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BPAL Madness!


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About Monster

  • Rank
    Raawwrr! Ahhh!
  • Birthday 07/29/1980


  • Location
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    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    I have tried a lot of BPAL oils and find new favorites all of the time. I consider myself olfactory obsessed and a collector of all things that smell good (particularly perfume). I have yet to find anything that compares to BPAL <3 Favorite BPAL Scents: Urd (aged at least 5 years), Snake Charmer, Samhain, Banshee Beat, So Below, Carceri D'Invenzione, Mme Moriarty, Perversion, Albedo v5, Penumbra , Witch Dance, Raven Moon, Tezcatlipoca, Schwarzer Mond, RomantiGoth, Deathrock, Eisheth Zenunim, Hungry Ghost Moon, Monster: In the Closet, Queen of Clubs, Graveyard Dirt, Gingerbread Poppet, Miskatonic University, White Rabbit, Strawberry Moon 2005, The Red Queen, Bordello, Freak Show, Men Ringing Bells w/ Penis, L'Autunno, Worm Moon, The Illustrated Woman, Lilith Victoria, Blue Fire, Upa Upa, Moai, L'Estate, L'Estate Bath oil (as perfume), Incantation, Mr. Nancy, Red Rose (from the Unity Set), Ysabel, Punkie Night, Devils Night, Goblin Rider, Death of Autumn, November, All Night Long, Sin, Mania, Agape, Creepy, Dia, Maiden, Rhinotoros, Mouses Sad Long Tale, Mircalla, The Phoenix, Haloes, B340, Halloween: Las Vegas, Tombeur, Single Note: Haitian Vetiver, Single Note: Sumatran Red Patchouli and Black Patchouli, SN: Madagascan Vanilla Rum, Sylvia, Gwenyth, Haute Macabre, Senelion, Mourning Lace, Achluophobia, Eldritch Dark, Minotaur, Feed Me and Fill Me with Pleasure, Hope and Fear Set Free, Beaver Moon 2012, Beaver Moon 2010, Imaginer, Sweet Lavinia's Dread Puddings, Boo HG, Loved to Death Favorite NON-bpal Scents: Oriental Brulat by Guerlain, Real Patchouly by Bois 1920, L`Air du Desert Marocain by Tauer, Laila by Geir Ness, L'Huere Blue by Guerlain, Patchouli 24 by Le Labo, Angel and Lolita Lempika (guilty pleasure). Favorite notes include: Red/black/brown musk, vetiver, patchouli, vanilla, tonka, honey, clove, rose, carnation, strawberry, amber, pine, ginger, lemongrass, coconut, anything with wood, spices, incense, resins, fruits and gourmand notes that aren't too cloying. In general, white flowers or high-pitched floral dominant scents do not work on me. I DO NOT like Chocolate, MOST coffee scents, Dragons Blood, Jasmine, Lavender, most florals (especially gardenia, or any white flowers with an indolic quality), ozone, aquatic scents. There are of course, exceptions but usually these notes don't work for me. Also, pumpkin is a note I love but it's hard for me to wear. I don't know where to place stone, blood or lightning. These notes can go either way for me. My favorite regular, life scents (I don't know what to call these) are: Vicks VapoRub (I have a collection of international Vicks and vintage Vicks which I've been interviewed about in an antique collectors magazine), the forest after it rains, fresh baked bread, wet dirt, dry/sun-scorched grass on a hot summer day, fresh snow, moss, lake water, my cats fur and paws, the smell of my roller derby pads (I know, it's gross but they smell like corn chips, victory, and love).

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Roller Derby, Fitness, Perfume, Figure Skating, Climbing both real and figurative mountains.

    I discovered BPAL back in 2005 through LiveJournal. Miskatonic University and Perversion were my first two bottles and have been hooked ever since. :) I am also the Worlds #1 Urd fanatic.
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  1. Thanks, I am totally humbled! Good karma is already on its way to someone else, but in a slightly different manner.. :)
