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Posts posted by Usagi

  1. Akuma? It smells more like one of those sweets-loving demons from manga/anime. It has a similar vibe to ( gorgeous, and lamentably DCed) Succubus.


    The trading Post has the Demon's School atmo. spray.


    Smutty Goblin hair gloss (though it's LE), reminds me of a dark, potentially demonic, carnival.


    And, as Balame mentioned already-- though LE-- if you can get your hands on the Infernal Lover, that's some sexy demon there. Pandemonium is pretty devilishly sexy, too.

  2. bottle: PEAR :woohoo:, with a fizzy musk underneath, and just a hint of the lemon beneath the sweetness of the pear.


    wet: juicy, juicy pear, and it seems to have been soaked in subtle lemon water, then laid on a cool, light-colored, effervescent musk.

    dry: lingering sweetness of ripe pear, and just a hint of musk.

  3. bottle: strawberry-jasmine-white-chocolate-candy-fiesta!


    wet: really syrupy berry floral cream. It kind of reminds me of a more floral Weeping Branches Moon-- it has that same heady, hard candy, fruit scent.

    dry:sweet, fruity, perfumey; just very nice and reminiscent of burgeoning spring things.


    This has a good deal of lasting power and throw; like walking around in an awesome sweets shop.

  4. bottle: dark, leathery musk, and just a bit of herbal patchouli, maybe; it’s almost sweet and a little smoky.


    wet: it’s very different; warmer, more comfortable, the leather just adds the merest hint of skin warmth. There is a musk that’s low key, but swirling with another note that's a bit powdery, then something that’s almost floral but not-- it could be daemonorops? I don’t know... The presentation is just very well-blended, and it is difficult to pick any notes standing out.

    dry:there are musks going on; one the citrusy kind of slightly powdered black musk, and--underneath-- just a bit of the chemically, sort of high-pitched, tang that white musk usually gives me. The leather has mostly faded, and either the honey or the cream is lending a slight sweetness.


    Overall, this blend is a lot lighter and warmer than expected. The honey and cream temper the leather and musk to create a rounder, friendlier whole. Yes, the dragon is a creeper, but he's a *lovable* creeper-- and has no camera, so no worries about things ending up on the 'net. :thumbsup: Oh, wait...


    If you are hesitating on account of the leather, Creeper's leather is extremely smooth and soft, and all of the notes come together into an extremely wearable scent.

  5. A new year's blessing! Peony, China's national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, orange for happiness, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat for prosperity, King mandarin for good fortune, cypress for longevity, and peach fruit to represent the fourth phase of Wu Xing. This year's Lunar New Year blend has an extra dollop of blazing red of dragon's blood give you fortitude and strength, and, of course, to assist in scaring away the rampaging Nian.

    In the bottle(after about an hour's rest from mailing): I smell very sweet jasmine, and very bright citrus.

    wet: The jasmine turns itself to support for the citrus note, making this a creamy-fizzy-sweet kind of deal. It's bright and happy and...prosperous?

    drying: As it plays with my skin chemistry, I'm getting bits of another, slightly watery, delicate floral underneath the citrus, which has a little bit of a tang to it when you inhale deeply enough. If I had to guess, I'd say an interplay between bamboo, peony and pine, maybe? I'm not really smelling anything discernibly Dragon's Blood, yet-- which is surprising. Yet, the whole thing dances so beautifully on the skin and in my senses. It's like sitting in the shade of a late spring garden, with a cool rock pool next to your feet, watching rays of sunlight play across the stones.

    drydown(little over an hour later): It's dried down to a soft, creamy floral. There was a short phase where it veered a teensy bit towards a slightly soapy(albeit really nice, quality soap) phase. But now, it's just a cool, close to the skin, soft green floral, with a lingering hint of the gorgeous citrus.

