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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by alhbooks

  1. My bottle came from the CBDL booth at Comic-Con and for me, the scent is well-blended...spicy, a little butch, but uni-sex enough that I don't feel like I'm dressed in HIS garb. There's enough else going on that it isn't all patchouli. After a few minutes I can almost pick out a touch of cocoa, but not an overpowering chocolate, happily.

  2. I went through my first bottle of Ysabel fairly quickly, even though I tried to pace myself...love the spice carnation so muc and i was thrilled to get two more bottles from the Etsy site. thank you, Puddin! Still rich and wonderful, hooray!

  3. I tend to love the poemegranate scents but they can be a bit sharp. For me, the jasmine softens the tartness of the pomegranate without lessening the impact and the overall effect is sweet and warm without being too floral. Mine came from the bottle, not a decant, so it's possible that may change the effect.

  4. For me, this is an excellent scent for a cold, snowy day (looking out at mounds of melting snow as I type...) The spices and woods are dry, the fruit is definitely dried and I get an instant hit of warmth. A little bit of crisp nordic cookie feeling, but not so foodie as to make me hungry. Not a scent for a warm day but I'm really loving it in the chilly midwinter.

  5. I ordered a bottle of Sacrfifice as soon as I saw it on the Dark Delicacies site and it arrived today with Giallo. I have more trouble separating out the components from the blend, but I can say that the minute I applied it to my skin, i raced back to the Dark Del site to see if any were left. It's soft, and sexy but not gender-specific, dry with a faint hint of the dust and tumbleweed...Ithink I'm getting mostly the leather tempered by sweetgrass and white sage, but if I hadn't read the notes, I'm not sure I could even be thast specific. In case case, it was love at first sniff.

  6. This was the one scent I was determined to pick up at Comic-Con and I had to open my booth late to do it, but it was so worth it. spicy, warm, with hints of dark gingerbread, raisins, sandalwood, shaved cinnamon sticks, all sweet smokiness, perfect for a hot or cold day. the book is pretty gorgeous too....

  7. I only got a passing whiff of smoke for an instant as I applied the scent, then for me it goes happily to a softened honey and grassy field mixed with flowers. I didn't know what to expect but I'm a big fan of carnation and usually willing to try anything with that note and I'm definitely not disappointed although the carnation is so well-blended it motly shows up as a spicy top note. I'm certainly keeping my bottle.

  8. The voting tablet. Herbs and flowers that represent democracy, justice, leadership, and power: olive blossom, frankincense, tobacco flower, benzoin, Little John, bergamot, galangal, angelica, fig, sage, and ginger.

    Odd, but the overwhelming scent I get is anisette...it covers all else. Oh, well.

  9. Ms. Rodgers did the art for the Graveyard Book labels, dontchaknow. We friggin' LOVE them! =D


    They are wonderful indeed. I wish she had done the illustrations for the book itself -- I really don't care for the Dave McKean drawings.


    Oh, but the Chris Riddell drawings in the UK young adult edition are wonderful! Go check it out on Amazon.uk....(I had mine shipped to California.)
