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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster


    Out of the bottle the "swirl of booziness" is the first thing that hits me. Second whiff I'm getting hemp and dandilion. Mmm. This is gorgeous. On my skin, wet and up close this one smells pretty much as it did in the bottle. Boozy with fresh dandilion. As I pull my hand away and wave it under my nose (a bit further) all I smell is the booze. It actually smells like I've spilled some liquor on my hand The dry down is a bit more floral and the booziness fades. The hemp also makes an appearance. Overall, Roadhouse is gorgeous. I'm not sure if I want to smell like I've been doused in liqour (the boozy scent is really strong on me). Overall I like this but I won't be needing a larger bottle.
  2. Monster


    This smells exactly like the descrption. Cathedral is a sweet, incensy smoky resin. I'm also getting a fresh cut wood scent, the the pews inside an old church. I LOVE this scent. I went to a catholic high school...and this smell reminds me of Mass (when they're waving around the big ball filled with resin). Mmm, as this dried down it pretty much stays the same, and has pretty good lasting power as well. I think I've found yet another BPAL favorite. This one is definitly going on my big bottle list ^^
  3. Monster


    Out of the bottle this is ALL sweet almond. Very very sickly sweet almond. Wet on my skin it turns to a sweet almond mixed with rose. As this dries down, it completley changes! This eventually turns to a musky rose on my skin. I'm not getting any of the other notes mentioned. This is all a powdery/musky floral on me.
  4. Monster

    Torture King

    Mmm out of the bottle I'm getting a sweet lime mixed with leather and musk. Gorgeous! On my skin the musk and frankincense comes out even more. Underneath everything I can smell the leather along with the yummy lemon and lime. This is a very sweet citrusy/incensy blend. Mmm I don't think I've ever smelled anything quite like this. To me, this one is more unisex. It's definilty a more dark and mysterious scent for a woman though, and a rather fresh/sweet scent for a man. Final verdict. I love Torture King. There are very few CN scents I've disliked.
  5. Monster


    Ohhh! This is Christmas time! Dublin smells like a sleigh ride through the woods in Maine after a fresh snow. This is all pine and wood on me. This is definilty a masculine scent, but it works so well on me. My boyfriend loves this too. I think I jusst may have to buy a 5ml for us to share.
  6. Monster

    March Hare

    March Hare is ALL apricot on me. I'm not getting any clove at all. This is a playful, little girl type of a scent. I can imagine myself wearing this in Jr High School. I really like March HAre, but I'm a bit dissapointed the clove note didn't show up on me.
  7. Monster


    Judgement is phenomanal. I smell amber is this blend, follwed by black patchouli, musk, and something slightly sweet. This smells like Snake Charmer if you removed the coconut and vanilla. The dry down is resiny, musky and earthy. I'm in love with this one. Gorgeous.
  8. Monster


    Yet again another instant favorite. Wow, if Gingerbread Poppet came out to play in the spring/summer...this is what he'd smell like Shub is all fresh ginger root with a hint of citrus. In the vial, on my skin, and as it dries down this scent remains the same. I really wish I had ordered a bottle of this. Sadly, I only purchased two things fron the SiA collection. I'm really happy to have this imp, however. It's definilty going to be loved down to the last drop ^^
  9. Monster


    Wow. I can see why so many people love this one! Out of the bottle I smell a very sweet, vanilla tea. There's even something a bit fruity in there. On my skin the sweet, vanilla tea is still prominent and the musk really begins to come out. Eventually it dries down to a sweet, sugared musk with possibly a hint of something gingery?? I'm in love this scent, it's absolutly gorgeous!
  10. Monster

    Fruit Moon

    Fruit Moon smells exactly like a fresh bag of Skittles. Yum! It's a bit overpowering in the bottle, but that goes for all of the Luncay blends. On my skin, however this is gorgrous! Fruit scents really smell lovly on me I'm getting a perfect mix of fresh, juicy, ripe berries, melons and citrus fruits. It dries down to mostly melon. It's a very sunny, fun and summery scent. I Love this one. I'm so so happy I have a bottle of this
  11. Monster


