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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. This is one of the most gorgeous perfumes I have ever had the pleasure of smelling. There is no end to Beth's talent! At first application I'm getting mostly guaiac wood and Peru balsam. As it warms to my skin, it's a melange of resins and woods with smallest bit of orchid flower. Dry, it's resinous woods. This is classy, sexy, totally gorgeous and reminds me of an incredibly expensive boutique perfume by Tauer or Bois 1920. This could easily be a sister scent to L`Air du Desert Marocain. I wish I could get my hands on more of this stuff. <3
  2. Monster

    Silkybat Hair Gloss

    I absolutely love the Trading Posts hair glosses. They tame my frizz and give my hair a sleek look without weighing it down. The formula is absolutely perfect. I have the Frankincense and Clove hair gloss and the spray for Silky Bat is a lot more spritzy. I like that I can spray it directly on my hair if I want to. The TP hair gloss is also great for mornings where I don't wash my hair. A little bit of gloss makes me look like I just spent an hour blow drying and brushing my hair. The scent of Silky Bat is OMGLOVE It's very similar to Banshee Beat after it settles in. At first spray this this has a sugared citrus note which fades after a few moments. I'm left with a perfect vanilla/patchouli combo which layers really well with many of the BPAL perfumes I wear. Love love love this stuff!
  3. Monster

    Spanish Red Carnation

    This smells BETTER than a carnation (which I always thought smelled like an unripe flower, if that makes any sense). This really does smell like a carnation, just remove the bitter weirdness and replace it with a gentle sweetness. As it dries, it develops into a sultry, spicy floral. The throw is average and it only lasts about an hour before my skin eats it up. I'll have to try putting it in my scent locket. Spanish Red Carnation = perfection.
  4. Monster


    WILF starts out exactly as you would expect it to, absolutely horrifying but, as it goes on…it becomes quite nice In the bottle this is straight up frangipani and champaca FLOWER. As it sells into my skin this morphs to flowers and juniper to juniper and resin to resin and vanilla. WILF dries to a sensual vanilla musk dusted with chocolate on my skin. Reowr.
  5. Monster

    Coney Island Creek Atmosphere Spray

    I've had this forever and I can't believe I haven't reviewed it yet. Coney Island Creek is a regular in my house, I usually pair it with coconut candles. I'm not usually one to go for an aquatic scent but this REALLY does smell salty. This is a dark and brooding aquatic, murky, salty and fit for a Cthulhu traveling to NYC
  6. Monster

    The Court of Honor

    Oh wow, this is fantastic. It sort of reminds me of a deeper, richer version of the original Smoky Moon. This is a green tobacco note (tobacco flower) which is dry and almost sharp but is immediately softened by the amber and sandalwood as it develops. Court of Honor is regal and elegant, a perfume made for the evening and not for every day use. I am completely in love with this stuff.
  7. Monster

    The Sea Foams Blood

    Sharp salty aquatic with very little dragon's blood. Dries to a clean soapy scent on my skin.
  8. Monster

    Dragon's Eye

    Dragon's Blood with sneezy flowers and soap. Smells like Easter and incense.
  9. Monster

    Pink Snowballs

    2011 Version Sugared Snow White with the faintest hint of rose. This smells sweet, elegant and girlish. Lucycat's description of "wedding cake decorated with real roses" is absolutley perfect. I love Pink Snowballs. This has a low throw and hugs the skin closely. It's one of those perfumes you'll find yourself purposely huffing underneath the neck of your cowl neck sweater mid-day at work during a coffee break. It's just really pretty and comforting.
  10. Monster

    Butterscotch and Blackbeetles

    Uh! This one is going to warrant a multiple bottle hunt This starts out as a perfect butterscotch note. As it dries, I start to pick out the dirt and the patchouli. Whoever said it smells like a butterscotch candy covered in dirt is spot on. A few hours later, I'm left with candy-coated patchouli perfection. This will be a great summertime scent for me. It's joyful, sweet and doesn't take itself too seriously.
  11. Monster


    This starts out smelling very similar to Masquerade (patch and orange blossom). This is definitely more of a masculine scent to my nose. Sadly I'm not getting any black licorice (which I LOVE). This dries to a windex smell on my skin. So sad.
  12. Monster

