it makes a difference. ETA: This morning it smells like cream soda. Instead of smelling thick on me like frosting would, it smells watery somehow - so... cream soda. But I <3 it. (1/16) ETA: Okay... maybe more like an ice cream soda. Or icecream with milk on it and sprinkles. (2/3)
  15. sh1mm3r


    I'm surprised I haven't reviewed this already. I've had it for a long time. Usually, I go back and forth between my top three - Honey Moon, Dorian, and Glasgow. But this morning, I wanted something that wasn't too sweet, wasn't too floral, and wasn't too spicy. I have my imps divided by my own categories, and this one is in the Isles section with Phantom Queen and Glasgow, all of which are pretty evocative of meadows and moors, and that was the kind of day I was having. For the most part, this scent is really green, but not the jungle green of Eden. It is more of the deep forest, rainy, ocean nearby green. I can smell the rose but it wafts in and out of my senses. I feel really peaceful when I wear this.
  16. sh1mm3r


    I ordered an imp of this when someone recommended it when I was looking for an "autumn leaves" scent. On me, I don't get roses like most people do, but dusty, leafy goodness. I was surprised because I didn't expect to like it, but it is perfect for the weather right now!
  17. sh1mm3r


    I'm so sad. I was expecting this year's Samhain to like me better than last year's since it didn't have wine in it. But the pumpkin, apple, cider spices, etc., never come out at all! I get pure piney pinesol scent from start to finish. And like many have said, a dab'll do ya!
  18. sh1mm3r

    Devil's Night

    I'm glad I'm not the only one getting cookies from this. The first time I tried it, it smelled a bit boozy but faded quickly. The second time I tried it I applied a lot more, and got more cinnamon + vanilla, less smoke, but it still faded just as quickly. It's not a bad thing to smell like, but I also was hoping for the smoky boozy evening. This is more of a Yuletime scent than this time of year, so I'm putting it away until then.
  19. sh1mm3r

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    I really love Hesperides for early fall, like this time of year where you start seeing apple cider and caramel apples - on me it just smells like caramel and apples. Delicious. As far as comfy baked-good fall smells: Jack Gingerbread Poppet Sugar Skull Bengal (my new favorite!) I just ordered Seance because someone said it was like dead leaves, so that might be nice for late fall.... I love fall so much I celebrate it in phases, you see....
  20. sh1mm3r


    I was torn about ordering this one, because fig=bad, but sandalwood=love in the past. In the bottle, I smell coconut and almond. I adore it, but am skeptical because my skin loves coconut so much that it eats it as soon as the oil touches my skin. Wet - yep, coconut disappears on contact. The almond is really strong at first. Drying - I get a whiff of sandalwood as the almond dies down, but the strongest element is pure fresh leafy green. Green green green. This scent is what Survivor would smell like if we had Smellivision. Dry - Ah, there it is. Nasty little raisiny fig. Sorry, it's just a rancid note on me. The green hasn't disappeared, but is more in the background. ETA: I was given another imp of this in a following order and it doesn't turn rancid on me. It might be a different part of the batch but it is still really green.
  21. sh1mm3r


    My imp of this just came today and I was way more excited about it than I was about the lunacy oil that came with it. I immediately applied it on my right wrist, took a big whiff, and ended up in tears. Not because of the spices, nope, but because it is so perfect for me, and is just what I needed after a stressful and trying and draining week. Wet, I get sweet cinnamon and white pepper - spicy not letting the sweet be overpowering. *dies* As it dries, more of the ginger (a la Gingerbread Poppet) comes out, and it settles into a sweet murky musky smell of honey and cloves. I feel like my wrist has pulled autumn out of hiding. As if summer has been officially banished, and I can finally get out my cozy sweaters, make a cozy cup of tea, and read a good book. In fact, that's what I think I'll do, right now. This makes my heart happy - my top two scents are Honey Moon and SN Honey, both which I can't get more of. Guess which catalog scent is now on the list?
  22. sh1mm3r

    Fruit Moon

    Whoever said multi-faceted fruit bowl is not lying! THANKYOU FOR NOT MAKING THIS ALL BERRIES AND CITRUS. Ahem. There are no fruit notes in this blend that turn rancid or plasticy on me, and I am thrilled. Wet, it smelled like pure honeydew melon. Now I can smell papaya, kiwi, pineapple, melon, and grapes. All fresh but as if they have been hanging out together on a warm day.
  23. sh1mm3r

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    You know how sometimes you can read a book and never notice a certain quotation, listen to a song and never really hear the lyrics? How many times have I read the BB page and never seen Seance?!? I guess it was waiting until I was ready for it to appear. I will add this one to my order!
  24. sh1mm3r

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Man, now I'm wishing I had Hexennacht.... Any other scents that smell like forests and dead leaves without being floral or overly woody?
  25. sh1mm3r


    I got this from springsea when she sent me a honey-themed birthday gift (she rocks, since honey is my favorite scent). I don't get the comparisons to O that so many people have mentioned. O turned powdery on me, this stayed more pure. I do have the luck to be able to compare it to Honey Moon, and for me, I like Honey Moon slightly more. This SN is a little more floral, closer to the pollen side of honey than to the rich sweet pure foody honey that I get from Honey Moon. The florals take a back seat after it dries, but I still smell some kind of meadowy undertone. Not that I'm complaining, since I also love meadow scents, but as honeys go, Honey Moon is my fav.