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Everything posted by NoirRosaleen

  1. NoirRosaleen


    Clove. CLOVE! THAT*S what I*m smelling! Clove and something else...soapish? No, not a soapish smell. Clean-smelling. Can*t pinpoint which of the notes is tickling my nose. Maybe the myrrh. Anyway. I think this was a freebie from somebody, b/c I don*t remember asking for it, but ooh, I like it. It*s not an extremely "me" scent - in fact, it turns very, VERY masculine on me - but it smells quite yummy. I*m getting shivery feelings imagining this on my boy. Oh, the forfeit for trying an imp on him will be worth it...*grins*
  2. NoirRosaleen


    Gluttony might*ve been really nice on me if I hadn*t worked at Illuminations over the holidays, but it kept morphing from yummy foody sweet goodness back to something that reminded me of a candle in Illuminations I did NOT like and had to endure anyway...if it would just stay the yummy scent people keep describing on me, I*d keep it, but I will not endure the other smell (which I can*t even describe aside from being nauseating at this point), especially when Beth makes so many other lovely scents...off for swaps!
  3. NoirRosaleen

    Follow Me Boy

    You know, I think I finally got something that made up for the Play-doh disappintment of O. This is a very similar honey-warm-subtle scent, with no bad reactions, and just very...close. The kind of scent you have to be in personal-space to discover someone*s wearing. I like this quite a bit, and while I doubt I*ll wear it enough to get even a 5ml, I*ll certainly use up my imp! No, no discernable reaction from boy. But then, how do you tell Follow Me Boy reaction from I*m Not Going To See You For Six Weeks reaction?
  4. NoirRosaleen


    Meh. Erato was a very generic floral on me, almost indistinguishable from Desi, Juli, and her sister nymph Mel. A lot of the florals I*ve tried just all smell the same on my skin..grr. Actually, I think I like Melpomene best so far...which is a pity b/c I traded it right beore I found out it was discontinued Oh well, Erato*s in the mailbox now, and hopefully I can get an imp of Mel back...in the meantime Bayou can comfort me
  5. NoirRosaleen


    ...this smells like Lolita is described on me...I totally get the bubblegum thing too. After an hour or so, though, she*s gone with everything else in the box, no gardenia for me or anything! Off to swaps.
  6. NoirRosaleen


    This is really...weird on me. I get lemon, lemon, lemon, lemon, and after a few hours...there*s the sandalwood. I get a distinct image of sandalwood on one end of the room, and lemon on the other, and they*re not exactly good buddies, but they are uneasy partners...I almost like it. Enough to try it again, at any rate, and I*m starting to realize I HATE lemon as a scent on me, so that*s a little bizarre. We*ll see later, I guess...
  7. NoirRosaleen

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    Oh, ICK. I don*t know why, but this scent does NOT work at all!! First wearing: Smells a little like Sacred Whore, but up close it smells like perfume alcohol...like a typical perfumery tried to imitate Beth. Drydown...Very Sacred Whore-ish, but with something else that maks my stomach turn. Up close, there*s a pickle-y scent. YUCK! Going away to swaps, for sure...here*s hoping I can scrub it off!
  8. NoirRosaleen

    Kweku Anansi

    Wet: Pepper. Lots of pepper. Not enough to make me sneeze, but a little strange. Something else in the background, too...not quite sure what. Dry: The pepper has gone away almost entirely to be replaced with...lemon. How odd. It lasted through a two-hour workout, too, so it*s one of the few that actually sticks to me. It*s a nice scent, but unfortunately not really me...I*ll try it on my boy later, if I can pin him down.
  9. NoirRosaleen


    WOW. I *love* you, NorthernMinx!! Said wonderful person included a half-imp in our swap, and I would never have ordered it for myself...I would have missed out rather severely. I don*t know the actual flower very well, but oh, bright stars, I LOVE this. Just yummy and softly floral, and it clings so very nicely... I must have a big bottle immediately and look into blends with honeysuckle. YUM!
  10. NoirRosaleen

    Black Widow

    I am bad at reviewing scents. I*ll try to do a better job later, but all I can say now is: Black Widow, my love, why did you have to be discontinued before I even found BPAL? You would have been my first 5ml, I swear! *cries*
  11. NoirRosaleen


    Got this in a swap - my first LE!!! Wet: ...mole? Spicy chicken mole, I kid you not. Maybe a hint of sweetness to it...not sure what it is; my nose is still rather untrained. Morphing fast, though; mole is disappearing, fading into...rose. Tea rose, to boot. Baahh...where are the woods? Drydown: It*s turned all floraly on me, with maybe a sweetish note in there - is that what dragon*s blood smells like? Spring field - or maybe even spring-scented air freshener - but not wildfire on me. My body chemistry HATES me. Update later after a few hours...
  12. NoirRosaleen

    India Bouquet

    Oh no oh no oh no... Anise. Anise anise ANISE. In the bottle, on my skin, single-note anise! I like it...my boy gets sick at the very smell. I*m SO glad he*s not here, but man, I JUST got out of the shower and now I have to get back in, after 30 minutes trying to figure out how to use the blow dryer to get my hair to curl under...*sighs* Maybe I*ll sit around for an hour or so and hope it changes. *bleah* Swap pile for this one...*so* disappointing!
  13. NoirRosaleen