    My bottle should actually be here tomorrow, but I got my hands on an imp beforehand ^^ Jack wasn't what I was expecting, at ALL! But not in an unplesant way. It's pure pumpkin butter out of the vial...and heavy on the butter.! On my skin this completley morphs into a sweet, caramel apple scent and it lasts forever. I can't stop sniffing my hand! I can see why so many people love Jack...and I certianly glad I ordered a 5ml of this. Fall is the perfect time of year for a yummy caramel apple scent. Jack is one of those foody scents that can be used as a room scent or as a perfume. I poured half of my imp into my oil burner and in about 15 minutes my entire apartment smelled like caramel apples. I definilty need a 10 ml of this! Delicious!
  12. Snake Charmer = stronger, spicier version of Snake Oil
  13. Monster

    All Night Long

    Ohhhhh YUM! This is almost 100% cinnamon and another spice I can't quite put my finger on...cardamon?? Not so sure. This is Christmas in a bottle, a very sexy and naughty Christmas in a bottle Mmmm Yet another BPAL scent I'm madly in love with. I'm so so glad I have a 5ml of this! ETA 8.6.2009: Just revisitng this one (it's been 4 years). I sold my bottle of this a few months after my original review and I totally regret it! I bet this would've smelled beautiful aged...and I even had this in one of the old, cobalt blue bottles. Oh well. Maybe I can find it from someone on the forums. This sure is beautiful though...all cinnamon (warm brown cinnamon, not "red hots") mixed with sandalwood. I just love this. Time to track down a bottle and keep it this time!
  14. Monster

    Gypsy Queen

    First sniff, neroli and rose. It's sweet with some sour smelling florals. On my skin the neroli is still very present. I think it's actually whats making the flowers smell dead and sour. The dry down is a bit more incensy and plesant. Overall, I'm not thrilled about Gypsy Queen, but I don't hate it either. I think I need to wear this one alone for a full day to see how I actually like it. I'll come back to this review ______________________________________________________________ ETA: 9/22/09 - Told ya I'd be back....just a lil late though I really wanted to revisit this scent since it's been so long. I ended up swapping out my bottle of Gypsy Queen and recently have acquired a decant of it so I could see if my opinion has changed since 2005. Let's see! In the vial: This, sweet and acrid...neroli mixed with wilted flowers. Wet: On my skin the neroli and sour floral notes quickly fade giving way to a powdery amber and soft, incense notes. This is getting a lot better as it settles into my skin. Dry: I'm left with a powdery amber incense with a background of wilted floral notes. Overall: Well my original review was spot on. I'm not in love with this but I don't hate it either. It's just sort of...meh.
  15. Monster

    Medicine Show

    Ahhhh...first sniff is all ginger to me. It's a very musky, masculine ginger. On my skin I'm now gettingmostly tobacco and opium. The ginger is only prominent in the backround. This is definilty a medicinal, green scent. It reminds me of shopping through antique stores for onld medicine bottles. There's something bitter and slightly aged smelling in this. Not sure what that is. Overall, this is a masculine scent, but it really smells lovley on me. I tried this on my boyfriend as well and it smells INCREDIBLE on him. I don't think I've come across a Carnival Noir scent I've disliked yet. This is by FAR some of the best LEs I've smelled ^^
  16. Monster


    Yum! First sniff is sugared oranges. It's a yummy candy-like citrus scent. This is going to sound weird, but I had this orange-scented eraser as a little girl and this smells just like it. As it dries down something spicy comes out. Kunstkammer is a light, summery scent. It's like rubbing yourself with orange pixi-stix. Sadly, my skin eats this up after a few moments. Such a shame! I really liked this scent while it was there, too bad it doesn't stick around. I ended up giving this bottle to a friend of mine who fell in love with it. it also lasts a lot longer on her.
  17. Monster


    First sniff, I smell mostly pine and cedar. It's very pleasant and Christmasy feeling. Definilty a masculine blend. On my skin, something sweet comes out (cinnamon maybe?). I can also detect leather a bit more. The pine and cedar are both very prominent. This smells gorgeous, but is a bit too masculine for me. On my boyfriend... Uh! This is HIS scent! I love this. His first reaction was "Wow, this actually smells awesome.....can I keep this?" The bottle now resides on his dresser. I'm really glad I got a bottle of this, it's really the perfect scent for my boyfriend.
  18. Monster

    White Sandalwood

    This is a lot more citrusy than I expected it to be. It's like fresh sitrus and cedar. ..totally not what I was expecting
  19. Monster

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Chaos Theory II - XCII Thanks to a faboulous forumite for an imp of this Wow, this is gorgeous. I really have no idea what I'm smelling right now, it's really complex. I think this has cocoa, lilies, vanilla, and something..herbal in it?? I'm really unsure. I have allergies today so it's probably not the best time to review it. I've never smelled anything like this! I'll come back and edit this once my nose unstuffs
  20. Monster


