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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster


    Out of the vial I smell mostly sage and ambergris...I have high hopes for this one! Ambergris is one of my favorite scents On my skin this is almost all ambergris As this dries the sage fades and I'm left with a very masculine, resinous scent with just a hint of something herbal in the background. I think this is a bit too masculine (even for me :p) but I can definitely appreciate how gorgeous it is.
  2. Monster

    Lucy's Kiss

    Out of the vial this smells exactly like a fresh, unwrapped Dove bar of soap. On my skin wet the bar of soap smell is still very apparent, only now a light hint of roses are in the background. The roses come out more as this dries down...still very soapy though. Definitely not for me!
  3. Monster

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    Yum! Oh how I love all of these Monster Bait scents First whiff out of the bottle is all chocolate cake for me. Wet on my skin the cinnamon really pops out and dances around with the chocolate cake scent for a bit. It's not a red hot cinnamon, but more of an earthy, natural cinnamon. it almost reminds me of those cinnamon/cayenne pepper chocolate candy bars. Yum! As it dries, the cinnamon completely disappears on my skin. On the dry down, the cocoa/chocolate scent begins to fade as well and is now in the background....sort of like you're cooking brownies in your house and you can smell the aroma lightly in the air. The final stage of this oil is all angel food cake with a hint of coconut on me. It reminds me of those toasted coconut covered marshmallow balls you buy around Christmas (I think they're called Snow Balls). I wasn't so sure about this on the initial whiff out of the bottle, but this oil is definitely a morpher and the final dry down is absolutely gorgeous on me. I love foody scents. My skin apparently loves anything sugary and sweet. I'm totally in love with this blend This is something I can wear every day as well Bravo, lab!!
  4. Monster


    Whew! Out of the imp this is a very heavy musk! Perhaps too strong for me. On my skin, wet this is still a very strong musk. It's bitter, sharp, dark, and heavy. As this dries down the soft, powdery note of the amber starts to peek it's head through. I love amber, but I think the musk is a bit overpowering in the scent :/ Not for me. Off to swaps!
  5. Monster


    Out of the imp I'm smelling a lot of cedar as well. Perhaps there was a label mix-up? Or maybe the black patchouli in this has a cedar smell. Hmmmmm Very strange. On my skin, wet I can now smell something a little sweet and fruity mixing with that strong cedar smell. As this dries down it sweetens up quite a bit and I can smell the apricot. *thumbs up* It's not a mis-labeled imp after all Black patchouli smells just like cedar!
  6. Monster

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    Hello....lovah..erm, I mean, Carceri d'Invenzione I received this from a swap with the fabulous Miss KateM. I knew I was going to like this one right away based on the notes listed. Sandalwood, redwood, tobacco, pepper...yum! Out of the bottle I smell a rich, elegant blend of resins and wood. Everything is so so well-balanced to me, I can't pick one note that jumps out right away. On my skin wet this has a warm and cozy firewood feel to it. It's slightly sweet and reminds me of a rich, and elegant perfume and gorgeous Italian movie star would wear to a premiere or party. There's a commercial quality to this, but not a Macys commercial...more of something you'd find in a high end boutique or a perfume you'd come across while vacationing in Europe or something. As this dries down it warms up and becomes sweeter and even more woodsy on my skin, this is mostly redwood and red sandalwood now (red sandalwood is one of my favorite scents). I'm guessing the sweet smell I'm getting is the blonde tobacco. I'm not getting the "juicy" quality many people have described, but maybe I'm mistaking that for the sweetness of the blonde tobacco. This is hands down one of the most gorgeous things I have ever smelled..EVER. It makes me feel really really sexy. I think it could probably work well as a unisex scent as well. Final verdict...AWESOME swap find and already in my top 5 Bpal scents ever
  7. Monster

    All Souls

    Than you to the lovley Miss Rowhan for providing me with my beloved Soul Cakes Out of the bottle I smell sweet, berry smothered cake with incense lingering in the background. This is exactly as I imagined it would smell. There's a warm, woody scent to this as well. Not sure what kind of wood, maybe a gentle cedar? On my skin, wet, this turns into all woody, earthy resins with just a hint of sweet white cake. As it dries down the incense morph into something that reminds me a lot of Cathedral (which I love) but sweeter and a bit more sugary. This is absolutly gorgeous. On the final drydown, as I wave my hand away from my face this smells EXACTLY like the inside over of Madonna Immaculate Collection when it first came out. I'm not sure if any Madonna fans remember or not, but she had the inside of the Cds scented with her favorite perfume. Maybe the woody scent I'm getting is the smell of her perfume mixed with the paper the CD booklet was printed on. All Souls is a PERFECT blend of woody resins and sugar sweetness. If you like Cathedral, foody but not-too-sweet scents, Urd or anything along those lines, you'll love this one
  8. Monster


