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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster


    Ok, anything Penance likes, I like lol This one smells of astringent right out of the bottle. On my skin wet the dirt smell really comes out! Ohh how I love this! Very muddy and spicy. This is a masculine scent, but smells wonderful on me. After it dries down, the initial astringent smell is like a breeze of fresh air...this reminds me of the woods at night...right after it rains. I love this. I will try this on my boyfriend later and see how it does on him.
  2. Monster


    This is an elusive scent...I can't quite figure it out. In the bottle it has a lovly soft floral scent (not too femenine) and a hint of something woodsy. This one seemed promising to me. However, when i applied it to my skin it immediatly evaporated and dissapeared! I guess the description is accurate, flowery, a bit woodsy...and named after nature spirits...it just dissapears! Such a shame, I thought I would really love this one.
  3. Monster

    Loup Garou

    Wonderful! This is another comforting scent to me. The juniper and eucalyuptus are the first two notes I smell. This scent wakes me up and calms me down. It's not something I'd wear as a perfume, but I will definilty use this on my temples to ease tension headaches or smll when I'm not feeling well. I love this.
  4. Monster

    Serpent's Kiss

    Again, Dragons Blood turns my stomach. This smells like pure dragons blood to me. Very heavy and sharp with the vetivert. If you like Dragons Blood, this one is for you. I couldn't apply this to my skin, just due to the fact that dragons blood makes me sick and is really hard to wash off.
  5. Monster

    Danse Macabre

    I usually like all of the notes in this blend, but for some reason all of them mixed together smells like an old, wet towel to me. Maybe I just got a bad imp? It looks fresh. This one stings my nostrils right away. This is another one I couldn't even put on my skin. :/ ETA (8.6.2009): Just revisiting this scent...I received another frimp from the Lab and 4 years later this still smells like an old, dirty towel to me. So odd.
  6. Monster

    Van Van

    I can't figure this one out...unfortunatly I can't even put this on my skin, the smell is overwhelming and gives me an immediate headache.
  7. Monster

    The Lion

    Mmmm this one is gorgeous! It reminds me of my Aunt Lynne for some reason, she must wear something that smells similar. Becasue of that, this scent reminds me of family gatherings, and pool parties at my parents house. I relaly love this scent purly for the comforting nostalgic feel. It's not a scent that smells nice on MY skin, but it is THE perfect scent for amber fans. It's a keeper
  8. Monster

    Blood Amber

    Uh. I can't do anything with Dragons Blood in it. This one, unfortunatly turns my stomach. I tested it on my skin anyway, hoping the dry down would be a bit more pleasant....but it was still terrible on my skin, even after it dried. This is one of the few BPAL scents I relaly don't like at all.
  9. Monster


    Yum yum yum yum! I love Bordello! I can agree with everyone else when they say it smells "purple". Very fruity, boozy and velvety. Wet on my skin, the plum is the first thing I notice, mixed with amaretto. On the dry down this has an almost bubbly scent to it..like bubble bath, but not too soapy. Bordello is just the perfect amount of sweetness. I LOVE this. I must have a 5ml ^^
  10. Monster

    Red Devil

    In the bottle this one smells of white flowers to me. ..maybe a hint of something woody. On my skin the flowers are really prominent. I wasn't expecting this. I'm also smelling jasmine (??). Overall, this is a very pretty scent, but perhaps too femenine and flowery for me. I'm gonna try it again a little later and see waht I think after another day.
  11. Monster

    The Hanging Gardens

    Whew! Lots of flowers, and something juicy in there as well! This is is a really comforting scent...to me, it's a "Mom" scent, the kind of thing I smelled on my mother when I was a little girl. I really like this one a lot, but its a bit too floral for my skin. I'll keep this just for the comfort factor.
  12. Monster


    Mmmm...lots of coconut! I knew I was going to like this one from the description. Out of the bottle, the rum is very strong as well. My my skin, wet the run really comes through. I can't really smell any tobacco though, which is sort of dissapoint,ing, I love tabbacco scents. On the dry down it fades to smell exactly like some tanning oil I have. It's a really nice summer scent. Reminds me of vacationing on tropical beaches. Overall, I like this, but it's definilty a seasonal scent.
  13. Monster

    The Hesperides

    In the bottle, this one smells soapy to me..but in a pleasant way. On my skin, wet I can immediatly smell the apples. On the dry down it fades to an almost craft store scent (in the fall). Overall I really like this scent, but it's just not for me. I would recommend this to someone who likes a little more femenine scents. Very pretty though.
  14. Monster