    Titus Andronicus

    I was...rather disappointed by Titus. On both my husband and myself it smelled like a really cheap, bad perfume I had when I was younger, with a very cough-syrup-grape and sandalwood smell, which combines to smell absolutely dreadful. I like sandalwood by itself, but ick! Off to the swap pile! Kethry
  14. NoirRosaleen

    Fenris Wolf

    Again, one of those scents that*s difficult to describe - very warm on my boy, and really makes me want to nibble him (probably the amber and cedar doing that). It suits him quite well, and is...a cozy smell, for lack of a better word. Again, if I can convince him to wear this, I*ll be happy. Kethry
  15. NoirRosaleen


    This is absolutely bizarre. I considered getting Villian, didn*t, and it got thrown in as a freebie anyway. Wait, it gets better! In the bottle, it smelled quite lovely - nice strong lavender, with something(s) I couldn*t identify right offhand making a lovely mix. On boy: Soap. And it lasted five seconds. On *me*: Soap, and it lasted 10 seconds! Now, I *know* my body chemistry is different from Daris*, but I swear, it smelled like we*d just come out of the shower after using Irish Spring or something together, and faded just as quickly as real soap does, too. Such a pity... ...and so bizarre! Off to trade it goes. Kethry
  16. NoirRosaleen


    Masabakes was a freebie, and whoo, but she didn*t like me at ALL! Somebody before me said that it was a tricky scent to pin down, and I agree - all I know is, it reminded me of Depraved, but without the apricot to sweeten it, and more of an amber note to it. I kept wearing it, hoping it would change, but Masa seems to have taken an INSTANT disliking to me. Already traded away! Kethry
  17. NoirRosaleen


    The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla. O is one of the ones I ordered in my first sampler, and...I*m just not CRAZY for it. I do smell all three notes in here - vanilla, amber, and honey - but it*s so well-blended that I can*t pick any one out unless I*m "looking" for it. It*s good, yes, but on me it*s more of a comforting, quiet, yummy smell, a confident, serene woman who knows what she wants and knows that if she sits back it (or he!) will come to her, irresistably drawn. It*s not what I got from the story at ALL, but...I do like it. I*m just not crazy about it. I*ll be keeping my imp, but I doubt I*ll order a larger bottle. Kethry
  18. NoirRosaleen


    A salacious, lecherous, leering scent - dirty and dark, slapped with a wet sweetness. Earthy black patchouli swelling with apricot. Depraved was yet another freebie thrown in, and...I was undecided, for a long while. The apricot I got, yes, but instead of patchouli it was combined with...black pepper? Very odd. I wore it for a few times, but finally decided to trade it (after my husband said "WHAT is that SMELL?" in tones of irritation and disgust after I came down the stairs wearing it last time). I love, love, love the apricot, but the pepper just doesn*t work for me. Off to trade it goes... Kethry
  19. NoirRosaleen


    Wanda was another freebie, and all I can say is.... ...WOW. In the bottle, the red wine is very present, and it stays that way on my skin, constantly saying "Red wine! Red wine!" whenever I move - perhaps mixed with the roses I*ve seen mentioned? Up close, though, the musk and warmth can be smelt. No idea where the leather*s got to, though - I*ve worn this a few times now, and hadn*t a clue there was supposed to be leather in there. Next time I*ve got extra cash, I*m buying at LEAST a 5ml. I*m so happy - I wasn*t even thinking about trying this one and it worked out so well! Kethry
  20. NoirRosaleen


    I got this as one of the many extras thrown in my box, and I*m starting to kick myself for having traded it away in favor of Aureus. I just realized what it smelled like in the bottle...a grove of trees - redwood? pine? cedar? - I can*t tell. However, I think I might try and trade for it again, as I didn*t realize how much I missed that smell...even if it*s too much on my skin, it should be fine in my burner I have no idea what a Catholic church smells like, since I tend to avoid churches as much as possible, but oh how I miss the smell of those trees! Kethry
  21. NoirRosaleen


    This one I ordered for the boy, and to my delight it actually had staying power on him, unlike almost everything else I got. On him, it's all vanilla and tobacco - but more of a sweet pipe tobacco, rather than the bitter stuff in the cigarettes everyone seems to smoke in the South It matches well with me wearing O, actually, and now if I can just talk him into wearing it occasionally, I*ll be a very happy camper Kethry
  22. NoirRosaleen


    Aureus reminds me of Cathedral too, but in a less resiny, sharp sort of way. I actually traded Cathedral because it was so similar to Aureus, and Aureus blends much better into my skin - a very warm scent, much more unobtrusive than Cathedral, and mostly consisting of amber, I think. It*s hard for me to pick out specific notes, usually, but that one I did get. Not sure if I*ll hang onto it, since I*m not madly in love with it and there*s so much more to try, but...for now it*s nice. Kethry
  23. NoirRosaleen

    Jolly Roger

    Jolly Roger... ...doesn*t like me. Or my husband, who I bought it for. Not in a bad-smelling way, just a gone-in-5-seconds sort of way, and even for those 5 seconds it was too faint even to smell. And I had such high hopes! Already in the mail as a trade... Kethry