    I was DYING to try this one. I have a bottle on order but got my hands on an imp before my order has arrived Midway was a little dissapointing to me. I was expecting something stronger, and with a few more notes. This smells sweet, almost like pure vanilla with the tiniest hint of cotton candy. I'm not smelling funnel cake or any of the other notes mentioned. As it dries down it smells sort of like a tanning oil I once had. There's a slight hint of coconut in there now as well. Midway definilty reminds me of summers at the fair or vacations to Disneyworld. It's very light and fades fast on me. I don't see myself wearing this one all the time, it's more of a scent I'd use to sweeten up another scent. Overall, I really like this one and I'm glad I have a bottle of it. I was a bit dissapointed though. I think there are some other BPAL foddy scents that are better than this one.
  21. Monster

    Rose Cross

    This is rose incense! The rose anf frankincense come out together on me. The rose isn't as fresh as it is in whip. It's more of a musky, mysterious rose (could also be the fact that it's blended with frankincense). Overall, this one isn't for me. It's very beautiful and I can appreciate it, bit rose just doesn't smell good on my body. However, if you love rose...this one is for you. It's really the perfect rose scent.
  22. Monster

    Come to Me

    This one is very herbal/soapy. It smells like a fresh shower gel or Irish Spring bar of soap. As it dries down, this one stays exactly the same on me..but with a hint of some soft flowers. Herbal, soapy, fresh and clean. I smell like I just stepped out of the shower. This is a light scent with medium lasting power. I'm not so sure I'd want to wear it every day, but I'll definilty enjoy my imp.
  23. Monster

    Snake Oil

    Just recieved a free imp from a friendly Ebay seller yesterday! ^^ Snak Oil smells almost exactly like Snake Chamer. It's a bit lighter and sweeter, but Snake Oil is definilty Snake Charmers sister. I can see why this is thier best selling oil. It's the perfect blend of spicy incense and sweet, sugared vanilla. Every note is well-balanced, warm and strong (but not in that headachy overpowering way). This is a scent everyone can enjoy. My imp isn't going to last long, I'm going to need a 5ml a.s.a.p! ______________ ETA 3/6/14: This was one of the first reviews I ever wrote when i first joined the BPAL community. Shortly after I wrote that review, I purchased a 5ml bottle and still have it (cobalt!) Unfortunately, Snake Oil ended up turning to play dough on my skin. So much so, that a friend of mine actually commented on how I smelled like play dough while we were hanging out one night. He was right. It turned to a strange, flat scented dough note on my skin. I have tried it aged and fresh and both versions do the same thing for me. Snake Oil is really a beautiful scent but it just didn't work out. :/ I'm keeping my bottle though, at this point it's so aged the oil is dark and viscous. It's a great part of my collection and BPAL history.
  24. Monster

    Snake Charmer

    Snake Charmer..whare have you been all my life?! Wow. this is truly the most amazing BPAL scent I've tried so far. Urd is going to have to share the number one position with Snake Charmer My first impression was amber, very similar to the amber in Sin. Second whiff I get a warm and slightly sweet vanilla with a dash of what I beleive is coconut. On my skin this turns into a warm, spicy and sweet amber. It almost reminds me of Fred Solls Honey Amber incense (which I'm also in love with). This is certainly a fall/winter scent. It's warm and comforting. All of the notes are really well balanced and the lasting power is incredible. I put this on before I went to work and at the end of the day I can still smell this. I've never tried Snake Oil...but if it smells anything like Snake Charmer, I must buy a 10ml. Final verdict, Snake Charmer is up there as one of the most gorgeous things I've ever smelled. I'm so happy I own a bottle of this **EDIT** Received an imp of snake oil from a friendly Ebay seller. Snake Chamer is like the amped up, spicer, more heady version of Snake Oil. Snake Oil is a bit sweeter and lighter on the spice, but overall, they smell nearly the same. I like Snake Charmer better...the spice and amber are a bit more strong in this blend.
  25. Monster


    I thought I would really love this one, all of these notes are usually something I really like. Malice went on very powdery. My first impression, before applying it was "Myrrh!". After applying it I expected to smell the pathouli and clove. Unfortunatly it just turned to pure powder on my skin. :/ It does have good lasting power however. It's a really beautiful perfume, just smells bad on me. My bottle will have to find a better home.