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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster

    The Apothecary

    Has a very sharp scent right out of the vial. I'm a dedicated World of Warcraft player and this scent reminds me of the Apothecary in the game...deep in the bowels of the Undercity. On my skin it reminds of of a lotion I once had called "Seaside"..has a watery, green scent to it. Very fresh, almost soapy.
  2. Monster


    This was an Imp I received with my last order, I had no idea waht the notes were. Out of the vial, the fruity smell suprised me. Jester is such a fitting name. This scent is fun, playful, and child-like. Has a sweet strawberry smell to it, very candy-like. The smell lasts and stays the same on your skin. A few hours later I was still smelling strawberry all over myself. This is something I'd give my little sister as a gift, not a scent I would wear on a regular basis, however I do like it a lot.
  3. Monster


    Out of the vial it has an old lady/rosey scent to it. I'm not usually a fan of anything to flowery or rose scented though. On my skin..the rose scent has faded a bit and it now smells like honeysuckle. Not a fan of this scent.
  4. Monster

    The Red Queen

    In the vial it smells like cough syrup. Very powerful and overwhelming..I was lamost afraid to put it on my skin at first. On my skin it smells like cerries and currants...lots of cherry! The coup syrup scent has faded and i actually am beginning to like this.. After a while I can smell something like cedar? Something woody. The cherry smell is still prominet. Overall I really like this scent.
  5. Monster


    Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa. I love Urd! This is one of my favorites by FAR. Smells like patchouli, nag champa but not overwhelming. Patchouli sometimes gives me a headache...this one has a berry scent mixed into it which really balances everything out. After a few hours it smells more earthy...berry undertones come out more as well. To the person who said "I've been looking for something like this for years!" I agree! I've never found a patchouli scent I really liked...but Urd is the one! *** UPDATE - 8/2005 *** Ok, I've been wearing Urd for the past couple days and keep getting compliments on it! It's strong, but not overwhelming and lasts forever! This is my absolute favorite scent on Earth right now. I <3 Urd. I was in my office lat last night working on something when a coworker walked in the door asking me if I was burning incense. Haha. I told him it was my perfume. It's like the scent of a New Age store was captured perfectly and bottled up. *** SECOND UPDATE - 6/2009 *** Ok so this was one of the very first BPAL scents I ever tried and it's still my absolute #1 favorite scent of all time. I've been through quite a few bottles of this now and have come to realize that Urd is best when you let it age for a few months. I think all of the notes need time to really blend with this one. As it ages, the grape note calms down and really settles into the patchouli and nag champa. Urd is very strong out of the bottle/vial. Do not let that scare you! Try it! Just dab a little on your skin, wait a minute and I promise you will fall in love. If you like incense/hippie blends, this is THE scent for you. Really, Urd is truely a special scent. I don't think I go a week without wearing this one. I get more compliments on Urd than I do with any other BPAL perfume. Women have hunted me down in the grocery store to figure out what I'm wearing. I hope this one sticks around forever. I never ever ever want to be without my beloved Urd! *** THIRD UPDATE - 9/2011 *** It's been 6 years since I first tried Urd and it's still my all-time favorite perfume. The number of bottles I've been through has been ridiculous. I've started wearing it more often this past year (which means I wear it about 5 times a week). It's something I continue to get the most compliments on and is just a really comfortable scent to wear. People associate it with me now. I started skating roller derby this past February and have been asked "What is that incredibly good incense scent you are wearing?" I've also been told I'm the best smelling lady on the track. I have a new boyfriend and he is constantly sniffing me and telling me how wonderful I smell....this is all due to Urd. It is my second skin and it will always be my number 1 BPAL love <3 Also, in regards to aging; I've recently compared Urd from 2005 (in a cobalt blue bottle), 2008 and fresh Urd from 2011. Fresh has a stronger champa flower note than the two aged versions. 2008 Urd smells the best in my opinion, it's rich, deep incense and patchouli with just enough grape. 2006 is more mellow and strangely, the grape note comes out more on my skin than the other two versions. All three are still very much URD (smoky incense) just different variations. I wonder if this is due to different batches, the difference in the amber vs. cobalt bottle or due in part to the different owners a couple of these bottles have had. Either way, Urd still smells best when aged. Like I said before, if you don't like it now, let it sit around for a while. *** FOURTH UPDATE - 3/2014 *** My sister returned a bottle of Urd I had gifted her in 2009. She said she loved it at first (fresh), when the champaca flower note was dominant. As it ages, Urd becomes deeper and develops into a beautiful incense. She just wan't a fan of the aged version and wanted to give it back. I was eager to get my hands on it since that's the way I like my Urd. However, the way her bottle aged was completely different! I think this is due in part to storage and exposure to light. My sisters 2009 bottle was kept on her perfume tray in the bedroom year 'round, not in a temperature controlled environment. Her bedroom dresser also sits in front of the largest window in her apartment which means the bottle was sitting in the sun for a good part of the day. What does her aged, sun-exposed and heated up bottle of Urd smell like? It's pure patchouli, almost a single note. The champa and grape have completely broke down and dissipated. Compared to my 2009 bottle which has been stored at a perfect 55% and 70% humidity since 2009, it is flat in comparison. My bottle is complex, smoky and rich with different facets from the grape and champa. On my skin, the well-stored Urd blossoms and changes and lasts all day. My sisters poorly kept Urd is a flat, one note patchouli and fades after an hour. This is a great example of why it is SO important to store your oils in a dark, cool place. I'm fortunate enough to have a wine storage facility at my disposal. Before I had a wine cellar to store my perfume in, I would keep my collection in my closet during the cool winter months (no heat in there) and during the hot, summer months, I transported them to my basement. I was also careful to keep my "currently wearing" box in an air conditioned room with the top closed at all times. If you DO like Urd flat and smelling mostly of patchouli or find it too strong, then I suppose storing it in a warmer environment with light exposure to break down the champa and grape notes would work for you. I like my Urd potent and full of complexities, so I'll continue to keep the precious in a cold dark place.