    Miskatonic University

    This is already one of my favorites...such a nice, warm fall/winter scent. Smells exactly like Irish Cream coffee and an old library. My boyrfriend works at Smith college in Northampton, MA. Sometimes I'll visit him and walk around campus....Miskatonic University captures the exact scent of an old New England University in the morning. This is perfect!
  15. Monster


    Ohh ohh ohh! Lilac being my absolute favorite flower, and one of the few flowery scents I'd wear....I'd like to know too! ^^
  16. Monster


    Again, orange blossom doesn't do well with me. It's always a too masculine of a scent for my tastes. This is a really nice perfume though...I love red patchouli, but with the orange blossom iit smells a lot better on a man. I tested this one on my boyfriend. He really loves the way it smells. The patchouli is softened by the blossom and will fade to a soft powdery scent. Very nice
  17. Monster


    I thought I was really going to like this one, usually anything with black cherry and chocolate smells nice on me.....I think it was the orange blossoms that made this one seem too masculine on my skin. The chocolate was also a bit overwhelming for me. The scent is very nice, just not for me, it doesn't mix well with my chemistry.
  18. Monster


    This one is a very heavy and dark perfume..perhaps a bit too mature for my tastes...maybe a bit on the masculine side. The heavy incense is very prominent in the bittle, not very citrusy...yet when it dries something a bit citrusy comes out. Not for me, perhaps nice on an older gentleman.
  19. Monster

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    Out of the bottle it smells very very strong....almost like nail polish remover mixed with strawberries. This to me is a good thing....I think it's going to last a long time on my skin. On my skin, wet it smells very strong of strawberries and light flowers..not dead flowers, but a nice brush of springtime. it's sweet, but not too sweet, almost a bit spicy. As it dries, the true nature of Strawberry Moon comes out! It's stillv ery strong, lasts a long time on my skin and smells not *too* much of strawberries, but a nice blend of beriries, herbs and fresh flowers. This is very different from anything else I've ever tried. I really like it a lot. I'm going to wear this for a while more to get a true opinion on it though.
  20. Monster

    De Sade

    I wasn't sure what this was going to smell like as it came along in my last order as sort of a suprise. My first reaction was it smelled like a the clean jacket of a someone who smokes. it definilty ahs a leather smell to it. Very unique. I've never smelled an oil like this before. On my skin it smells even more like leather. Very masculine and mature. Not something i would wear but maybe a scent that would smell very nice on my father.
  21. Monster

    White Rabbit

    I LOVE White Rabbit! I got the Imp with my last purchase and immediatly placed an order for a 5ml. Smells like sweet honey, tea, ginger, and lemon. Mmmm hours later I kept smelling myself. This is unlike anything I've ever tried. I can see why people get so addicted to BPAL! Final verdict, AMAZING!
  22. Monster


    Whew! Very nice in the vial! I like this a lot, although I feel like it may bee too masculine for me. Lots of patchouli, a bitter orange undertone, and maybe a bit of lemon? To me, this is the male companion to Urd. After while it fades to a really soft and beautiful musky patchouli scent. I'm gonna buy my boyfriend a 5ml of this! Gorgeous!
  23. Monster


    Out of the vial it smells like dirty diapers mixed with flowers to me. I guess I'm not a fan of the floral scent as every floral scent I've tried smells like dirty diapers and old ladies to me. On my skin the dirty diaper smell fades a bit and is replaced with old lady talcum powder. This is a good scent for anyone who like white flower scents, but it's just not for me.
  24. Monster


    Whew! Smells exactly like Absinthe. Very minty, green, wormwood, and even a hint of anise. It's not something I would wear, but it certainly smells exactly like the description!
  25. Monster


    This one has a minty, almost urinal cake scent to it right out of the bottle. >< I put it on anyway..... Yup. Dead flowers and minty unrinal cakes. Yet, after a while it fades to a really lovley powdery scent. I'm not sure I like this one, need more time with it. My friend, Leanne loves the way thisone smells on my skin. **ETA: 2/08/2009** Just revisiting this scent.....going to sniff it again now that I'm more familiar with BPAL. In the imp: Sage and pear On my skin: A strong pear note mixed with a fresh, herbal smelling sage. As this dries there's sort of a medicinal/plastic scent to this. I can see what I meant years ago by describing it as having a "urinal cake" sort of scent Dry: Dry this isn't powdery to me, it's sweet and still has a sort of medicinal feel to it. Yeah, it really reminds me of public restrooms. So sad.