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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Monster

  1. Powdery lavender tea. This reminds me a bit of Loves Baby Soft...but then again I haven't sniffed it since I was a teenager.


    I was worried about this after reading some of the reviews, I'm not a fan of strong lavender blends and usually when lavender is in a perfume it sort of stomps out all of the other notes. This, however, is easy on the lavender and plays nice with all of the other notes. The only part of Dorian I can pick out is the tea and the only part of Snake Oil I can smell in this is its sweetness.


    Hmmm...a little bit from Mom, a little bit from Dad and a few magical pinches of lavender and fennel....Lilith Victoria is simply sweet and lovely. Smelling this is really like looking at a baby and trying to pick out which features each parent contributed. :D


    This is a really pretty, clean, and soft perfume that I (surprisingly) REALLY really like. I've been wearing it every day since it came in the mail about a week ago. :P I love the way this smells on my skin under a thick wool sweater when I'm outside in the chilly air. It's a comforting scent that'll just make you want to snuggle :D

  2. This came as a frimp with my Halloweenie order :D


    Aglaea is further proof that Black Phoenix Alchemy lab is the BEST at what they do. First sniff on skin, this smells like a high-quality, natural (as opposed to aldehydic) version of Absolutely Givenchy. It also makes me realize that passion fruit and peach smell almost exactly the same on my skin :D The drydown is nearly ALL peach, sweet, gentle and refreshing. This is simple, nice, and perfect for summer/late fall. Most fruity scents fade quicly on me but this lasts for hours before my skin devours it.


    LOVE! :P

  3. Out of the bottle and on my skin this is all warm, fresh grass with crispy leaves and a smoosh of dirt. It reminds me of laying on a nice patch of grass on a late summer day with the sun beating down on me and a cool, crisp breeze in the air. It's sunny, fresh and smells exactly of the fading summer with a promise of autumn. Unfortunately, the drydown smells exactly like Febreeze or fabric softener on me :P This is a clean, fresh, "soapy" scent. Sadly, it's not for me.

  4. Chaos Theory DCCCXLVII - 847


    Out of the bottle: Citrus!


    Wet on my skin: Sugared lemongrass, a dash of orange and maybe a hint of vanilla? The lemongrass dominates.


    Dry: As this drys the lemongrass calms down a bit. The sugary/vanilla element sweetens this up like Sweet Tarts! The final dry down is all delicious Sweet Tarts and Pixi Stix on me. DELICIOUS! We have a winner :P

  5. Out of the bottle: Tart green apples and....turpentine...nail polish? Noooooo!


    Wet on my skin: A burst of apple-scented turpentine. *nervous* :D There's definitely something minty in there as it's cooling my hand. Apples are definitely dominant though.


    Dry: As this dries the turpentine scent COMPLETELY goes away. *whew* I was really scared for a few minutes there. I really can't say more about this, it's fresh apples with something minty and cooling in the background. When you inhale it deep you feel the ice inside your nostrils. This is truly Snow, Glass and Apples! Ha!

    The final dry down is a soft, pretty apple perfume. I was worried this was going to smell more like something I'd use in my oil burner but I'm happy to say it works really really well as a perfume. It's perfect for the rest of the summer, fall and even the winter (with that cool icy feeling). I'll be using the whole 5ml of this one :P

  6. The only two scents I'm aware of with specific blueberry notes are Crawdad Dream and Blue Fire. While I like the blueberry in them, I don't like the way it blends with the other notes. I don't think of Blue Fire or Crawdad as being blueberry scents at all (Blue Fire, to me, is fruity and boozy and Crawdad Dream is very perfumy).


    I definitely think BPAL needs to make a really good blueberry scent! :P Something that smells mostly of fresh-picked, plump blueberries and not that candied sort of bubblegum blueberry that's in Crawdad and BF. I've been going around the forums saying....give me Blueberry Crisp! :D

  7. I was very nervous about this after I ordered it - and then started reading reviews. I'm really not a florals girl.


    I felt the same way! Sometimes amber goes all powdery and old lady on me, other times it's the most gorgeous thing in the world. And the flowers? I was totally taking a chance with this one...especially at $50 a pop! Yeooww.


    Nepalese amber, vanilla infused amber, golden musk, sandalwood, golden lily, sunflower, and honey myrtle.


    Out of the bottle: A sweet, warm, golden amber. Really! It's like a ray of warm sunshine. It sounds silly but I can't think of any other way of describing my initial reaction. I think there might even be something citrus in this. Hmmm. The amber might remind me of the kind used in House of Mirrors.


    I'm babbling.


    Wet on my skin: Mmmmmm. Definilty the same amber from House of Mirrors. This smells warm, citrusy and comforting. I'm not really getting much lily and if I smell sunflower it's sweet and faint. This isn't an overy floral blend at all....it's more resionus if anything.


    Dry down: Theerrrrrreeee are the flowers. Ok, I can smell them now but they're still soft, faint and in the background. The amber dominates along with the sandalwood. The citrusy smell is still there which gives this that bright, sunny feeling. Very nice!


    Verdict: SUMMER! Absolutley summer. NOT floral on me (which makes me really happy) and delightful. I will be wearing this one for the rest of the summer. I'm glad I spent the extra cash and decided to take a risk.

  8. In the bottle: Boozy pineapple!


    Wet on my skin: A BURST of...umm...STARBURST staggering through a swirl of rum. All of the fruit together smells like a tropical fruit punch. I can't really pick out individual fruit notes when this is on my skin.


