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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Usagi

  1. "But how does the thousandth banana kill you?!!" ~Sandy Toksvig

  2. "Cannibal lemurs roam the night..."

  3. 1215: It's the Magna Carta!

  4. Do you ever wish Life had save points, like games? If you had to choose between two impossible things, you could save right before, and go back and try again if you made the wrong choice.

  5. Hey there! It's a bit late on your end, I'm afraid, but I hope you had a lovely birthday, nonetheless!

  6. Hi there! How are you? Hope you are having a lovely autumn!

  7. Hi! I just saw your profile post, I apologize. It was a pleasure meeting you as well. So, how many bottles of Oak Moon did you end up taking home?

  8. I have my own computer again! :woohoo: Please forgive me while I try to catch up on all the stuff that I'm behind with.

  9. I keep looking at my Active Posts number and thinking 'I'm getting closer to the Norman invasion...' Yes, I'm special.

  10. is tired. So, *so* tired.

  11. My computer is behaving strangely. If I crash this one before the end ofthe year, I think I might have to change my name to Harry...

  12. Some days are just full of 'special'. :( On those days, the Advil will have invariably developed magical ninja skills.

  13. You know you are too tired when... reading scent names, you see "Autumn Leaves and Cthulhu" as a hair gloss option. Further, you realize you would totally try that.