    This wasn't bright red like most dragons blood blends are so I wasn't as scared as I usually would be when I see the giant horrible words DRAGONS BLOOD typed in black font in the scent description The first thing I smell is a thick and rich myrrh with a dribble of cherry sweetness. On my skin this doesn't change at all. Thankfully I'm not getting any dragons blood resin at all. *whew* It's sweet, resiny and very delicious.
  9. Monster


    Right out of the imp I smell a soothing bergamot. Mmmmm I think I'm going to really love this one. On my skin this turns to a sweet and fresh plum over bergamont and just a dash of grapefruit. This reminds me a bit of The Dormouse. On the dry down this is all sweet plum and the soothing bergamont on me. It almost smells like all of my Bpal scent all jumbled up together....like that first whiff you get when you open up your box. I relaly like this one but it just doesn't stand out enough for me to want to wear it all the tme or purchase a 5ml. Off to swaps!
  10. Monster


    Another freebie from the lab Ohh sweet lemon grass and a soft ginger. Very pretty! On my skin a fresh ginger scent comes out even more 9and I love my ginger). It almost reminds me of this drink I get in Boston made out of fresh squeezed lemon, ginger and pear poured over sparkling water. Yum! This is a very uplifting scent. it's sweet and citrusy without smelling like cleaning fluid. I really love this. I'm not so sure it's something I would wear as an every day scent but I will certainly enjoy my imp and use this tonight when i go to sleep
  11. Monster


    Eeeee I won't be putting this on my skin either >< This one was a freebie from the lab. Reading the notes in this blend make me cringe, and the whiff out of the vial made me feel sick for a moment. This is sharp lavender with bitter cypress in the background and a bit of something citrus. Another masculine smelling scent...and............it's off to swaps
  12. Monster

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    This is another one I unfortunately can't put on my skin :/ Out of the vial it's making me sick. It's a very sharp citrus....with white flowers o_O It has a cleaning fluid quality to it. I'm guessing this would probably smell nice on a guy (even though it has florals, it's very masculine smelling). Off to swaps.
  13. Monster


    JASMINE...Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I can't put this on my skin at all >< Jasmine makes me feel sick to my stomach. It reminds me of old, stinky diapers. Out of the vial I smell a very strong jasmine with a bunch of hideous flowers. Bleh.
  14. Monster


    Right out of the vial I smell very young, fresh berries, still on the vine and not yet picked On my skin this turns to a sweeter berry with some light grasses in the background. I'm getting a slight breeze of flowers, but not too much. it's very light. As this dries down the flowers bloom even more. it's actually giving me the image of walking through a meadow during the peak of summer. I can see tall wild flowers all around me, thick grass, bushes ripe with fruit. Mmm! This is gorgeous. I love that the flowers are only faint in the background. if they were any stronger I don't think I'd like this blend very much, but everything is mixed so so well. This is definitely a spring/summer perfume. I can see myself wearing this on a really hot day, waiting for a sun shower to cool me off. I'm not sure if it's something i need in 5ml. I'm going to put my imp away until the warmer weather comes back and see how it hold up when the flowers are in bloom
  15. Monster


    I knew I was going to love this blend right away based on the two notes that are in this Right out of the vial I smell a strong white tea Wet on my skin this is a sweet, citrus, gingery scent. This is fresh and cool smelling. It almost as a very faint floral quality to it. As this dries down it almost reminds me of a lighter, non-sickening version of The Apothecary. I love this! The white tea and ginger as a perfect pair and balance each other well. I can smell equal parts of each. it's sweet, pretty with just a dash of citrus ginger. Yet another winner!!! I will be purchasing a 5ml of this one. it's something I could wear every day and stand out on it's own
  16. Monster

    Cheshire Cat

    Grapefruit, red currant, dark musk, Roman chamomile, delphinium, and lavender. I'm a little worried about the notes in this one. While I love lavender it sometimes over powers everything else (and I really hope that won't happen here as the other notes are so so beautiful). First whiff out of the vial I smell citrus and of course, lavender. On my skin this smells almost exactly like a citrus glass cleaner. These days they're making lavender cleaning products as well so i guess it could pass for one of those too As this dries down a bit I can smell more of the grapefruit coming out, but the lavender is still very heavy and strong. I can definitely see why beth mixed these two together. It reminds me of the purple and pink striped cat snarling at me from the shadows. This is starting to morph into something a bit more clean smelling now. The cleaning fluid smell slowly starts to disappear. I think what I'm smelling is probably the chamomile. Surprisingly the lavender isn't taking over as much now. it's a bit more subdued and lets the grapefruit take center stage. Overall this is a very unique scent. I can definitely see why so many people like it, but unfortunately it's just not for me. :/
  17. Monster

