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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Monster

  1. Uh oh...it's red...dragons blood?? ><


    In the Imp: Ahhhh! Dragons blood and jasmine! AHHH! ABORT MISSION! ABORT!


    Wet: Thhhpppp why did I even put this on my skin. Strong jasmine...very very strong.


    Dry: Jasmine and dragons blood.


    Verdict: This blend won't make me want to love anyone. This makes me want to run far far away...it's a pairing of my two most dreaded notes. DO NOT WANT! :ack:

  2. In the imp: Fruity floral...I'm a little scared.


    Wet: Really pretty coconut with lime and lemongrass. This smells like a yummy lollipop to me (the homemade kind you get at this old fashioned country stores)

    The flowers are light and barely there. I'm guessing they'll pop up as this dries and the citrus subsides.


    Dry: Hmmm...not what I was expecting! The lemongrass is still present, just really pale now. The flowers have peeked out a bit more but aren't strong or headache-inducing.

    This still has a nice sugary sweet, fresh quality to it.


    Verdict: Beautiful! This is one of those oils you really need to try out on your skin. It smelled horrid to me in the vial but the wet and dry phases are both really really lovely.

    A keeper!

  3. This one pretty much stays the same from top to bottom...sweet pine....sweet pine...sweet pine :)

    This one doesn't smell like cleaning fluid at all, the blackberry and other notes keep it from going "Pine Sol" on me.

    The Jersey Devil is really pretty and not frightning in the least :)

  4. In the imp: Vetiver and citrus

    Wet: REALLLY sweet almond, lime and vetiver. I'm not so sure all of these notes work together. Hmmm...

    Dry: Ok, once the almond and lime subside this is a lot better smelling. The clove and pine now arrive, creating an almost refreshing quality to this (not sharp or bitter at all).
    There's some smoky myrrh in there along with the barest hint of vetiver. The drydown is a MILLION times better than the wet stage. This one really is a morpher.

    Verdict: Horrible wet, beautiful dry...I'm on the fence with this one.





    ETA: 11/18/14


    This opens with a syrupy sweet almond top note. Almost always starts out big and fades quickly, it's like the curtain before the show. As the almond fades the vetiver note comes through with a kiss of lime. The remaining almond only adds to the sweetness of this, tempering the smokiness of the vetiver. The myrrh comes through in the final dry down, it almost has a powder-like quality to it.


    This isn't something I'll reach for but it's really gorgeous if you're looking to try a not-so-in your face vetiver scent.

  5. In the imp: Smoky wood! Really...this is smoky wood!


    Wet: Wow...I love firewood blends but THIS one takes the cake. This stuff is the real deal. Wowza.

    When I waft my arm about a foot from my face I smell like I've been standing around a campfire. My skin has a wonderful smoky smell to it. Oh boy, my husband is gonna LOVE this one.

    I don't want to dissect all of the notes, I'm enjoying smelling this as a whole...as a campfire scent.


    Dry: Wood, ash, smoke...ahhhhhhh :wub2: Dry I can smell more the the spices, like someone threw some food over the open flames and started roasting.


    Verdict: Freaking amazing! If you like smoky scents, this is THE best one I've ever sniffed.

  6. In the imp: Lemon drop candies


    Wet: Hmm...cleaning fluid that smells like lemon drop candies (I'm not having too much luck with imps today. Geez!)

    Srurprisingly, the astringent quality isn't coming from the lemon, it's coming from the floral (and I'm guessing that's the jasmine...since we don't get along)

    Whoever said "weird Pine Sol" is right!


    Dry: Still cleaning fluid-like on me. Eeeeeee! I rarely ahve to wash BPAL oils off but this one just isn't agreeing with my nose.


    Verdict: This one gave me a headache unfortunatly :/ Not good (at least for me)!

  7. Does anyone thing Zephyr smells like Lilith Victoria?


    I have an imp here and it smells almost exactly like her...in the reviews people keep mentioning that it's a citrus blends but, in other they say it's an "old lady, powdery musk".


    I'm confused!

  8. In the imp: Umm... Lilith Victoria? Is that you? *peeks*


    Wet: A LOVLEY white musk blended with a refreshing yet cozy-smelling bergamot. This smells eerily similar to Lilith Victoria on me. Maybe a dash more floral smelling.

    Surprisingly, I'm not getting any lemon or verbena at all!


    Dry: All white musk, and vanilla now. So so pretty! This still smells a lot like Lilith Victoria to me. it has that same, "snuggly" quality.


    Verdict: Love this! I need to sniff this next to Lilith Victoria and make sure I'm not smelling a mislabled imp...I'm pretty sure I'm not (there are some differences) but it's oh so close.