    Wooden Goat is absolutely beautiful, and I am so very enamoured of this incarnation of my zodiac animal. :wub2: It will be getting a lot of wear. Out of the seven Lunar New Year scents I have tried, this one is probably my second favorite(right behind Water Dragon). It's happy and vibrant, but not overpowering-- with a close throw, and pretty decent lasting power(showing now signs of fading here at the one and a half hour mark).
    Unless you absolutely loathe flowers or citrus, I would recommend you give this a shot. You may just fall head over heels in love(says the girl who can't stop sniffing her wrist). And, no, it does not smell the same as the Lunar creatures that have come before.
    The closest comparison I might make would be the lovechild of Water Dragon and Water Snake. It isn't as 'WOO, citrus!' as Water Dragon is at the outset-- and the citrus has a different quality to it(more like citron in Water Dragon),nor is the drydown that beautiful mystery musk. But it isn't anywhere near as jasmine-floral as Water Snake. Wooden Goat seems to bridge somewhere in between, and adds its own glimmering coolness, for a unique scent of its own.

  6. The Land of Insanities. Shrieking white tobacco flower and geranium pepper streaked by high-pitched wails of orange blossom, neroli, and elemi, all obscured by a disorienting veil of orris and violet root.

    So excited for this new Lunacy theme!

    In the bottle, it's a high-pitched, white lunar herbal, leaning heavily towards herbal. First applied, it's still light and herbal, but has the weight of a highly refined unisex cologne-- perhaps leaning a bit towards an aquatic. The neroli and elemi combine to form an airy-cool scent that is neither one nor the other, but brings wisps of rich herbal coolness with very light throw. The pepper adds a little kick. I don't smell the tobacco flower, per se. But I think it's in there, delicately adding a white roundness that completes the scent.

    As it dries, it goes through a short "soapy" phase-- but only the best, french-milled, tiny niche shop soap, you understand ;)-- where it's a bit too white and too high-pitched. This phase fades quickly. It could be due to the bottle having just ended its journey this afternoon, being born only slightly earlier than that. It's anyone guess.

    When the scent has settled into the skin, there is more tobacco flower. It's cooler and rounder, with the orris adding a fine, powdery quality, like moondust. As it fades, there's mostly sweet orris-- a little powdery-- buoyed by a soft breath of tobacco flower.

    The impression this scent gives is of a cool, dark field of grey sand, under a black sky, where the earth has replaced the moon. And maybe it's comforting that no one can hear you scream.

    This blend is pretty fabulous, greater than the sum of its parts, and highly wearable.

  7. As a fellow lover of the Unicorn, nothing I've tried has been an exact match for its loveliness (either in BPAL, or the other brands I've dabbled in).

    The two that have come closest might not be the greatest help to you, as one is another DC, and the other, an LE from a couple years ago (though I have seen it for sale a few times).


    Rosalind (Dew-covered berries and fresh green grasses with a faint breath of spring flowers.) is more berriful, but has the same luminous, soft green forest glade feeling.


    Enchanted Wood Florist (A burst of sweet, strange flowers, luminous Moon-tree sap, and ornamental grasses.) smells like magical, tropical Unicorn.


    Anyway, good luck on your quest! I hope you can find another scent to love as much as the Unicorn.

  8. still waiting on my imp to try, but maybe ekhidna is another option.


    and I love boundless Vista. more tide-pool than swamp to my nose, and crazy delicious.


    edited to say that Faeu Boulanger is on etsy!


    Aww, now I want to try that. A tidepool scent would be awesome.


    For bogs, Plague of Frogs, from the Hellboy line, might be worth a try. It definitely had a dark, rotting aquatics feel to it.

  9. A new year's blessing! Peony, China's national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, orange for happiness, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat and quince for prosperity, narcissus and King mandarin for good fortune, and peach blossom for longevity, with a splash of blazing red of dragon's blood... to help you scare away the rampaging Nian.

    :woohoo: Water Snake!
    It came in the mail yesterday, so please bear in mind the new, fresh state of this bottle when reading the descriptions. After a day of wear, I have the feeling it will settle into something even more wonderful in a month or two.