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    Right out of the imp I smell a very sweet sweet pea Mmm. I can already tell I'm going to love this. Wet on my skin the amber comes out really strong! Ohhhh amber, how I love you It's a gorgeous, light amber, very similar to the amber in The Lion. As this dries the vanilla warms up the amber and the sandalwood. The sweet pea isn't present anymore. It's turned to a very light, pretty, warm smelling perfume. I LOVE this These new Mad Tea party scents are absolutely gorgeous This is something I'd wear daily. It's light, sweet and pretty (without being girly) and it stands out on it's own as a unique scent. Another incredible scent!!!
  18. Monster


    Mmmm how did I miss this one? Wow, Bengal is absolutely gorgeous. This reminds me of a spicier version of Baghdad. On my skin wet this is a rich, deep cinnamon. Not the smell of those red hot candies, but a warm cinnamon stick. As this dries the peppery notes come out quite a bit.....after a while longer the ginger peers out very gently and balances everything to smell almost exactly like chai tea Gorgeous!
  19. Monster

    Drink Me

    Amazing! This smells exactly like a bunch of left over Thanksgiving desserts. Oh how I love all of these mad Tea Party scents On my skin this smells like candied cherries mixed with pineapples and something buttery and sugary in the background. As this dries it turns to almost all maraschino cherries mixed with butter. Absolutly delicious! You labbies are geniuses!!!
  20. Monster

    Eat Me

    Eat Me? Don't mind if I do! Out of the imp I get a very sharp vanilla cake. Mmmmm! I foody scents. On my skin this smells almost EXACTLY like Snake Oil on me I actually had to get my bottle of Snake Oil just to be sure the lab didn't mis-label my imp. Mmmm as this dries down it turns into a very sugary version of Snake Oil. It's incredible how similar the two are. Snake Oil is a bit more resiny on my skin while this one is more...edible smelling Another winner!
  21. Monster

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Out of the bottle this is sweet and powdery smelling. It almost smells like old lady perfume :/ I'm actually slightly afraid to put this on my skin. Wet on my skin this is all powder, which is really disappointing. I loved Midway and was expecting this to be a slightly more grown up version. As this dries the powdery smell fades a bit and the sweet, sugary of this amps up quite a bit (my skin makes bpal oils really sweet ) The old lady perfume has completely gone away and has left what smells like soap. Just a soapy residue. Well, that was disappointing :/
  22. Monster

    Punkie Night

    Apple apple apple apple!!! Out of the bottle this smells exactly like a fresh apple orchard. Incredible! Wet on my skin it's still a very strong, crisp, fresh picked apple scent. As it dries I can pick out an almost floral note, very soft and fresh. After a little while longer this turns into pure apple cider on me. Mmmmm!!! Normally I'd say that Punkie Night is more of a room type of scent but I'm going to be slathering myself in this quite often. I think this years Halloween scents are the very best by far!
  23. Monster

    Pumpkin Queen

    Out of the bottle this smells very similar to Jack, but that's probably just the heavy pumpkin Mmmmmm on my skin this morphs into a BEAUTIFUL ginger! I'm getting a sweet smelling musk in the background as well. The pumpkin fades almost completely, but that's perfectly fine because everything in this blend is just PERFECT!. On my skin, this smells NOTHING like Jack. Jack was a sweeter, buttery/apple scent. Pumpkin Queen is a grown up, spicy, sexy scent...and...ohhh I can't stop smelling myself. I bet this would actually smell really pretty layered with Jack. After this dries down for a while the mandarin and orange peel start to peek their heads out a bit, but not too much. The ginger/musk combo are still very much in charge. This is an instant new favorite. I will definitely be purchasing an additional bottle of this.
  24. Monster


    Samhain 2006 I'm really dissapointed with the 2006 version! This must be a mistake on the labs behalf, but my bottle smells almost 100% like alchohol. When I put the oil on I get a breif whiff of a really diluted and watered down version of the Samhain I know...and then it just dissapears). It's like a sad sad faded memory of Samhain 2005 :'( Again, this is probably an error on behalf of the lab. I'll have to look into it. ++ Edit ++ It WAS a mistake I contacted the lab and they're sending me a new bottle
  25. Monster


    This is Hemlocks sweeter and sexier sister Oh how I love all oils that are green in color. On my skin this is a sweet juniper. It's an astringent smelling herb with a nice piney resiny feel to it. This reminds me of camping in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. There are some mountains I climb that are surrounded by many different types of needly type of trees (heh) This smells exactly like walking through all of them on a slightly cool summer day. Mmm mmm! I Belladonna