    Dry down: Sweet tropical fruit punch with spicy rum! It gets right to the point :D


    Verdict: Fruit scents never last too long on my skin but that doesn't stop me from absolutly loving them. This will work well in my scent locket. ALL of the boozy smelling Tiki scents are incredible and I think Rangoon Riptide is my favorite so far. We'll have to see how Screetching Parrot is as soon as my swap comes through :D


    Another winner! :P




    Husband review: It's a fusion of Pineapple Now & Laters, Hawaiian Punch, Bubble Yum (Original Flavor) and Rum. I love it. This is very nostalgic-smelling to me. It makes me feel like I ate a whole bunch of candy from the candy shop and tapped into the liquor cabinet for some Captain Morgans.

  9. Out of the imp: Sharp, masculine vetiver smell sweetened by...frankincense..or...*sniff* possibly something in the ozone category? (I'm not too familiar with ozone/aquatic scents but I do detect something that might be described as such).

    Wet on skin: Very sharp..and then it rounds out and softens a bit. This definitely has some ozone/aquatic characteristics with a background of leather and resin.


    Dry: As this dries it mellows out even more. I can't smell any star anise...or...maybe that;s the sharp note I'm still smelling faintly in the background? "Polished metallic" is definitely the way to describe this! It's shiny, bright and smooth around the edges. That sounds so abstract but I can't think of any other way to describe it. This is definitely masculine but still something I could wear. It almost reminds me a bit of The Phoenix. I'm going to have to go re-sniff it just to be sure though.

    Verdict: A nice surprise! This was completely different than anything else I normally try. I picked this up mainly becasue of the leather and anise notes. The Robotic Scarb isn't what I expected but instead, better! A nice surprise it was. I'll be using all of this imp :P

  10. Out of the bottle: A very waxy, balmy honey smell...almost like fresh honeycomb with a little bit of lemon.


    On my skin wet:The waxiness of the honey amps up a bit (just upon initial application) and then quickly fades to reveal some more of the lemon. The rosemary is also coming through.


    Dry: As this goes through the process of drying it changes and morphs many times for me. One second I can pick out more lemon, the next it smells like those Honey-Lemon cough drops from Halls...then finally it settles into this sweet, mildly fruity and herbal perfume with an overall waxy, honeycomb aura to it.


    Verdict: I'm not so sure if I like the waxy honey smell in Mead Moon, but everything else is gorgeous. I'll keep this around for awhile to see how it ages :P

  11. Mme Moriarty has always burned my skin just a *little* every time I put it on. I always thought there was some secret cinnamon in there but upon checking the notes listed, there isn't! I wonder what it could be. (??)

    Anyone else have issues with Mme Moriarty?


    I don't think it's the vanilla or the plum...maybe the red musk or the pomegranate? What are some other popular red musk blends? I probably have a few I could test out.

  12. Out of the bottle: Chocolate-covered peaches! I've never had such a thing but this oil makes me think it would probably taste deeeeeelicious. :P


    Wet on skin: A burst of peach and sweet neroli and then suddenly, cocoa. I'm not really getting much patchouli or ambergris at all. Right now this is super fruity, sweet and chocolaty.


    Dry: As this dries I can smell the ambergris coming out (the patchouli is still absent). The peach, honey and neroli all blossom to the foreground while the chocolate takes backseat. It's a very pale fruity floral on me without being too flowery or too peachy (sometimes peach tends to smell like cat pee on me, this one doesn't).


    Overall verdict...I LOVE this and am so happy I decided to buy a 5ml without trying to obtain a decant first. This is a grown-up fruity scent perfect for summer. I think I'll be wearing this for the remainder of the warm months...and to this years peach festival. :D

  13. I don't know why it's taken me so long to try the Steamworks scents. But, seriously...Antikythera Mechanism..where have you been all my life?! :P


    Out of the imp: As SOON as I smelled this out of the imp my first impression was...ANGEL by Thierry Mugler (?!) While it's not exact, it does smell similar.

    Wet: Rich, woody vanilla with something sharp and a almost astringent in the background. Not sure what it could be since none of the notes listed ever smell astringent to me.


    Dry: As this dries the tobacco and oak warm up even more and play along really nicely with the vanilla. This isn't foody or too sweet, the vanilla simply compliments the resinous woodsy smell of the oil. It's GORGEOUS! It still has a similar smell to Angel by Thierry Mugler but with a richer, earthier scent to it. I can definitely see why this is everyones instant new favorite.


    I can't believe this is a GC scent. I'm so amazingly happy I'll be able to stock up on this whenever I need to. :D

  14. Yes, Strawberry Moon had caught my eye - but to me, it seems almost impossible to find!


    I just had to jump in here with a word of caution. More than one person (me included!) have had the heartbreaking experience of having bottles of Strawberry Moon age VERY badly -- i.e., turning to acetone/nail polish remover. In my case, at least, this was a bottle that was stored carefully in a cool dark place, too. I mention this so you don't leap into spending big bucks on a bottle that may have gone bad -- if you find one at all, of course. Ask for a sniffie on a Q-tip or something first. Good luck! :P



    My bottle of Strawberry Moon has been stored in a very cool, dark box ever since I purchased it and it still has that acetone/nail polish smell. When I apply it to my skin that smell goes away though, for me it's just right out of the bottle. *shrug*