    Bottle: It has an effervescent citrus kick, and a subtle heady floral quality-- kind of earthy. I'm thinking maybe Indian jasmine.

    Wet: Going on, the strong, almost citronella citrus kicks up, bringing along something a bit syrupy. The floral is there, and it still reads a lot like deep jasmine to me. It isn't high-pitched or offensive. But there is a certain spiciness to it. I have to keep sniffing my wrist. The immediate words I get are 'deep, contemplative, floral Sweet Tarts'-- not very helpful, I know.

    Dry: after about an hour, this becomes more subtle, slinkier, more creamy and calm. It's almost the gorgeous, sunshine water skin scent of Water Dragon, but just a little different. Water Snake is more clean, and a touch floral still. Nine hours later, it is very faint on the skin, a delicious hint of liquid joy.

    I have been anticipating this blend since Water Dragon, but I tried not to let my love of the one color my impression of the other. They do bear some similarities, but each has unique characteristics that make Water Snake a new and exciting wearing experience.
    Water Dragon is still my favorite Lunar New Year scent. But Water Snake is nice enough, and unique enough-- despite similarities-- to warrant keeping this bottle.
    This will get good wear during balmy summer days. It's a very happy, prosperous scent. I highly recommend trying it, whether you loved Water Dragon or not(but especially if you loved Water Dragon-- because it's completely different in the same vein).

  10. Oooh! This is so up my alley as I'm also a total newbie in search of my first 6 or perhaps even 12 imps!



    I'm turning the big 3-0 this year, but I'm barely 22 in my mind and most likely in my demeanor as well. People tend to think I'm in my early 20's. I was very 'mature' as a teen, but the older I got, the more I realized how much I missed by always being so serious and so I seem to grow 'younger' in my attitude as I grow older in my body :rofl: Or maybe it's just the realization that life is here to be enjoyed/lived and not just survived, haha.


    I'm short - 5'2", petite/slim, I have what others have called 'porcelain' skin that is nearly translucent (I keep joking about looking like a vampire - think Interview with a Vampire with their visible veins, not Twilight, lol). My hair is naturally dirty blond, but color my hair with henna, so it's amber/coppery now and has been for the past 10 years - it's hip length right now. My eyes are hazel and turn green in the sun. I keep joking about having two personalities, but it is actually kind of true ... but I guess others would just call it being a bit moody. I can be very outgoing, fun, funny, weird and up to all sorts of 'no-goods,' and the next day I'm quiet, introverted and back to my 'serious' and a bit insecure self. I've had a rather tough childhood and I consider myself the 'eternal immigrant' as I've left my homecountry at 16 and I'm still 'out in the world' and who knows where I'll be in the next 5 years. English is my second language and in total I speak three languages and understand perfectly two more ... and get freckles in the spring, lol. My train of thought is very wild and all over the place - I say the most non-sequitur things in the world that leaves some folks just dumb-founded and confused if they don't know me :D


    I've studied International Affairs, think Politics, have always loved discussing and arguing about them. I always wanted to go non-profit and 'fix the world,' but that has just never happened ... yet ... unfortunately.


    Now, my hobbies are mostly taking care of my sweet little daughter, spending time with my dear husband, reading fantasy novels, listening to music and creating with my hands (fibre arts most of all). I still have that crazy party girl in me, but she gets to come out and play only once in a long while - most of the time it's just mellow family life, school and work for me. I love spending time in the country and in the nature and my favorite time of year is autumn/fall. I do not really have a favorite color, but at the moment it is turquoise - green/blue, blue and orange.


