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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Monster

  1. I LOVE this! Knock-A-Dolly smells like L'Autunno Atmosphere spray with sugary sprinkles. This doesn't smell like the Samhain perfume at all to me. It's pretty much straight up L'Autunno + sweet things and I love it! :)

  2. The Alchemical Laboratory. It triggers a buried scent memory…it smells like the hallway in my Grandmothers old apartment by the kitchen. It's such a random thing to remember but this is exactly it, it's bringing back so many memories. Wow.
    It's the smell of fresh dish soap bubbles mixed with outdoor air and dried potpourri sitting in little dishes on the shelves near the sink. I really can't explain it any better than that. I'm finding AL very nostalgic.

    This is fresh and comforting with a hint of spice. If I spray it on a paper towel and try to analyze the notes I'd say this is mostly geranium and frankincense. It's hard to describe, it just smells like really clean and inviting air. When I spray it is sort of clear the heaviness out of the room (if that makes any sense).

  3. A wonderful forum member provided me with an imp of this...thank youuuu (you know who you are ^_^ )


    Sol Niger v2 smells almost exactly like Labores Solis in the vial...and then I put it on my skin and BAM! I'm hit with one of the most glorious resin drenched vetiver scent I have ever experienced :thud: :wub: There must be a bit of menthol in here as well because it's creating a sort of cooling effect on my skin and in my nostrils when I inhale closely. This really makes me think of a black sun....really, it does. I can't wait to read Beths description of this when/if it's ever released (which I'm hoping for because I could wear this stuff every day and it's clearning out my sinuses :lol: I imagine this would also be nice to wear on a really hot summer day as well).


    As Sol Niger dries some more it's reminding me of Labores Solis again ('cept with the addition of vetiver and menthol). I'm also starting to get a sugary note. Very interesting (and pretty)!


    This is a really gorgeous scent, it's a prototype but I can't think of a way to change it or make this better. Sol Niger v2 is perfect as it is :wub2:

  4. *cough* This is a sharp, syrupy, almost sickning rose and cake smell on me. It's just...not working for me at ALL :ack: I'm not so sure these notes belong together, it just smells...weird and off.


    This scent is confusing to me. It feels disjointed and makes me feel sligthly ill. Gah! And it gets more cloying as it dries, I need to wash it off :cry2:

  5. Hmmm...very interesting scent! This is a slightly sharp, herbal and mildly floral blend. As it dries the peony is the strongest note. The rose in this isn't very strong (even for me, someone who amps rose).


    I think I like this blend wet a lot more than the dry phase. Dry, this just smells like generic BPAL floral notes with green things thrown into the mix. It's pretty, not bad on my skin but just kind of "meh".

  6. In the imp: A lightly floral, fresh clean green scent.


    Wet: The first thing I smell is a beautiful, fresh smelling green note...I'm assuming that's the lettuce. The floral notes are faint in the background and I'm not smelling any orris at all.


    Dry: As this dries the lettuce note mellows out a lot and my skin starts to smp the floral notes (especially the rose). The rose has a "dusty" sort of quality, I think that's attributed to the orris.


    Overall: This is a fresh, wet, dewy green floral blend (maybe even a bit grassy). Rapunzel actually reminds me a lot of a Hermes scent I sampled recently at Sephora (I forget which one though). While I can really appreciate the simple beauty of this scent, it's just not something I can wear (maybe a bit too "pretty" and floral for my tastes.)


    If you're a fan of green notes and florals, you will find this one a winner for sure!

  7. I avoided this one due to the peanut butter and chocolate notes...but someone recently gave me a sniffie of this in a swap and I'm SO glad they did!

    B-Horror is a wonderfully delicious sweet scent. The chocolate isn't bitter on my skin and doesn't turn sour (as chocolate usually does). The peanut butter note rounds it out nicely and adds just a hit of nuttiness.


    The final dry down phase is just a nice, sugary sweetness. B-Horror is candy-like, not overly chocolatey and really delicious. This sort of reminds me of the Monsterbait series.


