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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    Well, Hungry Ghost Moon is pretty much a combination of notes that make my heart go pitter patter I knew I was going to love this one right away....and I was right! This is already one of my favorite scents. I'm going to need an additional bottle becasue I know I'm gonna kill this one. Hungry Ghost Moon is sweet and fresh smelling. Right out of the bottle at first whiff I get a sugared bamboo and aloe (but not too sweet! It's just right ) On my skin, wet the ginger suddenly bursts through the aloe and bamboo. As this dries down is turns into the most gorgeous scent ever....slightly resiny ginger with a warm vanilla background and just a breeze of fresh aloe, bamboo, and grapefruit. All of the notes are well-balanced in this blend. Nothing jumps out too much on me, it's just PERFECT! This is also a really long lasting scent and not too overpowering. I put some of this in my hair and on my wrists and the following morning when I woke up I could still smell this on my skin. THANK YOU LAB!
  2. Monster

    Scent for Halloween?

    I was Lydia from the movie Beetlejuice (pic). I ended up wearing Snake Charmer at the beginning of the night (Halloween party) and ended up applying Samhain later on in the evening. ^^
  3. Monster


    I smell wine at first, red wine with incense. On my skin this morphs into something very citrusy. I'm not getting incense or resin anymore. It's just a light, herbal/fruity/citrus type of a scent. This scent confuses me. Haha I'm not too sure what to think of it. The breakfast cereal, Trix seems to come to mind. While I love Trix, I don't want to smell like it. Off to swaps.
  4. Monster

    Leanan Sidhe

    Ohh, what a pleasant suprise. This is a very fresh, herbal/floral scent. This almost has a department store perfume quality to it..which isn't bad at all. This smells like something every woman could enjoy. It's delicate and classic smelling. The throw on this is pretty good as well. Hours later and I could still smell this as I waved my arm past my nose. Overall, this isn't a "me" type of scent but I can definilty appreciate it __________________________________________ 9/18/2009 ETA: Just revisiting this scent.... In the imp: Light floral...very fresh and clean smelling. Wet: Soft, gentle floral notes...nothing too loud or screechy. This has a pale, watercolor feel to it. It sort of reminds me of a perfume interepretation of Monets Water Lilies painting. Dry: I really can't pick out individual notes, I still think this has a commercial perfume quality to it. I think this would probably be a great perfume to give someone who is thinking of switching from regular department store perfumes to BPAL. Overall: Again, not for me but really lovely.
  5. Monster


    First sniff is lemon and then....uh oh! I smell jasmine >< The lab wasn't kidding when they said "heady jasmine". Jasmine is my personal cryptonite. I need to keep it far far far away from my otherwise I'll feel sick to my stomach. Unfortunatly I can't put this on my skin due to the jasmine. This imp will ahve to find a better home.
  6. Monster

    Dove's Heart

    This one is all flowers to me, white ones, the bad kind >< I haven't tried using this to ease any sort of pain or help with closure...I can't even put this on my skin. It's just too floral. Off to swaps.
  7. Monster


    First sniff out of the vial, very herbal. I can almost smell...tomato. Strange, I know, but it smells a little bit like old pizza to me. On my skin this morps to an old man aftershave. It's sharp and medicinal smelling with quite a bit of flowers in the backround. Sadly, this one just isn't for me.
  8. Monster


    I can't believe I ahvne't reviewed Hemlock yet! This is one of my favorites already, my boyfriend also likes this. The day I received the imp I promptley ordered a 5ml. Hemlock is a very piney, sweet herbal, green scent (and it's literally..green!) This almost smells like balsam fir, and I think someone commented on how I smelled like a Christmas Tree (but not in an overwhelming way). To me, Hemlock is a winter scent. It's crisp and fresh an just plain gorgeous ^^
  9. Monster


    Penance said it best...this is the scent of fresh, clean linen drying in the summer sun captured in a bottle. This is fresh, clean, and really incredible smelling. There isn't much more I can say about this. Dirty gets 5 stars!
  10. Monster


    Ohhh this one suprised me. Pear! Lots of pear right out of the vial. On my skin wet the pear is still very prominent. As this dries, the rose peeks it's head out, completley upstaging the pear. After a while this dries down to a sweet smelling rose scent. Absolutly gorgeous. I personally don't smell good wearing rose, but this is certainly the perfect blend for any fan of the flower.
  11. Monster


    This scent is compsed of everything I don't like. Haha. Jasmine being the number one culprit. I got this in a swap, unfortuantly I'll have to pass this along to someone else as well. Eos just isn't for me ><
  12. Monster


    This is honey and ylang ylang right away out of the vial...and, strangly, this smells a little bit like a wet towel that's been hanging around a stale bedroom. On my skin the honey and clove come out a lot more, and the strange wet towel, almost sort of a mildewy scent is very prominent. I really thought I was going to like this, but sadly, Hetairae just isn't for me.
  13. Monster


    Ohhh very earthy and herbal. Gorgeous! Nosferatu (oddly enough) smells clean and fresh. As it dries on my skin the red wine comes out a bit, and it's not too boozy smelling. After about an hour this turns into a slightly sweet, herbal, clean scent. This is probably one of the best BPAL herbal scents I've tried.
  14. Monster


    This is a very unusual floral scent....and strangly, I think I may like this. Out of the bottle it's a very refreshing scent. This is reminescent of springtime. On my skin the flowers perk up even more. The sandalwood balances everything out really well and gives it a sort of resiny, woodsy scent. This is a gorgeous blend, I'm not sure it's something I'd wear, but nevertheless....gorgeous
  15. Monster