  9. In the imp: Bathroom spray


    Wet: MAJORLY floral soap


    Dry: Lilies and white florals...no cherry.


    Verdict: Based on the notes listing, I knew this wasn't for me (not into white florals at all).

    If you love lilies and all things girly, come hither!

  10. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet! L'Estate bath oil is one of the best smelling things on the Planet.

    It doesn't get much better than this.


    Initially, when I got the bath oil, I was using it in my bath tub. It never occurred to me to actually use it directly on the skin as a moisturizer (not until I started reading some of the threads in the BPTP forums).

    This smells fantastic in the bath however, when I use this on my skin the scent lasts longer and pairs well with the L'Estate perfume oil (or Eisheth Zenunim or Cupid Complaining to Venus)


    This is a warm, honeyed peach mixed with golden amber on me (and not the powdery kind either). Whenever I wear this my husband says I "smell like a fairytale" :lol: It's just so pretty, feminine and summery.

    I REALLY hope this series makes another round one of these days. I ALWAYS want to smell like this. It's so so gorgeous! :wub2:

  11. Hmmm...mostly powdery amber and beeswax. This smells like incense to me, but not your typical BPAL incense.

    There's a note in here that's not agreeing with my nose. Not sure what it is (possibly the mytrle?)

    Not for me, but I can see why others love it so so much. I'll happily pass this on to someone who will enjoy it :)

  12. It's already been mentioned but...URD!!! This is my all-time favorite scent in ze world! :wub2:

    Out of all the BPAL oils I've tried this one smells most like a headshop.

    I was wearing Urd at work a few years ago and a coworker stopped into my office to see if I was burning incense. Nope, just my perfume :)

    I also get the most compliments whenever I wear Urd. I just lover love love it. Anyone who likes that "headshop scent" needs to try Urd.

  13. Yup, mostly orris with a touch of incense and resin. As this dries into my skin it becomes a powdery, resin scent.

    Not sure of this one is for me. I agree with angelicruin, this is a very relazing "curl up in a blanket" sort of scent.

  14. VioletChaos' review was pretty much dead on, I dunno if I can do much better than that. I'll try! :)


    In the bottle: Balmy clove


    Wet: Mild cloves with a touch of ginger (?). A very spicy scent but not in a potpourri sort of way. I'm not detecting any of the other notes. Right now this is all balsam, clove and ginger.


    Dry: As this dries it gets a bit sweeter. The way the clove works in this is unique to me. It's not like stovetop potpourri (like Bandito was for me) or really sharp and dry (like Clemence). Clove can sometimes be a bit too bitter on my skin. This is soft, sweet and slightly smoky. I really like the way it mixes with the balsam.

    This also isn't as strong as I imagined it would be. The throw is average and isn't overpowering at all. This is really gentle and pretty.

    The final stage of this is a slightly herbaceous clove with balsam and a whiff of incense.


    Verdict: I really like this one! Clove is a note I either really love or hate...this time? Love it! I agree with VioletChaos, this is a wonderful Autumn scent (and will probably get more complex and rich smelling over time) but can also be worn as a summertime clove scent (it's very light).

    I really can't compare Zenobia to any other BPAL perfume, she stands on her own, unique.



  15. In the bottle: A soft, almost powdery, haze.


    Wet: Misty musk wafting through a pine forest. The pine (elemi?) scent is very gentle, not everwhelming at all (no worries, this doesn't smell like a Christmas tree at all!)

    This reminds me of hiking in the forest as the sun is setting and there's a gentle fog hanging low to the ground.


    Dry: As this dries, it brings me out of the forest and back to camp. I can smell wet, fragrant plants, and a bit of smoky incense mixing with the hazy musk. This scent isn't a dark, brooding smoky smell but a misy, green fairy tale sort of scent.

    This is gentle, delicate and almost mysterious smelling.

    As this dries some more (about 30 minutes), you start to drift off to sleep at your little camp site and the scent almost fades away completley.


    Verdict: A gorgeous walk through the woods! I absolutely LOVE this one. I wish this lasted a bit longer on my skin but, other than that, this one is perfect. I'm sure it'll do a bit better in a scent locket.

    If you've avoided this one because you're afraid of "smoke" scents, give this one a shot. It's really delicate, feminine and pretty. This ends up as a close to the skin, sweet musk on me.



  16. In the vial: Whew! caramel and BOOOZE!


    Wet: An almost citrus smelling caramel note...maybe a bit like candy corn? Oh and did I mention BOOZE? :lol: I already like this a lot. I'm not detecting anything that would resemble "blood".


    Dry: Welp! It's a morpher! This dries into a baby powder scent on me. Very strange! I can still smell a whiff of the caramel/candy corn note in the background but it's pretty much all powder.


