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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by LeFay

  1. Hello,


    Alas, my "favorite BPAL scent ever" is a LE.

    I totally love Lady Lilith.

    Although it's not yet very hard to find I would like to find other scents that have the same feeling to them.


    This is what's in the scent:

    Climbing rose, vanilla cream, vanilla flower, white tea, mandarin, red and white musks, opium poppy, Parma violet, and opoponax.


    The problem is that I don't what I love so much about it.

    I like how it's floral and sweet without being foody dissapearing in a half a hour.

    It's a scent that really makes me feel pretty.


    I'm usually nog a big fan of violets but I don't really smell them in this blend.

    I also don't really like citrus scents, but mandarin seams to work fine.

    Also the vanilla is soft and not overpowering or foody.


    Does anyone has any suggestions?




  2. Hello,


    I was wondering if you could recommend some scents to me.

    My scent taste changes every now and then, but lately I'm very much into sweet floral scents.

    Like "The Witch Queen" (my favorite BPAL oil), "Belle epoque", "Queen Mab" and "Midnight on the Midway".

    So I'm looking for sweet florals more than fresh florals.


    Do you know any other scents that I might like?

    I really don't like lemon or verbena kinda smells in a scent.

    Oh and I have some trouble with amber (seems to give me a headache).

    I don't mind heavy scents (light ones don't last very long on me).


    Thanks! :)



  3. Its been awhile since I tried it, but I remember Dublin being a pale green feeling? Ides of March maybe? but for the sweetness you mention.... Did you try/like Leanan Sidhe or the Unicorn? Those seem to be the first rec people give.


    Thank you, I'll try those with my next order.

    I believe that Dublin was oakmoss (not sure though) en white roses.

    And yes, pale green feeling sounds like Dublin to me.