    Whew! Verrrrry cherrrrryyy! The anise gives it an almost medicinal quality to it. While I love both notes on thier own, I'm not sure they work too well together. My nose is confused I wanted to like this one so so much, but unfortunatly, this blend just doesn't work for me.
  16. Monster

    Hollywood Babylon

    Ohhhh I get amber mixed with strawberry right away. I'm beginning to realize I love strawberry scents...they really smell good on me. Mmmm this smells like something I had when I was a little girl, a perfume or lotion or something..I can't quite put my finger on it. As this dries down, it "grow up" and morphs into a gorgeous, sweet ambery/resiny scent. Mmm I can definilty see this as something I'd wear on a regular basis. Beautiful! Holywood Babylon gets 5 stars!
  17. Monster


    Mmmm patchouli and oakmoss...gorgeous! This is a very woodsy, resiny blend, I'm already in love This one dries down to a very rich, fresh cut wood scent on me...and it lasts too! Most woodsy scents, as much as I love them, don't last one me. The patchouli caarries it nicly though. An instant favorite!
  18. Monster


    Whew! Very strong, sweet almond at first. As this dries the almond fades quickly and lets the myrrh and musk take over the show. All almond scents seem to do this to me, they magically change from almond to whatever other note is in the blend. While I really love the almond, I think it may be a bit too swet for me to wear and I'm not too fond of the dry down. This is one of the better almond blends I have tried though
  19. Monster


    Samhain was completley different that what I expected! I think I was hoping for a spicier, nutmeg, apple, pumpkin scent. This one is a lot more woodsy and smokey...I'm not at all dissapointed! Out of the 3 Halloween scents I've tried so far, this one has to be my favorite. First sniff I get a sweet, smoky woods. On my skin, this scent is so complex, all of the notes are well-balanced. There isn't one note in paticular that jumps out at me. The dry down is a bit powdery and sweet...but not baby powdery. I'm guessing that'd be the black patchouli. Overall, I love this one. It's a definite keeper ^^ *EDIT** I ended up purchasing an additional bottle of this becasue I knew i was going to go through the first one really fast..and I did! My order for Samhain 2006 is in but I havnet had a chance to smell it yet. I've been wearing Samhain 2005 for the past week (in October 2006) and I keep getting compliments on how I smell. I don't think I've recieved so many compliments on the way I've smelled EVER!! Men in paticular love this. They say it has a honeycomb smell on me. One man asked waht smelled like candy when he walked into the room. I asked him if it was me, offered my wrist and he exclaimed "Yes! That's it! You smell incredible". I directed him to the Bpal website so he could purchase a bottle for his girlfriend Samhain is absolutly one of themosrt gorgeous Bpal scents ever
  20. Monster

    Sugar Skull

    This is a very buttery, rum-scented maple sugar. I'm not getting any fruit, at all. Yesterday while I was wearing this, it made me a big nauseus, but then again I wasn't feling to good to begin with. Today I'm wearing it and it smells absolutly gorgeous. The smell of maple syrup usually makes me sick to my stomach, but this one is partnered up with a buttery rum, which makes it smell absolutly delicious. I'm still on the fence with this one. I was expecting something completley different. **EDIT** Ok, I've come to the conclusion that I absolutly do NOT like Sugar Skull >< For whatever reason, this scent makes me sick to my stomach. I has to be the maple syrup. I must've been traumatized by the stuff as a child or something casue whenever I smell it, I feel sick. Oh well. Looks like my 2 bottles will have to find better homes...
  21. Monster

    Dia de los Muertos

    Right away I smell a plasticy flower scent. It's the same plastic flower smell that was in 2004 Harvest Moon. It almost smells like a fresh Band-Aid or medical tape. Underneath the plastic I smell dry leaves with a touch of smoke, I'm not getting any tobacco, cadies or chocolate. On my skin the plastic smell subsides a bit, letting the flowers come out strong in the foreground. The dry leaves and smoke are still dancing in the backround. This almost smells like a floral incense. Sadly, the tobbacco, candies and chocolate never made an appearance on my skin. The dry down is very department store perfumy, very floral and strong. This one certainly lasts! I'm not too thrilled with Dia De Los Muertos, but I've only had a day with it. I'll have to give it a few more tries to really make a final decision.
  22. Monster

    The Coiled Serpent

    I purchased this becasue I practice Kundalini meditation on a regular basis...and wow! Am I glad I own a bottle of this. I wasn't too concerned about the smell, but I was pleasantly suprised. The Coiled Serpant smells of 100% pure patchouli to me, and this is the most amazing patchouli I've ever smelled. You will NOT find a better patchouli anywhere else. I haven't tried this while meditating yet, but I can assure you that I'll not only use this for my morning and evening meditations, but I will wear this on a regular basis as a perfume oil as well. It's already up there with Urd as one of my favorites On a scale of 1-10, The Coiled Serpant gets an 11
  23. Monster

    Where does the art on the website come from?

    I'm so glad I found this post. My boyfriend recently asked me where BPAL got thier artwork. While he's not really into the oils, he LOVES the artwork and wants some of it to hang in our apartment ^^
  24. Monster


    I was expecting something totally different......Dee smells like an older gentlemans cologne. It's woodsy, with a touch of pine and something green. I can't smell too much leather in this. It's sharp and strong. The dry down reminds me or a masculine deoderant. This is a really lovly scent for a man, but unfortunatly it's just not me.
  25. Monster

    Forbidden Fruit

    First whiff I smell fruit, scend whiff I smell the dirty, poopy diaper smell of jasmine in here. I wasn't even going to attempt putting this on my skin. It's too floral and very not me.