    Really nice! I'm so happy I had a chance to try this. :wub:

  8. I have been dying to try this one for a year now! Here we go :)


    In the bottle: Bitter green things with wood notes. This smells like the outdoors...the forest on the edge of a meadow on a hot summer day :wub:


    Wet: Balsam fir is the first note I detect on my skin...it dominates until it finally starts to dry.


    Dry: As The Schoolhouse dries I can smell clover and dandelion baking in the hot sun. The balsam fir note has now become part of the background adding a nice, woodsy feel to the blend. This smells like summer camp in the White Mountains New Hampshire! I'm sitting in the shade underneath a large conifer near my cabin, the sun is high and I'm thinking about going hiking or horseback riding.


    Overall: I knew this scent would be a nostalgic one for me (which is primarily why I wanted to get my hands on a bottle) Not only does the Schoolhouse brings back so many wonderful memories, it's extremley wearable and really works well with my body chemistry. :wub2:

  9. In the bottle: Berry-infused tea!


    Wet: A beeeaauuuttifullll tea note mixed with red berries. Yup! Still berry-infused tea on my skin.


    Dry: As this dries I pick up a bit more of the musk note, it's faint...the berry and tea are still dominant on my skin. I'm not detecting ANY jasmine at all. Jasmine usually smells like stinky old diapers on me but this is absolutely gorgeous. As Daiyu settles into my skin even more my skin starts to amp the sweet acai berry and I'm detecting the faintest whiff of crysanthemum.


    Overall: I'm SO glad I was able to try this blend, this is probably the first perfume with jasmine in it I can actually wear (and very well I might add). Overall this perfume smells mostly of tea to me, it's something I can see myself wearing every day. Daiyu is light and stays close to the body (it would probably make a great office scent). I love the way this makes me smell. If you're afriad of jasmine, I urge you to give this one a chance! :)

  10. In the imp: Pure melon!


    Wet: Mmmm melon and fruit notes mixed with a bit of tea...it's like fruity tea! :yum:


    Dry: Umm...as this dries is almost completely disappears :cry2: Noooo! I can smell the faint memory or something sweet and fruity. That's about it. *sigh*


    Overall: A fun and pretty scent. I just wish it didn't fade so quickly on me.



  11. Mmmmm sugared cream (light on the cream, this isn't too milky) with a gorgeous carnation note and a hint of orange blossom.

    This isn't an overly floral blend, just pretty and slightly sweet.


    As this dries my skin amps the spiciness of the carnation...wow, this is really good! As it settles into my skin some more it becomes even sweeter! Generally scents with a lot of sweetness make me feel sick (especially burnt sugar or caramel notes) but this one is working really well for me. This is something I could wear every day, any time of the year or layered with some other oils. I'm thinking this would work well with Lady Lilith.


    A keeper! :wub2:

  12. In the imp: Fruit and nuts!


    Wet: Apples, apple blossom (similar to Agape) with a background or earthy nuttiness :yum:


    Dry: As this dries my skin amps the berry notes...and I looovvveee the berries! :lol: As it dries even more the berries are stepping back a bit to allow the apple notes to come forward. The nuttiness I initially smelled in the vial is faint now, it's just sort of grounding the scent adding a nice earthy quality to it. :wub:


    Overall: This is apple/berry deliciousness! I love Pomona! I knew it was going to be one of my favorite scents this year and I was right ^_^ This is something I would probably wear all year 'round. I wonder how it would smell layered with Lambs-Wool...hmmm....it might make Lambs-Wool a bit more wearable.

  13. This is the first pumpkin I've tried this year....I was really interested in this one for the tomato note :D


    In the vial this smells like pure pumpkin.


    When I put this on my skin it's ALL tomato and rosemary on my skin. As it dries the pumpkin starts to show up in the background, it's faint but it's there...I think the pumpkin adds more of a creamy smoothness to the sharp fresh notes of the pine, herb and tomato.


    Like Lambs-Wool, this is probably something I'd like to see in an atmosphere spray, in a candle or in an oil burner. I really love the tomato note, just not on my skin.