    Verdict: I wasn't expecting much out of this one...was pleasantly surprised in the "wet" stage. The "dry" stage just doesn't work on my unfortunatly. I did enjoy experiencing this scent though. It sure is interesting!

  17. In the vial: Spicy wine


    Wet: Ohh very complex! "warm" leather is the first thing I smell mixing with a light, boozy fruit note and a gentle background of flowers. There is an autum spice feel to this one.


    Dry: More juniper now, it's adding a chilly breezy feel to the perfume. "Spicy autumn wine" is still tthe nominant note I smell in this. The leather has subsided. Really pretty!


    Verdict: This is soo soo close to being just a room scent but it works very well on my skin. I like this one a lot! Notsure if I need a bottle yet, I'll ahve to play with my imp a bit more :)

  18. In the vial: Thick cinnamon and orange (the color of this oil is a bright orange). Despite the wonderful note listing, this one might be a bit much.


    Wet: BAM! Clove, cinnamon...the peach and orange add sweetness, but not much.


    Dry: Allllll cinnamon and clove on me. That's about it. Clove usually overpowers for me and, paired with cinnamon...yup. Very strong.


    Verdict: This isn't bad, just not my favorite. I wouldn't wear this as a perfume. Al-Shairan would make a great room scent though. I will happily keep my vial and sprinkle a few drops onto my oil burner :)

  19. In the imp: Fruity floral.


    Wet: First whiff on my skin wet I'm smelling that "stinky old people diapers" smell. It's a floral note that's making me cringe. There's a backgrond of "ozone" (clean airy smell) and just a hint of rose.


    Dry: The floral stink has subsided a bit but is still present...just not as strong. I'm getting more sweet fruits now...I just can't get past these floral notes.


    Verdict: This is the smell of the inside of my imp box...of all my BPAL oils mixing together. Meh.

  20. In the imp: Really light..can't really tell what it smells like.


    Wet: Ok, first thought was SWEET TARTS! This is a balmy, candy-like lemon on my skin. Not detecting any beeswax (thankfully) or sage. Not exactly sure what the other notes are supposed to smell like (besides the frankincense or saffron). All I'm getting is a yummy sweet Sweet Tarts smell.


    Dry: As this dries the sage comes out...ever so slightly. The initial lemony, Sweet Tart smell has subsided as well and I'm left with a wonderfuly balmy, mildly resinous scent.


    Verdict: Drop dead effing GORGEOUS! This is really wearable and something I can see myself reaching for on a weekly basis. New favorite? I think so! :wub2:

  21. In the vial: Smoky sandalwood!


    Wet: Sultry, warm, wood mixed with patchouli...soooo gorgeous!


    Dry: This is all sandalwood on me...a glorious, wonderful sandalwood. A perfect sandalwood! The patchouli anchors the scent down, allowing it to last on my skin (sandalwood for some reason likes to play disappearing acts with me).


    Verdict: An incredibly sexy, woody, slightly smoky scent that I am truely in love with. :wub2:


  22. In the vial: Very gentle, clean smelling flowers.


    Wet: Very pretty..and familiar. This reminds me a bit of Pacificas Malibu Lemon Blossom solid perfume...or maybe a bit of Philosophys Amazing Grace.


    Dry: This perfume pretty much stays exactly the same from top to bottom. I can't distinguish each individual note, everything is well-blended/balanced. This ends up as a very delicate, tripical smelling floral (not the stinky diaper kind...it's very wearable and good for someone who is otherwise terrified of floral blends...like myself.)


    Verdict: I like this one a lot! I love Pacificas Malibu Lemon Blossom, but that one ends up smelling like cornchips on me. Pele stays true and beautiful smelling all the way through.

    I will most definitley use all of my imp and probably purchase a 5ml in the future. This is great for summertime and gentle enough for the office or places where you want to wear "quiet" scents.



  23. In the vial: Hmmm...hard to put my finger on. Almost like incense.


    Wet: Spices? Check! Cardamon? Check! Nutmeg? (barley but..) Check! Flowers...??? The floral notes are showing up as a "perfumy" note on me. Usually lavender is the culprit (for "perfumy" notes). There might be lavender in this but I could be wrong.


    Dry: Wowza! :thud: This dries into an absolutly gorgeous, smoky, slightly spicy (not floral at all!) perfume. This is heady, warm and rich smelling. Mama-Ji is like a grown-up hippie perfume. This is more refined and regal.


    Verdict: I'm really glad I gave this one a chance. First sniff out of the vial I wasn't too impressed but after it dries (only for about 10 minutes) it turns into a drop dead gorgeous perfume. *huffs arm* Oh yes, my decant will not be lasting long. :wub2:
