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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Monster

  1. Cicuta - Oh, I love this! Love it!!! It's predominantly the scent of dry roses and husky frankincense. It's very dark and romantic. It's sweetened up a touch by the saffron. The smoke is subtle, but adds a nice level of complexity and blends beautifully with the dry rose and frankincense. This is the type of scent that I would definitely associate with the old, stereotypical, romantic notions of vampires. Beautiful, sexy, dark, and very romantic. :wub2:



    I had to quote Edens Sixth Day....THIS is EXACTLY how I feel about this scent. Perfect description!

    I thought VILF was for sure going to be my favorite VDSL scent but Cicuta is the one I am drawn to the most.


    This is a dusty, dry rose incense on my skin. These are dried, dead rose petals left in a long forgotten manor covered by dust and cobwebs. I love love love this scent, I WILL be purchasing a bottle. LOVE! :wub2: :joy:

  2. In the imp: Sweet, fruity almond candy.


    On my skin: I want to eat this. It smells of berries and almond, and sticky, syrupy sweet things. NOM! :wub2:


    Dry: As this dries the rum note really amps up on my skin. The berry notes soften a bit and it turns into a sweet and lovely perfume rather than a super foody scent. I LOVE this! The Tiki scents never disappoint! :wub2:

  3. In the imp this reminds me of Bonfire Night.


    On my skin this is such a strange blend of sweet booze, ocean air, wood, coconut (??), and mens cologne. This paints a perfect picture of a pirate ship stashed with stolen goods.


    As this dries the musk and patchouli amp up on my skin. It turns into a drunken patchouli note...rum-laden, sweet and slightly salty.


    This isn't something I will wear but I certainly enjoyed experiencing it.

    Wonderful! :)

  4. In the imp I smell a lot of sandalwood mixed with rose. However, when I put this on my skin the rose completley overpowers every other note.

    This is very heavy, sharp and pungent.


    Wash off. Not for me.

  5. Smokey, purple musk.....it's very plummy on my skin. This reminds me a lot of Penumbra.

    The floral notes add a feminine, grown-up quality to it. Witch Queen smells like something you would put on in the evening to go out dancing or to a really nice pub/lounge with someone special. This is definitley a winter blend.


    I love love love this...it's just a simple plummy, smokey incense on my skin.



  6. ... Deep cocoa laced with patchouli, leather armor, ritual incense, and a touch of Xochiquetzal’s flowers.

    In the imp: Freakshow-esque cocoa blended with grounding patchouli.

    On my skin: The cocoa takes a backseat to the earthiness of the patchouli. This is a heady, incense blend. It's sweet, smoky and mysterious. Have Urd and Freak Show collided? I think I may have found a new Holy Grail scent.

    Dry: As this dries my skin eats it up quite a bit which is somewhat diappointing. I'm detecting the leather at this phase. This is now morphing into something vaugely reminiscent of Hellhound on My Trail.

    Overall: I wish this had more throw. Tezcatlipoca is a close-up skin scent and it's OMG good! :wub2: :thud:
    I will definitley purchase a bottle of this and it IS something I will wear every day. Sweet LAWWDDD this is good stuff :)

  7. I have to say, I :wub2: the Labs peach scents.


    I think the lovely Belle Vinu is actually Eishheth Zenunims little sister.

    This is virtually the same on my skin, just gentler, less grown up. This is girly, flirty and fun whereas Eishheth Zenunim is more adult-like, sultry and sexy.


    This is absolutely gorgeous! Belle dries into a slightly herbal peach sap. Love this one! :joy:

  8. Mmmmm this smells of pine, incense, smoke and leather. Absolutely intoxicating. This evokes the image of a secret ceremony taking place deep within the woods at dusk. I smell smoky incense dancing through crisp forest air (that must be the leather note playing tricks on my nose). As it dries my skin sweetens it up a bit. Komakat mentioned a licorice note and I'm smelling it too...only after it begins to dry.


    Gorgeous scent! :wub2:

  9. In the imp this is light patchouli with the sharpness of moss. Very earthy and slightly medicinal.


    On my skin the violet blossoms. This is a sharp violet blended with the sweet earthiness of ptchouli.


    The sharpness of the moss is making this unwearable for me, it's giving me a headache. I would have liked this better if it were just violet, patchouli and currant. Oh well...off to swaps :(

  10. In the imp this smells of super syrupy sweet blackberries! Yum!


    On my skin this reminds me a lot of Jester blended with more berry notes. I'm also detecting some light floral notes in here, giving this a perfumey quality (not bad at all just surprising).

    I don't get any of the buttery crust notes at all. This is all berries with a squish of something floral.


    Very interesting! I think I like this one :)

  11. Meow meow!


    In the imp this is a very strong, sharp woody musk to my nose. Very masculine.


    On my skin the sharp (almost headache-inducing musk) mellows out into something a lot more pleasant. This is now herbal, slightly sweet and musky. I'm not detecting anything overly citrus or orange smelling, the fruit note just adds a hint of sweetness to the perfume.


    As it dries the musk amps....it's still very masculine on my skin (and not in the way I like masculine scents either). I can't decide if I like or hate this scent. Very odd.

  12. A very simple (yet beautiful) scent. This is well-balanced, perfectly proportioned mix of rose and cinnamon. I've never smelled these two notes blended together before! At first I thought this was more of a potpourri/room scent but after it settles into my skin a bit it transforms into a gorgeous spicy rose perfume. I can't stop sniffing myself.


    A winner! :)

  13. This is allll pear! A very candy-like delicious pear. Yum! This is probably ht emost complex of the moth/butteryfly scents. I really can't pick out individual notes. As a whole this is a fruity pear with very light floral notes, sugar, and a gentle musk to ground everything.


    Luna moth is definitley a unique scent! It feels dusty and green on the dry down. I really love this one.


    A keeper for sure :wub2:

  14. Hmmm this one smells a lot like maple syrup. Actually, that's pretty much what I was expecting with the brown sugar note :)

    This smells like clove, maple syrup, brown sugar and all things fall. It reminds me of breakfast in Vermont when the leaves are a bright, firey orange.


    This is a very simple blend but is very nostalgic and comforting to me.


    Love this!



  15. abejita just said it best....This scent is unremarkable and there are definitley a lot more interesting, rich and complex BPAL scents out there.


    Gypsy Moth is an epic disappointment :cry2:


    This smells watered down, too light and well...just forgettable. It's a very pale sugar with the barest hint of spice. This doesn't have any throw on my skin and doesn't last at all. i agree with Ondine, this reminds me of Khrysopelex.

  16. In the imp this smells like candy! Sweet tarts and all things sugary, fruity and yummy! :wub2:


    On my skin this reminds me a lot of Jester. The sweet pea, candyfloss and huckleberry are the strongest notes to my nose.


    This is very strong at first and diappears as it dries. My skin is eating up these fruit notes. The final drydown is a soft, lemon-berry cotton candy scent.


    I love love love this! I will definitley be keeping my decant. Again, this reminds me a lot of Jester. I'll have to test them side by side :)



  17. In the imp this is all apricot and vetiver. Not sure if these two notes belong together but I sure do love vetiver :wub2:


    Hmmm...vetiver and apricot. That's about it. This is a syrupy sweet vetiver. I'm not so sure about this. I like my vetiver dark and smoky. The notes realy just don't belong together. Sadly, I'm finding that's the theme with the moth/butterfly series. :cry2:


    As this dries the vetiver fades to the background and this is OMG LOTS OF APRICOT SYRUP. I never got any lemon sugar.

    These are notes thhat just odn't belong together IMO.



    Another fail :(

  18. In the imp this is almost astringent smelling. Weird.


    On my skin this is balmy and medicinal. The coconut doesn't smell a lot like coconut, it just adds a strange sweetness to this. Very very very strange.


    This smells...OLD and just...weird. Like it's the watered down left over oils of something that really doesn't blend together. I'm sorry Lab!


    :cry2: Very disappointing.

  19. Cold and frothy coconut is right!!! :wub2: :joy: This is so incredibly delicious and refreshing. This is NOT suntan lotion coconut, this smells like fresh coconut cream. This is the real stuff. As it dries, it warms up a bit and the tropical blooms come out to play. This vaugely reminds me of Velvet Tiki, I like Tiki Pricess a lot more though.


    A wonderful summertime scent. This makes me smell sunkissed (despite my staying out of the sun.)

    I feel like a tropical beach goddess.


    LOVE this! :wub:

  20. In the bottle: Powdery spice. Not what I was expecting at all.


    Wet on my skin: Very very very powdery spices. I definitely get a fluffy, feathery feel from this. I like the synesthesia effect it's creating but I'm not enjoying this overly powdery scent.


    Dry: I'm smelling the teeniest bit of clove, vanilla and carnation. I don't detect any of the other notes. The fluffy/powdery notes are still strong and in the foreground. This has great lasting power and incredible throw.


    Overall: Definitley a warm and snuggly scent...very powdery though and not what I was expecting at all. I can't do powderly scents so I'm afraid this one isn't for me. It's not bad at all, just unexpected and doesn't work well with my skin chemistry.

  21. This is mostly jasmine BIG GIANT stinky jasmine (the one note that grosses me out more than anything) blended with citrus. I love lemon verbena scents but the jasmine in this one is overwhelming.


    Definitely not for me.