    White Sage

    This is a lot sweeter and prettier than I was expecting it to be. For some reason I was hoping for a dry, slightly bitter astringent scent. The softness is an unexpected surprise! This almost smells like a sugared bergamot tea. It dries into a gently floral, clean scent on my skin. Very nice.
  13. The Red Queen is a really pretty cherry dominant scent. There are wood notes in there but overall it's pretty sweet and juicy to my nose. If you can find a decant on the forum of Red from Fraggle Rock that's another nice fruity scent. Others I would recommend are Vice, Prunella, Bordello, O, Bon Vivant, Dana O'Shee, Bastet, Elegba, Obatala, Eat Me, Tis The Voice of the Lobster, Chokecherry Honey, Dorian, and Cockaigne I hope that helps!
  14. Monster


    Sylvia is by far my favorite! This starts out as an Illustrated Woman-reminiscent musky pine and eventually settles into the prettiest carnation-paired clove scent EVER. Uh! I wish I bought a back-up.
  15. Monster

    Fae Forest Atmosphere Spray

    I keep getting this as a gift from TP whenever I place an order. I've gone through 4 Goblin Squirts now, I think it's time I posted a review This isn't something I would normally choose for myself but I really do love it. Fae Forest is a light, Spring-fresh floral with just a hint of pine. The scent glitters and lightens up my space. The first initial spray is very strong and soapy, but as it settles it turns into just the prettiest and comforting home fragrance.
  16. Monster

    Wicked Matriarch

    In the bottle this is a sweet, confusing floral. Mimosa stands out more than anything. On my skin, this dries into a rosy purple musk. After about an hour, it ends up as a mature smelling perfume reminiscent of The Witch Queen.
  17. Monster

    A World Where There Are Octobers

    The comparisons to October are dead on. In the bottle it's almost identical, that gorgeous crunchy leaf note that Beth does so well. Once applied to my skin, it's a lot sweeter and reminds me of a softer, more feminine version of October. This is warm and golden smelling and reminds me of autumn during an Indian summer. Wonderful throw as well. A keeper!
  18. Monster


    Djinn does an amazing job of creating an impression of fire. This is such a great example of Beth’s genius. In the imp this smells of smoldering ashes, vetiver and lava. Once applied to my skin, the fiery notes explode into a burst of warm citrus and a hint of menthol to give you the idea of wild flames licking the air. Just like a fire, as it sits for a while, Djinn stars to cool into a cozy, smoldering citrus and vetiver scent. The final dry down stage almost smells clean and soapy. This is a great scent for anyone looking to explore fire notes or vetiver without feeling overwhelmed. Love it!
  19. Monster

    Black Cherry Amaretto Christmas Puddin'

    Syrupy sweet cherry in the bottle. It dries into a very wearable, dusty cherry scent which for some reason reminds me of bubble bath. A winner!
  20. Monster

    Baobhan Sith

    This is gorgeous, dry white tea and a sugary grapefruit. Underneath there's a fizzy ginger ale note making everything feel bubbly and happy. I can apreciate this scent but it's just not for me. Anything with too much citrus ends up smelling like bathroom spray on my skin. Really lovely though, just a skin chemistry issue.
  21. Monster

    Dragon's Heart

    Yeow! Dragons Blood and red musk...I'm not detecting any currents. This is a simple two note blend to my nose. The color of this oil is a gorgeous dark red. I really wish Dragons Blood worked for me because I know I could love it however, DB and I simply weren't meant to be.
  22. Monster


    Allllll verbena with some wood notes. This smells very masculine to my nose. All of these notes are ones I typically love...just not in this blend. Hmmm Oh well :/
  23. Monster

    Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds

    This scent makes me giddy Out of the vial it smells like Vicks VapoRub and coconut and there's just something about that that makes me want to tap dance for joy On my skin there's definitely menthol in this, giving it a sparkling, diamond quality. The menthol gives way to COCONUT ROSE! Ahhh! It's very reminiscent of BPTPs White Rose scent from the Unity set. Ahh yes...it dries into an almost exact duplicate of White Rose. Gah! This one is a winner for sure!
  24. Monster

    The East

    Fruity bubble gum floral! That's the first thing that popped to mind during my initial sniff. As it settles, I'm picking up a bitter mint note, nothing chilly and cooling...just bitter. Hmmm. All of the floral notes are well blended and to be honest, I'm not that familiar with a lot of floral notes so I really can't separate them. THis is just a pretty, fruity floral with a bitter mint note I really can't get past. Oh well.
  25. Monster

    The Buggre Alle This Bible

    Oh boy! right out of the vial is khus! On my skin...yet, that's thus...a nice papery, dry baby vetiver scent all right As it settles I'm picking up the tobacco notes paired with maybe a kiss of vanilla? The leather in this is extremely light, I only get hints of it when I inhale deeply. Oh and... this dries into such a pretty, sweet incense scent on my skin. SO lovely! How many emoticons can I use to express how much I love this? I'll be adding this to my bottle want list