    I wear mostly jeans and a plethora of various tops or dresses. I do not follow fashion and I never have. There is nothing better than an awesome second hand store find when it comes to clothes I do not get off on buying over-priced brand name clothes as I think it's a waste of resources. I recycle everything that can be recycled, I'm a proud user of cloth menstrual pads and try to eat only locally grown organic food. But I am not a hippie, lol. Not that I have anything against hippies




    I'm looking forward to your suggestions, folks. I'll be so grateful :wub2:

    (spoilering mine, for length and reference :D )

    Russalka, my immediate thought-- on reading the young-minded, twin personalities description-- was... two scents, actually: Delirium and Delight.


    Delirium : Non compos mentis, indeed! A contrary, conflicted scent, bubbling with merry madness. Contains apple, rose, and lemon.


    Delight: In ancient India it was believed that a specific combination of flower petals, when strewn across a couple's bed, would amplify desire and sexual pleasure. This blend is a blend of the same floral essences, refined into a gloriously sinful perfume blend. Frangipani, with rose, tuberose, and jasmine.


    Both are lovely on their own; youthful, energetic, and feminine-- without seeming generic. I think they might also play nicely off of each other if you layered them.



    Can a newbie play this game? I'm afraid I can't give recommendations yet, but I'd love to get some recommendations.


    Here's a quick and dirty personality sketch. I'm quiet, introverted, intellectual and serious--a day-dreamer and a thinker with a strong philosophical bent. I love both science and creative pursuits. There is a wild side to me that few people see and I have great sense of humor that lies hidden until I know a person well.


    Mules are jealous of my stubborn streak. I'm also ridiculously unconventional because I see things differently than most people do.

    Hi, WoodSage! What sprang to mind for you was Mokey Fraggle. She's introverted, intellectual, and a day-dreamer, and her scent capture a very introspective, slightly magical feeling that might suit you quite well.


    Mokey: Mokey is an artist, poet and philosopher. She seems to be in touch with some sort of higher Fraggle consciousness. Mokey is fascinated by the beauty and intricacy of the world around her, and is always seeking new ways to share this feeling with others.


    A gentle, contemplative fragrance: lilac blossoms, violet sugar, orris root, stephanotis, and osmanthus.


    For that stubborn, powerful streak, perhaps you might like something more like Wanda(Her scent is a deep red merlot with a faint hint of leather, sexual musk and body heat over crushed roses, violets and myrtle) or Hellcat (A soft, sensual, luxuriant blend with a wicked bite: hazelnut, buttercream, honey mead, rum and sweet almond ).


    Just my two cents. :D

    :welcome: to the forum, to both of you, BTW. :wave: Hope to see you around, here and there, finding many lovely scents to enjoy!

  11. Just got my decant. :D



    Musky, Herbal; a little reminiscent of snake oil with citrus. It’s dark and slinky.



    Woody, musky; possibly catmint(as opposed to catnip; catmint has always smelled more musky and herbal to my nose), and generally herbal. It’s really good, and very intriguing. Can’t stop sniffing my wrist.


    Dry: creamy, musky catmint; ooey gooey and delicious.


    Verdict: I want a bottle, and can see wearing this a lot during the winter months.

  12. Clearly, what happened here is that I smashed my nose into the banister. That's why it's bloody.

    It also explains why the only thing I can smell is that polished, fragile wood smell. It smells a bit like fine sandalwood.

    It must have happened when I was following that elusive, spicy musk scent I got from the bottle. I know it went up the stairs, then...





    I say something pushed me. I'm pretty sure it's sitting over there, in those dark shadows, snickering and smelling fabulous.



    Really good lasting power, *definitely* apply with a light hand. Can't wait to see how this ages.

    Recommended if you like refined, slightly warm, woodsy scents.


    ETA: Just layered a drop of Infernal Lover over this, and I smell fabulous. Take that, Slenderman!

  13. What about Sugar Skull?--Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits.

    I know it doesn't mention incense, but it has that vibe, and it is definitely sweet.


    Or maybe Devil's Night--This is the scent of autumn night, fires in the distance, with a touch of boozy swoon, playful sugar and thuggish musk.


    From the GC, you might like Sybaris--Bright violet with sweet clove, Mediterranean incense notes and tonka bean.

  14. Incense-touched jungle orchid.

    Bottle: incense over lush tropical flowers

    Wet: The incense is still there; richer, deeper. But it is now joined by cool flowers and wet leaves. These are the kind of flowers that grow in deep shade, their damp, velvet petals almost glowing in the half-light.

    Dry: This scent last for a good while(4+ hours). On me it is almost as when wet, only the incense becomes a bit warmer and richer.

    This scent really brings to mind standing beneath a rain forest canopy, staring into a clearing where the sun illuminates an ancient temple, and-- on the breeze-- the scent of incense from hidden rituals clinging to the surrounding rocks and vegetation.

    P.S. It's the Norman Invasion! Okay, just my 1066th post, but it could be...somewhere.

  15. I haven't tried it myself, but there's Inganok Jewelers from the 2010 Lupers ("Gleaming stone and silver") Based on the reviews, it sounds like this blend is really chemistry-dependent, but many people have reported a stony or mineral-like note.


    I've tried it and I will second this. Inganok Jewelers smells like marble slabs, in a vault, underground--at least on me.


    I think 'stone' in a description can range from evocative of an element to downright duplicating what that element smells like.


    One of the literary vampires gave the exact impression of cold stone, but didn't really smell like it. I don't remember which one.


    Aww, calivianya, I was waffling on that one! now you've made it sound more awesome! :cry2: :lol:

  16. I've been looking forward to trying this scent for a while. It just sounded so interesting.


    Imp: citrus, green things, marzipan

    Wet: creamy, delicious citrus spritzer

    Dry: citrus perfume; a light floral with just a hint of powderiness.


    This is very nice. It's fun, and girly/feminine. It will probably be even better once the weather really heats up. Light throw, fairly long staying power on me(5+ hours).


    It reminds me a bit of Sea of Glass. If you like that, this is definitely worth a try.

  17. Imp: red musk, spices, and the unmistakable necrotic burning rubber smell of patchouli.

    Wet:flowery red musk, cinnamon, and patchouli backing it.

    Dry: when the patchouli finally dies down, it's a nice, spiced red musk. But I don't enjoy waiting for that drydown.



    I love "Carmilla", but patchouli hates me. If patchouli is your friend, this blend could be that throbbing, sultry scent you've been longing for.

  18. I'm unsure whether I have the original or the Resurrected version, as my bottle was a a wonderful gift.


    Bottle: cinnamon and clove.

    Wet: sweet cinnamon-clove; kind of like an herbal tea. Throw is also pretty strong.

    Dry: delicious chai latte. It's just sweet, creamy, and amazing.


    I absolutely adore all stages of this scent, and am very thankful to have some of my own. It also lasts a good while on(5+ hours).


    If you like cinnamon, cloves, or chai, this would likely be a scent for you.

  19. This talk of Hope reminded me...


    Are there any GCs similar to Faith? Violet Ray was my sugared-violet scent, but, well.. :cry2: She's gone now.



    Are there any GCs similar to Faith?


    Faith: Faith is sugared violet.


    I would love to find a scent very similar to Faith. I like Hope, but love Faith. Any suggestions from GC?


    Have you tried Veil? I was just wearing it today, and it's all sweet, lovely violets on my skin. It might be worth a shot, anyway.



    A quiet scent, soft, calm and enigmatic. A perfume of mystery, of whispers, and of secrets behind secrets. White sandalwood, lilac, gardenia, violet, orris, lavender and ylang ylang.

  20. Imp: cologne; slightly sweet, with an underlying smokiness. There's also a wood scent, reminiscent of eucalyptus chips. I get barely a hint of spiced fruit and greenery.


    Wet: smoky vetiver manliness, and spice.


    Dry: sweet, green vetiver, a little bit of clean musk, and some spice in the way back.


    This is delicious, and very relaxing.

    If you like vetiver, give this a shot.