  14. In the imp: Apple cider :yum:


    Wet: Creeeaaammmyyy apple cider with a bright burst of ginger.


    Dry: Dry, this smells JUST like Yankee Candles "Harvest" and "Farmers Market" candles...lost of autumn spice, apples, cinnamon, nutmeg...


    Overall: Lambs-Wool is a beautiful spiced apple cider scent. It's probably not something I'd wear as perfume but I think this would smell really great as an atmosphere spray, a candle or in an oil burner. :)

  15. In the imp: Fresh, clean, slightly soapy (but not in a bad way).


    Wet: This is reminding me of Torture Queen...just less sharp and with a soft incense note. I would say this is falling into the ozone/aquatic range but is actually really nice smelling on my skin. This has a clean scent without going to dryer sheet or pure soap on me. I was scared of this after reading some of the reviews but I can't stop smelling my skin right now! I really can't pick out too many individual notes, it's a scent that's well-blended and makes me think of pale, freshly washed skin kissed with a gentle feminine perfume.


    Dry: As this dries it gets more and more beautiful. Sarah is really working well with my skin chemistry. I can still smell the similarities to Torture Queen. Again, Sarah is a lot softer, curvaceous, prettier....less harsh. The final drydown is an almost powdery amber mixed with clean-smelling notes and incense. Hmmm, I would even say this smells a bit like a more ozone/aquatic version of Antique Lace.


    Overall: A sure winner for me! I disagree with the other reviewers who say this is BIG ozone notes. Ozone/aquatics typically do NOT work for me but I will be purchasing a bottle of this in the near future.


    If you're afriad of ozone, don't let the reviews scare you away! Sarah is worth a try...really, this is a beautiful scent! :wub:

  16. Whew! This is a sweet, nutty cake scent on my skin. I think it's the "barrel of beer" that's creating that nuttiness on my skin. The cake note is very "bready" (:lol: I don't think that's a word). The cake is sweet, just more on the dense, bread side. As it dries down I'm getting a bit of cinnamon and incense....just the teeeeniest bit of incense.


    Very interesting scent! This is definitely in the "foody" range and while I do like a lot of food-smelling blends I don't think this one is for me :/

  17. In the imp: Milk Moon + cotton candy :ghost:


    Wet: This goes on strong with a big, milky note (very similar to Milk Moon) and then promptly dries down to something very similar to Midway. It's like...Midway with cream. There's a bit of a plastic note in the background, I dunno what that's about. Weird. It sort of smells like baby doll heads.


    Dry: Pretty much unchanged, this is still milk with cotton candy. The plastic note is still present on my skin and I'm not smelling any cotton/linen notes.


    Overall: This one is really fun, sweet and going to be HUGE with foody fans. I'm not sure if this warrants a whole bottle for me. I will cherish my decant though :)



    EDIT: Ok, I've been wearing this for a little while now out of all the "foody" Halloweenie scents I've tested today, this one is still hanging in there...going strong. I keep getting random wafts of it as I'm sitting here typing and I really like the way its settled into my skin. I just might have to get a bottle afterall. :)

  18. Oh my gosh! This smells just like melted red cherry popsicles. This is sweet and delicious and reminds me of summertime sleepover parties as a kid. This isn't boozy on me at all, just pure, glorious sweet cherries :wub2:


    The wet phase has a bit of an almond note to it but as it dries that completley disappears and I'm left with cherry cherry cherry!

  19. In the imp: Spicy red musk, similar to Marianne.


    Wet: Clove-kissed red musk. Umm...I think my head just exploded :thud: I really can't pick out any of the other notes...maaayyybeee the vanilla but this is all red musk and clove on me right now. The clove reminds me of the clove from Red Rose (Unity set). If you replaced the rose in Red Rose with red musk, you would have what I'm sniffing right now.


    Dry: As this dries the red musk becomes a little bit sweeter on my skin and the clove gets a bit more dusty-smelling. I can't really pick out the orchid note but I think it's just adding a sexy/womany feel to this. It's keeping the blend from smelling too dirty and earthy. Mircalla is a voluptous and sexy dark femenine scent. As this dries even more I can pick out a bit of patchouli. It's not over powering though, the patchouli just sort of grounds all of the notes and pulls them together. Gah! I love this!


    Overall: I wouldn't compare this to Mme. Moriarty or Snake Charmer at all, to me this is more like Marianne and Red Rose (minus the rose note)....and maybe a teeny bit of Zenobia. The only way I will compare this to Snake Charmer is the LOVE factor. People are going to be scouring the forums for unloved bottles of this after its been taken down. I want to smell like this all the time. Red musk and/or clove fans MUST TRY MIRCALLA!!! If you're like me and love both of these notes I would suggest back-up bottles :lol: LOVE!! :wub2:

  20. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this scent yet! o_O


    Malediction is a dark, evil sexy and wonderful vetiver scent. Fans of vetiver MUST try this! Paired with the red patchouli it's just... :thud:


    This dries to a warm, smooth woody/vetiver scent. One of the best vetiver scents here. LOVE :wub2:

  21. In the imp: Springtime dirt...fresh with things growing in it. Nice!


    Wet: Mmmm fresh dirt with sharp mossy notes and greenery. Really pretty!


    Dry: As this dries a floral note starts to amp on my skin...along with the mild scent of something similar to a citronella candle. Hmm. Interesting.


    Overall: I love the Labs dirt note :) This is yet another fine example of Beths ability to create scents that smell exactly like the description. Deep in Earth smells like fresh dirt in the springtime after it rains. I love the opening/wet phase but as it dries this turns a bit strange on my skin. I had a lot of fun sniffing it but it's just not something I can wear.

  22. In the vial this smells like citrus-scented Irish Spring (is there such a thing?) It's very soapy smelling to my nose.


    On my skin this is actually a really beautiful citrus scent with a wonderfuly earthy marigold note (I LOVE the smell of marigolds...bitter, sharp...wonderful). I can't get past the soapy note in this though. I'm not sure what's causing it. :cry2:


    As this dries my beloved marigold fades completley. I'm left with citrus-infused amber in a field of sunflowers. The soap note has also faded (thankfully).

    I'm unsure if I like this one or not. I love bright, citrus scents and the floral notes in this blend don't give me a headache. Hmmm...I think I need more time with this scent. I'm going to wear it for a day and see how I feel.


    ETA: Yep. Soapy doom. :(

  23. Shadowless like Silence...ohhhh how I love you! :wub:


    This smells like the outdoors, like the woods on a slightly chilly early autumn day.

    On my skin wet, this is almost all sandalwood with a fresh bite of cypress and an earthy touch of moss. If you've ever pulled moss up from a rock and sniffed it...it's pretty much that all bottled up.

    The fresh cypress note makes me think of wind blowing through rustling trees...I'm laying in forest on mossy rocks watching the black outline of the trees against the grey sky.


    As this dries I'm getting just the barest hint of rose (not much though, just a hint). This pretty much stays the same from top to bottom.


    LOVE this.



    ETA: Ummm....uhhhh... >< I've been wearing this for a few hours now and it's doing something weird like...smelling like a wet dog on me. So strange. I don't think I can wear this anymore :'( That's the strangest morphing/bad body chemistry experience I've ever had. Oh well. It smells nice in the vial.

  24. In the vial this is GORGEOUS. It almost reminds me of Lilith Victoria, light....with musk.


    On my skin the grey amber is the first thing I notice (I'll agree with the person who says it smells like ambergris). A few moments later, as it dries the grey amber melts into my skin and takes a backseat to the beautiful musky, crunchy leaf notes. The lavender in this is very mellow and behaves well on my skin. It's pairing with the vanilla giving it a "Lilith Victoria" feel.

    I'm not detecting any rose at all.


    In the final drydown phase, Under the Harvest Moon is a beautifuly sweet, pale musk scent with just a hint of dry leafy notes. I wouldn't call this a floral blend at all, the musk notes are dominant on my skin.


    :wub2: GAH! This is absolutely gorgeous. I passed on a bottle of this after reading the reviews. o_O I really wish I had listened to my gut on this one.
